Hospitals are full because people have weakened their immune systems with the experimental injection

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Exactly! the UK are now normalizing Aids testing for the public. Coincidence?

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I'm not sure how true that is. I haven't seen it anyway.

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I’ve seen the vaccinated get sick frequently and have trouble shaking illnesses. The Covid vaccine-free are responding as normal.

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I was watching an interview yesterday with Dr. Malone and that's what he said. I also watch another interview with Dr. Cole who pretty much said the same thing. I don't think they would say that if it were not true.

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I was told back in 1985 by a pharmaceutical rep that the NHS were already doing surveillance testing for AIDS wen u went for routine blood tests they automatically did it I remember being shocked that Blackpool had the highest rates in the UK

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Here in Washington, the number one reason why hospitals are full is because the governor fired massive numbers of healthcare providers.

Hospital capacity is decreased because of the shortage. About 10-20% before the governor ordered those states no longer be reported.

The bigger issue is the obliteration of nursing home staffing levels. (Lower pay meant workers were more able to just leave rather than get the vaccine.) As a result the hospitals have a very large number of patients who no longer need hospital care but cannot be released because there is no place to send them

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And every other medical toxin including the prescription pills, every other vaccine and OTC meds too. Don't even mention the environmental toxins. Toxins in the food, the water and the air, and even beauty products, and other products we use. Been this way for decades. And all we can hear about is more fear-mongering about the next "killer" viruses or diseases, while we're continually "counseled" to swallow and/or inject more toxins into the body. With such a track record of most OTC "medicines", pharmaceutical meds and vaccines. It baffles me why anyone would take them unless they were suffering from a life-threatening or a terminal disease. And that out of a desperation to stay alive just to stay sick, diseased and medicated if healing wasn't the end result.

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in the US the hospitals are geared towards being full all the time, otherwise the hospital corporations aren't making a profit

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This is why it was so important to reign in those emergency powers before the election. I'm sure Inslee will backtrack as well.

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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I have worked in hospitals my whole adult life. We are ALWAYS full, every winter, without fail, with respiratory virus patients. It is how the world works. We often have overflowed, in fact.

No one ever gave a damn and they still do not as near as I can tell -- they just want any hook to keep their evil, power-grubbing mitts firmly grasped around our necks.

This is utter and complete BS. Just check headlines for past years for influenza cases and hospital crises -- they are easy to find.

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Must be some federal money involved somewhere

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No doubt.

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Not some. Lots.

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Del's going to speak in Boulder CO, Sunday Nov 20 at 5 pm, at his dad's church. I'm sure he'll talk about this. Ticket are free. All he's asking is for a $5 donation to thehighwire.com or icandecide.org . He promoted this at the end of this past Thurs weekly show, after his indepth interview with Dr Peter McCullough.

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Oh noooooo. Gov Pritzker (IL) does not need another reason to continue appointing himself ‘King-For-Life’!

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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“ temporarily suspending those utilization review requirements necessary to protect insured patients”

Yeah. Let’s suspend requirements that are “necessary to protect patients.”

Actually, if all they are suspending is the prior authorization and utilization review processes, that may be a great thing for hospitals (for sure for them - admit anyone you want to, justification of severe illness requiring hospital-level care is no longer required) and perhaps for families (Grandma or Mom can stay another night while you work out home health care arrangements).

But seriously, this is a JOKE.

Are we really gonna have emergencies every winter now???

And guess why you have fewer beds available? I’m sure it has nothing to do with the staff who quit or were “suspended” due to vacks mandates. Or with staff absences due to their own illness due to poor immune functioning due to the mandated injections. And certainly has nothing to do with staff who have become disabled or less-abled to do the work they used to do.


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Yes, of course they are “on the rise” because covid cured all flu type illnesses so any incident will probably double the rate!


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Funny that, not just the flu, it cured RSV and a range of other respiratory viruses as well here in Australia. Even in the states that had virtually no COVID cases. Amazing 😀

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Well, it's like having a little bit of martial law to whet your appetite. Appetite is never sated.

Unfortunately an entire mostly useless generation is going to have to get trashed before society decides to move in the opposite direction again.

And maybe it's the complete overstepping of any rational boundaries, these past three years, that's going to lead to something extremely unexpected--a complete re-examining of vaccine science. No, no quotes around science, because it is a genuine field, but it's been so over-politicized that we need to get back to basics.

I've been asking and asking where all these autistic kids are coming from--since they're purportedly the majority of those purportedly suffering from "gender dysphoria," and James Lyons-Weiler's recent post


really got me thinking. It's so common in any field of scientific inquiry that a wrong answer to a necessary question gives bad actors the weapon they need to shut up further honest consideration of a problem, as Lyons-Weiler notes.

