I found a great Chesterton quote site.


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Here is one I find intriguing:

“If there were no God, there would be no atheists.”

– Where All Roads Lead

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My grandad was an early atheist. Former RAF. Successful small business owner. When I was all of nine years old I told him the only logically defensible position was agnosticism, but that I was a Christian. He was very impressed. He also liked the fact that I was one the few guests who could answer many of the logic problems and puzzles in his first edition Victorian book of Riddles.

He had a lovely house. I really miss it. Late Georgian with a stables. He had converted some of the stables to a double garage, but rented the rest to a local woman and her daughter. Tiered back garden, with private mooring at the bottom of the garden. It was like something out of a bygone era. It exists only in memory now. A developer bought it and completely changed it. Landscaped the tiered garden so it was more of a gentle winding slope.

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He had a God given talent.

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Is this commentary published in line (or interlinearly) with the original text? Is Chesterton on the page as well, or just the commentary?

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The Chesterton book ball and the cross is very prophetic

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