There are truth tellers everywhere. If only we could take over the narrative of main stream media. Or simply shut off the msm narrative. Excellent post and thank you.

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Wow, this guy is courageous and a hero. Unfortunately, he saying things that are forbidden, hope he's prepared for the character assassination that is coming his way. Seriously, keep this guy in your prayers.

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A hero like the German retired professor Sucharit Bhakdi, who together with another professer controlled 15 persons simply registrated dead within 6 months after vaccination. And they then found that 14 of these were dead by vaccination. But it did not change anything in the German Government.

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Hallelujah Perronne!! Jools I couldn’t agree more! Thanks NE😊

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The willingly hypnotized are not going to stop tuning into the hypnotist until they experience an extreme shock. The only questions are whether (A) by that time, is it too late for them, and (B) by that time, is it too late for everyone else, also?

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"If only we could take over the narrative of main stream media" -- the main stream media is enemy territory. Their priorities are not the public's priorities, and we should never forget it again.

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The time has come to realize that we don't need any media to begin with, just platforms that allow for a free flow of information; and that anyone who consumes "mass media" is actually consuming mass hypnosis disguised as entertainment.

When they say "programming", what they're programming is the viewers - who volunteer.

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Agreed. And I think the First Amendment is of UTMOST importance... That alone could turn the tide... for a lot of things!

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The MSM is and always was a captured operation run by others against the interests of The People. The answer is to start our own decentralised uncensorable media. A few players have entered the market. Trumps traditional Truth Media. Decentralised Bitcoin based Zion. Peer to peer based Qux ( USA ) to name bit a few. I am waiting for someone to Launch a peer to peer version using Starlink that will have no point of intervention that can be tapped ( unlike the undersea transcontinental cables that are split into a twinned feed by Edward Snowden for the CIA / NSA )

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Starlink can be tapped by a National Security Letter, in the same way as anything else.

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Probably but they have to actively do something to tap it as opposed to all the rest being harvested by the NSA as a matter of course

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It's much easier to send a National Security Letter than a submarine to splice the undersea cable. The submarine is sent by people who can't send the National Security Letter.

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It’s not a physical undersea splice it’s a twinned feed at source, that’s what Snowden did. No submarine needed

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Mar 17, 2022
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Yes, I have a big problem with that as well. It’s slight,y off topic but worthy of a mention. I have said the same across many platforms and the retort from those “in the know” was generally that it was the lesser of two evils ( if you can possibly imagine that😳 )

Insofar as the plan was for them to lock everyone down for years and tank the economy but allowing the vax to be released freed the people up to resist. the conversation is more nuanced than that but that’s the simplistic version. It doesn’t account for him blathering on about it after the fact though which is a red flag for sure

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I've been following Robert Perronne for over a year now. He's been completely maligned here in France by the establishment and MSM - much like Luc Montagnier and Didier Raoult - for his truth-telling about these gene-based products. Thank you for covering his testimony in Luxembourg.

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Thank God they allowed him to speak! Wonderful!

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4th shot anyone? LOL. Israel is a great "canary in the coalmine" and they got 90% of adults over 20 to get the first 2 shots, 80% for the third and 50% for the fourth. Then they threw in the towel.

The fraud in this is so epic that people need to face capital punishment for it. This is nothing short of medical mass murder.

The cowardice in the medical profession is so massive. In Canada there are about 103,000 doctors and less that 1,000 are willing to even advocate for early treatment. To pretend that there are no early treatments or that HCQ, Ivermection and Fluvoxamine don't work requires idiocy and lying.

All those in the "College of Physicians & Surgeons" and the "College of Pharmacies" who prevented early treatments by suppressing repurposed drugs need to be charged with medical mass murder and hang for it when convicted.

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Now, by the time you get past cursory false negatives, it simply won't matter? Re-re-reinfected, uninsured 1099 serfs with breakthroughs, will be reclassified as "with" pre-existing comorbidities? If its past the fifth day, it'll be our problem. Like schoolkids' MIS-C. That's why Joe & Rochelle have to disappear our PASC!



