I am a school counselor in Texas. We have seen all of the challenges referenced in this article. We have identified early literacy delays in 25% of our first grade students. In 30+ years in education, I have never seen delays in that many students. In a normal year, the average would be 6% with a high of maybe 8%.
We returned to campus in August 2020, sadly in masks. I advocated for removing masks frequently. My own mask was made of sheer curtain material and the students liked it because they could see my smile. Our nurse did not like it and wanted me to wear a "real" mask. I told my principal that I would leave. Needless to say-my sheer mask was allowed. Masks are optional this year. If they weren't, I wouldn't be here.
The harm done to children is criminal. We will be dealing with the effects of masking children for years to come.
This has been devastating to their hopes futures, mental health, relationships, and I just don't know "where they are in reality."
I could not imagine this shit during my High School time in the early 70s.
I think we would have rioted and even worse, we were already "tuned up" from the race riots @school and elsewhere, and none of it was about race. It was about them forcing stuff upon us, such as relocation, we didn't like it, black and white and male and female.
Don't forget about childhood obesity, which is up around the world as they were kept at home instead of running around outside in the name of "health and safety".
I love how leftists always hide their evil intentions behind concern for children. But when children were actually being harmed, they demonized them as super spreaders and grandma killers. It was the most disgusting thing. Now they are back to, “It’s for the children,” For whatever goal it is this time. Always an appeal to emotion: if you don’t do what we want, you don’t care about children, the elderly, women, minorities, etc. In the meantime, it is the leftist policies that hurt all of these groups. Yet, so many people buy into it. During the “pandemic” I can’t tell you how many times heard, “I could never forgive myself if I passed on the virus to someone and they got really sick or died.” Or some variation of that. There was a lot of emotional thinking and acting. Very little critical thinking and common sense went on in the last two years. It has been very frustrating and maddening.
My granddaughter was born January 2020. Her language skills suck. My son and his wife live in a Florida county that had a mask mandate and my DIL and her friends were mask fanatics. She's been in daycare for the past 7 months but until 2 weeks ago, all the staff wore masks. Whenever I babysat her, I'd encourage her to look at me when I talked, but there's only so much you can accomplish 2 days a month.
The cure was worse than the disease. When will Johns Hopkins start a LOCKDOWN LOSSES calculator that includes missed cancer diagnoses, other healthcare fatalities and tragedies, totals of people who lost businesses, decreased levels of mental health, missed childhood healthcare, and a generation of children who are now graduating at effectively 11th grade? And MORE!
The masks have not only been the stupidest mandate it has been a devastating one for our children. Even on the tv people were talking away with masks on. Being hard of hearing and relying heavily on lip reading as I do, the masking has been a problem for me as an adult.
Masks should have been worn by the sick only and then it might have provided some protection and also acted as a warning, a visible sign where others could see you were I’ll and avoid you. But that was not how they told us to do it. So stupid.
Well, there were many of us 'conspiracy nuts' out there who could have written that paper based on our life and work experience for many decades.
As we predicted, the "Great Reset Globalists" have essentially wiped-out an entire generation!
It was not necessarily the generation "They" had in mind based on their computer models developed by their "family geniuses".
As we go out and about in our daily lives, it cannot be helped but to notice the lack of basic knowledge and skills of today's employees, (regardless of the field/industry), that were taught and developed in our first 7 years of living.
This manmade purposeful destruction of our society will not end well for those who engineered, planned, and implemented it.
God has a way to handle ALL things entrusted to mankind.
In our society, the way the homelife of families with kids has been set up for decades now, a great proportion of parents, in needing to keep food on the table, have been forced into all-day employment and the kids are sent to a caregiver. So the bulk of the kids' day is spent away from their parents. Not to mention those who allow their kids to be glued to little screens instead of interacting-- horrors!-- with real flesh-and-blood humans-- and IMO that's has been quite a problem for awhile.
I agree- but I'm thinking that they aren't masked at home. Isn't someone interacting with them/nurturing them?My question is redundant. How did parents waste 2 years of a shut down- when most people were working from home/businesses shut down.
My sister is an elementary school teacher. Most of her students are from lower income families where BOTH parents are working (essential) TWO jobs to survive. These children look forward to going to school because it is THERE where they receive care and nurturing. Sadly, many people don’t think about these devastating and very realistic scenarios because they had/have the LUXURY of being able to work from home during the scamdemic and could be with their children. But these other children come from broken/abusive families. They are excited to go to school and be in a place where they can forget about their dynamics at home. Going to school is the only thing they have to look forward to and with the lockdowns that was taken away. One of her students was living in a small truck with his mom and 3 other siblings. They became homeless because the father lost his job in a restaurant during lockdown. He fell off the wagon and started drinking again then abandoned the family. This truck did not even have a camper shell and they did not have enough blankets or jackets. The mother was too proud to ask for help and let anyone know they were homeless. They had been parked behind the school at night so they were discovered by a neighbor. Many of us helped to raise money for rent, food and clothes and managed to keep them from going into foster care. THIS IS JUST ONE STORY. I have many more. I also lost my small business after 25 years which was heartbreaking, but that is NOTHING compared to what these children have lost. These are the children I think about every single day. When I feel the anger rising in me, I need only remind myself to stay focused and help those in need. Practicing/Being in stillness and helping others are the only two reasons I have managed to avoid being consumed by anger and sadness. There are no words to describe the horror and devastation this scamdemic has caused. It is unforgivable….
