Ban globalist career politicians.

Ban globalist climate meetings.

Ban warmongering.

Ban destruction of farms.

Ban toxic experimental “vax”

Ban CBDCs.

Ban censorship.

Ban propaganda nudges.

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Ban the internet….we may no longer connect immediately but dang I miss not knowing everything.

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I would ban Greta Thunberg speeches from the internet, because the internet consumes too much of our scarce energy resources.

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Not to mention that the stupid biotch is all “disinformation”

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I can actually hear electrons dying when she speaks.

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There must be a way to harvest energy from electrons dying... But the Greens would refuse to allow it.

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Ban Spandex.


Too many fatties here in the States wearing skin tight yoga pants, just grossing me out with their rolls having folds and smaller rolls. Burlap sacks all around would be much more aesthically pleasing.

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Completely agree!! As a small woman without folds and flab, I am wondering how they became the wardrobe of choice as they have to be uncomfortable- at least they look it and they are definitely unattractive on everyone. I vote women return to wearing dresses that fit - they are easy to wear, usually very comfortable and classy. Come on ladies - we can do better.

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Speedos on fat European men.

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How about all men? I already know male anatomy, I don't need to KNOW male anatomy.

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Fatties or skinny ones. Doesn't matter. Spandex is ridiculous wear. Utterly unclassy.

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I would ban all support by governments of foreign wars - starting with support of either side of the Russian / Ukraine disaster. Let’s think about it, as a “climate change discipline” should. In order to conduct a war, an absolute shit load of petroleum based, carbon producing machinery must be employed: Tanks use diesel fuel; jet fighters and bombers use jet fuel; the ships needed to transport all of this equipment from all over the world to the battlefield uses various fuels; the jets that our politicians (Greta Thunberg also) use to fly to photo op with the penis playing comedian, spew pollutants into the air; the production of the bombs, bullets and explosives require incalculable capitalistic based expenditures of mother Gaia’s natural resources...... So, I move that we ban all offensive war participation.....

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It’s a simplistic replacement of injury to climate for sin against God and man. People will create a religion even as they turn away from their faith. This is what creates a cult .

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No doubt about it. And the very people promoting this Climate Cult are the very ones who are responsible for the majority of the emissions themselves. "Do as I say, Not as I do".

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Ban banning by zealot banners.

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I would ban my weatherman from talking about record heat when the graphic he shows during his weather segment says that the record high was set in the 1930s.

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In other news: it’s hot in Texas in the summer.

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Can we ban non-thinking people?

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The fastest way to end the Greenie movement.

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Ain't it weird how nobody ever thinks of unpaving over flood plains? Asphalt really made the road to hell, didn't it?

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Without unrestricted money creation, they have nothing

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Climate Czar John Kerry and his sidekick Al Gore do enough polluting with their private jets, yachts and mansions. They probably spew out as much carbon as 500 regular plebs do each year.

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O, didtcha hear that Kerry has NEVER owed a private plane...but the “family” has one 😂🖕🏻

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And he's only 'maybe' used a private jet once in years.

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More than that. Easily.

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I live in Berlin.

These climate activists even glue their own hands on the street in order to protest, damage historical art and last year they managed to saw off the tip of the famous christmas tree in front of Brandenburger Gate. Recently a surgeon was in a rush to his hospital because of an emergency only to be stopped by a climate activist who was even protected by a police officer. This is the new normal here in Germany!

See the video regarding the German surgeon literally saying that these climate activists are bums:


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I would require that all people who want to ban carbon based products be required to live for a year in an off grid cabin with 19th century amenities. But better send them south because they won’t be able to burn any wood because it creates CO2. I don’t want them to freeze to death. No plastic wrapped groceries from a store. You gotta hunt it or grow it! Also no phone, no internet, no electricity. Better get used to using an outhouse- water doesn’t pump itself. Put your money where your mouth is. This won’t change my mind on the subject or anything, it will just be fun to watch.

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Ban everyone globally from going out in the sun between 9 am and 6 pm because there have not been enough double blind random trials on the benefits of Vitamin D intake through skin. (Gates and Fauci are seeking volunteers for a trial...which may require a series of mRNA shots before participating. Volunteers are promised the trials - and benefits for all humanity - will be lucrative, safe, and effective.)

Frontline and essential workers, such as Amazon delivery truck drivers, Uber meal/alcohol/cannabis delivery workers and casino workers/casino patrons are permitted to go out b/n 9 and 6, but must be wearing no fewer than two protective burlap full body covering sacks, coated with 60 SPF (sold by Amazon, one size, fits all genders).

In Canada, a ban is underway for going out on rainy days, but will not come into effect until scientific experts have hammered out the rationale for said ban. (Acid rain is a consideration.) PM Trudeau is currently in talks with his House of Commons and Senate, deliberating whether the Emergency Act could be implemented for the nation's safety from rain, and other weather.

Please note: there will be NO BANS in BC, Cda, for anyone needing to go out, rain or shine, to your nearest cocaine/meth clinic. Please bring a paper straw. If you don't have one, one will be provided - for everyone's safety. #Because we're not safe, until everyone is safe.

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I would ban Michael Mann and his ruddy Hockeystick.

....and the IPCC while we're about it!

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i live in germany. they're all about the climate until something costs 2c more or kg.

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