Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I got a sore throat the middle of October. When I get a cold, that is usually my first sign. I gargled with salt water and by the next day, the sore throat was gone but my head was stuffy and I had a runny nose. Took NyQuil and Afrin night and day and in the allotted 10 days that most colds last, It was gone!! Now, I wonder if it was a cold or was in Omicron?? I won't get jabbed or tested (unless I get a fever, which I haven't had since I was 4 and got the chickenpox, I will be 70 next month!

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Isn’t that the normal history of every virus as it runs it’s course......until Fauci came along with PCR testing, paying for high deaths counts, and making profitable and deadly spike protein injections.

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Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, and Soros money. Eugenics One World Government money behind it all. Toss in …. the viciousness of tribalism

https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-viciousness-of-tribalism And you are on the roll.

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Just watched it. I have seen his written comments before..thanks.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Negative efficacy at 91-150 days after.... combined with an increased risk of infection during the two weeks immediately after vx. Trading a lot for two peak months of <70% efficacy. Need a booster every 3 months just to keep the efficacy positive!

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Scary to think Omicron is infecting those jabbed more easily. Wondering how the shot is affecting the body's natural immune response. Especially disconcerting given the aggressive youth campaigns.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

What is going to happen when people who have recovered from Omicron then turn around and get vaccinated (either boosted or first shot) with the current vaccines based on the 2019 Wild Type virus? This seems incoherent to me but with the rising number of vaccination mandates, this is exactly what people will be doing. Israel just ordered 36 million doses of the Wild Type vaccine, which given their population is 9 million, is a year's worth of boosters if given every three months. Once a recuperated person has antibodies against Omicron, I can see potential harm to the immune system when subsequent jabs try to retrain their immune system back to the Wild Type.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Best case: more prone to infection from future variants (but mild disease).

Worst case: inability to fight off future variants.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Also I don't think the prospect of boosters is every 4-6 months but shorter than that. In the UK and France they are already promoting boosters to be given 3 months after the 2nd dose.

And if you look at the second chart in your article what do you notice? Besides the fact that effectiveness goes into the negative territory by 91 days, the efficacy by days 31-60 for both Pfizer and Moderna are noticeably lower than 50%. So what will they do? Well they would seem to want to have vaccine efficacy at 50% or greater pretty much all the time. And this would not only be by the authorities - check out the first image in el gato's post here: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/has-public-health-lost-all-discernment/comments

That is an individual who would seem to have a Master's in Public Health (MPH) and a Master's in Health Administration (MHA) calling for a SECOND booster (4th dose) for health care workers and the immunocompromised at a time when the first booster hasn't even been approved for healthcare workers for fully 3 months yet (was it not the end of September that they allowed healthcare workers to get their first booster?). If we go by this line of thinking and match it up with the charts in your article I would suggest that what we are likely to see going forward is a consensus among the authorities and persons like that one with the MPH-MHA for booster shots every 30-60 days. Three months will be at the extreme end of what kind of schedule they will want to allow.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

If the booster has a faster protection drop-off than shots 1 and 2 then shot 4 may lead to digging you into a deeper hole. Eventually boosters won't boost.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yep, that might be a possibility. Igor Chudov noted as much about the booster period continually halving in one of his posts and over at Brian Mowrey's newsletter (unglossed) there was a discussion in his post (Neg) about the development of tolerance.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes! Silly me! Lolol! And the more it doesn't work the more of it they will do!

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"....increase in high care with 6.1% of Omicron hospitalisations requiring this level of care versus 4.2% with Omicron"

Think you meant "4.2% with Delta" here.

Great article!

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This is a great article.

But I encourage you to look at South Africa again. Look at their recent hospitalizations (in the last 4 weeks, not counting this incomplete week). Compare to cases during 4 weeks, shifted a week back due to time lag between cases and hospitalizations. Do the same with the Delta wave for August.

Turns out that Omicron hospitalization rate is 9.60%, and Delta hospitalization rate in August was 11.44%. Omicron is slightly lower, but nothing to brag about.

Very easy to do calculation.

I wrote about it:


This is apples-to-apples comparison with Delta.

Also, the more I think, the harder it is to explain negative effectiveness of long-ago vaccination.

ADE is based on antibodies, which wane. OAS does not apply to first infection.

My own hypothesis is that the vaccinated simply have a ruined immune system, so when "vaccine immunity" wears off, they have no first-line defenses.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Excellent thoughts .... and I do agree with your last point or hypothesis, in that the vaccinated have lost their first line of defense (innate immunity) where they become a magnet for future infections.

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Yep, I cannot seem to find any other explanation.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This is so frightening.

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Dec 26, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes agree. Pharmaceutical products are chemical substance and it can never coexist in our natural body. So whether vaccines, steroid, or antibiotics, etc will definitely ruin one's immune system and give lots of side effects later in one's life. So once your immune system is compromised, you are prone to infections.

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Thanks Ivor. Ive had a read of your articles and will look into the numbers myself.

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A great moment to look at in South Africa will be when the cases, hospitalizations and deaths will crest and start going down. This is when we can get more robust estimates.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

''Omicron is infecting vaccinated individuals at a much higher rate than unvaccinated ones'' Can't this also be due to vaccinated people feeling more secure & therefore being less careful than before while the unvaccinated continue to wash their hands, wear masks, avoid closed spaces with others, etc...?

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Dec 26, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

@pieterstreicher on Twitter keeps up with South African data. Reduction in mortality there is very dramatic.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Suggested Letter to Employer Mandating Spike Protein Injection under threat of firing...😎


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Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

good read , can it be that the symptoms are milder, due to some use of Ivermectin in SA ?

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

So, are the boosters weakening the immune system?

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thank you!

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