"I’m a 37 year old father of 4.5, entrepreneur, crypto OG & proud Canadian. For 2 decades I’ve been calling BS on the corporatocracy and my brother @JustinTrudeau has become a captive in their scheme. It’s time #TrudeauMustGo and for Canada to become a sovereign nation again."
With the exception of specific references to Trudeau, you could apply this observation to most countries in the world. There was a reason that 190+ countries adopted and implemented covid measures in lockstep, some more aggressively than others, but they all have lost their sovereignty to the global banking cabal.
Justin Trudeau the part-time former drama teacher turned PM knows as much about medical treatments as he does about economics as he leads Canadian sheep down the road to economic and medical ruin. When did you EVER hear of over 30 doctors dead inside the space of a few months? Yet that is exactly what has happened in Canada this summer. This excuse of a man then has the temerity to go on TV speaking from a hospital room, to threaten Canadians to "get that booster" - or else. The "or else" is the return of restrictions.
I would love to get in a room with him and tell him how the bear sh*ts in the buckwheat. I am a proud Canadian citizen who has worked hard and paid taxes for the last 35 or so years. I moved to Canada to get away from terrorism, and raise my family in a peaceful country - but now, if I could, I would be gone tomorrow.
Canadians - wake up please. We have (had??) a country that is worth fighting for - do not let Trudeau and the Liberals destroy it.
I think lots of folks around the world are cheering on fascism until they are personally affected by it. It's perfectly ok with them as long as someone else is on the receiving end of it.
Allegedly the tweets got up to 500K, but people got labeled "bots" and Twitter choked the feed. A suggestion: if you are Canadian, and you're not on Twitter, write one of these up and email it to your MP.
I'm one of the Canadians who posted under that hashtag... The video of Trudeau was terrifying when it came out, it is extremely heartening to see so many fellow "unacceptables" stand up and say no more.
I went to Ottawa during the convoy, donated to the cause and worried about my bank account after Trudeau and Freeland brought the hammer down. I’ve lived two years in fear. Not of COVID but of my own government. I too considered leaving the country I had loved so much because of the mean-spirited and deceptive approach my government used to rally the public agains me and other unvaccinated Canadians. I now feel no loyalty towards my country and would leave in a heartbeat to live free elsewhere. Great to see people standing out and standing up to rid us of this blight on our history named Trudeau. I think I’ll add my story to the mix.
I don’t have Twitter, but I could also tell my story. I cannot enter Canada. And when I tell people I cannot, they automatically have info about my medical choices.
LOL. I WISH (I'd want to hear him say that)! No. I live in his twin's state. The OTHER CA. (California) I've long called Trudeau "Newsom of the North".
Title confused me I thought Justin Bieber's brother tweeted trudeaumustgo because of his brothers injuries. I see this article outlines normal people making their opinions known. Cheers to that and I hope Canada is able to regain their rights and freedom. I was so disappointed with trucker donation shenanigans, Canadian donors bank accts frozen and the jailing and rearresting of Tara and the organizers.
I just read an article in Slay News about how Canada is becoming much more forceful in trying to talk people into using their liberal doctor assisted euthanasia laws. I hope one of those docs has a nice talk with Justin. #TrudeauMustGo
"I’m a 37 year old father of 4.5, entrepreneur, crypto OG & proud Canadian. For 2 decades I’ve been calling BS on the corporatocracy and my brother @JustinTrudeau has become a captive in their scheme. It’s time #TrudeauMustGo and for Canada to become a sovereign nation again."
With the exception of specific references to Trudeau, you could apply this observation to most countries in the world. There was a reason that 190+ countries adopted and implemented covid measures in lockstep, some more aggressively than others, but they all have lost their sovereignty to the global banking cabal.
Justin Trudeau the part-time former drama teacher turned PM knows as much about medical treatments as he does about economics as he leads Canadian sheep down the road to economic and medical ruin. When did you EVER hear of over 30 doctors dead inside the space of a few months? Yet that is exactly what has happened in Canada this summer. This excuse of a man then has the temerity to go on TV speaking from a hospital room, to threaten Canadians to "get that booster" - or else. The "or else" is the return of restrictions.
