Neither Julian (nor Charles) should be where they are :(

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If this was truly in Julian's own hand, then as heartbreaking as it is, it also strengthens my resolve and brings me hope.

His intellect and humor are still intact, praise god, along with the extraordinary courage that vaulted him onto the world stage and into the Belmarsh hellhole. He is a true hero. Long may HE live.

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I literally feel sick to my stomach reading this.

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I think the simplest solution to fight the madness spreading in the world is to support the growth of Substack, which does allow free speech and "dissidents" to challenge all the Big Brother trends in the world.Thanks to the "silent minority" that is supporting the work of these vital writers/voices.

Here's my first-ever appeal where I actually "ask for a sale." I bet my Substack metrics are fairly common. My site is growing impressively, but I still need just 2 percent of my free subscribers to upgrade to "paid" to get to my magic number - which will allow me to keep doing what I'm doing.

Thanks to everyone who is already supporting their favorite and excellent Substack sites like The Naked Emperor!


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Me too Rachel

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Sobering. Powerful. Charles III is a soulless leader. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." I hold the vision of Julian's highest & best; envision his release & clearance of all charges & generous restitution for his wrongful incarceration. 🪷

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And why is it necessary to hold Julian in solitary confinement in a supermax prison when he is simply facing an extradition proceeding and has committed no crime? It's a rhetorical question as I'm sure it's obvious that both the UK and the US would prefer it if Julian were just to give up the will to live and save them the embarrassment of a political show trial.

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will have all seen Charles III swear on the bible and in accordance with The Coronation Oath Act 1688, to: “ govern the People… according to their respective laws and customs, and cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements” Law AND Justice? aren’t they one and the same? Er, no…

In short “justice” and “mercy” is the act of applying the law of Equity which is the principle that drives the decisions of Case Law which becomes “Common Law” precedent and finds it way into the state books so we can use these rulings to refine the badly drafted laws made by our Parliament ( its the basic “fairness” that your 3 year old will shout “that’s not fair! ) So this is an innate human ability we understand from an early age that acts to temper or overrule unjust “laws”.

The primacy of Equity is enshrined in the Senior Courts Act of 1981 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1981/54/section/49 which says:

“every court exercising jurisdiction in England or Wales in any civil cause or matter shall continue to administer law and equity on the basis that, wherever there is any conflict or variance between the rules of equity and the rules of the common law with reference to the same matter, the rules of equity shall prevail. “

It will be interesting to see how Charles balances his role in representing the interests of The People above those who wish to see a one world government. Let us hope and pray that he delivers the “justice and mercy” that we The People and Julian Assange deserve…

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Timing of his kidnapping right before their greatest crimes were about to unfold is no coincidence.

These fascists are losing and desperate. What fools. They will get to know what it is like for Julian.

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If not in this life - certainly the next, while Julian feasts in heaven. It will be the rich men versus Lazarus. They will be desperate from thirst and he will be truly safe at last. God bless Julian Assange and may He sustain him daily.

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Trump could've/should've pardoned him - RFK Jr WILL pardon him!

Nuf said!!

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Julian poked the bear, spoke the truth and revealed the empire's crimes, pricked the Clinton machine bubble, and he's paying the price for doing so. There are no words eloquent enough to describe the deplorable crimes being committed against him. I suspect he was aware this might be his ultimate fate; I sure hope he was not taken by surprise by the empire's treatment of him We need his voice now more than ever.

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Thanks for posting this

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Amazing that Assange wrote this! Assuming it really is, he shows eloquence, respect and controlled emotion, written in a penetrating writing style. All this together is almost superhuman considering his circumstances. But he will be the last one waiting for compliments. HE MUST BE RELEASED IMMEDIATELY!

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The hypocrisy of the charges against Julian and the terrible treatment for exposing the lies of a corrupt political system should scare the shit out of anyone with half a brain. Yet it seems the sheep know not what waits in store for themselves and any who may be selected for some arbitrary undefined offense to those in power. Whole brains are obviously in very short supply. Media for the masses has become so effective at creating an alternate reality designed to keep them spellbound, oblivious and even supportive of the lies used to enslave them. The obvious has become invisible to the masses and a painful reality to those who see the emperor is naked.

The best explanation of how King Charles became King.


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And the chances of this letter being presented to the King for his reading pleasure are…?

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It's for the citizens of the world to read & ponder. I could only wish to be half as courageous & truth-seeking as Julian Assange.

He sets quite a high bar for the rest of us.

We must hold the truth-tellers in highest regard.

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Who cares. We are reading it.

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Monarchy, slavery, vaccines. Need to be revised totally.

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#FreeAssangeNow !

Being innocent of any crime except fighting for human rights, he wasn’t pardoned by Trump, Biden, Elizabeth or pinking Charles.

We will all follow him in jail if we don't do something!

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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Can’t wait to see Mr. Assange walk free...

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