The ad has now been removed. Is that more or less sinister?

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Wow, that was quick. 45 minutes after I posted!

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You must be on this famous ministry of truth list!

Badge of honour…

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There is a related job there, Head of Emergency Response and Resilience. Interesting job description: '....manage the transition of the service offered from response mode to align with business as usual...'

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Why Are They Doing It?

"Going Direct Reset" explained by Catherine Austin Fitts



https://t.me/robinmg/26192 ➡️🟢➡️🟢➡️

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They are the latest Orwellian style exploiters. See my post “Icarus” later today. Also the “Glass Onion” posts.

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In the words of Catherine Fitts..

They got rid of the money so our life has to be shorter, die earlier.

“We’re bringing down life expectancy and it’s engineered…

The great poisoning is how you bring down life expectancy..

If you can’t get the money you have to lower life expectancy..”

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We need to form groups to demand they lower the retirement age and fast, our life expectancies falling like a rock, so few will live to 65. I am 58 and would retire now if I could. I guess I need some probono legal help, but really, the situation points to being able to collect at 45 or 50 at this point. What think you Sunshine?

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Nah, they're going to demand we keep working even after we're dead.

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You'll have the taxman and tv licence collector digging you up and banging on the coffin lid.

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That's how they are more like lawyers than hookers. A hooker stops screwing you after you are dead.

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Welcome to the hell of the unvaxxed. We will be forced to work forever because we can still remember shit and possess object permanence.

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Maybe they filled that job with a jabber rather quickly.

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After experiencing the evil of the past three years, I think the fact it was removed so quickly is more sinister.

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Nah. They found somebody who "was the right fit." Lots of them out there - anyone who voluntarily took the bioweapon shots.

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It was likely "memory-holed"...🤔

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I think it would be a really interesting to do a survey amongst the general population as to how many people would again obey a lockdown, restrictions and be vaccinated.

The last time the people who did not believe the government narrative were fragmented, but this time there is a lot more unity and I think personally I would feel stronger than last time in following my views and fear would get even less of a grip on me.

I now am more firm in my believe that freedom to decide my own destiny and live life as I see fit (within boundaries of decency, morals and ethics of course) is more important to me than anything else.

So for me it is important that we make a stand very early- and not just from behind a keyboard- that we won't be ruled by any authoritarian health and safety rules.

Sounds really revolutionary, doesn't it? Believe me I am not that kind of person.... I hate confrontation. I have a 'live and let live' kind of attitude and that is probably why I really don't like being told what to do or telling people what to do.

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It’s not “live and let live” that most people live by, it’s “go along to get along”.

I’ll bet 60% or more will, once again, do as they’re told.

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They don't love freedom enough.

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Believe if they understand they will not. No room for atheists or conformists in fox holes. Nothing focuses the mind like someone trying to kill you and your family. These serial exploiters will lose.

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Amen to that. Come near me or my family with that crap and see. Like they say, "fuck around and find out!"

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I think first time they caught most people completely off guard. Even if we knew something seemed "off", most could not quite pinpoint what it is. Too many people have awakened now.

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I’ll be the same, I didn’t comply with anything last time but I was frightened. If this ever happens again ( God forbid) I will become the fighter that I know is inside me. This time it’ll be over my dead body!!

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Feb 3, 2023
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I consider myself moral & ethical, which is why I didn’t take the jab. It was very easy to see that there was nothing moral or ethical about the coercion & demonization

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Especially when the national institute of health documents that corona viruses aren't preventable via monoclonal antibodies or vaccines.


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I knew that society wouldn't give a flying fug about me if I was injured or killed by the vaccine, as such I felt no moral obligation.

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Wow, that's a rather perverse form of reasoning. A moral and ethical person would assess the available evidence and make a moral and ethical decision to take it, if the evidence of efficacy and no harm was strong or to not take it if the contra. The evidence has been there to find that they intended harm from the get go - at least December 2019.

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Yet this is exactly the reasoning that was used to sway millions of people. Even amongst thousands of churches.

“Love your neighbor [they left off the ‘as yourself’ part] by wearing a mask and getting vacccccinated.”

“Your neighbor is afraid when you come to church without a mask, so act lovingly and wear a mask.”

I heard these. From my own church leadership. Well, I didn’t exactly hear the “get vacccccinated” part. But they included information about vacccc locations in weekly emails. Based on everything else they were saying and doing, there was no way we would have asked a single one of them for a clergy letter for work exemptions.

A friend injected her *8 year old daughter!!!* because her infectious disease Dr friend told her it was the right thing to do.

So while it may be a perverse form of reasoning, it is persuasive to many. Frankly, even a lot of us who cringed upon hearing it still weren’t entirely certain how to counter the argument, even though we had no intention of complying.

True, logical thinking is not taught nor discussed much nowadays. And hasn’t been for several generations.

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As I think I noted elsewhere, most sheeple conflate "go along to get along" with being "moral and ethical".

It's a consequence of government run indoctrination, er, "education".

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Yes, imperative we learn to teach our own. “Each one teach one”.

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Yes reading the available tea leaves from the get go allowed many to see the issues. Apparently only 31% of Americans are vaccinated or fully vaccinated.

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I’m pretty certain the percentage of Americans who’ve been injected is at least twice that.

There are a LOT of blind and/or asleep people here. A LOT.

Assuming that by “Americans” you mean the US.

We no longer live with the freedoms afforded by our Constitution. Robert F Kennedy Jr points out that of our Bill

Of Rights, only the second amendment was not taken away during the pandemic. Every other right guaranteed by that document was trampled: freedom of speech, of assembly, of the press, of free exercise of religion, of speedy trial, of jury trial, of privacy (protection from search and seizure), autonomy of the individual states (of course our states have that up long ago and except for Florida have not attempted to take it back).

