"Ignore the facts and believe what we tell you! We would never, ever, lie to you to cover our tracks. We promise!" Says every government everywhere.

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If anyone is "searching for the truth," simply start with the premise that the "authorized narratives" are lies. This would mean the opposite of what the officials and authorities say is probably the truth. Our trusted "leaders" are pushing the opposite narrative - the lie - to cover-up their own crimes or culpability. They don't want anyone looking for the real truth.

... So these people and organizations are actually doing truth-seekers a favor by identifying what critical thinkers should know is probably a lie. This gives us a great starting point for identifying scandalous truths.

We're fortunate so many Substack sites like The Naked Emperor have picked up on this key truth.

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I can't help but notice a striking similarity to any number of sit com plots.

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I think the above logic chain is the "silver lining" of our Covid "New Normal" times. We now know - definitively - how many massive lies we've been told ... and who has been telling them. This should tell us who we should NOT trust or believe.

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"There's lies, damned lies, and then there's statistics."

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More grist for the forgive and forget crowd.

Never forgive. Never forget.

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From article: "But there also clearly wasn’t a deadly virus spreading around the world. If there was, every single country, lockdowns or no lockdowns, would have had excess deaths."

BINGO. This should be the bottom-line conclusion: There was no "deadly" virus spreading around the world.

And the virus that was spreading around the world began infecting many people a lot earlier than December 2019 or January 2020. Many people were getting "sick" from this virus, they just weren't dying in any numbers that would show up in "excess deaths" ... and thus reveal a "deadly" virus.

The "deadly virus" narrative was always a lie ... and some key public health officials and scientists must have known this all along.

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Agreed. Those same public health officials received from scientists at WHO in autumn 2019 a meta analysis of all the NPIs.

The report concluded that no NPIs were helpful & all had costs well above any possible benefit, usually unequivocally.

Yet a few months later, simultaneously around the world, the same public health functions were all over TV insisting al, the lockdowns,mass testing, masks, school & business closures, border restrictions were all totally necessary.

The transnational simultaneity of all this unprecedented & illogical nonsense was, for me, unequivocal evidence of a supranational plot.

It was then and it is now.

For some reason, almost nobody talks or writes of this.

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NPI: "In epidemiology, a non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) is any method used to reduce the spread of an epidemic disease without requiring pharmaceutical drug treatments." (Wikipedia)

(For the others out there like me who can't keep track of all these acronyms...)

I wish it was as easy to shed light on Mike's penultimate question: Why isn't anyone talking or writing about what has to be a "supranational plot"?

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"top up your protection" yes it's like a gift card... Top it up.

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This coercion, to self harm. The CoVid 19 injections are proven bio-weapon / countermeasures managed by the US DoD and HHS under military Operation Warp Speed.

It is well known they do NOT protect from or stop the spread of CoVid19.

However Ivermectin a Nobel Prize winning (2015) human medication is an effective early treatment. But this denied and ridiculed by CDC, NHS & Irish Health service, why?

Those still pushing the toxic/deadly CoVid jabs are acting in irresponsible and disgraceful manner - if one follows logic and sees these 'military countermeasures' are weapons of war, Ireland was/is under attack and those aiding and abetting the 'jabs' are colluding with an enemy attack and possibly acting in treasonous manner - a serious charge.

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There is no such thing as covid.

If you’ve evidence to the contrary, please cite it.

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I hear you - so much misinformation and wall to wall lies.

There are many excellent and reasonably priced medications that are not utilised nearly enough imo

#DMSO > Dr Jacobs > Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XEt0n6LPrk

#Methylene Blue

#Colloidal Silver

#Vit C and more

Rife frequencies


So many

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"It is well known they do protect from or stop the spread of CoVid19."

Did you miss the "not" before the "protect"?

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Thank you - you are correct

I have corrected my error.

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Yes, the good ol’ limited hangout strategy. And almost no one can see this.

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That's the line being pushed in Australia too: "Gee, we had hardly any covid in this country (until we opened up in 2022) - didn't we do well!?"

And all the excess deaths since then... well, of course it is because people aren't keeping up properly with their boosters. ("So go and get boosted, to protect yourself and your community.")

And so many people buy it. (Ok, booster rates are falling somewhat, but still too many are getting themselves and their children jabbed.)

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Pity that they didn't include the data for Belarus and Nicaragua as neither locked down and would stifle the nonsense line "That's only one country (Sweden)".

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Ukraine also had hardly any lockdowns.

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They are using that old "conflation confirmation" jedi mind trick.😐😤🤐🤦‍♀️

By admitting that 2020 "pandemic" year did NOT have excess mortality, it appears to those not paying attention that when everyone who is pointing "excess deaths! Look at all cause mortality in 2021 onwards!", the distracted are not hearing the specific time slice implications (that point to the shots causing excess death), and only hear "there was no excess mortality during 2020, the pandemic year."😐😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

It's actually, excellent marketing tactics, used quite frequently in the pharmaceutical industry, so...are we really surprised that the same SAGE "nudge" spin doctors are being employed by governments desperate to keep stacking the bodies under the carpet?🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨😤🤦‍♀️

#dontfallfortheirBS #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised #claimyourlocalcouncil

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Patrick Walsh is doing excellent work on excess 'jab' deaths in Ireland.


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NE - The Irish government adheres to the global policy of denial - the mantra:

if your false narrative initially fails, lie, lie again.