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Agreed, but just tell them there is no money left for a trail ( cos we spent it all on The PPE bonfire ) and we are just going to hang them anyway 👎🏻

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I could not agree more!

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Some would say this is why we got Ukraine. I believe Ukraine started for its own reasons, but the emerging tsunami of evidence regarding the vaccines is a big reason why Ukraine became the mono-maniacal obsession of the world governments(the ones controlled by the Globalists) and the alphabet media. They needed a major distraction. The voices calling for Nuremberg 2.0 are starting to rise, as they should. In a different day and different world a US President was forced to resign over covering up and lying about a 2-bit burglary. Think for just a couple of seconds about the contrast here.

Doubling down by the perpetrators, which seemed to be the go-to strategy for 2 years, now seems to have large cracks in its’ foundation, although its’ strong gravitational pull can still be felt. Witness Fauci’s recent comments about the Great Barrington Declaration. Otherwise there is much dissembling and historical record revisionism going on. If Ukraine is over by the end of the month, as some are predicting, there will need to be a replacement. One thing we can all count on, and that is that the main thrust on the part of the perpetrators will continue to be to poison the well for the truth. These are times for the discerning.

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Well, Biden was largely installed to bail-out oilgarchs' fracked LNG/ oil export pyramid scheme & killing Nord Stream 2 was more than icing on the cake? The pandemic has ALWAYS been media; for, by, about & solely from ofay PMC/ retired Yuppie perspective? COVID was simply a Catastrophe Capitalism feeding frenzy, to flip serendipitously vacant victims' homes, indenture chronically PASC "essentials" into 1099 gig-serfdom and intentionally infect schoolkids as vectors as FAR more virulent strains gentrify old streetcar suburbs with debt-ridden marks?

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It will be 2 weeks to flatten the war ( credit to Tyler Fischer NY Comedian )

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The class action suits should be pointed at the AMA, the medical boards in every US state that supported draconian threats to practice medicine for any doctor that dared practice medicine to help people. Next, the big medical orgs (Mayo, Scripps, university med orgs, etc). From there, it should go to the media - including social media - for propagating the deadly lie.

They all are culpable in the fraud and the medical murder and harm of hundreds of thousands of people.

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So true, each of these thousand Dr. Mengeles should be helt accountable!

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.. and don't 4get the KILLER NURSES: https://rumble.com/vxeohf-killer-nurses-we-stayed-for-the-paycheck.html

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Totally agree.

Took care of the people that were allowed into the hospitals due to trauma and/or the ones that were lucky enough to have their elective surgeries done. When the mask mandate came in the hospitals I worked in after over a year and a half without, that were when the door opened and closed behind me. The theatre goes on and the medical professionals are participating and unfortunately they are the ones that has made this possible.



Non-socially distanced

Non-injecting other people with poison

Nurse anaesthetist and Intensive Care practitioner

There are a lot of us out there but diminished, ridiculed and taken for non-serious idiots.

It does not matter, this too shall pass

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Pharmacy Boards that blocked filling IVM and HCQ.

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Governors who forbid the filing of Ivermectin and HCQ prescriptions.

Death penalty. Ditto the Doctors who killed patients knowingly.

The family members must fight for the rights of their murdered loved ones. No one else will.

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Cuomo's response to a lethal pandemic, aside from delaying effective mitigation, official lies & forcing COVID upon elder and immunocompromised victims, was to insert indemnifying BS into NY's state budget (mysteriously ignored by media). Of course, ALEC mimeographed these for CA, PA, MI, etc. So, guess litigants have to prove tort, misrepresentation by manufacturers, captured regulatory or academic entities who'd assisted all social networking advocacy solutions firms remove all consensus reality from OUR internet? I'll eagerly await the outcome!

