Myocarditis is only one life threatening response from the covid shots. Will an adrenaline rush cause a stroke, anaphylaxis, Gullain Barre, prion disease, and the list goes on? Maybe the adrenaline rush is a side factor kind of like an opportunistic predator, and is not the main causative agent in SAD. A weakened heart stressed too much will fail, it is plain physics and chemistry. It does need to be determined what exactly is causing all the myocarditis. Those who did not comply, but did get sick with covid will be wondering if they need to be concerned.
It's a very serious life-threatening response which affects all ages and females as well as males despite young males being at greatest risk. I think it was Peter McCullough who noted that the mRNA shots are pro-inflammatory and in some people they cause myocarditis which causes scarring which causes an arrhythmia which causes sudden death. An adrenaline surge may not be necessary to cause death, but it may be sufficient. With regard to non-cardiac deaths caused or contributed to substantially by the shots I am surprised you didn't cite cancer. Overian cancer in particular could be huge, along with numerous lymphomas and other cancers.
I agree with what you are saying, and I was not excluding cancer. I was listing the things that are related to a shockingly sudden death with these shots. Cancer isn't the drop dead on the street type of reaction, but a more tortuous insidious condition. I guess I should have included it since I lost one cousin to a wild resurgence his cancer, and another previously healthy cousin is battling stage 4 aggressive lung cancer. These shots are the devil.
Makes total sense. This connects the dots between sudden death and the athletes that seem to be more likely than others to experience it. And it also demonstrates that it can happen after a period of time (after receiving the vax), because the trigger is the adrenalin. Thanks for this.
I don't know whether vaccines caused the increase in observed SADS. It seems like the kind of thing that should be investigated, and is not being investigated.
For the same reason that the origins of covid aren't investigated, the timing of covid's arrival isn't investigated, hunter's laptop wasn't investigated, the 2020 election isn't investigated, 1/6 isn't investigated, FTX wasn't investigated........
You are too cynical. We all know the true crime here in the States is the Taylor Swift-Ticketmaster debacle, which is why the Dept of Justice will investigate post haste!!
It's actually very smart of Biden to have weaponized the DOJ against his main political opponent and main US Opposition Leader. Pretextualizing the J6 electoral fraud protests and the storage of declassified documents at Mar A Lago for Special Counsel in order to have the Opposition Leader charged and convicted is clever. Choosing a colleague of Trump-hater Andrew Weissmann to be Special Counsel was smart. The whole purpose of a witch hunt is to weaken a political opponent ahead of an election. The Mueller witch hunt worked. If not for that witch hunt, the fake Russia Russia Russis hysteria and Impeachment Hoaxs 1 and 2, Trump would have been too strong to take down, even with rigging.
Their approach may be smart in the short term but for many people it looks like jack booted thugs trying to off a political opponent. A large portion of the population, those who still support the Constitution and simple fair play, are not going to be happy with this. Our government is not supposed to persecute an individual, especially a former President, with endless politically motivated investigations. After two impeachments, the Mueller investigation, various DOJ investigations, and several local investigations....with no proven wrongdoing, this crap is getting really old. Enough is enough.
They run the serious risk of turning Donald Trump into a martyr.
Not all of the DOJ, I bet a bunch of agents/lawyers are investigating Republican voter fraud in Pennsylvania and digging into School Board rude commenters.
The 2022 midterms weren't investigated. But I could be mistaken. Were there teams of international observers monitoring, cataloguing irregularities etc? If not, why not? It's not as if the US has a reputation for uncorrupted elections. The problem may go back decades. Many historians believe that LBJ rigged both his election in Texas to the senate and the 1960 US presidential election in which he was JFK's running mate. Where were the international observers during the 2022 midterms?
The best they've done previously was to show a massive disparity between post election polling and tallied counts. Local, not international, the Carter Center monitored this year's midterm elections. They've done so abroad for decades. This is their first time to monitor US elections, but I haven't seen any results yet. Personally I'd like to see a return to paper ballots. Speed certainly can't be given as an issue to use electronic systems when looking at this year's midterm. Heck, California still hasn't finished tallying a couple of races. Many countries around the world outlaw electronic voting as one measure to deter election fraud.