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Interesting that the OECD, which throughout the pandemic, used the average of weekly deaths between 2015 and 2019 to calculate the expected weekly average, suddenly realized that approach was wrong and now are adjusting for population and demographics.. Well I can tell you a few things about NZ, where I've written and studied the data extensively. Firstly, with border closures, there were no international arrivals that normally bring seasonal flu. And if fhey did, they were in quarantine for 2-weeks before being released.

The corollary was that the elderly were not exposed tothe seasonal flu, made even surer by locking down nursing homes and creating such fear that the elderly not in nursing homes never ventured outdoors. When you adjust the expected deaths for this huge factor then the baseline is lowered considerably. One then hasto ask, if death rates overall remained relatively constant, then what else was causing it.

Secondly, THE OECD has failed, as far as I can see, to factor in the decline in death rates amongst all demographics and particularly the elderly. Death rates have been declining for decades in NZ, off-setting the population growth. The corollary is that fhe mean age of death has increased with time. So just because the population ages does not mean deaths go up. For example 2018 and 2016 in NZ had lower deaths than the bad flu years either side of them despite a general population growth of 2% and an aging population.

Thirdly, the 2015-2019 trend, particularly provides a misleading trend since the slope and intercept of the fitted regression line was effected by bad flu yearson 2017 and 2019. For example, if you create the regression line using 2011-2019 data, the sope and intercept are reduced.

Fourthly, most countries closed their borders from 2020 to 2022. In fact, NZ had negative net migration for much of it, so the population trends inherent in the 2015-2019 data regression are not relevant to 2020-2022.

I have in more recent times, used death rates, rather than crude deaths to evaluate the data. This is best done using the Berkley University App at the HMD https://mpidr.shinyapps.io/stmortality/

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What makes you think it was a psiop rather than mass hysteria? Who gained from the lockdown?

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A psyop that resulted in mass hysteria

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A follower posted this in a comment. It’s very interesting.

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Thank you for sharing this. It’s right on target.

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"We are numbered and sheep" comes to mind.

96% of Irish people partook in the experiment (2 jabs)

This insightful film gives an insight into why...


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Who gained from the lockdowns? Tyrants everywhere in the world; big pharma; big box stores; Amazon; liquor stores & other “essential services”; healthcare industry (doctor offices, clinics, urgent care centers, hospitals, pharmacies) that were paid paid big bucks to promote & administer the jab/run-death-is-near/ventilators; mask, antibacterial wipes & plexiglass manufacturers; & every grifter who otherwise got government handouts....

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And let's not forget Big Sticker, the shadowy cabal behind such things as the 6' floor stickers that had to be regularly replaced and the one way aisle stickers in grocery stores!

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Ugh, I remember & would deliberately go the “wrong way”

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I don’t understand what you’re saying. Can you tell me more about these stickers?

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It is difficult to write about as I suffer from PTSD (practically tyrannical sticker dysphoria) but if you are seriously asking then you must live in a different world. In NW Covidistan (Washington State) the stickers were everywhere, telling you what to wear (PPE), where to stand (6' apart for "social" distance), how to walk (one way only so you wouldn't accidentally get face to face with a plague carrier) and so on.

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Well said!!

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All true, but I don’t think top priority.

I think the most important consequences were:

1. To almost bankrupt numerous countries,

2. To damage international confidence in numerous fiat currencies.

3. To pressure people & society to accept the culling injections.

I expect the perpetrators will trigger a global financial crisis so awful that it will cause an ending the current fiat sysyems. Urgency to maintain supply chains, particularly of food and medicines p, will force governments hand un creating CBDC.

People will be required to sign up for & to use digital ID in order to get their “rations” (whether of food directly or intermediated by CBDC).

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Yep. If I had not been wearing my tinfoil hat at all times, I would surely have been kidnapped by space aliens. My not getting kidnapped proves the hat worked.

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It just goes on and on and on.

Right back in March 2020 it was obvious there was no deadly plague sweeping the world and killing everyone because nobody had immunity to this new virus. If it was like they said then most of China would have died, absolutely everybody in the world would have seen friends, relations, neighbours, work colleagues, celebrities dying all the time. Absolutely everybody in the world would have caught it and the majority would not have survived.

None of this happened. To date, I know my youngest daughter caught it in the summer of 2020. Apparently. She got reported to the authorities and so had to take a swab up the nose test. She had what she called "a frigging bad cold". Nobody else pre-jab caught it that I know of. Roll out the jab and several people caught it several times and still are catching it. Nobody I know has died. Nobody I know knows somebody who has died.

All the office workers I know thoroughly enjoyed the lockdowns and are still enjoying the working from home as and when they want to scenario. All the shop workers I know carried on working, didn't get sick and didn't die. All the builders, plumbers, plasterers, kitchen fitters carried on working, didn't get sick and didn't die.

All the old people are forced to keep taking jabs (apparently, according to my 94 year old mother-in-law, it's "the law"). All the middle-class Guardian readers are carrying their masks in their pockets and bewailing their inability to keep getting jabs because the UK govt only gives them out to the over 65s and those poor benighted "vulnerables".

It's the gift that keeps on giving isn't it? The excuse to justify anything. Nobody who enjoyed it all wants to see that they were fooled.

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Without free discourse, these gvmnt bulletins cannot be challenged.

This post needs should go far and wide.

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