I also just saw absolutely scientific and essential testimony by Dr Richard Fleming, M.D. PhD on the Covid Gain Of Function (GOF) by the furin cleavage sequence (PRRA) inserted in the coronavirus genome and making it much more dangerous, making it a bioweapon.
This is pretty big. Big names and heavy hitters are now coming out.
I'd have to see other opinions on that. I imagine you get a lot of basic stuff wrong too, certainly there are a lot of experts with rock solid qualifications who would say that. Does that mean everyone should reject everything you say? Mostly I was impressed by his bioweapon discussion. From many angles that looks correct too me.
In that interview, he said T cells are part of the innate immune system. That is incorrect. They are part of the adaptive immune system. See any other opinions on that. I don't get a lot of basic stuff wrong. No one scores 99th percentile among surgeons getting a lot of basic stuff wrong. But you are correct n saying that doesn't mean we should reject everything he says. I agree that he said many correct things in that interview. If you had been following me, you would know that no one is as tough on China as me. I think a lot of this was done on purpose. I can prove most of it. I wish I could discuss this in more detail with you but I'm on some hard deadlines with the release of my book, "Heroes and Villains: The COVID-19 Bool of Lists". I hope you'll get it. I name names, ranked according to the number of people who died as a result of the policies they endorsed.
Good post. Revealing to say the least. The quote following just slays me: “That’s the NIH, for heaven’s sake, not some corporation”. Many of us have spent years discovering and understanding that the US government and the agencies of the US government are really effectively indistinguishable from corporations. There’s little understanding of what is actually happening overall among the regular people or the highly educated professionals.
The worrisome thing is that they have 90 years more experience and exponentially better tools than were available in the 1930's.
I am struggling through "The Real Anthony Fauci" this month while working on my tan between swims. We mostly know some of the facts, but RFK Jr. has organised the narrative.
It really is worse than we think, and my conclusion that this could only happen in an already corrupt society is not comforting.
Yes, it really is worse than we think. Makes Serpico’s NYPD corruption issue look like a very easy problem to solve. But my own focus remains on what we may do to solve and overcome this. There will be survivors.
Wow! No-one can dismiss Prof. Sachs' statements as being from someone who was ill-informed or unqualified to investigate and comment on the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
Sometimes things in life are much simpler than one realizes. Curious little boys and girls like to poke at things with sticks, to see what happens when they do. It's not always wise, of course, but children are children and that's how they learn.
Scientists, now--well, they like to do exactly the same thing. And just like children do, they'll lie to high heaven about it when all hell breaks loose.
This isn't curious little boys, these are minions of the Ruling Cult of Malthusian Psychopath Parasite Welfare-Bum Banksters enacting another one of their many devious, evil plots against their perceived arch-enemy, which is the people. Parasites just can't allow their hosts to shake them off.
Number of swedish journalists mentioning this: 0. Incidentally, that's the same number who reply's if you ask them why.
So a big thank you to you for this.
I hope professor Sachs has enough powerful friends left that he doesn't accidentally develop a crippling depression and offs himself, or accidentally gets served Polonium-laced foo, or trips off the edge of the platform or something.
Yeah, like Chief Justice Anton Scalia died in his sleep with a pillow over his head. Probably a warning to others, leaving the pillow on his head like that.
Don't have twitter, but a quick glance before their algorithm locks you out seems to show if not swedish, then he at least knows the language. Epoch Times does have a swedish edition but he doesn't show up on a search there - the spelling of his name looks german or thereabouts to me though, in swedish you would more likely write it Manke as neither the h nor c are needed to make the same sound.
There's an extremely strong hesitancy towards "alternative media here", mainly due to us having had state media only until the late eighties, so most adults are still stuck in the illusion that state media are objective, factual and impartial/unbiased. Getting them to even look at one of the more accessible "alternative" papers/pages is akin to offering pork rinds to a rabbi.
Or is approached while on the street by a stranger carrying an umbrella with a metal tip, walking in the opposite direction...or even in the same direction at overtaking speed. Doesn’t have to be Bulgarian either.
I don't see why Sachs selected Peter Daszak to be on the committee in the first place. Sachs claims he was naive at first and didn't realize Daszak was bad news.
Really? Maybe Sachs is just covering his own tracks now.
He's not "pure" Establishment. He is in the grey area like Berenson. He blew the whistle on the CIA's murderous Syria regime change operation Timber-Sycamore which has killed > 600k Syrians, right on mainstream TV. He also told the truth about wind & solar problems contrary to the establishment narrative.
OK, he's not "pure" Establishment. Tenured Columbia professor after being tenured at Harvard is not a grey area. LOL. But it's pretty hard to be more establishment than President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, as an advisor to UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Since 2001, Sachs has served as Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General, holding the same position under the previous UN Secretary-Generals Ban Ki-moon and Kofi Annan.
