From my take on the (ridiculous) subject:

It’s bad, you guys. From roughly this time last year, cases are up one hundred and sixty terrifying percent, and deaths are up nineteen oh-my-god-we’re-all-gonna-perish percent.

To put those perilous percentages into perspective, this year’s death total for mpox around the entire planet (the overwhelming majority of which have occurred in Africa) is… 524.

Five hundred and twenty-four.

I hope I don’t need to say it, but I will: Every death is a tragic one. [Please observe a solemn and sincere moment of silence for the dearly departed.] But compare the novel marsupialpox to, say, obesity—which kills 4.72 million people around the globe annually—or starvation— which causes 9 million heartbreaking deaths—or tuberculosis—which sends 1.3 million souls to the afterlife every year—or even anemia (low iron)—which snuffs out 6,021 lives in the US alone every twelve months—and it certainly makes one wonder what criteria the WHO is using to define an “emergency.”


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I’ll just leave this here…

According to historian Stéphane Courtois, the total number of deaths attributed to communist regimes was approximately 94.36 million.

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Not to mention that I'm sure they lumped other contributing factors in these reported statistics like suicides and car accidents after which they cycled the PCR tests 50 times.

You cannot trust these communist types as far as you can spit, and not even then.

Like the job numbers in the US you only find out the truth after all propaganda value has been wrung out.

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9M starving to death and governments are handing out millions of dollars and housing to the border crashers.

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Mpox death went up 19%! But starvation decreased by 10% so even it is 524 vs. 9 million clearly mpox is more important to anyone!

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Figure all-cause normal deaths are right around 8,000 a DAY just in the USA...

Sheep can't do math.

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I don’t think anyone is getting real worked up over this (or avian flu) - they really overplayed the ol’ COVID scamdemic hand, & globally everyone is still feeling the economic & all other aspects of that (including distrust & derision of our “public health” entities & “experts”)

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Agreed, an increasing number of people personally question the narrative. But you know that the majority will go along to get along. And the propaganda media will run cover. The cabal know this.

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Sadly, have to agree

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It’s fear factor for the sheeple revisited. They might even suggest that the bird flu and monkey pox have combined? We could have a new twisted “virus” plausibly called Chickenpox 2024.

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"Is the disease itself evolving (naturally or through Gain of Function experiments) or has a whole industry developed which thrives on and encourages fear-mongering, in order to sell treatments and vaccines?"

I'll take both for 200, Alex.

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or is the real reason the don't want us to call it monkeypox was because too many were spelling monkey without the "K"

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Maybe just call it $pox

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I am not worried about this virus, I am worried this whole circus will be started up again…

Never again!

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They have to have a NEW "health emergency of international importance" because this LAST public "health emergency of international concern" (covid) runs out on August 20 2024.

I'm not kidding.

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I think these gouging sadistic bloodsucking worshippers of the golden calf know that fear of disease and avoidance of disease are deep ancient behavioral modes, which, unfortunately, did get us barely past some some pretty terrible plagues. So we get more authoritarian and more xenophobic and they sell more product. The business model. I genuinely think we've lived so long in environments without persistent disease, at least in the developed world, that we don't understand what they are triggering in us. I think disease avoidance must be up there with the 4Fs, fighting, fleeing, feeding and (ahem) mating, as one learns them in biology, so we behave in particular ways when threatened even when its total whole cloth jiveass bs. I always think of that vile inflated petty tyrant Matt Hancock and his whatsapp message "deploy the new variant"

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I suspect we’ll be overtaken by either a major financial collapse or a world war before they can run another plandemic.

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The elite are hyper focused on using the monkey. They get a laugh and all winded into the fake Darwinian connection and Smithsonian CGI images of humans morphed with monkeys. They love it. They laugh it up. We'll give them a monkey pox alright. Wake up please to the centuries long game of their dehumanisation of the masses they so fear.

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Your last paragraph: yes and we’re tired of it.

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Propaganda is one of those things that once you have seen it you can't ever unsee it which means it is usually easy to spot the first signs and often easy to predict where it is going. This is why I can't listen to Radio 4 for more than 10 mintes before I start shouting 'really BBC, really!'

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Herd evolution. From sheep to monkees in 4 years. My bet is that they will still line up for the PCR tests and injections, just as they did a few years ago.

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The infectious disease and vaccine world is bizarre, they tinker about produce a vaccine and get it passed through with no problems so it can be given to the general population, and then comes the real trick. They highlight and elevate the disease and make it a problem in the media and bring it to the target populations attention, they then have the worried, paranoid well lining up to be injected. Easy peasy!

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For all I know, influenza kills many more people than mpox every year. What are they going to do about it? If people want to live in their closet, it's their business. Just leave the rest of us alone.

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....and you forgot the bit about mainly gay men.

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