Well from what I witnessed during the deployment of the covid injections most people will meekly accept what is dished out to them. The magic words safe and effective will be used and you will have the multitudes line up, adding a white coat will give them that extra reassurance and they will be begging to be experimented on, none of this experimentation is done without the compliance of the masses. The compliant masses scare me more than any government or authority.
As much as I agree wholeheartedly with this view, another observation I've made is that people were just too dependent on their jobs, relationships etc to go with the resistance stance. If the covid injection deployment era wasn't a wake up call to people to get their finances and other affairs in order to avoid being in a weak decision making position again, I don't know what else people need to see how easily this situation will happen again.
I completely agree, I was sick to my stomach when I would read about people having their very livelihoods threatened if they refused to have something injected into their bodies, it was a physical assault and barbaric in my book.The compliant crowd in all of the companies carried everyone along with them and those that tried to resist stood no chance if they wanted to survive and feed themselves and their family. Yes independence is a key factor in maintaining our autonomy. But this behaviour that we observed in our governments and public health etc. does not belong in a civilised society.
It's like the Hernia Mesh repair, one look at the lawsuits, the need for removal, and the failures vs success don't add up. Barely much difference between a sewn-up one over the Mesh, the mesh breaks down or the body rejects it. After 4 full Abdominal surgeries you didn't ask about I don't need a second round of Adhesions. The Lap for that was a failure. Six months later a full sloppily done full Hysterectomy, needed a Tummy Tuck to fix the chronic bleeding yeast infections. BTW you have Gallstones we need to remove your Gallbladder too. Did you read on all those forms you had me fill out the fact I have Gastroparesis a nasty GI issue? Doctors are ill-trained money grubbers.
How about some TRUTH about all the RISKS? I'M 75. Break up the stones via Sonic means. and H. NO to the Mesh.,
There is no definition. That is the whole point. It will be whatever "they", in their all-knowing wisdom, decide it should be. This is far worse than people have yet realized, IMO.
Some trials are just observational, e.g. we recruited women before giving birth (not immediately before) to observe preferences of birthing position, laying down, kneeling, birth pool etc., to try and determine best practise, ease of delivery and so on. Fully obtained consent had to be obtained for that. Many trials are not drug related- sutures v staples, new dressing v older type. Informed consent is necessary and a requirement under Good Clinical Practice which is certified and held by top Principal Investigator, down to lowest participant, Trial Administrator, who processes paperwork from every trial subject engagement.
Less than a 50% casualty rate or some such nonsense. At least when I and my fellow soldiers were ordered to take the experimental vaccine (for the flu) we at least were told what it was for. Names, addresses, their anonymity needs to be removed as standard practice.
My UK friend has just died after three years of unspeakable suffering thanks to the safe and effective vax. Oh, of course I can't prove it. It's just that she became seriously unwell after the second dose and not very long thereafter her donated kidney blew up.
So I kinda feel this rule change ain't such a wise one. Not that the rules before it protected us any anyway.
I'm so sorry. It's awful hearing these sad stories. My friend's husband, liver transplant, was hospitalised with bad pneumonia a few weeks ago. Had to be taken off immuno suppressants for 2 weeks so antibiotics be administered - touch and go, she said. He's had 4 jabs at the very least.
Thank you. I'm sorry for your friend's husband's situation too and the distress to him and his family.
The extent and degree of suffering that the average citizen here and in the UK is unaware of is truly astounding. It's only when individuals happen to tell friends and acquaintances a terrible story with the human face of a named person that maybe a little unease creeps in. And then of course most of them shrug it off--with appropriate words of momentary sympathy of course.
I went through my emails after I got the news. My friend had been enduring catastrophic reactions since early 2021 or whenever the vax there started to be administered. Every morning I was afraid to check my email for what might show up. This morning finally it did.
It was by accident, mid/late 2020, when I fell down a rabbithole on the way they made up the PCR Test, from a computer, not from a human sample, as nowhere had one. Then I read about previous attempts and failures for Corona vaccines in animal trials. The research led me to history of vaccines and the lies and financial rewards going back to late 17th and 18th century with smallpox! As I read more, Spanish Flu, HIV, Polio, I was very shocked. I tried to get people to read stuff but to no avail, I was obviously a nutcase! My adult kids ignored me too. In my mind I have been preparing for that phone call. It's not a good way to live.
