One problem is that the 'official sources' have done so much manipulation of data and come out with a lot of misinformation over the past couple of years that at this point it's hard to believe anything they say at face value. Such as "There is currently no link to the COVID-19 vaccine, especially in the UK, where none of the children have been vaccinated" ... who knows whether this is true or not, it's impossible to verify. Although somewhat suspiciously they referred to there being "currently" no link

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In the technical briefing it did say “None of the currently confirmed cases in under 10 year olds in the UK is known to have been vaccinated.” So there’s that 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Yes I saw that, but they've "cried wolf" so often (usually trying to scare people for no reason) that now I tend to be sceptical no matter what the statements are. We shall see how this particular thing pans out in due course

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Among all the other problems, now already hysterical parents will further attempt to keep their children away from all the normal aspects of life and make this increasingly worse. The march towards doom (or one road to doom) began when antibacterial soaps became the increasing norm and handwashing for prescribed lengths of time blah blah blah were imposed on everyone. I've always been a big handwasher myself but I use ordinary soap and I don't recite the Iliad as I do it.

This is of course a really horrible tragedy--when I read of the number of liver transplants already performed because of this outbreak I was, to use an already overused word these past few years, horrified. Any parent would be scared to death so a return to sensible behavior is gonna be mighty hard.

I'm hoping, anyway, that all these public health experts who've done this to the world will someday be frying forever in God's Big Tandoor in the Sky.

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You're so right about antibacterial soaps, it was definitely the start of the slippery slope to germaphobia. If you look back you can see the clever phsychological manipulations which started many years ago and made this mass formation possible.

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I remember my father coming home from work at a college when I was a child. He was laughing as the cookery department had been testing the new surface anti bacterial sprays. Seconds after the spray killing the bacteria on the surface, more arrived to repopulate. That's probably an over simplification, but I've never forgotten it.

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Fascinating take and something I have been concerned about - a healthy & well-functioning immune system should be challenged by the environment ad nauseam. There is a huge difference between modern hygiene & isolation/sterilization. The later has definitely caused mental/emotional/developmental detriment to children. It breaks my heart to see the damage done to our posterity in order to “save” those who may not have take good care of their health.

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I’m 56 and have shedding problems near my elderly family members. That’s my guess, contributing to the hepatitis outbreak.

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Rosalind, can you describe some of the symptoms of being around "shedding"? I suspect and fear that my vxxd family members (god help them) might be giving me some typical C-vxxd morbidities.

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In menopause over ten years, I had bleeding. I was helping my mom’s boyfriend after falling and crazy blood pressure swings.. I get headache, still neck, sometimes a sore throat. My integrative medicine doctor gave me ivermectin every week. I take digestive enzymes on an empty stomach when I’m around my mom. She has shaky hands since second shot. Sad she announced she’s getting second booster today. I have psoriasis and many other issues. Long pants covering my spots.. I take supplements for cirs & mold biotoxin illness . My mom insists on kissing my cheek . We are near her for 2 more months, we are moving to a healthier home for my illness. I was able to avoid them & talk on phone after the second jab. It made a difference, physical distance. However, I’m here to help them any way I can if necessary.

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I'm incredibly sad to hear of your troubles. It's good you're removing yourself. I hope it makes a lot of difference. Good for your doc thinking to give you ivermectin. This is all so ominous; I fear for the human race.

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Thanks, but if needed, my husband & I will help. Last summer we had the elderly boyfriend at our house when my mom went north. (At least he had a good diet and stayed hydrated with us)He had a visiting nurse every week. He loves music so we encourage that and cowboys movies & discouraged cnn . His cardiologist seems to be aware that the jab is big problem. He’s not willing to take any supplements. I moved here from upstate New York just before lockdown. I think it was a miracle from God. I had been praying for years to be near my mom once it became clear my brother didn’t have my mom’s best welfare in mind, he’s waiting for nursing home & maybe being near I can help her avoid that. I was happily divorced for years and now recently married in Florida. Finally have an integrative medicine doctor too , for autoimmune disorders and biotoxin mold illness, cirs. Thankful for him, or I’d be too weak to help anyone.

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Apr 27, 2022Edited
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I stopped bleeding with the ivermectin. Possibly unrelated but I’m glad at results. Time will show shedding is a thing, regardless of your opinion. I’m very happy with my doctor. I’d be dead already with insurance dictated doctors from mold biotoxin illness.

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Probably more bullsh!t to keep flogging more childhood vaccines.

Why do they always default to "infectious" causes??

Perhaps parents/doctors are filling kids full of harmful pharmaceuticals for example (i'm not referring to vaccines)


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I was getting riled up there for a moment, being a tail end boomer myself.

There has been a massive rollout of 5G cell towers world wide. Some feel this is what covid is, and can also point to increase in global radiation occuring throughout history corellating with previous pandemics. As well as environmental toxins being the cause of illness that has been attributed to a disease that was then vaccinated against.