Have you searched for a WEF connection? Also, on a Venn Diagram, any association with WHO would give a good overlap.
Our premier, John Horgan, has had his WEF page taken down. I haven't decided whether this was voluntary, or a reproach for allowing the Truckers' Freedom Convoy to start here.
So it takes a Harvard/Columbia medical establishment insider with top tier connections and extensive resources at his disposal 2 years to figure out this mystery? Innumerable normal working folks figured it out in early 2020 from reading a broad cross-section of resources and hypothesizing the most likely cause. Pathetic attempt by Sachs to come to the side of truth at the 11th hour, possibly because he sees which way the wind is blowing. Oh well, will take whatever win we can get at this point if it means there’s a chance someone might ultimately be held to account.
Incredible. From the “head of the Lancet Covid-19 commission”!? Someone among the cronies, in a position of appointing cronies even, who says no, and calls out by name and deed Daszak. Excellent. Who articulates so well the purposeful, systematic, and baseless hiding of the truth. A pretty big brick just got yanked from the foundation of this castle of lies. Putting new pressure on all the rest. Encouraging development!
This gain of function narrative that seeks to blame someone serves the same function as the Hunter Biden trainwreck narrative and that function is pure distraction.
However true these stories may be, NOTHING will happen to anyone involved. No justice will ever be served for these crimes.
A side benefit of this particular distraction is to keep the fear alive and the Corona madness in popular conversation. It falsely validates a "terrible" threat and partially results in truly lethal needles being plunged into people's arms.
Ergo focus is needed. The focus should be exposing and stopping the real murders by Big Harma happening right now, ever hour of every day. Once those bastards are hung and quartered do we go after the possible origins.
I had worried that a bioweapon (SARS-CoV-2) would be different and more deadly than a regular respiratory virus, and would warrant using a "WarpSpeeded" injection.
It took me a while to understand that the spike protein is the actual bioweapon, and that the injections are the vector.
Exactly. The origins don’t matter. At this point, the harm has been done. Millions of needles have gone into arms. I think our focus needs to be on the future — preserving Western culture, learning how to be more self-reliant, sparking creativity in ourselves and younger generations, and withdrawing from the corrupt systems that made this mess in the first place.
We have to establish a parallel society. Let the statists run a collapsing ghost country.
Origins absolutely do matter but rank low on the order of operations. There are murderers out there shanking 8 month old babies... right now... today. Priorities.
These origins are likely also the origins of the‘vaccines’. These programs were developing vaccines for the viruses that they were modifying. That was how Moderna et al were able to come up with a shot so quickly......
You know a person by their actions. Their lack of transparency shows they’re most likely guilty as hell. The lack of interest by our western world leaders shows they’re in on it too - maybe making money from it now? Millions of lives have been destroyed- we all should be raising hell for the truth. I have faith the criminals will ultimately be exposed and hopefully they’ll meet a just punishment.
That's right and all the police forces in every country with Covid victims is guilty of dereliction of duty for not investigating this as a crime of mass murder. Even if the virus was accidentally released (it wasn't) it is still a major crime.
Seems to me that it’s all tied together. Sachs said that the grant proposals included making the viruses more lethal and then developing vaccines and treatments for them.
So these idiots go playing God with the viruses, then a virus escapes (with or without help), then “oh shit, we’re f’ed”, next the coverup. They just happen to have a vaccine for this ‘novel’ virus that’s ‘safe and effective’(TM) which is released in a hurry without enough testing (hey, we’re in trouble here). They scare the shit out of the President and the public , spread taxpayer money to major media outlets to hush it up, and throw covid pork money all over. They then sit back and hope like hell that it works.
I also just saw absolutely scientific and essential testimony by Dr Richard Fleming, M.D. PhD on the Covid Gain Of Function (GOF) by the furin cleavage sequence (PRRA) inserted in the coronavirus genome and making it much more dangerous, making it a bioweapon.
This is pretty big. Big names and heavy hitters are now coming out.
Thanks for all your work.
You missed his JD :-)
Yes, that is the best video on the subject. That guy really nails it.
no. He said some incorrect things in that interview. I was shocked. He got the basic immunology wrong. When someone does that, I have to turn it off.
I'd have to see other opinions on that. I imagine you get a lot of basic stuff wrong too, certainly there are a lot of experts with rock solid qualifications who would say that. Does that mean everyone should reject everything you say? Mostly I was impressed by his bioweapon discussion. From many angles that looks correct too me.