I found Substack via Twitter when I Googled Alex Berenson and one breadcrumb led to another.
But just as I've been skeptical of Morons of Medicine and Science since I was in my 20s, I'm skeptical of plenty of the more hysterical Substackers too. It's certainly a minefield of information to go tiptoeing through.
A theory can be valid and yet errors of application/scale/technique etc. etc. can lead to bad outcomes at first. It can take decades to figure out what went wrong and then more years to figure out how to remedy that, even as the foundational theory itself may be correct.
So I approach all information with care. Some of the Substacks on my (free) "subscribed" list are people I've lost all faith in but keep so I can laugh at their nonsense.
These are judgments we all must make for ourselves.
I agree. I have learned about banking, geopolitics, black nobility. New vocab - false flag, colour revolution, controlled op, limited hangout, gaslighting, shill! It takes a while to learn who's who.
Let’s hope that it ends soon it seems like the further and further from it it seems like it would be safer, but people are still dying and it is absolutely crazy but I wish you peace brother
I hate to say it this way, but we weren’t as close as we should’ve been considering that we are family especially the times now, but it still sucks but it was more of a wake up call you know
Informed consent stopped long ago. Otherwise we would have heard them say "This "vaccine" made by the military industrial complex is a gene therapy bioweapon with SV40 cancer promoter, plasmid DNA, endotoxins, and millions of different spike proteins and fragments that may integrate into your genome and be passed to your children. Now roll up your sleeve".
How quickly does “no informed consent” become “no consent required at all,” and we all are made to be unwilling participants in whatever they decide to perform?
I mean, they did Tuskegee. They sprayed a place in California with Serratia marscecens (sp?) bacteria to see what would happen. Farmer Bill is coating produce with APeel to keep it fresh longer (and no, it doesn’t wash off), and they’ve modified vegetables to mass expose folks to “vaccines.” All without anyone’s consent.
So it seems they now just want to legalize what they’ve been doing for decades already.
If they expect anyone to take part in a RCT, they should have a right to understand ALL risks involved. That is precisely what "Informed consent" is about.
This comes on top of the quiet revisions to the definition of "placebo" in the journey of drug regulators towards becoming "facilitators" not "regulators" to suit their paymasters ( and future employers) Big Pharma.
In the specific case of "placebos" I wonder has an RCT ever been conducted to evaluate LNPs against normal saline? WIthout this, allowing "blank" LNPs to be used as a "placebo" is nonsense sine there is the very obvious possibility of such particles increasing the AE profile in the "placebo group", this flattering the active drug group AE profile?
There are laws that require such disclosure in the enrollment for RCTs on INDs. That;s why the quiet "modification". Your question then becomes why they have to follow the law?
Why would informed consent in a situation where the risk is minimal result in the "research (not being) practicably be conducted if informed consent is required”?
That does not sound like minimal risk, where knowing, inhibits participation to the extent that the research can't happen.
Well from what I witnessed during the deployment of the covid injections most people will meekly accept what is dished out to them. The magic words safe and effective will be used and you will have the multitudes line up, adding a white coat will give them that extra reassurance and they will be begging to be experimented on, none of this experimentation is done without the compliance of the masses. The compliant masses scare me more than any government or authority.
As much as I agree wholeheartedly with this view, another observation I've made is that people were just too dependent on their jobs, relationships etc to go with the resistance stance. If the covid injection deployment era wasn't a wake up call to people to get their finances and other affairs in order to avoid being in a weak decision making position again, I don't know what else people need to see how easily this situation will happen again.
I completely agree, I was sick to my stomach when I would read about people having their very livelihoods threatened if they refused to have something injected into their bodies, it was a physical assault and barbaric in my book.The compliant crowd in all of the companies carried everyone along with them and those that tried to resist stood no chance if they wanted to survive and feed themselves and their family. Yes independence is a key factor in maintaining our autonomy. But this behaviour that we observed in our governments and public health etc. does not belong in a civilised society.
