Increased cancer rates caused by Unvaccinated who believe Santa is an anagram of Satan
BMJ outdoing itself for Xmas
Do you believe Santa is an anagram of Satan and brings corruption and greed during Christmas? (Well it is an anagram of Santa, so can’t argue with that one!) Do you think Santa is a giant lie that was started by the Illuminati for mind control? (Are they saying we should believe in Santa?) If so, then according to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), you are likely to have questioned the origin of Covid and whether or not to take part in the biggest medical trial in history.
The article, published a few days ago is called “Everything causes cancer? Beliefs and attitudes towards cancer prevention among anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, and reptilian conspiracists: online cross sectional survey”. With cancer on the rise, the authors wanted to see what people with certain beliefs believed about cancer and whether they adhered to cancer prevention recommendations.
According to the article, between 30%-50% of cancers are preventable through lifestyle changes and prevention strategies. These include maintaining a healthy weight, partaking in physical activity, eating fruits and vegetables, limiting consumption of alcohol and red and processed meat, avoiding excess sun exposure and active and passive smoking and participating in vaccination programmes against human papillomavirus and hepatitis.
However, misinformation can lead to increased disease because people refuse to adopt effective preventative health measures. Misinformation can also lead to delays in seeking treatment.
The authors say conspiracy beliefs are the extreme results of misinformation and lump together a whole load of conspiracy theories. As well as the Santa related theories described above, they include flat earthers, reptiles controlling the world, chem-trails and of course those who question the origin of Covid and the vaccines.
In total, there were 1,494 who responded to the survey. 209 of those were unvaccinated, 112 preferred alternative rather than conventional medicine and 62 reported flat earth or reptilian beliefs.
So already we can see that a large chunk of the unvaccinated group didn’t believe in flat earth theories or shapeshifting lizards. Nor did they prefer alternative medicine, they just questioned the Covid vaccines. But don’t say that bit out loud, they want everyone to think that the unvaccinated are crazy.
Next, they looked at the percentage of vaccinated and unvaccinated who believed in actual things that caused cancer and mythical things that caused cancer. More vaccinated believed in actual causes and more unvaccinated believed in mythical causes.
They did the same thing with people who preferred conventional medicine versus alternative medicine and non-conspiracy theorists versus flat earther or reptilian conspiracy believers with the same predictable results.
But what were these mythical causes of cancer? The most endorsed causes included eating foods that contains additives or sweeteners, feeling stressed and eating genetically modified food. I have written previously about whether sweeteners causes cancer, so is this really a mythical list?
Maybe they should have added another potential cause of turbo cancers?
It seems that both unvaccinated and vaccinated believe, in similar percentages, that smoking, being overweight, low physical activity and low fruit or veg intake cause cancer. Not so crazy after all then.
And almost 50% of both unvaccinated and vaccinated agreed that “it seems like everything causes cancer”.
Overall, this was a nonsense study which is an embarrassment to the BMJ. Another example of trying to stigmatise the unvaccinated, trying to compare their sensible, sceptical views with flat earthers.
The best analogy I could find was from Professor Norman Fenton who said:
An analogy to this might be a bunch of French football [soccer] fans decide that “France deserved to win the 2022 World Cup” is the only acceptable view to have about the recent competition. They knew it is a myth to believe that “any team other than France is the best football nation in the world”.
So they sample a bunch of football fans and discover the earth-shattering result that Argentinians were disproportionately represented among those who believe the myth. Hence they conclude that Argentinians (who they always believed were ignorant about football) really are more ignorant about football than non-Argentinians.
I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas and Santa brought you everything you asked for. What? You don’t believe in Santa? You conspiracy theorist, go and take your unsweetened Christmas drink and row off the side of the earth with your unvaccinated friends.
Actually, have a read about the divine whisperings of Santa instead.
I have been seeing an inordinate volume of cancer fear porn and non-sense suspect analysis lately.
It is all pre-game marketing for the big "cancer vaccine" they will be pushing soon.
Just wait for it. Cap this comment.
Predict in less than six months they will try and convince people cancer can be transmitted.
"Asymptomatic" cancer is coming. D'u think masks will help? haha
The only real cure for cancer is world government and a global taxation system, don'cha know?
Never restrain your enemy when he's making a mistake. Safe and effective! Time for your 6th booster!