Aug 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

My son is in the military (ironically stationed in Japan), & apparently he was pretty sick w/ WuFlu a couple weeks ago - I can’t believe anyone is even still testing for it.

Since it was all mass hysteria 3 years ago, I asked if he’d had to quarantine & stay off work - nope, he couldn’t stay home sick even if he’d wanted to. Asked if they made him wear a mask at work then - nope. NOBODY CARES. And nobody cares now because the mission of injecting billions w/ the poison jab has been accomplished….

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The transitional part was 2022. My nephew was working on an FAA airport project. He met with the project manager for breakfast. Though he showed with red eyes and a runny nose, he felt fine, knew he didn’t have anything contagious (no fever, no aches, no coughing, no fatigue). He told the woman it was allergies … which he had all his life. She still wanted him to see a doctor. He pulled out his proof of vaccination card. She waved him off and said something to the effect: “That doesn’t count anymore. Everybody knows you can still get Covid!”

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Exactly. Suddenly the lives don't matter anymore.(not that it mattered at all before) But the golden fish memory capability midwits have already forgotten all.

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The poison vax's were a trial run, a live exercise if you will. The propaganda/containment system is being perfected and tweaked. Notice how blindingly fast the sheep can be controlled now. To say "nobody cares" is incorrect as the vast majority are still under complete control.

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“Nobody cares” means nobody of those who decreed/mandated. And forced it. Do you think that I’m not devastated my son took the poison when he joined the military??

And “the vast majority are still under complete control” may or may not be correct as more & more are “waking up”.

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I hope you are right about the numbers waking up increasing but I just don't see that around here ( northeast USA)... They seem completely spellbound by "the latest thing".

More of us blue/black pilled people are finding each other which is good. Sorry about your son.... that's gotta be terrible. I lost most of my family so I know the deal.

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IDK if enough have; I still know several idiots who still believe. But I feel like several lunatic worms are turning. We’re fixing to find out

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My sympathy to you

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Well noted on the narrative shift. I hadn't picked up on that. I wonder if we will have more 'Covictors' over the coming months? Maybe the change of tack is to reduce covid down from murdering supervirus to just another seasonal ick because so many people are still terrified/stuck in the narrative loop. My sister-in-law who is not yet 50 disclosed that she gets boosted every 4 months. She lives in Republic of Ireland so I don't know what their booster rules are or whether she pays for them but in the same conversation she said that she's been diagnosed with asthma which they've led her to believe she's suffered with her entire life without realising (!!). Add to that my brother came down with pneumonia last Christmas in Lanzarote - doesn't smoke, not overweight and only 52 and their kid spent a year on asthma meds before a specialist said she didn't have asthma. I deduce that entire section of my family is still living in 2020. Extrapolate that across the billions who needled up at the government's request and I'd hazard a guess there's a significant number of people they have to wean off of Covid hypochondria, so maybe 'Covictors' are the new narrative.

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Fcuk Covid and Fcuk the Olympics. They can all go Communist as far as I'm concerned.

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Every single medal winner in the Olympics ... is on performance enhancing drugs

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This is since a long time like this. Anyone who is kidding himself about drug free competition is living in delusion. There was an interview with a pharmacist who drugged high level athletes (that time already in prison) and he told what signs show you exactly that athletes are on PEDs. The massive chin with speech problems are one of the easiest to spot...

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Even Keely Hodgkinson?

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Aug 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

“We were trying to keep this close to the chest,” he said. Priceless

Irony not their strong suit apparently

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Aug 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

He exploded out of the tunnel like he'd been fired from a cannon... didn't look very sick before the race.

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Politicians have been using it as an excuse for years now, why not let athletes have a go.

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Aug 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Perhaps we should quarantine every participant and spectator at the games. Of course, we would have to go further and quarantine every Parisian who may have come into contact with any of these tens of thousands of people. Why not ban all travel into and out of France as a precaution? As for Lyles, how many grannies has he killed as a result of his action. I mean, this disease is so deadly that you are only capable of a gold and bronze medal if you have it. Definitely a need for lockdown in that case - we can't have people only achieving bronze medals, can we?

