I was fired over this. I'm pissed as hell to read this letter.

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I'm sorry to hear that. On the plus side, you can always get another job. You can never undo the damage these clotshots are causing.

Case in point, a friend of mine who has already had life changing surgery as a result of this poison is now back in hospital with blood clots.

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I'm lucky, because in my specific part of the industry, I can get another job without having to retrain. Many nurses and other patient care staff don't have that luxury. And trust me, when it's you out of work for nearly six months... Well, let's just say the Pfizer dumps always came when I was considering getting it, just to be employable.

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I understand and I'm sorry. This whole sh!tshow has been an absolute disgrace. I'm sure we will get justice, in this life or the next...

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Yes. My new rule: avoid all hospitals connected to Medical schools or Research institutions. The small “community” type hospitals DO still exist and a lot of us who were fired from the big hospitals found jobs at those.

Basically, you’re now going to get people trained in trauma settings working at these smaller hospitals. Largely, the skill of care in these places is going to go way up now. Many of us really liked trauma and the extra pay to deal with it. But COVID changed all of that: less pay/trauma for a hospital that respects its staff is worth it in so many ways.

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I'm glad to hear it.

" Many of us really liked trauma"

- In the UK, where I am from originally, we now have doctors cowering behind Zoom calls. They will not see patients. I watched a video once of a doctor who travelled the world treating the most appalling diseases imaginable. He said "I just really, really like treating really sick people". That's what you signed up for right? The absolute state of most medical people these days beggars belief.

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It's a bit of culture shock - the differences between "med school hospital" and "community hospital". Lower pay is a bit of an adjustment, but the community hospital is a far healthier environment overall.

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Yup yup

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Yup yup yup yup yup yup yup is the final form of madness.

Yup yup yup.

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Yup 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☮️

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Hope you can sue them one day for wrongful termination when all the truth comes out.

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Me too.... but I doubt it, even though I have all the documents of their lies.

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"Vaccine mandate deadlines encouraged/forced (take your pick) "

- We'll give you the freedom to make your own mind up, unless you choose the option we disagree with. Then you're in for it.

"Harrison thinks that after the CMS enforced the mandates on its own surveyors, they were unable to live under the same rules"

- Reminds me of the famous/infamous example of Monsanto employees threatening to go on strike if they had to eat GMO products in their own canteen.

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Yup yup yup

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It's almost Lovecraftian.

“A mountain walked, or stumbled. Dead Cthulhu yup yup yuped".

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Yup !

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By the love of Sweet Home Alayupyup....

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I love this website. The best site on the Internet. I sincerely hope it survives because the banter is legendary, plus we can share serious research as well.

Yup yup yup.

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“Rules for thee, not for me”. This one sentence summarizes the whole plandemic.

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I knew this one particularly brilliant IT guy for this manufacturing facility. His family were multi millionaires and I once asked him about the company drug testing.

He told me it was no problem, "You see," he said, "I added two lines of code that told the computer if it randomly selected my number to go back and select again."

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Nice find Naked Emperor!

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Astounding hypocrisy is a defining feature of narcissism. As is refusal to admit wrong, no matter what's at stake. There must be justice for everyone forced to take this poison, or fired / threatened because they held the line.

https://maggierusso.substack.com/ - Good writing on narcissism and how it relates to the authoritarian, blame shifting mess the world is.

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Mandates always were a failed policy; sadly, far too many people were adversely affected by them.

Ronald Reagan said it correctly, "government is not the answer; government is the problem."

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Interesting that that company is in Maryland, where the state university at College Park requires all students to be vaxxed AND boosted!

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May have mentioned this, but that s one of the more common options how to survive a totalitarian rule: seek employment among the enforcers, because you will both live better and earn more, and be exemppt from most of the rules, as long as you obey orders.

Is it possible in the US for a state to file some kind of suit against the federal governement as such or its appointed agents and agencies, for criminal incompetence and criminal overreach?

Because that would surely be a "hit" during the non-stop election campaign the current White House will amp up after November.

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Maybe the NY Times will report on this, their readers might be interested.

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CMS is a nasty 🤢 nasty organization that will hunt you down and storm your office before u know what hit you.

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Unbelievable . . . definitely need Nuremberg 2.0.

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It’s always the nomenklatura and the apparatchiki who are exempt from the worst of the laws and regulations they make and enforce.

Witness “0’BamaCare”.

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Blood on your hands if you take that job.

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What is to be done?

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We can do it the civilzed way: Nuremberg 2.0. Or we can go full on Medieval Period mob justice barbarism. I don't see a third option at this point.

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I'm all for mob justice at this point. A few dismembered politicians would send a powerful message. I will not comply with lunatics

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