It's like the Hernia Mesh repair, one look at the lawsuits, the need for removal, and the failures vs success don't add up. Barely much difference between a sewn-up one over the Mesh, the mesh breaks down or the body rejects it. After 4 full Abdominal surgeries you didn't ask about I don't need a second round of Adhesions. The Lap for that was a failure. Six months later a full sloppily done full Hysterectomy, needed a Tummy Tuck to fix the chronic bleeding yeast infections. BTW you have Gallstones we need to remove your Gallbladder too. Did you read on all those forms you had me fill out the fact I have Gastroparesis a nasty GI issue? Doctors are ill-trained money grubbers.
How about some TRUTH about all the RISKS? I'M 75. Break up the stones via Sonic means. and H. NO to the Mesh.,
How do they know there is minimal risk and what is the definition of minimal risk?
There is no definition. That is the whole point. It will be whatever "they", in their all-knowing wisdom, decide it should be. This is far worse than people have yet realized, IMO.
Some trials are just observational, e.g. we recruited women before giving birth (not immediately before) to observe preferences of birthing position, laying down, kneeling, birth pool etc., to try and determine best practise, ease of delivery and so on. Fully obtained consent had to be obtained for that. Many trials are not drug related- sutures v staples, new dressing v older type. Informed consent is necessary and a requirement under Good Clinical Practice which is certified and held by top Principal Investigator, down to lowest participant, Trial Administrator, who processes paperwork from every trial subject engagement.
Minimal risk is the new "safe and effective"
Less than a 50% casualty rate or some such nonsense. At least when I and my fellow soldiers were ordered to take the experimental vaccine (for the flu) we at least were told what it was for. Names, addresses, their anonymity needs to be removed as standard practice.
My UK friend has just died after three years of unspeakable suffering thanks to the safe and effective vax. Oh, of course I can't prove it. It's just that she became seriously unwell after the second dose and not very long thereafter her donated kidney blew up.
So I kinda feel this rule change ain't such a wise one. Not that the rules before it protected us any anyway.
I'm so sorry. It's awful hearing these sad stories. My friend's husband, liver transplant, was hospitalised with bad pneumonia a few weeks ago. Had to be taken off immuno suppressants for 2 weeks so antibiotics be administered - touch and go, she said. He's had 4 jabs at the very least.
Thank you. I'm sorry for your friend's husband's situation too and the distress to him and his family.
The extent and degree of suffering that the average citizen here and in the UK is unaware of is truly astounding. It's only when individuals happen to tell friends and acquaintances a terrible story with the human face of a named person that maybe a little unease creeps in. And then of course most of them shrug it off--with appropriate words of momentary sympathy of course.
I went through my emails after I got the news. My friend had been enduring catastrophic reactions since early 2021 or whenever the vax there started to be administered. Every morning I was afraid to check my email for what might show up. This morning finally it did.
It was by accident, mid/late 2020, when I fell down a rabbithole on the way they made up the PCR Test, from a computer, not from a human sample, as nowhere had one. Then I read about previous attempts and failures for Corona vaccines in animal trials. The research led me to history of vaccines and the lies and financial rewards going back to late 17th and 18th century with smallpox! As I read more, Spanish Flu, HIV, Polio, I was very shocked. I tried to get people to read stuff but to no avail, I was obviously a nutcase! My adult kids ignored me too. In my mind I have been preparing for that phone call. It's not a good way to live.
I found Substack via Twitter when I Googled Alex Berenson and one breadcrumb led to another.
But just as I've been skeptical of Morons of Medicine and Science since I was in my 20s, I'm skeptical of plenty of the more hysterical Substackers too. It's certainly a minefield of information to go tiptoeing through.
A theory can be valid and yet errors of application/scale/technique etc. etc. can lead to bad outcomes at first. It can take decades to figure out what went wrong and then more years to figure out how to remedy that, even as the foundational theory itself may be correct.
So I approach all information with care. Some of the Substacks on my (free) "subscribed" list are people I've lost all faith in but keep so I can laugh at their nonsense.
These are judgments we all must make for ourselves.