I hope the Carter Centre monitored the elections impartially and is not staffed by Dems. Jimmy Carter is a decent human being who, unfortunately, was not equipped for the job of POTUS. Electronic voting has been rejected in many countries because it facilitates fraud. People who are opposed to fraud don't want it.
However, people know now, and eventually everything will have to be not only investigated, but the perpetrators will have to take responsibility for what they did.
Yeah... I am sure the government will investigate what the government did so government can hold government responsible. Would not hold my breath on that one...
Even worse is a nightmare or an exciting dream can kill you in your sleep. How can anyone vaccinated sleep well knowing this? I am seen videos of parents dying during their children's wedding. This is horrifying.
That's a very astute observation that could lead to testable hypotheses. . Vaccinees who suffer from PTSD or idiopathic nightmares or anxiety or from work-related or other stress or who have a labile autonomic nervous system could be at increased risk.
So I wrote an entire series on catecholamines. One of my criticisms of vaccine skeptics is that there tends to be some absolutist thought on the vaccines being the sole cause of damage and that tends to leave many nuanced discussion out of the discourse.
One critical issue is when reports of deaths are immediately described as a "perfectly healthy" individual suddenly dying. This happened with the autopsy of two teenagers in February who were described as being perfectly healthy teenagers who died. I noted that one of the teenagers was on ADHD medications, and ADHD is associated with catecholamine dysfunction and many of the drugs used for ADHD stop the reuptake of catecholamines and have black label warnings for cardiovascular issues.
That is not to say that all of the kids suffering myocarditis or other heart issues are on ADHD, but it's that we can't overlook ADHD and medications as a contributing factor, the same way that many other contributing factors cannot be excluded for the narrative of a vaccine-only adverse event.
and how about prolonged q-t syndrome and other underlying cardiomyopathies? Not to mention cardiomyopathy from cocaine use (known to be a thing amongst some healthy young males). How about undiagnosed Wolf Parkinson White syndrome? How about people using drugs like ephedrine? There are a large number of things that can cause dysfunction of the heart that can lead to sudden cardiac death. Many of these things occur in people who appear perfectly healthy to those that don't know them. This is why we need actual unbiased research looking for an honest answer.
I reference that in regards to athletes in one of my catecholamine posts. There's a big assumption that, because athletes are fit, they are healthy ergo we argue that the number of athletes dying are the healthiest people just dropping dead. In reality, many athletes may suffer from cardiovascular complications. Many endurance athletes have something card an athlete's heart which includes an enlarged left ventricle and other complications which may increase cardiovascular risk. That's not even to mention the effect that anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances have on the body, all of which contribute in causing heart damage that may be exacerbated by the vaccines.
Like I argued in my post, we all face several insults to our bodies every day, yet we tend to manage. Sometimes the insults are greater than others and we may pass that threshold and suffer serious damage. There's a big problem when we dismiss all other insults and look at one insult as being the sole explanation for all of these issues. I would argue if the vaccines are solely to blame we'd likely see far higher numbers than we are. Rather, we need to figure out why specific groups of people are more susceptible to these adverse reactions.
It's a serious problem when we tout that we don't fall for groupthink and heuristics. Many people on all sides to, and it's more important that we properly parse data and figure things out while remaining unbiased. However, many times I do worry that even those on Team Skeptic may be more focused on pushing narratives rather than actually finding the truth and dissecting the information.
There is a lot of noise. There are so many reasons and potential causes for sudden cardiac death. There are many people who die (or barely survive) from sudden cardiac death for which no answer is ever found. For people to look at case reports and claim to know what caused the death is absurd. Do we even have solid data showing that sudden cardiac death has increased amongst high level athletes? Anecdotal evidence is considered to be lousy evidence for a reason. Yes, it might steer one towards investigating certain things. But one has to actually and honestly investigate. It is a huge leap to be able to move from correlation to causation. Just pointing to several public deaths in the news and purporting to know the exact cause of death is ridiculous.