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May be entirely right. But since we have only bits and pieces of the truth in these limited hangouts we must go with who we are currently trusting. Not the ideal situations for certain. Yes, I mean the US. I do realize America is a very large series of continents, islands, etc.

And yes our Constitution and Bill Of Rights has been shredded.

But these documents cannot confer those unalienable rights which are conferred by a creator at our birth or before.

Presumably that is a human and universal - and not "American" right.

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What it truly frightening is the word "Stakeholders"....we know from Klaus Schwab that word doesn't mean the people...it means the people who own the money behind it.

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My first thought too! Have never been in a position where the word 'stakeholder' meant any thing but an asymmetry in the equation where the 'stakeholders' were seeking an edge at the expense of others.

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People whose hearts they yearn to drive stakes through

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I've been thoroughly disgusted by the city I live in using that S word (stakeholders) in their release documents.

Not that I didn't already know they preferred businesses over citizens when making decisions, it's just aggravating that they decided to codify it.

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Agree 100%. Post later on this.

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Me too….and then i think of impalement ;–) …

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Thanks. Believe they have gone on the defensive. These are mentally unstable people with their backs against the wall. They are ruthless, mercenary, dangerous. Like all bullies, serial abusers they are cowardly and dependent on the agreement of the abused. They are terrified we will all say - NO MORE.

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Think why sooner than later IMHO

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Been advocating that stance for years. Sooner is always better.

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The UK's largest vaccine program is interesting indeed. I thought that the majority of the world's nations had already delivered "the largest vaccine programe" starting almost 2 years ago. These people just won't let up on plotting and imposing their worthless pharma vaccines and drugs on the world. Neither does it matter that the lives of once healthy people are cut short, or the increasing amounts of people living with autoimmune diseases.

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Put in an application to find out more!

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I just started as Jeremy C. Hunt...

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That's a good one, attach this to your CV as well.


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Yup, see... eating bats is wot dunnit. ;-)

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I just don't see people falling for it at the same scale as before. Any possible narrative that would involve an infectious illness and lead to a vaccine rollout and pressure to jab would be too close to the one that we've already seen.

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Unless they create something much more deadly, esp if it targets the young

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Like the one gates foundation just did a mock run for, with Johns Hopkins? Same clowns involved in Event201. Enterovirus targeting children? A lot of children that have the immune attacking covid shots? Beteeen all of this, spike protein wreaking havo on gonads, and ovaries, this will bring on the extinction pf the human race, except for employees of the USPS, CDC, FDA, or thr people crossing the southern border. Like I said getting rid of the "white" human race.

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See world economic Forum tabletop exercise October 2019.

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Very familiar with that. As well as the one gates foundation just held with JHU where a mock enterovirus kills children (many immune compromised children since the jab)and Event201(mock corona virus) and then there was the bombing drill during the boston marathon, when all of a sudden there was a bombing! Fyi, if you find out the fbi is holding a drill, run for your life! And there was the drill in 2015 where Ukraine toppled and was at war, famine of 2023/24. Goes on amd on...

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I don't think it is just whites. It is anybody who had a taste of the middle class in the last few decades.

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Re-using job descriptions is very common in the civil service. This is like to be a re-hash of a job description for a similar role from a couple of years ago.

If somebody leaves, the first port of call is usually the job spec they applied for.

Imagine being a manager tasked to recruit for multiple vacancies in several grades. They are not in an HR role, and will almost certainly look to previous, similar job descriptions deemed appropriate for each grade.

If the role and/or team are completely new, the person recruiting may be from an HR team, not so technically involved, and is even less likely to edit the existing description a lot.

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Yes, the most likely reason

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I don’t think they would try the same trick again because the one thing they dare not risk is mass non-compliance. They know their power is really an illusion sustained merely by our belief in it.

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I dont know about that. There are large cities all over where people are still wearing masks, and signing up for more shots? The next plandemic will "really get our attention," says the creep pedo that didn't jab his own children.

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The reason for a new vax push is obvious. Uptake has crashed, along with pharma profits, so they need to conjure up something new to get profit and depopulation goals back on track.

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Could it simply be preparation for next winter's vaccination campaign? The job advert expires on 14th Feb, it would take a month or two to interview and appoint, then the appointee may have to work out their previous job notice period, that takes us to the summer, giving the new appointee a few months to prepare for the autumn 'flu+covid campaign. I'm trying to be positive!

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That is the most likely explanation with sloppy cut and pasting about it being the largest vaccination programme.

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So if it was a cut n paste, how come it ended up with the 14 Feb 2023, with the correct day, Tuesday?

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There is a troll here pretending to be the author. Do not click on the troll that says lets converse ... and then puts a number.

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Yeah, I just got those emails too.

Why do people do this?

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For the same reason the owners have:

They have money or someone is paying them.

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UK Column covered this today. They emailed everyone at the media relations team and all of them were out of the office until next week.

The most likely explanation is just a lazy copy pasta but as you say, it is alarming.

This is worth a read:


I think it's always worth remembering this:

Which agencies will be able to authorise secret crimes?

MI5 and other intelligence bodies

Police forces and the National Crime agency

Immigration and Border Officers

HM Revenue and Customs, Serious Fraud Office

UK military forces

Ministry of Justice (investigations in prisons)

Competition and Markets Authority, Environment Agency, Financial Conduct Authority, Food Standards Agency, Gambling Commission and Medicines and Healthcare Regulation Authority


Who knows what fresh new horrors await?

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Exxcuuuuse Me!!! ".some reason why a massive v....campaign would NEED to 'start up again' ?????? NEED??????? NEED???????

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Sounds kind of like how the general dynamics contract for additional vaers processors (due to anticipated massive increases in reports) was issued months before the EUA covid injection approvals

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