I agree. I have learned about banking, geopolitics, black nobility. New vocab - false flag, colour revolution, controlled op, limited hangout, gaslighting, shill! It takes a while to learn who's who.
I’m sorry you had to deal with that and I hope your friend is in a better place and not suffering anymore
Thank you. We must hope the same for everyone so destroyed by this brutal idiocy and that their families and others who love them find comfort.
Let’s hope that it ends soon it seems like the further and further from it it seems like it would be safer, but people are still dying and it is absolutely crazy but I wish you peace brother
We just buried my uncle and his son
Wishing comfort to you and your family and as my people say, that their memories be a blessing.
I hate to say it this way, but we weren’t as close as we should’ve been considering that we are family especially the times now, but it still sucks but it was more of a wake up call you know
If you honor their memories now that is enough, in the scheme of things.
“some situations in which important research cannot practicably be conducted if informed consent is required”
Then do not do that research.
I think the families of their victims might decide they no longer need to inform or seek consent to stop these "researchers" wasting oxygen.
Is that sentence truly part of their defense?
If so, that is truly terrifying. They’re saying the quiet part out loud. We’d best take them at their word.
And how quickly does “no informed consent” become “no consent at all,” meaning that we get to be experimented upon without our knowledge?
Consider this development through the lens of the mRNA platform and not just a “vaccine”.
This system is terribly broken. The FDA and CDC, and HHS have abdicated their duty to protect the public to pharma.
We need to disband those organizations, prosecute those who are abetting and enabling this catastrophe, and start over.
Informed consent stopped long ago. Otherwise we would have heard them say "This "vaccine" made by the military industrial complex is a gene therapy bioweapon with SV40 cancer promoter, plasmid DNA, endotoxins, and millions of different spike proteins and fragments that may integrate into your genome and be passed to your children. Now roll up your sleeve".
How quickly does “no informed consent” become “no consent required at all,” and we all are made to be unwilling participants in whatever they decide to perform?
I mean, they did Tuskegee. They sprayed a place in California with Serratia marscecens (sp?) bacteria to see what would happen. Farmer Bill is coating produce with APeel to keep it fresh longer (and no, it doesn’t wash off), and they’ve modified vegetables to mass expose folks to “vaccines.” All without anyone’s consent.
So it seems they now just want to legalize what they’ve been doing for decades already.
Evil. Nothing but dark evil.
FDA: and just how do you decide what constitutes "important" research?
I think the words minimal risk mean something very different to them than to, say, the entire rest of humanity.
So safe that no warning is needed.. maybe we can make smoking great again!
Is that retroactive?
I suspect that’s been lobbied for.
yes, it sounds like legal cover for not disclosing all the harms they knew about while promoting the clot shots
Humans being treated like animals by tptb. WHO woulda thought?
There is a difference in not volunteering information and withholding it when a question is asked. Which are we talking about?
Neither is ok, but the one has considerably worse implications than the other.
If they expect anyone to take part in a RCT, they should have a right to understand ALL risks involved. That is precisely what "Informed consent" is about.
This comes on top of the quiet revisions to the definition of "placebo" in the journey of drug regulators towards becoming "facilitators" not "regulators" to suit their paymasters ( and future employers) Big Pharma.
In the specific case of "placebos" I wonder has an RCT ever been conducted to evaluate LNPs against normal saline? WIthout this, allowing "blank" LNPs to be used as a "placebo" is nonsense sine there is the very obvious possibility of such particles increasing the AE profile in the "placebo group", this flattering the active drug group AE profile?
who says they have to even inform you that you've "enrolled" in a study?
There are laws that require such disclosure in the enrollment for RCTs on INDs. That;s why the quiet "modification". Your question then becomes why they have to follow the law?
I think i was just following their trend to it's logical conclusion of treating the public like lab mice.
Im generally wary of regulation, but disclosure is the very best reason to regulate. No informed consent no contract in my book.
No question about that. It would be mush less "inconvenient" for Big Pharma.
Why would informed consent in a situation where the risk is minimal result in the "research (not being) practicably be conducted if informed consent is required”?
That does not sound like minimal risk, where knowing, inhibits participation to the extent that the research can't happen.
How would someone know that he or she is even in a study?