From what the data suggests there does appear to be an increase. The problem is that this is an increase in a group that is not a stranger to sudden cardiac death. One of the reviews on athlete's heart made a comment that nearly 50% of cardiovascular issues including cardiovascular death occur during the last mile of a triathlon. So these are people who, by virtue of their sport, are actually likely to be rather susceptible to cardiovascular issues. But instead of examining it in that context we instead look at it from the lens of perfectly healthy individuals and use that as the narrative.
At the end of the day, and something I consider to be rather disheartening, is the fact that many people still don't appear to read any of the studies they cite. Now, I won't claim to be very good at it since a lot of this is new territory for me. This also isn't directed to anyone in particular. However, there is a general trend where many people aren't digging deeper into a study. There's many issues in which we are critical to studies from opponents and lenient from studies that support our ideas when we should be critical of everything.
We have to remember that science is not exact and it doesn't prove anything. We just get closer to an approximation through consilience of the evidence. We need to be far more careful in claiming that studies prove something. Rather, we should say that a study suggests or infers something and examine the more nuanced aspect of science.
That's why I generally ask the question - could this be the reason? etc. And then more informed people, such as you, can come along and say that's rubbish
Definitely seems worthy of investigation and should especially since the age range is mostly for men that are much too young to be having heart issues.
That is a trade secret. Big pharma and the government aren't willing to tell you until everyone who created and mandated the shot and all those subjected to it are dead and gone.
Mate, clearly it's caused by climate change and exacerbated by historical racial injustice and mysogny. We know this. Safe and effective. The science is settled.
I have not read all comments, so my apologies if this is already out there. So, yes, there are published works -and, in particular, of a Brazilian doctor specializing in sports medicine - that clearly indicate a relationship between catecholamines (adrenaline etc) and the cardiac events. I believe (OK, that’s a faith statement...) that most highly trained athletes that collapsed were engaged in their sport. Let’s keep monitoring this!
Thank you for your valuable posts. I have to sign in with Face ID or password most or all times to receive a sign in link email. (Australia.) This is reducing my accessibility. I prefer to place likes on most posts to show my appreciation. Placing likes here in advance.
Now a nightmare or an exciting dream can kill you in your sleep. How can anyone vaccinated sleep well knowing this? I am seen videos of parents dying during their children's wedding. This is horrifying.
"Whether myocarditis is caused by Covid or the vaccine, this should be investigated immediately and a screening programme introduced to ensure that anyone with mild myocarditis has the correct treatment to ensure it doesn’t turn into another unnecessary death statistic".
Yes, of course it should BUT it won't be. The funding will not be available and even if it were the results would not get published. Such is the world we live in today - "they" prefer not to ask such questions because they know what the answers would be!
Myocarditis is only one life threatening response from the covid shots. Will an adrenaline rush cause a stroke, anaphylaxis, Gullain Barre, prion disease, and the list goes on? Maybe the adrenaline rush is a side factor kind of like an opportunistic predator, and is not the main causative agent in SAD. A weakened heart stressed too much will fail, it is plain physics and chemistry. It does need to be determined what exactly is causing all the myocarditis. Those who did not comply, but did get sick with covid will be wondering if they need to be concerned.
It's a very serious life-threatening response which affects all ages and females as well as males despite young males being at greatest risk. I think it was Peter McCullough who noted that the mRNA shots are pro-inflammatory and in some people they cause myocarditis which causes scarring which causes an arrhythmia which causes sudden death. An adrenaline surge may not be necessary to cause death, but it may be sufficient. With regard to non-cardiac deaths caused or contributed to substantially by the shots I am surprised you didn't cite cancer. Overian cancer in particular could be huge, along with numerous lymphomas and other cancers.