I think young children need to see facial expressions from people other than their parents in order to have a universal understanding of language. You can see this by how children (well at least up until parents started giving their kids tablets at the grocery store and restaurants to keep them quiet) seek out and gaze at strangers' faces. They need to interact with society, not just mom and dad.
Meanwhile some of the travel restrictions in Canada--to leave the country and be able to return--have been lifted for “VACCINATED” people. If you want to avoid the 14 day quarantine upon return to Canada, though--and you as a parent are vaxxed--well your 5-12 year old now needs to be vaxxed too. Otherwise a quarantine and ridiculously expensive testing continues. Hmmmm it’s almost like they’re trying to coerce vaccination in children or something?!
Being American helps (for now)…the dual citizen thing. I mean, I figure they can’t NOT let me into the States or back into Canada? But I spose anything’s possible when Being Tyrannized.
Destroy the lives of children to protect the old and sickly...so typical of the pseudo-do-gooders who always harm the most vulnerable to protect their own kind.
The effects on children are entirely due to the compliance and framing of the parents, if the parents bought into the fear narrative and passed it on to the kids then it will have had an impact. The children in my family are just normal kids who want to play and explore and have largely forgotten all the nonsense. The school thankfully has so far not engaged in the vaccine drive but that is not to say that their friends may not suffer the consequences of vaccine poisoning or death. We will see...
I am a school counselor in Texas. We have seen all of the challenges referenced in this article. We have identified early literacy delays in 25% of our first grade students. In 30+ years in education, I have never seen delays in that many students. In a normal year, the average would be 6% with a high of maybe 8%.
We returned to campus in August 2020, sadly in masks. I advocated for removing masks frequently. My own mask was made of sheer curtain material and the students liked it because they could see my smile. Our nurse did not like it and wanted me to wear a "real" mask. I told my principal that I would leave. Needless to say-my sheer mask was allowed. Masks are optional this year. If they weren't, I wouldn't be here.
The harm done to children is criminal. We will be dealing with the effects of masking children for years to come.
I'll be rooting for you and your students. xo
Homeschool and Healthy Living are the answers.
Please replace the word 'pandemic' with LOCKDOWNS.
Please replace the word 'vaccine' with EXPERIMENTAL MEDICATIONS and I would happily share this.
99.97% of people largely unaffected has never been a 'pandemic' and the experimental jabspushers know it.
These aren't my words, they are from the report.
experimental? wishful thinking ... one does not experiment on billions ... how about bioweapon?
How about both?
Hey I got three granddaughters.
This has been devastating to their hopes futures, mental health, relationships, and I just don't know "where they are in reality."
I could not imagine this shit during my High School time in the early 70s.
I think we would have rioted and even worse, we were already "tuned up" from the race riots @school and elsewhere, and none of it was about race. It was about them forcing stuff upon us, such as relocation, we didn't like it, black and white and male and female.
What was their intentions, I think we know.
Don't forget about childhood obesity, which is up around the world as they were kept at home instead of running around outside in the name of "health and safety".
I think it was Hannah Arendt who said... totalitarian societies eventually eat their own children.
I love how leftists always hide their evil intentions behind concern for children. But when children were actually being harmed, they demonized them as super spreaders and grandma killers. It was the most disgusting thing. Now they are back to, “It’s for the children,” For whatever goal it is this time. Always an appeal to emotion: if you don’t do what we want, you don’t care about children, the elderly, women, minorities, etc. In the meantime, it is the leftist policies that hurt all of these groups. Yet, so many people buy into it. During the “pandemic” I can’t tell you how many times heard, “I could never forgive myself if I passed on the virus to someone and they got really sick or died.” Or some variation of that. There was a lot of emotional thinking and acting. Very little critical thinking and common sense went on in the last two years. It has been very frustrating and maddening.
Currently an Institutional coup having weaponized race and gender by way of cancelling everything in their wake.
My granddaughter was born January 2020. Her language skills suck. My son and his wife live in a Florida county that had a mask mandate and my DIL and her friends were mask fanatics. She's been in daycare for the past 7 months but until 2 weeks ago, all the staff wore masks. Whenever I babysat her, I'd encourage her to look at me when I talked, but there's only so much you can accomplish 2 days a month.
It's almost unimaginable, and here we are. Twilight Zone.
The cure was worse than the disease. When will Johns Hopkins start a LOCKDOWN LOSSES calculator that includes missed cancer diagnoses, other healthcare fatalities and tragedies, totals of people who lost businesses, decreased levels of mental health, missed childhood healthcare, and a generation of children who are now graduating at effectively 11th grade? And MORE!
People who died alone because their spouses and loved ones were blocked
A staggering sum.
If it saves just one life.
You took the words right out of my mouth!!
...and kills a bunch more...