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Aug 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The theatrics at the finish line and the COVID disclosure after the race makes one wonder if it is used to explain a loss not cause one.

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What about the theatrics on his entry to the stadium.

This guy is a classic narcissist and I doubt he ever had the coof.

This was all about coming 3rd (losing in his mind).

Remember a couple of days ago when he gatecrashed another athletes winning interview.

Me, me and bloody more me!

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Apparently, he is compensating for his anxiety, depression, ADHD, and dyslexia. I want to tell him he's going about it the wrong way. Being humble is going to be much more effective. I'm also not lost on the hypocrisy of him, his family, and medical staff keeping it a secret. Many of us recall being told we're killing people. It's our fault. I say it poor conduct and unbecoming of an Olympic athlete. Terrible role model. #takebackhismedal

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From masking to swinning in a sewer!

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How many young athletes were injured or have died after taking the sarscov2 💉💉? Too many.

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All I know is that if a Vaxxed athlete dropped dead with a heart attack -- we should celebrate.

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Because that's normal

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No, actually they'd not discuss THAT at all whatsoever. 😠

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Oh, they might release a statement about a ‘super rare’ heart condition he was born with. Apparently all the athletes that drop dead have it, but it’s never specified (rolling my eyes).

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Oh, right. I forgot about the suddenly not rare rare genetic conditions suddenly killing folks in heretofore unheard of numbers. 🤦‍♂️

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But only young and healthy athletes in the prime of their lives. It’s a mystery.

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Well, that's only because the old folks' deaths are blamed on their age. Never mind that they too are having more strokes and heart attacks and cancers than ever before.

Although yes, I have heard the excess mortality is disproportionately affecting the young and working age adults.

Evil incarnate.

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Yes, it does, but it still means more older people die in numbers. For example, young people hardly ever died in heart attack in their sleep or doing sports, so the statistics looks very alarming when 10 children die in heart attack vs none died before. Meanwhile a 10-15% increase among the 50 to 80 cohort could mean hundreds of thousands of people's life has been shortened if not millions. But, there is no way to see the numbers by the public and for a good reason. It would cause a riot! The government keeps this ugly side of statistics locked up forever. It's a terrible crime we live in.

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I wonder how many vaxxed athletes even made it into the Olympics?

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The real lunacy is the vast numbers of people who won’t bat an eye about this and STILL believe the PCR and lateral flow tests REALLY do tell you you’re sick.

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this article confuses me.

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Theatre of the absurd all day every day. Confusion and paralysis is the goal to distract from bureaucratic corruption and failed policies. It appears to be highly effective for at least 40% of the useful idiots and validation for 100% of the bureaucrats who think they’re not useful idiots.

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Lol…and just like jabbed Biden who got the Covid again no one has to mask around infected people including the guy who is infected. Clown world indeed.

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In the last 20 years have had less of an interest in the Olympic games. They are far from the original ideal of the games and at best a venue for the global elite to watch trained apes leaping around to entertain them - should note the athletes themselves are not the problem and it takes considerable amounts of dedication and self sacrifice to rise to their level - just unfortunately their efforts end up being nothing more than entertainment for the global elite. doubt I will ever watch an Olympic event again and decided that before the disgusting spectacle of the open of the games where international sponsors compete for the biggest glory of pseudo support of the athletes - that too should be considered an Olympic event Would be interesting to see the CEOs compete to carry the most currency 100 meters

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The Covidians who were annointed by the shiny mRNA needles have a very fluid belief system. Can you ever trust them?

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For the ones that haven't already acknowledged their errors, Absolutely Never. They are simply programmable Organic Portals. You can learn to live alongside them but trust is gone forever.

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Reality was been revealed since 2020!


There is nothing that can undo what was revealed since the level of Irresponsibility, Ignorance and Idiocy of the herds of modern moron slaves around the Planet is not decreasing!

Happy 2024 'm[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS Booster' Season

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