Thanks for this article. He is also not the only famous scientist/cultural icon against jabs going way back... Also , George Bernard Shaw believe it or not, and Alexander Wilder.

I had the pleasure of narrating this small book you referenced and it's on audible.



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Another argument against canceling people for one aspect of themselves, Shaw seduced by Stalin yet right on the jabbies

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exactly. I also had the pleasure of reading his book on politics and it's on audio now. I've been saying to my conspiracy friends... it's nuanced. Even though he was an admitted fabian socialist/communist, he would be rolling in his grave. We would probably agree on more than not. He was hyper aware of scientism, the medical fiasco's in general and the sacrificing of humans and animals on the alter of science as apposed to the alter of a pagan god lol.


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Oh sorry, meant to say cool on the narration connection :)

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My memory is the dignitaries were wined and dined, those artists gotta eat ! , after they passed through their particular potemkin set-up in the plush carriages, so yes maybe if he were to do it again he'd just go for a walk amongst the peasantry ;)

But yes shouldn't be cancelled !

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👏👏👏👏🙏🙏 thank you for drawing attention to him and his excellent work.

To me this is an example of why history is so important and why the elders (who are supposed to be the history keepers) are valuable and should be respected. Also part of why the elderly were treated so poorly the last few years, there's no history if no one's remembers it so.🤔🤨😉🙏🙏

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I lost hope in elders. Our elders went through tyranny and now suddenly they were okay with it because they had to be protected. Never in human history old/fragile people were prioritised over young/women.

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Great history lesson! I’d not heard about this chap before!!! Sounds like a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist to me!!!! Tyranny doesn’t stray far from ignorance!! History is littered with lessons if we bother to look!

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I have had to use the words to some family members from his investigative book on registration statistics - "Vaccination, Proved Useless and Dangerous".

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When someone argues for the quakcines I just bring up: blood letting, lobotomy and electro shock therapy. All of them were safe and effective at a certain period of time. (not even long time ago...)

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Ignoring increased morbidities and mortalities unrelated to the disease being treated.


Disuse of age ( or other ) stratification for a clearer statistical map.


Dubious / nefarious counting methods.


An establishment seemingly hellbent / invested in a particular outcome.


Oh yeah, a vaccine that doesn't work.


140 years ago, sometimes it rhymes real good!

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Very interesting. There were a number of prominent religious figures that also spoke out against the smallpox vaccine. But I had not heard of Wallace. Thanks.

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Enlightening find, thanks for sharing. As the saying goes there is nothing new under the sun. This vaccine hoax has been going on for a very very long time

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I detect some socialist tendencies there... That aside, sounds like Norman Fenton!

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I'm not sure I am convinced by this argument. I think that vaccination against a virus / bacteria that does not mutate is a positive thing for the individual being vaccinated (that is assuming that the vaccine itself is less harmful than the disease - and this must be tested over a long time ). However, vaccination against a (usually virus) that mutates very regularly eg Flu, Covid is not so beneficial. Other factors are more important eg your general health.

But under neither case should vaccination be mandated. I cannot think of a single scenario where me being vaccinated protects someone else - I get vaccinated to protect me.

NE you probably don't remember but you published an analysis of the AV vaccine when it first was released - a German doctor did the analysis. He concluded that if you wanted to reduce the severity of your illness if you got Covid then take the vaccine. If you wanted to reduce your risk of death, then DONT take the vaccine. His analysis is burned in to my brain and motivated my response to flu and Covid vaccination.

Love your work

David Wright

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A scenario when there is a high-mortality pathogen and a fully sterilising vaccine, it which case the risk-benefit might make sense generally

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Same shit, different century...

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Interesting! Wonder how he squared natural selection, which is a form of materialism, with the notion that the universe may have a purpose and human consciousness is not rooted in material causes?

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I wondered that too, I'll have to find some of his old works

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Coincidentally came across this, its kind of a fun story....



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Thanks, good find!

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synchronicity for the Jungians!

Yes, it would be interesting to have a 1st hand account of the experience.

Angels or no, I'd presume he was already reflecting in detail on the 'species problem' , maybe not !

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I don't have an a/c but this one looks good....


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Very interesting. Thanks.

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Found an article related to this question, it's from the Irish Times, but don't let that put you off...

It hints at an answer....


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Jun 13, 2023
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Didn't Darwin struggle with theism / agnosticism all through his life?

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Jun 13, 2023Edited
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Nice, striking imagery, so that's Darwin's Doubt laid bare.

I think it was Denis Noble stated that Darwin would not be a neo-Darwinist if around ! , he has a beef with Dawkins, but here's me on the cusp of my understanding.

Thanks :)

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One wonders if the entire vaccine thing ... given it's genesis during the eugenics hoopla period ... has some sort of malicious intent.

Factor in the off the charts autism that correlates with the dramatic increase in the use of a range of vaccines... surely the farmers would not want to harm their animals so would halt this?

Or perhaps they do.

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Real useful information what a concept. Thank you once again for helping fill the context gap so critical to decision making.

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I am in awe, nothing new here, he was pushed back to be forgotten for his true and wise words while Darwin got all the attention for his eugenic "insight" (survival of the fittest) even stalin and many people like him fall for darwin rather, because they could kill "righteously" who were in their way. Very interesting. I have read darwin was a freemason as well, and it is just natural that Wallace was not.. arrogance and believe in eugenics goes hand in hand.. like hitler, he was a puny unattractive thinlipped little man, didn't even had blue eyes and blonde hair, but decided on how the perfect german race should look like. Back to gates, another non-athletic shriveled up person who believes he has the right to decide on life itself.

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Why don’t we ever learn from history? I would have thought as time goes on people would get smarter but it seems not. One of the things during the whole “pandemic” that baffled me was, it’s 2020, how can people behave like this? Maybe this is a survival of the fittest event.

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That is a rather interesting find.

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