I agree with what you are saying, and I was not excluding cancer. I was listing the things that are related to a shockingly sudden death with these shots. Cancer isn't the drop dead on the street type of reaction, but a more tortuous insidious condition. I guess I should have included it since I lost one cousin to a wild resurgence his cancer, and another previously healthy cousin is battling stage 4 aggressive lung cancer. These shots are the devil.
I wish your cousin all the best with the battle. Yes these shots are shocking.
Most (recent) sensible studies haven’t found increased risk above background for myocarditis with COVID infection…
I've only seen that 1. Are there others?
Why aren't more people outraged that they've been lied to?
Makes total sense. This connects the dots between sudden death and the athletes that seem to be more likely than others to experience it. And it also demonstrates that it can happen after a period of time (after receiving the vax), because the trigger is the adrenalin. Thanks for this.
Athletes and musicians of all kinds.
Yes, and quite a few televised games were stopped when fans were Keeling over. Especially after than booster rollout last season.
I don't know whether vaccines caused the increase in observed SADS. It seems like the kind of thing that should be investigated, and is not being investigated.
For the same reason that the origins of covid aren't investigated, the timing of covid's arrival isn't investigated, hunter's laptop wasn't investigated, the 2020 election isn't investigated, 1/6 isn't investigated, FTX wasn't investigated........
You are too cynical. We all know the true crime here in the States is the Taylor Swift-Ticketmaster debacle, which is why the Dept of Justice will investigate post haste!!
We are sooooo screwed...
And the rest of the ‘Justice’ Department and FBI are too busy dogging Donald Trump (again).
It's actually very smart of Biden to have weaponized the DOJ against his main political opponent and main US Opposition Leader. Pretextualizing the J6 electoral fraud protests and the storage of declassified documents at Mar A Lago for Special Counsel in order to have the Opposition Leader charged and convicted is clever. Choosing a colleague of Trump-hater Andrew Weissmann to be Special Counsel was smart. The whole purpose of a witch hunt is to weaken a political opponent ahead of an election. The Mueller witch hunt worked. If not for that witch hunt, the fake Russia Russia Russis hysteria and Impeachment Hoaxs 1 and 2, Trump would have been too strong to take down, even with rigging.
Their approach may be smart in the short term but for many people it looks like jack booted thugs trying to off a political opponent. A large portion of the population, those who still support the Constitution and simple fair play, are not going to be happy with this. Our government is not supposed to persecute an individual, especially a former President, with endless politically motivated investigations. After two impeachments, the Mueller investigation, various DOJ investigations, and several local investigations....with no proven wrongdoing, this crap is getting really old. Enough is enough.
They run the serious risk of turning Donald Trump into a martyr.
I hope you are correct because Biden has the support of a lot of RINOs who voted for him and I don't think he is going to let up.
It looks like Jack booted thugs trying to off a political opponent because that is exactly what it is.
Not all of the DOJ, I bet a bunch of agents/lawyers are investigating Republican voter fraud in Pennsylvania and digging into School Board rude commenters.
Too long a list of un-investigated scandals to run it backward!
The 2022 midterms weren't investigated. But I could be mistaken. Were there teams of international observers monitoring, cataloguing irregularities etc? If not, why not? It's not as if the US has a reputation for uncorrupted elections. The problem may go back decades. Many historians believe that LBJ rigged both his election in Texas to the senate and the 1960 US presidential election in which he was JFK's running mate. Where were the international observers during the 2022 midterms?
The best they've done previously was to show a massive disparity between post election polling and tallied counts. Local, not international, the Carter Center monitored this year's midterm elections. They've done so abroad for decades. This is their first time to monitor US elections, but I haven't seen any results yet. Personally I'd like to see a return to paper ballots. Speed certainly can't be given as an issue to use electronic systems when looking at this year's midterm. Heck, California still hasn't finished tallying a couple of races. Many countries around the world outlaw electronic voting as one measure to deter election fraud.
I hope the Carter Centre monitored the elections impartially and is not staffed by Dems. Jimmy Carter is a decent human being who, unfortunately, was not equipped for the job of POTUS. Electronic voting has been rejected in many countries because it facilitates fraud. People who are opposed to fraud don't want it.
