"The majority of young children have not been vaccinated against Covid, so the direct effect of vaccination can be ruled out here".

Not so fast! DIRECT yes but we should remember a) breast feeding and b) shedding of spikes to those in close (familiy) proximity. I'm just saying that caution needs to be exercised in making this conclusion until detailed blood work clarifies case by case?

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That’s what I meant by direct. Indirect is still a possibility as you say

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Glad for the clarification.

I was about to say:

"I disagree, any increase in sensitivity to infection among groups of patients (the Covid vaccinated) can certainly increase the chances of unvaccinated in acquiring the virus.

Then there is the whole impaired immune system resulting in more numerous variants options."

What we need is far better data.

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"What we need is far better data."

We also need to be able to trust our "experts." Whenever I hear of some new "data," I wonder whether it might be data. I sure wish I instead felt that whenever I hear of some new data, I have to remember to consider the possibility that it is erroneous.

Read that again carefully. There is a world of difference between the two cases I define.

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I was given a polio vaccine in 1959 at age 5 that was only half-dead due to low quality lab manufacturing procedures. I lost the use of my legs, yet my mother massaged them for 72-hours straight on advice from a doctor who knew FDR’s nurse her Australian advice that got to California; not inactivity as prescribed by my doctor. I had walks at 6-weeks as seen on TV, so this was more upsetting to her.

In college, I was treated by a doctor who had been working in that Culver City lab in 1959. She apologized to me, and wanted to isolate a genetic vulnerability I have at no cost, as s redemption. I agreed and was appreciative of the knowledge. The bad half-live batches effected 10,000 some permanently. It was hushed up at the time for “the greater good”. No liability in the free-market was allowed due to tax dollars at work incompetently.

My experience from that era confirms two truths in this historical deduction.

Later in the early 2000s, I fought subsidized corruption in the varicella “chicken pox” vaccine whose computer data on killing the wild type in 3 communities, showed seniors would yield to varicella zoster “shingles” without repeated natural immunity to kids having it. A painful nerve traveling disease with no cure for millions of elders was at issue, versus a few pockmarks on kids skin that would fade. Merck and a Japanese company wanted CDC approval despite the “no go” recommendation of the PhD in Computer Science Gary Goldman, who ran the extensive interview data statistical study. They bribed a guy named something like Fauci and some Congresscritters to approve it on the promise they would manufacture doses and market them to seniors. They did. Dr. Goldman, an educator owner of Pearblossom Private School, started a peer reviewed journal MEDICAL VERITAS he ran for 15-years until he sold it pre-CoViD. Wish he hadn’t.

My experience from that era has convinced me international taxpayer supported government corruption is routine, and thus must be out-competed. My proscription is Percentage As You Earn %PAYEment Finance & Mutual Medical Finansurance for all in the free-market of Humane Investments (HI). This will allow the Separation of Medicine and State, with access for all affordable.

See PAYEhome.org and HealthPortalHome.com and watch in 2023 the Women Leading Interactive Television Network WLIT WomenLeading.info ramping up to carry this message of genuine economic incentives for preventive & rapid curative care -- without censors to America and the world. If you’d like to help produce 2-way TV on any topic, you are welcome to join the Freedom interactive Television Networks Association, Inc. FreedomTVnetworks.com/producers

It is possible to put real meaning in the old libertarian salutation:

Good Health and Happiness to You in Liberty,


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Just for some context, cell culturing of viruses wasn't a thing before penicillin and streptomycin, so it doesn't really get a foothold until 1949 when Enders makes it work for polio virus. This also facilitates the realization that chimpanzees and cynomolgous monkeys fed orally are a better infection model than rhesus macaques injected with the MV strain, and that there are at least three very different serotypes, which is Bodian's contribution.

And so you have the typing project go from 1949 to 51 and a major ramp-up of the monkey supply chain, with Indian rhesus monkeys becoming the favored model and 17,000 eventually sacrificed. Chimps are being used a lot too, even after Salk's vaccine is licensed because Sabin is using them for his work. And "monkey kidney" is used for growing vaccine starting in 1951 but Oshinsky doesn't specify which kind, I would guess Indian rhesus again [note I misread Oshinsky here at first].*

But in parallel, cell culture makes it possible to start isolating viruses that aren't easily transmitted to rabbits, mice, ferrets or eggs. In 1946 the MRC launched a common cold center where human volunteers tried to passage cold viruses to each other for three years, to give you an idea of how difficult things were (https://www.jstor.org/stable/4455388). Essentially there was no ability to find new viruses before 1949 because of the "isolation ceiling." After that is a bold new journey of virus finding. So RSV's discovery is around the same time as discovering viruses with cell culture becomes possible to begin with.