I would love to get in a room with him and tell him how the bear sh*ts in the buckwheat. I am a proud Canadian citizen who has worked hard and paid taxes for the last 35 or so years. I moved to Canada to get away from terrorism, and raise my family in a peaceful country - but now, if I could, I would be gone tomorrow.
Canadians - wake up please. We have (had??) a country that is worth fighting for - do not let Trudeau and the Liberals destroy it.
I dunno. I think I'd offer him a booster shot or two myself - from a batch that's provided to us, rather than a saline injection.
There would be no "offer". It would be mandatory.
Of course. I didn't say I'd give him a choice. I just wanted to let him think he had one. Just like his "offer" or else.
Before you give him a booster, you'll need to get him caught-up with the first four doses. I doubt he ever received any "real" doses.
Certified nurse confirms justin trudeau and wife sophie faked vaccination on live tv:
Couple of things are striking to me about these posts
1. These tweets weren't censored by Twitter
2. Compared to these people I have done nothing with my life
Now, maybe the Canadian "leaders" will wake up, because they slept through the last 2.5 years of dictatorship.
Planned tightening loosening. this takeover is not going away long-term.
Not with half of the Canadians cheering on fascism.
I think lots of folks around the world are cheering on fascism until they are personally affected by it. It's perfectly ok with them as long as someone else is on the receiving end of it.
Allegedly the tweets got up to 500K, but people got labeled "bots" and Twitter choked the feed. A suggestion: if you are Canadian, and you're not on Twitter, write one of these up and email it to your MP.
I'm one of the Canadians who posted under that hashtag... The video of Trudeau was terrifying when it came out, it is extremely heartening to see so many fellow "unacceptables" stand up and say no more.
I went to Ottawa during the convoy, donated to the cause and worried about my bank account after Trudeau and Freeland brought the hammer down. I’ve lived two years in fear. Not of COVID but of my own government. I too considered leaving the country I had loved so much because of the mean-spirited and deceptive approach my government used to rally the public agains me and other unvaccinated Canadians. I now feel no loyalty towards my country and would leave in a heartbeat to live free elsewhere. Great to see people standing out and standing up to rid us of this blight on our history named Trudeau. I think I’ll add my story to the mix.
I don’t have Twitter, but I could also tell my story. I cannot enter Canada. And when I tell people I cannot, they automatically have info about my medical choices.
I should be traveling to Canada (work), that’s why.
- You must go to Canada.
- No, I am not allowed in that country.
- What? Why?
- ……
Thank you for standing for what's right!
I see. Even “because they don’t allow non-injected people and that is discriminatory”, but you need a stronger reason for work.
His departure's long overdue. Stealing 10 million from the Freedom Convoy? Fascist WEF-lap dog.
At last! At last! People are rising up!
Thank you for sharing this! It is the beginning...
Is this you, Justin?
LOL. I WISH (I'd want to hear him say that)! No. I live in his twin's state. The OTHER CA. (California) I've long called Trudeau "Newsom of the North".
NON lol
This was much needed even though it made me cry. Trudeaumustgo, that’s an understatement. A fellow Canadian❤️🙏
divide and conquer still works on most, we must educate and show we are better than this traitor
I cant get enough of these! 🙌🏼✊🏼👊🏼♥️
Seeing he is in London glad handing his mates disgusted me. I wouldn't let him into the country.
Title confused me I thought Justin Bieber's brother tweeted trudeaumustgo because of his brothers injuries. I see this article outlines normal people making their opinions known. Cheers to that and I hope Canada is able to regain their rights and freedom. I was so disappointed with trucker donation shenanigans, Canadian donors bank accts frozen and the jailing and rearresting of Tara and the organizers.
I just read an article in Slay News about how Canada is becoming much more forceful in trying to talk people into using their liberal doctor assisted euthanasia laws. I hope one of those docs has a nice talk with Justin. #TrudeauMustGo
As a Canadian I am sad that things have come to this but so proud of all my brothers and sisters in fighting back against #TudeauTheTyrannt