However, people know now, and eventually everything will have to be not only investigated, but the perpetrators will have to take responsibility for what they did.
Yeah... I am sure the government will investigate what the government did so government can hold government responsible. Would not hold my breath on that one...
That is just adorable!
So a simple family scandal about dirty dishes or whatever could now kill people... A very disturbing but realistic theory
Even worse is a nightmare or an exciting dream can kill you in your sleep. How can anyone vaccinated sleep well knowing this? I am seen videos of parents dying during their children's wedding. This is horrifying.
That's a very astute observation that could lead to testable hypotheses. . Vaccinees who suffer from PTSD or idiopathic nightmares or anxiety or from work-related or other stress or who have a labile autonomic nervous system could be at increased risk.
PTSD from being forced by their govt/employer to take a shot they didn't want or need.
So I wrote an entire series on catecholamines. One of my criticisms of vaccine skeptics is that there tends to be some absolutist thought on the vaccines being the sole cause of damage and that tends to leave many nuanced discussion out of the discourse.
One critical issue is when reports of deaths are immediately described as a "perfectly healthy" individual suddenly dying. This happened with the autopsy of two teenagers in February who were described as being perfectly healthy teenagers who died. I noted that one of the teenagers was on ADHD medications, and ADHD is associated with catecholamine dysfunction and many of the drugs used for ADHD stop the reuptake of catecholamines and have black label warnings for cardiovascular issues.
That is not to say that all of the kids suffering myocarditis or other heart issues are on ADHD, but it's that we can't overlook ADHD and medications as a contributing factor, the same way that many other contributing factors cannot be excluded for the narrative of a vaccine-only adverse event.
Interesting angle, thanks.
and how about prolonged q-t syndrome and other underlying cardiomyopathies? Not to mention cardiomyopathy from cocaine use (known to be a thing amongst some healthy young males). How about undiagnosed Wolf Parkinson White syndrome? How about people using drugs like ephedrine? There are a large number of things that can cause dysfunction of the heart that can lead to sudden cardiac death. Many of these things occur in people who appear perfectly healthy to those that don't know them. This is why we need actual unbiased research looking for an honest answer.
I reference that in regards to athletes in one of my catecholamine posts. There's a big assumption that, because athletes are fit, they are healthy ergo we argue that the number of athletes dying are the healthiest people just dropping dead. In reality, many athletes may suffer from cardiovascular complications. Many endurance athletes have something card an athlete's heart which includes an enlarged left ventricle and other complications which may increase cardiovascular risk. That's not even to mention the effect that anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances have on the body, all of which contribute in causing heart damage that may be exacerbated by the vaccines.
Like I argued in my post, we all face several insults to our bodies every day, yet we tend to manage. Sometimes the insults are greater than others and we may pass that threshold and suffer serious damage. There's a big problem when we dismiss all other insults and look at one insult as being the sole explanation for all of these issues. I would argue if the vaccines are solely to blame we'd likely see far higher numbers than we are. Rather, we need to figure out why specific groups of people are more susceptible to these adverse reactions.
It's a serious problem when we tout that we don't fall for groupthink and heuristics. Many people on all sides to, and it's more important that we properly parse data and figure things out while remaining unbiased. However, many times I do worry that even those on Team Skeptic may be more focused on pushing narratives rather than actually finding the truth and dissecting the information.
There is a lot of noise. There are so many reasons and potential causes for sudden cardiac death. There are many people who die (or barely survive) from sudden cardiac death for which no answer is ever found. For people to look at case reports and claim to know what caused the death is absurd. Do we even have solid data showing that sudden cardiac death has increased amongst high level athletes? Anecdotal evidence is considered to be lousy evidence for a reason. Yes, it might steer one towards investigating certain things. But one has to actually and honestly investigate. It is a huge leap to be able to move from correlation to causation. Just pointing to several public deaths in the news and purporting to know the exact cause of death is ridiculous.