The RSV as a lab escape theory would be pretty easy to test just by seeing if adults were already seropositive in the 50s or 60s, implying the virus was already in the roster of human childhood encounters. Off hand I would say that if it could make children ill, it should have killed a lot of adults if it was actually a novel virus.

*"There was a problem, however. Because monkeys are sacred in the Hindu religion, concerns were raised about [Indian rhesus monkeys'] mistreatment by non-Hindus during their capture, their travel, and their time in the laboratories. One such mishap, in which 390 monkeys died of suffocation at a London airport, almost caused Indian officials to ban future exports. In response, the National Foundation agreed to monitor this process, and to promise that the monkeys would be well cared for and used only for polio research.19 The bargain made sense. In 1949, the foundation established a special facility known as Okatie Farms in rural South Carolina to process the monkeys arriving from abroad. Veterinarians screened them for disease, and nutritionists supervised their diet. Once in shape, they were trucked to foundation grantees throughout North America. (“We should like to have 50 conditioned cynomolgous monkeys, three to five pounds, delivered monthly,” said Tommy Francis in a typical request.) The cost was about $26 per animal, including transportation. “Okatie,” said an observer, “was in its way a little Warm Springs for monkeys.”20 More than 17,000 of them would be sacrificed in the typing project alone. [...]

By 1951, with the typing program now behind him, Salk moved seamlessly to the next plateau. [...] “After some intense work,” Youngner added, “I realized that monkey kidney was the answer.” A single such organ, properly handled, could produce enough raw material for 6,000 shots of polio vaccine. The process was exacting, to say the least. Though all the monkeys came from the foundation’s Okatie Farms in South Carolina, Salk demanded that each one be given a “physical” by Jim Lewis and his staff. This done, the animal was anesthetized and its kidneys removed. The cortex (outer layer) was then separated, chopped into tiny fragments, and “rinsed several times with salt solution to remove blood and debris.”

Oshinksy - Polio. Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.

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Thank you for sharing this research, M. Brian.

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Very interesting. Thank you. Have you seen this:

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xt1tda - old Merck researcher talking about how AIDs monkeys got in the US. And all the viruses they bring (known and unknown, detectable and not!) and how there were unseen viruses in polio vax that cause cancer.

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Right, there’s definitely still going to be an issue with monkey viruses once you are injecting kidney goop into humans left and right. Though it seems that Salk recipients died less than average due to cancer in general, but more due to testicular cancer - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2375249/. And there could be a link between HIV and polio research / trials esp. the Kaperski Congo trial. OTOH both the failure to predict virus contamination and the HIV->AIDS theory itself are products of not being aware that viruses are so widespread without corresponding disease.

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Any kiddie vaxxes made with green monkey vector? Polio injections?

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No, RSV is like EBV, many many people have it and have no symptoms.

BUT the virologists found opportunity, they tested some people who were sick with respiratory issues and they found RSV, like in the past with people who had other issues- that was EBV!

Now tell me how is that scientific... if many people have a "virus" and get no symptoms from it, but a few get bad symptoms- why the focus on the virus as the cause? Remember gardasil- they said HPV causes cancer... umm, how the heck did they come up with that connection? The same way virologists do every time, by using tests that mean nothing and not using common sense.


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I would use healthy doses of vitamin D3 to strengthen immune system to at least 50 ng/ml and investigate IVM, zinc, and other Covid neutraceuticals. Can’t hurt and very well might help.

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FLCCC just had a talk about this. Yes, using IVM for flu and RSV along with vit D and C, elderberry, sunshine, and NAC.

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I’ve been taking NAC, C, D, and much more for a few years. I have IVM/HCQ just in case.

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I’m sure there’s a NATURAL cure for this bs. It was probably started as an experiment.

Nature has a natural synergy.

It’s only when man fucks around do you get this crap.

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Have you read the book Bitten: the secret history of Lyme Disease? You would love it - you are spot on.

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Note that there is a difference in treatments (covid vs. rsv) per Dr Been's talk the other day. Not too much D and more C with RSV. More D with covid. Has to do with which immune pathway you want your body to take. Here are more sources for RSV:

FLCCC webinar https://default.salsalabs.org/Tc91af774-b76c-4f88-9e2d-4d0a15a7fd3e/a5951855-7380-49c4-9a94-f9eff2142b09 about Elderberry, Vitamin C, Nitazoxanide (NTZ), Ivermectin, Zinc, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), Sunlight and Photobiomodulation, Melatonin & Symptomatic Treatments.