In that interview, he said T cells are part of the innate immune system. That is incorrect. They are part of the adaptive immune system. See any other opinions on that. I don't get a lot of basic stuff wrong. No one scores 99th percentile among surgeons getting a lot of basic stuff wrong. But you are correct n saying that doesn't mean we should reject everything he says. I agree that he said many correct things in that interview. If you had been following me, you would know that no one is as tough on China as me. I think a lot of this was done on purpose. I can prove most of it. I wish I could discuss this in more detail with you but I'm on some hard deadlines with the release of my book, "Heroes and Villains: The COVID-19 Bool of Lists". I hope you'll get it. I name names, ranked according to the number of people who died as a result of the policies they endorsed.
Finally someone got fed up and speaks out. I guess some fatal accident is imminent.
Better than getting taken out by a mob?
Good post. Revealing to say the least. The quote following just slays me: “That’s the NIH, for heaven’s sake, not some corporation”. Many of us have spent years discovering and understanding that the US government and the agencies of the US government are really effectively indistinguishable from corporations. There’s little understanding of what is actually happening overall among the regular people or the highly educated professionals.
How does this show any difference from fascism?
The worrisome thing is that they have 90 years more experience and exponentially better tools than were available in the 1930's.
I am struggling through "The Real Anthony Fauci" this month while working on my tan between swims. We mostly know some of the facts, but RFK Jr. has organised the narrative.
It really is worse than we think, and my conclusion that this could only happen in an already corrupt society is not comforting.
Yes, it really is worse than we think. Makes Serpico’s NYPD corruption issue look like a very easy problem to solve. But my own focus remains on what we may do to solve and overcome this. There will be survivors.
And no different from Fascism. The Corporatocracy is fascism.
Wow! No-one can dismiss Prof. Sachs' statements as being from someone who was ill-informed or unqualified to investigate and comment on the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
Angie Rasmussen will try. I think she's already screaming about witch hunts and persecutions of scientists on her genocidal buddies' behalves...
Won't work. ;)
Cue Professor Sachs' unfortunate yet fatal accident in 3, 2, 1. Thankfully, he was vaccinated, or his death would have been so much worse...
Sometimes things in life are much simpler than one realizes. Curious little boys and girls like to poke at things with sticks, to see what happens when they do. It's not always wise, of course, but children are children and that's how they learn.
Scientists, now--well, they like to do exactly the same thing. And just like children do, they'll lie to high heaven about it when all hell breaks loose.
This isn't curious little boys, these are minions of the Ruling Cult of Malthusian Psychopath Parasite Welfare-Bum Banksters enacting another one of their many devious, evil plots against their perceived arch-enemy, which is the people. Parasites just can't allow their hosts to shake them off.
Boys and girls. Bat Lady is not a boy.
"Malthusian Psychopath Parasite Welfare-Bum Banksters" Love it!
Number of swedish journalists mentioning this: 0. Incidentally, that's the same number who reply's if you ask them why.
So a big thank you to you for this.
I hope professor Sachs has enough powerful friends left that he doesn't accidentally develop a crippling depression and offs himself, or accidentally gets served Polonium-laced foo, or trips off the edge of the platform or something.
Or just dies quietly, tidily in his sleep.
Your prognostication presents a high degree of probability!
One may still hope it will not be so.
Yeah, like Chief Justice Anton Scalia died in his sleep with a pillow over his head. Probably a warning to others, leaving the pillow on his head like that.
https://twitter.com/HansMahncke - Don't know if Swedish but this guy's not bad.
Don't have twitter, but a quick glance before their algorithm locks you out seems to show if not swedish, then he at least knows the language. Epoch Times does have a swedish edition but he doesn't show up on a search there - the spelling of his name looks german or thereabouts to me though, in swedish you would more likely write it Manke as neither the h nor c are needed to make the same sound.
There's an extremely strong hesitancy towards "alternative media here", mainly due to us having had state media only until the late eighties, so most adults are still stuck in the illusion that state media are objective, factual and impartial/unbiased. Getting them to even look at one of the more accessible "alternative" papers/pages is akin to offering pork rinds to a rabbi.
Or is approached while on the street by a stranger carrying an umbrella with a metal tip, walking in the opposite direction...or even in the same direction at overtaking speed. Doesn’t have to be Bulgarian either.
Jeffrey Sachs is pure Establishment, so this is pretty shocking (surprising) in how forthcoming he is.
Yeah not necessarily trusting this. Has be been designated to play the good cop and be the driver of the bus they will throw people under?
I don't see why Sachs selected Peter Daszak to be on the committee in the first place. Sachs claims he was naive at first and didn't realize Daszak was bad news.
Really? Maybe Sachs is just covering his own tracks now.
Likely, Sachs will be characterized as "controversial," ignored by media, and the interview will get no wider coverage. (My guess, anyways.)
