She does have a very large team sorting through voluminous piles of data, that additionally appear to be categorized in hide what doesn’t want to be seen. Wouldn’t it be better to reach out and ask her how come your results are different? They been working through this specifically for months. I don’t think you have the same resources.

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I don't need the same resources, I looked at exactly the same documents they did.

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Heads up: Dr. Kory just analyzed another data set where the reported known outcome of pregnancies during the first 12 weeks of vaccination was 78% miscarriages. Curious that so many outcomes were reported “unknown” in that dataset. That’s terrible research. I am curious as to what your take of his analysis is. His substack: https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/massive-miscarriage-rates-among-vaccinated?r=5hq1f&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

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Whilst technically correct, 78% (25/32) ended up in miscarriage, the number is meaningless because we don't know how many pregnant women were vaccinated. This is not part of the official trial, these are adverse reactions once the vaccine roll-out began so we have no idea how many pregnant women were vaccinated and from those adverse reactions were reported.

Its like saying 90% of unvaccinated people are in ICU so 90% of unvaccinated people will die from Covid. But ICU only has 10 people in it and the 9 unvaccinated ones were already dying from something else.

The numbers may be something but without the denominator we just can't say.

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I get the statistical analysis is compromised, however, in my experience anyway. If I had presented anything like this (incomplete data of such an important variable) to a dissertation committee, say, my proposal wouldn’t have advanced. I wouldn’t expect an IRB to approve my proposal either, with such a start. I can conclude something- its junk. But its dangerous junk.

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Nice job N.E.! I really like someone who tries to take a neutral objective follow the facts approach. The establishment is looking to take down its critics so there is a strong need to be as accurate as possible. Thanks for trying to make that happen.

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Nice work as usual!

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Correction: Eleven mRNA Subjects Suffered Spontaneous Abortions


A claim of this magnitude is serious, and while we are pleased there were not 22 fetal deaths, 11 deaths are still unacceptable. The fact the FDA and Pfizer knew of these deaths and swept them under the rug is the real—and much bigger—issue, and it is one that we will continue to investigate. We apologize for our oversight on this issue.

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Thank you. This just shows how much fastidious work and knowledge is needed to get accurate data. It doesn’t sound as if Pfizer has made it easy for anyone. I simply wouldn’t have the knowledge or stamina to extract these figures so thank goodness there are people out there like you to do the work. It also shows the dangers of falling into the misinformation or is it disinformation (or the other one that I can’t remember) as I would have readily quoted Naomi Wolf’s figures as being accurate!

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I also have issues with stuff out of the theExpose.uk. They are using unvaxxed numbers in the Canadian population that are utterly false. They do good work but I can't link any of their stuff when using arguments as I know some of it is not accurate.

I can't remember their methodology for unvaxxed #'s but its super easy if you take PHAC data on doses given - population and add 1-2 million since their census data is old. Expose blew the numbers way up.

Trust me I am in a truly tiny fringe minority. While more agree against the vax they got it for the wife, job, eldery parent, to travel etc. Only a few of us held firm.

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I agree with your point on accuracy. I'm also heartbroken because an 18% rate at an 82-day average is terrifying. I'd like to know the official rate, but the background rate of spontaneous miscarriage is under 2% at 11.7 weeks (or 82 days). This excludes elective abortions, which appear to be excluded from the numbers above. Here are the average rates (source: https://datayze.com/miscarriage-chart.php)

3rd week 30%

4th week 25%

5th week 19%

6th week 11%

7th week 7.2%

8th week 5.8%

9th week 3.3%

10th week 3.2%

11th week 1.9%

12th week 1.7%

13th week 1.3%

14th week 1%

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"Going methodically through the 3645 pages"

Lol, okay

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Very nice work! It is so important to make sure you've checked every jot and tittle correct or we all look like fools (Dr. Ardiss or 5G arguments come to mind - umm, no that isn't why we're concerned). Indeed these pharmaceutical companies have not been forthright in providing sensible information and I'm grateful for those who actually take the time to dig through the data and explain it. Here is another sensible author I follow and his take on the Icelandic study that everyone has been touting as evidence that the vaccines are causing re-infections: https://moderndiscontent.substack.com/p/evidence-of-higher-reinfection-among

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The "82% miscarried" misread of Table 4 of the NEJM study is still a popular talking point

It feels like fertility data uniquely confounds people

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