FLCCC slide deck https://default.salsalabs.org/T148d77e2-70e7-4a85-bb5d-9394575c6bcc/a5951855-7380-49c4-9a94-f9eff2142b09

FLCCC treatment protocols https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/flu-rsv-treatment/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=cd0a840d-9b49-486a-8126-f73b7e77f9d1

Dr Been medical discussion about RSV https://youtu.be/Z3WkfJHa6nE (although per usual he doesn't believe the vax has any blame)

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I am old! I was a kiddie in the 1960s. I have children.

Until the Covid Hysteria, I had never heard of RSV.

When I first heard of it I assumed it was some American cold only caught by middle class kids with good medical insurance (I know - wicked of me).

I still haven't heard of anyone in the UK particularly being aware of it.

Sheltered life, maybe?

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At least here in US, it has been a thing for at least 25 years. Maybe because we can test for it? Because all the pediatricians know that although it may be the most common cause of bronchiolitis, it certainly is not the only cause.

They had a passive vaccine for it for awhile. Expensive, monthly injections. Restricted only for those at highest risk for severe disease: extreme premies, infants with lung disease, and a few others. It must not have worked well or had too many side effects (or maybe the patent wore off?) because it’s not used anymore.

Of course now Fizer has a new RSV injection they want to give to pregnant women to protect their babies. It’s a nightmare.

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Maybe it's called something else in the UK?

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It's called RSV in Australia. And I never heard of it, other than as "the common cold" prior to COVID. Got it, in fact, and was stunned how telemedicine doc diagnonsensed it over the phone. How does this work? She can't hear me breathe, take my pulse, observe my condition, blah blah. And what did she give me? Antibiotics! Egads, the state of medicine....

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For adults, it's generally just a cold. Maybe it was that 'horrible cold' that the people in the UK complained about last year?

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Offhand, there is nothing in the mortality records to indicate an increase in excess deaths 1956-1959, whatever that information is worth.


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Fantastic article and 100% true

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And isn't it cute and quaint that in the 1950's they actually used to isolate virues? Remarkable but, of course, nowadays "that's not how we do these things"....

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Nowadays, we help them "gain function."

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Shedding is 100% real. My girlfriend and co-worker are unvxd and went and did a "Live Blood Microscopy" which very clearly shows lipid nano particles containing mRNA in their blood. Only very small numbers of particles compared to the jabbed of course but they should have ZERO!!!!. The microbiologist/technician is commonly seeing this and says it's most definitely shedding and almost impossible to avoid with people now going on 5 shots and wanting more 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ We're f*cked

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Same. Not myself, but a good friend, unadulterated, her blood showed tons of artefacts & flashing lights & structures that didn't belong. If that's what unvaxxed blood looks like, I'd hate to see what is in the jabbed. I'd like to do it myself, but - hey, time & money are time & money.

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Either way sounds like a good story to me, maybe look at what new toxins were introduced around that time?

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The first thing reached for is fever reduction then cough syrup,

Rise in child poisonings linked to cough medicine, FDA warns, IT'S THE RED DYE IN COUGH SYRUPS IDIOTS.

TESSLON capsules vs vit D can you tell the difference, neither is chewable either. COUGH SYRUPS HAVE RED DYES IN THEM.


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I don’t think mRNA injections can be ruled out due to shedding.

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All I can tell you is that this is another virus that I'd never heard of and didn't seem to be much of a problem until recently.

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Although not terribly common among common folks, it’s pretty common in pediatric Dr offices during winter months. Most kids do fine with symptomatic treatment but a few have to be hospitalized for oxygen and more frequent breathing treatments. And a few but not many of those end up in ICU on vents.

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A story can either be true or false. Just because it's published, whatever the rag, doesn't mean anything. C19 statistics are orders of magnitude off of what's really happening from "flu-like" symptoms, which is how C19 was described in the NEJM in January 2020 by Dr Li, and Fraudxxi in March 2020, also in NEJM. Gee whiz, there was a dry-run on coronavirus pandemic response in 2019, 3 months before the NEJM articles.... Makes one suspicious?

For RSV, as C19, as moneypox, a good case can be made that it's just a story (fiction). One needs to gather irrefutable evidence from impeccable sources -- and mainstream media doesn't fit that type source.

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Totally agree, I first assume it’s a LIE

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