He's not "pure" Establishment. He is in the grey area like Berenson. He blew the whistle on the CIA's murderous Syria regime change operation Timber-Sycamore which has killed > 600k Syrians, right on mainstream TV. He also told the truth about wind & solar problems contrary to the establishment narrative.
OK, he's not "pure" Establishment. Tenured Columbia professor after being tenured at Harvard is not a grey area. LOL. But it's pretty hard to be more establishment than President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, as an advisor to UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Since 2001, Sachs has served as Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General, holding the same position under the previous UN Secretary-Generals Ban Ki-moon and Kofi Annan.
PS: I did say Establishment--not Deep State.
Have you searched for a WEF connection? Also, on a Venn Diagram, any association with WHO would give a good overlap.
Our premier, John Horgan, has had his WEF page taken down. I haven't decided whether this was voluntary, or a reproach for allowing the Truckers' Freedom Convoy to start here.
So it takes a Harvard/Columbia medical establishment insider with top tier connections and extensive resources at his disposal 2 years to figure out this mystery? Innumerable normal working folks figured it out in early 2020 from reading a broad cross-section of resources and hypothesizing the most likely cause. Pathetic attempt by Sachs to come to the side of truth at the 11th hour, possibly because he sees which way the wind is blowing. Oh well, will take whatever win we can get at this point if it means there’s a chance someone might ultimately be held to account.
Incredible. From the “head of the Lancet Covid-19 commission”!? Someone among the cronies, in a position of appointing cronies even, who says no, and calls out by name and deed Daszak. Excellent. Who articulates so well the purposeful, systematic, and baseless hiding of the truth. A pretty big brick just got yanked from the foundation of this castle of lies. Putting new pressure on all the rest. Encouraging development!
This gain of function narrative that seeks to blame someone serves the same function as the Hunter Biden trainwreck narrative and that function is pure distraction.
However true these stories may be, NOTHING will happen to anyone involved. No justice will ever be served for these crimes.
A side benefit of this particular distraction is to keep the fear alive and the Corona madness in popular conversation. It falsely validates a "terrible" threat and partially results in truly lethal needles being plunged into people's arms.
Ergo focus is needed. The focus should be exposing and stopping the real murders by Big Harma happening right now, ever hour of every day. Once those bastards are hung and quartered do we go after the possible origins.
I had worried that a bioweapon (SARS-CoV-2) would be different and more deadly than a regular respiratory virus, and would warrant using a "WarpSpeeded" injection.
It took me a while to understand that the spike protein is the actual bioweapon, and that the injections are the vector.
This was well planned.
And that all shots are not hot. Just a tiny fraction seem to be so which can be delineated by lot #. Controlled democide.
Exactly. The origins don’t matter. At this point, the harm has been done. Millions of needles have gone into arms. I think our focus needs to be on the future — preserving Western culture, learning how to be more self-reliant, sparking creativity in ourselves and younger generations, and withdrawing from the corrupt systems that made this mess in the first place.
We have to establish a parallel society. Let the statists run a collapsing ghost country.
Origins absolutely do matter but rank low on the order of operations. There are murderers out there shanking 8 month old babies... right now... today. Priorities.
These origins are likely also the origins of the‘vaccines’. These programs were developing vaccines for the viruses that they were modifying. That was how Moderna et al were able to come up with a shot so quickly......
I don't want to read it because I have no doubt it'll be fucking infuriating.
It is!
Did he address the Lancet-HCQ debacle - paper they published with the fake research that put a stake into the early use of HCQ?
Watching all the RATS staring to scurry....
Fauchi need to be pounding rocks at Lebenwoth..
You know a person by their actions. Their lack of transparency shows they’re most likely guilty as hell. The lack of interest by our western world leaders shows they’re in on it too - maybe making money from it now? Millions of lives have been destroyed- we all should be raising hell for the truth. I have faith the criminals will ultimately be exposed and hopefully they’ll meet a just punishment.
That's right and all the police forces in every country with Covid victims is guilty of dereliction of duty for not investigating this as a crime of mass murder. Even if the virus was accidentally released (it wasn't) it is still a major crime.
Seems to me that it’s all tied together. Sachs said that the grant proposals included making the viruses more lethal and then developing vaccines and treatments for them.
So these idiots go playing God with the viruses, then a virus escapes (with or without help), then “oh shit, we’re f’ed”, next the coverup. They just happen to have a vaccine for this ‘novel’ virus that’s ‘safe and effective’(TM) which is released in a hurry without enough testing (hey, we’re in trouble here). They scare the shit out of the President and the public , spread taxpayer money to major media outlets to hush it up, and throw covid pork money all over. They then sit back and hope like hell that it works.