From what the data suggests there does appear to be an increase. The problem is that this is an increase in a group that is not a stranger to sudden cardiac death. One of the reviews on athlete's heart made a comment that nearly 50% of cardiovascular issues including cardiovascular death occur during the last mile of a triathlon. So these are people who, by virtue of their sport, are actually likely to be rather susceptible to cardiovascular issues. But instead of examining it in that context we instead look at it from the lens of perfectly healthy individuals and use that as the narrative.
At the end of the day, and something I consider to be rather disheartening, is the fact that many people still don't appear to read any of the studies they cite. Now, I won't claim to be very good at it since a lot of this is new territory for me. This also isn't directed to anyone in particular. However, there is a general trend where many people aren't digging deeper into a study. There's many issues in which we are critical to studies from opponents and lenient from studies that support our ideas when we should be critical of everything.
We have to remember that science is not exact and it doesn't prove anything. We just get closer to an approximation through consilience of the evidence. We need to be far more careful in claiming that studies prove something. Rather, we should say that a study suggests or infers something and examine the more nuanced aspect of science.
That's why I generally ask the question - could this be the reason? etc. And then more informed people, such as you, can come along and say that's rubbish
Definitely seems worthy of investigation and should especially since the age range is mostly for men that are much too young to be having heart issues.
Competitive sports, video games, stage performances, live TV appearances… high adrenaline, for sure. Wow, good that she located this study!
Nervous ambassadors speaking to an audience.....
Interesting, can we take a step back, what exactly is in the inoculation that causes myocarditis!
Are there any similarities to other inoculations that are causing myocarditis.
Yes, good point. What was in the inoculation?
That is a trade secret. Big pharma and the government aren't willing to tell you until everyone who created and mandated the shot and all those subjected to it are dead and gone.
Don't read this if you are easily frightened.
Wot’s in the shots?
This can't be right. It sounds like science fiction
It sounds like science fiction but it's not.
Several unconnected examinations of the vaccine contents using time lapse photogrraphy at different places around the world have found the same thing.
Scary to think this is what is self-assembling inside vaccinees who were 'smart' enough to believe the health bureaucrats.
Next generation self-replicating RNA vectors for vaccines and immunotherapies | Cancer Gene Therapy
Self-assembling nanotechnology.
All of the COVID-19 jabs, including Novavax, and plenty of non-COVID-19 shots cause myocarditis.
Smallpox vaccine is one of them.
There is at least one study showing that COVID is not linked to myocarditis. That may have been from John Campbell info, cannot remember for sure.
Mate, clearly it's caused by climate change and exacerbated by historical racial injustice and mysogny. We know this. Safe and effective. The science is settled.
I have not read all comments, so my apologies if this is already out there. So, yes, there are published works -and, in particular, of a Brazilian doctor specializing in sports medicine - that clearly indicate a relationship between catecholamines (adrenaline etc) and the cardiac events. I believe (OK, that’s a faith statement...) that most highly trained athletes that collapsed were engaged in their sport. Let’s keep monitoring this!
Thank you for your valuable posts. I have to sign in with Face ID or password most or all times to receive a sign in link email. (Australia.) This is reducing my accessibility. I prefer to place likes on most posts to show my appreciation. Placing likes here in advance.
Thank you NE. Great information.
Now a nightmare or an exciting dream can kill you in your sleep. How can anyone vaccinated sleep well knowing this? I am seen videos of parents dying during their children's wedding. This is horrifying.
It’s the perfect bioweapon. Stay in the good graces of the elites, and get the meds. But physically resist, and your heart shuts down.
"Whether myocarditis is caused by Covid or the vaccine, this should be investigated immediately and a screening programme introduced to ensure that anyone with mild myocarditis has the correct treatment to ensure it doesn’t turn into another unnecessary death statistic".
Yes, of course it should BUT it won't be. The funding will not be available and even if it were the results would not get published. Such is the world we live in today - "they" prefer not to ask such questions because they know what the answers would be!