People now being labeled and libeled as "conservatives" etc. are going to have to fight really hard to get scientific inquiry back into medical schools and medical practice. But this is going to have to be fought inch by inch everywhere. It's got to become normal again to do one's own research and just ask questions.

Might be hilarious--to me anyway--if Mr. Electric Vehicles and Space Exploration gonna be the one to save us by letting The Wise Inquiry Fairy back onto Twitter.

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Well, there's autistic using pre-1990s diagnostic criteria, and then there's "autistic" using post-2000 criteria. These two are not the same in any way, shape or form.

The older criteria made clear that the condition must fall within set, tightly defined and described criteria, had to be handicapping and preventing nornal interactions, and that cognitive abilites had to be significantly impaired. And the tests weren't as they are today simple interviews with parents/caretakers and the kid itself. Nor did being autistic land you any kind of "easing of the way", instead you were put in special ed classes and was forever barred from obtaining any kind of driver's license or similar for other vehicles, barred from military service, barred from most jobs and careers, and so on - i.e. being autistic was something no-one would want to be, since it was such an impairment to you.

Meaning only those actually autistic were diagnosed as such.

During the 1990s, all over the West, how schools were granted funding for teaching special needs kids was changed so that having a decent number of such kids became a budgetary concern, and a diagnosis was necessary for funds being granted; under the older system, the headmaster would simply file a request for what was needed, or have the pupil/student transferred to a special school instead. Not so when "equal rights"-agendas came into force: everyone no matter anything was to attend the same class, and any problems arising from that was entirely the schools' and the teachers' fault.

Because of course I can spend ten minutes with /your/ kid when I have 29 more kids in a 45 minute class... "Make it work" they told us when we protested.

Add on the further diluting of the terminology and the psychological profession's eternal hairsplitting, creating two more diagnoses for every new one created...

Today, 15 out of 1 000 swedish children (legal minors) are on psych-meds.

When my wife's grandmother was a child, when people died in winter they were put in order and placed in a coffin which was then buried in the snow next to the house, the ground being frozen solid. The coffins were marked with spruce branches. My wife's grandmother had to walk past her dead sibling every day for an entire winter as kid, when going to and coming home from school.

And she never, ever, needed psych drugs or trauma counseling or any of that BS.

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This is part of it, true, and Freddie DeBoer writes very well on the claiming of mental illness diagnoses (often self-diagnosed) as a sort of prestige identity these days.

Even if they're not actually autistic, this is still one heck of a lot of sick kids absolutely unable to function satisfactorily in real life. We must ask then exactly how we--or "they"--fucked up the previous generation so badly as to make them entirely and profoundly unfit to parent.

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Competition (or competitiveness), duty, honour and obligations were severed from and replaced with rights and entitlements.

Partly because competitiveness, duty and honour and obligation had been severly misused and abused by the rulers ever since the 1800s.

That's as short as I can make it.

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I think really though it's just the cycle of life.

My friend from 5th grade and I keep saying how the '50s were the best time ever, and of course that was the beginning of the rot. A middle class rose in prosperity post-war; women whose mothers--for us, mostly immigrants--worked all their lives were now able to be stay-at-home housewives giving a comfortable life to their kids; too many of those kids ended up in useless corporate mid-level jobs and raised marshmallow children.

And here we are. That hard times/hard men/easy times etc. meme really is the grim secret to everything.

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I am so confused....I saw Polis on Bill Maher, last FRIDAY and he was saying how COVID was an overreach....I thought that he was reasonable......what the hell happened from that interview last week?


Read the comments...you will be stumped.....just like I was......

I just clicked on the executive order and it was signed the same day he was on Real Time....WTF!

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The election happened. The things they do have nothing todo w health. Its ALL about power

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Reminds me of soon-to-be Emperor Palpatine's emergency powers speech ( we know how that turned out ):


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I get it....but the day of.....that is odd.....

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You'd think problems like gang wars, rampant drug abuse, and stuff like that would be what emergency powers was intended for.

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I’m wondering if this has something to do with trying to get Covid vax on the permanent childhood vaccination schedule?

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And lest we not forget, the millions of pre-purchased coof stabs are expiring(does a poison expire?). They WILL be stabbed into as many stupid sheep as is possible.

My dying old uncle just took the Pfizer mouse booster because "It's just the right thing to do". I just stare in absolute horror. There's nothing we can do to help the orthodox Covidians.

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This is tyranny. Gross overreach of power.

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We don't have a single monarch here in the States, we have 50 little kings and one Big King. Awesome.

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The Governor of my state (Oregon) just did the exact same thing on November 14th. The wording in the executive orders are weirdly (sarcasm) similar.

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