The whole premise of germ, contagion and virus should be questioned. The amount of environmental toxins children are exposed to is extraordinary now. And what if these children are on a heavy schedule of vaccines as well.

There are a lot of pieces to look at here and who's doing the looking?

Intuitively I have always questioned the merits of most medications and vaccines as well, throughout my whole life. At this point if I knew a medication might save my life (although I have no 'health' insurance and consulting an MD is not something that interests me in the least), I would likely say no.

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Apr 28, 2022Edited
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Thank you for this Frank.

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As a pediatrician, I've been saying this for two years, and in fact, last summer was the worst summer for infections among toddlers that I have seen in my 25 plus years of practicing medicine. As a colleague of mine stated, "it was like everyone started daycare at once". All of the children who had been isolated for a year, no immune exposure, were getting one infection after another, and it was not pretty. All for a population for whom the virus was a cold, and not a very serious one at that. For the few that were higher risk, there were other ways to isolate them without the harm done to all children. We have yet to see the consequences of the mask wearing on speech and social development. Never could get my head around the pronouncements from professional organizations that this was of no consequence, as it went against everything I learned during training about child development. I suspect it will be years before we know the full extent of the damage done to our children in developmental delays, mental and emotional tolls, and lack of immunity from the isolation and the hysteria which forced the isolation. God help us all for allowing this damage.

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Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope these kids immune systems can catch up.

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Gates/Gavi are theorising this..just need to be vigilant how/ if they push this…


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Yes looks suspicious as they are looking for evidence to push early vaccination.

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Boom! Toldya so 🎯

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And the elephant-in-the-room award goes to... 🥁🥁🥁 the COVID vaccine. https://palexander.substack.com/p/sars-cov-2-vaccination-can-elicit

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But they are all unvaccinated so if you are correct it must come from shedding. I haven't seen any evidence that this is due to shedding have you?

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Adenovirus + spike protein exposure which damages the still developing immune system would be my guess. Just like the Pfizer data suggested about pregnancy & spike protein exposure, I feel we are going to see an increasing incidence of these type of occurrences.

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I think we need to seriously consider recent vaccinations, other than for Covid, as the cause.

Starting with Covid - first the killings through remdesivir and midazolam; then the vaccines - pharmaceutical poisoning has become normalized. When they started doing that, their choices became to win or die, so there are no holds barred now.

Vaccines before Covid were already unsafe. Child deaths and health issues were swept under the rug. Safety studies were avoided and independent research was silenced. Since Covid, they could now be putting anything in the vials.

In New Zealand, Dr. Robin Wakeling found more graphene (or a graphene-like substance) in the 2021 and 2022 Afluria shots (for the flu) than in Pfizer's Covid vaccine:


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Interesting theory! Karl Denninger has one as well - https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=245723

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as a boomer my ponder begins with a consideration of how it's disturbing how many of my boomer time frame friends are buying into the propaganda to the point of dreading to even find out, yet this being the generation which includes us older hippy types, are the boomers really that % ways different than other age groups...

like what are the deeper common themes among different age groups which foster a healthy serves us well hesitancy to NOT believe the sales/marketing/lobbying campaign propaganda masquerading as valid science...

masquerading during a noticed uptick in liver disease, the liver struggling under the quest to detoxify our blood, hepatitis, which is associated with certain virus, like why are the weeds growing out of control unless due to the cofounding downside effects of hyper sterilization under duress from a toxic overload...

this during a time when the faith in profit becomes our expected ultimate authority, an authority which trains/schools us to spin up into our best version of mania within which we shadow deny, have not the time to contemplate, the downstream effects of our waste/shadow discharge flow...

so, yes, where healthy people are bad for profits so what can we do to destroy most everyone's immune system and replace it with something we can charge extortion level pricing for...

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The no link theory: according pfizer data released few weeks ago:

3 out of 133 breastfed baby developed serious adverse events... Due to spike protein shedding.

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via breast milk which I would argue is slightly different to shedding.

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Hi Naked emperor

Need some help/ assistance on raising the profile of a group of birth injured adults whose mums all took the same drug in the 50/60/70s to detect pregnancy- it was subject to a sky news documentary and the drug was called Primodos- a court case is looming in June and the drug company involved plus the UK govt are seeking to strike out the case- the group representing these injured adults did have a law firm representing them on a no win no fee basis but suddenly before Xmas withdrew their support leaving the families adrift with a court case pending- another law firm is willing to represent them but only if the strike out is removed and the group has been advised this will need at least 3 barristers and possibly a silk with a price tag of approx £150k which the families simply don’t have- the woman who leads the association for the families is seeking to contact high profile people to raise the profile of the association and the families and to try to raise funds for the strike out- do you have other high profile people like you in your contacts or know how I can raise the profile for this group? My husband is one of the birth injured so this is personal for me.

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Sorry, I don't know any high profile people that could help but good luck. Maybe someone else on here might know of someone?

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Many thanks for replying - fingers crossed someone does as I am just a nobody

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You could try Childrens Health Defence re awareness?

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