The masks have not only been the stupidest mandate it has been a devastating one for our children. Even on the tv people were talking away with masks on. Being hard of hearing and relying heavily on lip reading as I do, the masking has been a problem for me as an adult.
Masks should have been worn by the sick only and then it might have provided some protection and also acted as a warning, a visible sign where others could see you were I’ll and avoid you. But that was not how they told us to do it. So stupid.
Except that if this is about a "virus," wearing a mask to protect yourself is like hoping to keep a gnat from flying through a giant hula hoop...
Well, there were many of us 'conspiracy nuts' out there who could have written that paper based on our life and work experience for many decades.
As we predicted, the "Great Reset Globalists" have essentially wiped-out an entire generation!
It was not necessarily the generation "They" had in mind based on their computer models developed by their "family geniuses".
As we go out and about in our daily lives, it cannot be helped but to notice the lack of basic knowledge and skills of today's employees, (regardless of the field/industry), that were taught and developed in our first 7 years of living.
This manmade purposeful destruction of our society will not end well for those who engineered, planned, and implemented it.
God has a way to handle ALL things entrusted to mankind.
No shit. (That cover it?)
Why aren't the infants, toddlers, and preschoolers learning any of these social skills, bonding, language from their parents?
In our society, the way the homelife of families with kids has been set up for decades now, a great proportion of parents, in needing to keep food on the table, have been forced into all-day employment and the kids are sent to a caregiver. So the bulk of the kids' day is spent away from their parents. Not to mention those who allow their kids to be glued to little screens instead of interacting-- horrors!-- with real flesh-and-blood humans-- and IMO that's has been quite a problem for awhile.
I agree- but I'm thinking that they aren't masked at home. Isn't someone interacting with them/nurturing them?My question is redundant. How did parents waste 2 years of a shut down- when most people were working from home/businesses shut down.
My sister is an elementary school teacher. Most of her students are from lower income families where BOTH parents are working (essential) TWO jobs to survive. These children look forward to going to school because it is THERE where they receive care and nurturing. Sadly, many people don’t think about these devastating and very realistic scenarios because they had/have the LUXURY of being able to work from home during the scamdemic and could be with their children. But these other children come from broken/abusive families. They are excited to go to school and be in a place where they can forget about their dynamics at home. Going to school is the only thing they have to look forward to and with the lockdowns that was taken away. One of her students was living in a small truck with his mom and 3 other siblings. They became homeless because the father lost his job in a restaurant during lockdown. He fell off the wagon and started drinking again then abandoned the family. This truck did not even have a camper shell and they did not have enough blankets or jackets. The mother was too proud to ask for help and let anyone know they were homeless. They had been parked behind the school at night so they were discovered by a neighbor. Many of us helped to raise money for rent, food and clothes and managed to keep them from going into foster care. THIS IS JUST ONE STORY. I have many more. I also lost my small business after 25 years which was heartbreaking, but that is NOTHING compared to what these children have lost. These are the children I think about every single day. When I feel the anger rising in me, I need only remind myself to stay focused and help those in need. Practicing/Being in stillness and helping others are the only two reasons I have managed to avoid being consumed by anger and sadness. There are no words to describe the horror and devastation this scamdemic has caused. It is unforgivable….
Well, good question. Some might say kids learn more from their friends than from parents or teachers... I dunno.
I think young children need to see facial expressions from people other than their parents in order to have a universal understanding of language. You can see this by how children (well at least up until parents started giving their kids tablets at the grocery store and restaurants to keep them quiet) seek out and gaze at strangers' faces. They need to interact with society, not just mom and dad.
Meanwhile some of the travel restrictions in Canada--to leave the country and be able to return--have been lifted for “VACCINATED” people. If you want to avoid the 14 day quarantine upon return to Canada, though--and you as a parent are vaxxed--well your 5-12 year old now needs to be vaxxed too. Otherwise a quarantine and ridiculously expensive testing continues. Hmmmm it’s almost like they’re trying to coerce vaccination in children or something?!
I’m American so it helps for now…I think I’m allowed to leave here but it’s getting back in that’ll be an issue. And yeah these rules are horrendous.
Just sneak across the southern border. You'll be fine.
What helps for now? Being tyrannized?
Being American helps (for now)…the dual citizen thing. I mean, I figure they can’t NOT let me into the States or back into Canada? But I spose anything’s possible when Being Tyrannized.
Destroy the lives of children to protect the old and sickly...so typical of the pseudo-do-gooders who always harm the most vulnerable to protect their own kind.
Go back to the classic teaching methods, and classic discipline. Problem solved in one semester.
49.5% of school problems are due to poor discipline, tardiness, lazyness and students skiving off.
49.5% is due to teachers' incompetence, unprofessional and unbecoming conduct, and political goals.
1% is due to budget, logistics, locales and the like.
The effects on children are entirely due to the compliance and framing of the parents, if the parents bought into the fear narrative and passed it on to the kids then it will have had an impact. The children in my family are just normal kids who want to play and explore and have largely forgotten all the nonsense. The school thankfully has so far not engaged in the vaccine drive but that is not to say that their friends may not suffer the consequences of vaccine poisoning or death. We will see...