If there is so much easy oil remaining -- why are we blasting away at the dregs to suck out shale oil -- why are we steaming oil out of sand in Alberta -- why are we drilling miles beneath the sea for oil?
BTW - man has minimal influence on climate. Anyone who reads history would know that climate is always changing and always has been - often dramatically in periods as short as a few decades
Shale oil has peaked. Odd considering we were fed headlines of 'Saudi America' ... Shale lost $300B....
What comes after shale?
And one more question:
If there is so much easy oil remaining -- why are we blasting away at the dregs to suck out shale oil -- why are we steaming oil out of sand in Alberta -- why are we drilling miles beneath the sea for oil?
BTW - man has minimal influence on climate. Anyone who reads history would know that climate is always changing and always has been - often dramatically in periods as short as a few decades