*Nothing* can be known to be safe and positively effective without knowing its effects on a second generation after introduction. That's just reality. The terrible history of DES daughters showed us that.

Ask any ordinary Covid vax enthusiast about DES daughters. I'd expect them to look at you blankly.

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Indeed and the phase 1 mice studies infer fairly little about safety in humans.

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The spirit of the Renaissance sure didn't last long in the scheme of things. Perhaps it's remarkable there was ever a time of people risking everything to examine the natural world without the constraints of dogma.

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It is safe and effective to conclude that our governments and the pharmaceutical industry joint forces for control, power and profits. Who cares about the people, right?

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It was man-made and is still accomplishing the long term plan to control the herd.

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Anything and everything necessary in order to exterminate Caucasians and enslave the remaining races/people by year 2100.

Try to stomach the suppressed and disturbing information in the much hated 12-hour documentary, Europa: The Last Battle, which details how America and the Allies actually LOST, not won, WWII at europathelastbattle.net - SHARE WITH ALL THE HISTORY BUFFS YOU KNOW!!

Also, here's a bunch of printable flyers of all the names of the CEOs and appointed jerks that are contributing to the destruction of America at gtvflyers.com - PRINT AND DISTRIBUTE EVERYWHERE!!

Here's the web-archived "facts don't care about your feelings" deprogramming course at https://archive.ph/1RE3U

Those three links are great for Lemming identification and NPC verification.

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Jeff Childers (lawyer) wrote more on this in today’s post. Fair warning: he is an uber-snark 😂


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Great article.

And he perfectly encapsulates the insanity of the contracts with;

"Needless to say, Section 5.5 is not a standard provision in a government contract for goods, even in an emergency. Normally, purchasing contracts contain guarantees of performance standards. Imagine the South African government were buying generators, or solar power stations, and the seller’s contract said “we don’t know whether these generators will work, and they might even explode and take down the power grid when plugged in.

Who but a drooling moron would sign such a contract? And what lawyer would LET his moronic client sign it?"

He's not wrong.

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Indeed. "Who but a drooling moron would sign such a contract?" Or devils perhaps.

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Posted about it 2022:

“The Long Term Effects and Efficacy of the Vaccines Are Not Currently Known” – The Purchase Agreement Between the EU Commission and Pfizer

Further proof of the world's governments deliberately lying to the public while hiding the truth in plain sight


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Crooks being crooks… In the US it would be interesting to know how much they donated to influential politicians. There should be hell to pay. I wonder if the Pfizer execs even took the vax? They said they did, but they lied about other things, so.

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The default mode for Pfizer should be lies until proven otherwise.

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It started with fear, then hope, then opportunity, then advantage, then greed, then politics, then denial. Now it is fear, then hope...

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And cut straight to denial for the millions now injured.

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Thanks for clarifying what serializing means.

Glad that these contracts are finally coming out. I have not finished reading this contract as I get so angry, I need to take a break. How could any one in their right mind sign such a one sided document is beyond me. Who in the US signed this? If only they just used saline solution, we would all be much better off with the same effectivity, but much safer.

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Probably someone who knew that distribution of these vaccines to every population they could was actually intended to be a large scale trial of mRNA drugs and lipid nanoparticle delivery systems, instead of a necessary treatment for a respiratory virus with lower fatality rates than flu, would be the kind of person that would sign such a one-sided document? Either that or someone incredibly naive, gullible, or both?

By the by, how are rabbits still considered an appropriate subject for dose range finding toxicity studies prior to clinical trials in humans? Did people really learn nothing from thalidomide?


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COVID 19 was, is and always will be the 'flu. I misunderstood what the 'flu was until I researched properly.


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True. We would have paid an awful lot for a small amount of salt water though. The vial would be the most valuable bit and people don't get to keep that.

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I remember saving screenshots of the redacted contract, but when looking for these, I actually came across screenshots of the UNREDACTED, presumably EU contract (as amounts were to be converted in EUR). Those dated from July 2021! Exact same text as SA. Back then I must have told friends and family about the complete lack of knowledge on effectiveness, and AEs, not to mention no one was going to carry the bill for any AEs, but at that time (with evidence of these AEs not yet having materialized as now is the case) all that fell on deaf ears. Still does.

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I lost a lot of hope in humanity during the last plandemic, seeing what seemed to be everyone turn into sheep, soak in all the fear propaganda and sacrificing their lives for experimental jabs. If the majority go on happily with round 2, i might just go off grid and get the hell away from civilization for good

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My thoughts exactly, almost. Seems going off grid won’t probably happen for us ~ as far as I can tell my husband is a city person through & through.

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There's no mention of short term adverse affects in that paragraph. Thus, there was no contractual agreement for the government to assume liability for short term adverse effects. Only long term. If Pfizer knew of short term harm, and did not disclose, and the government did not assume liability, wouldn't then Pfizer be liable?

And what is the difference between short and long term adverse effects? As written, time, not the effect. 'Dying Suddenly' within weeks of vaccination is a short term effect either way, as the severity of side effects is not addressed.

-I didn't read the whole contract. Short term side effects/harm may be covered elsewhere.

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Thanks for your write-up! I don't think we should give pfizer the benefit of the doubt. How much more time would it have taken to serialize?

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Serialization akin to fingerprints is a good analogy.

Criminals put on gloves prior to committing their crimes.

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If people lined up at this point - they’re FUCKING FOOLS ! 🤷‍♀️ I’m protecting mine at this point. I keep posting on social media and won’t stop but what else can you do. Deaf Ears 👂 🤷‍♀️

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Evil corrupt bastards they must be punished.

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This was done on purpose to kill off the vast majority of the Population.

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and yet all the three letter health agencies told us it would protect us, and we got infected it would prevent us from passing it on, and it would reduce the effects on our system. All of it BS.

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