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Like, DUH! When they were rushed, experimental, scary vaccines; stored out-of-creators' temperature specification conformance, we were ALL pretty uptight about risking being guinea pigs for mRNA autoimmune side-effects atop COVID's pro-inflammatory cytokine hijacking, during protracted PASC. After FAR worse, and different inflammatory side-effects than anything experienced during D614.G, I'd delayed my second shot 144 days, awaiting promised "targeted boosters" that never came. Now, It's leaking out, that the pandemic was totally captured oversite by PhARMA complicit regulators and mouthpiece media jumping from propagating one BLATANT big lie to another?

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Are you aware of a version of this video with english subtitles?

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There was one but YouTube removed it.

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Bitchute and Rumble have decent search functions, you just have to go to the websites to use them since the search engines are compromised with censorship.

This was easy to find - first result for keywords "luxembourg perronne":


It's with English subtitles. There are several others.

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Thank you

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Does anyone know if there is a transcript - in French or English (easier to translate if I can get a written transcript)

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His two books are a joy to read as he, like a surgeon with his scalpel, exposes the detail of all the errors and stupidity of the French government efforts with the panic, whoops, pandemic. In French, unfortunately.

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Very often content scrubbed from corp media has backup at Wayback IF someone saved it. Paste the original URL in an Internet Archive search and check multiple saves since not all captures are successful. Lesson- see something save it!


Reuters TNI obligatory smear of truth tellers


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Whoa! I had no idea YT vids could be pulled up through archive! 🤯Thanks!

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Long ago it was not possible so if you're an old time Wayback fan it's possible you missed the additional tech tools as they were added.

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NC, MoA, WSWS, TheCity... were posting renowned microbiologists & astute HCW workers' Tweets, pre-pub studies (mind you: some were Israel, UK, NEJM, Mayo/ Cleveland, MS Clinic double-blind, peer review simply ignored, cherry-picked or blatantly obfuscated on "independent" or alternative media? We'd got D614.G 2 years ago: Quercetin, zinc, C, D3, NRPT, aspirin, Bromaline, Fluvoxamine, nitric oxide precursors were what was HERE?









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Read this article, keeping in mind what we know, and notice what is unsaid...


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I find it a bit odd that the writer seems to find it strange that a player from the other team would help someone in a life-threatening situation, as if they were at WAR, instead of playing a game of Lacrosse... Kinda weird! But the actual events are what makes Human beings worth saving, Mr. Gates, Mr. Schwab, et al...

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No mention of the shot

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When a crime is big enough, it becomes policy instead.

Or as a certain statesman put it:

"Kill one man and you're a murderer, kill a thousand men and you're a hero - kill them all and you're a conqueror."

Not that I advocate violence against those responsible, that would be illegal, but I do advocate justice in the original sense of the word.

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Mar 15, 2022
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I think it would put us on the same level as the ones causing this misery. We should rise above revenge and consider justice only. My opinion.

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To my ancestors, there was no difference in language between revenge and justice: they were one and the same.

I am very much a descendant of my ancestors.

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It takes a lot strength to demand justice for heinous crimes, especially something like what we're seeing today... Abomination. But I do think we should be strong and try to keep our spirits aligned with what is best for our spirits, and not act out of rage. Not saying we shouldn't FEEL THE RAGE. But control of our response is key.

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It reads above about not being forced by international treaty called the Norumberg code, but that's precisely what they are doing. They're not supposed to coerce people, but they are. I had to find a new job. The job or the jab. Sure, I got an attorney, but you think I can go against a heath system?

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You and many, many others. But this is the thing about all this... Laws have been trodden upon without hesitation... The arrogance of the Evil Ones is amazing... but it couldn't have been done without complicity, by the Medical Community, by the Legal Community (some of them), by Big Pharma, by the govt.'s, by the Media, and by WE ourselves... If you can, GO AGAINST THE HEALTH SYSTEM. We have to speak out!

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God bless this man. Thank you.

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People still don't know what it is they took in their body. It's not a vaccine and if it's gene editing? Then what will that do?

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Kill them, most likely. Make them infertile.

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Excellent article, Naked Emperor! That French Professor, Christian Perronne, is Spot On on everything.

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So important; thank you for writing about this.

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