The narrative collapse is apace. Covid restrictions are being removed left, right and centre. The reversal in the narrative is extraordinary in it’s speed and similarity in multiple countries.
I think we are in the eye of the storm. This is an opportunity to remove all restrictions once and for all but unless we continue pressuring governments to make that change, the “emergency” powers could stay and return in the autumn.
One person’s predictions are rarely correct, however, the wisdom of the crowd usually points in the more correct direction.
So what do you think? Are we entering the eye of the storm or is the storm dissipating? What do you predict will happen over the course of the year. Perhaps as a wise crowd we can glimpse at what the future holds and prepare for it.
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This is the eye of the storm. The global "me-lites" are simply executing a planned strategic retreat. They will be back for more very soon. I guarantee it.
"Perhaps the next one will really get their attention"
- Bill Gates
Double benefit - new controls and anger against the nay-sayers who wanted to relax the "sensible controls in the interests of public health" making future dissent easier to crush.
That is not the feeling that I have here in the US but it certainly is in Belgium where my family is. Very hateful comments in the newspapers for the people who refuse the jabs. I hope the summer bring solace, but both parties are very interwoven with the WEF, trump and his daughter are members and several dems are. Laws are being made hurriedly to try and suppress free opinion. Homeland security considers all critics of the government terrorists. I don't know if it would be different if the Reps were in the house. We will see after the midterm. I suppose the Reps will gain the house.
I know. Both are actually the Dance with the 2 faced Devil. They just take turns leading. I frankly will not support this toxic government or election choices at all I’m done voting. Nothing changes and it’s just a distraction from the real monsters controlling the strings of their puppet politicians while we get eaten alive by them.
I'm referring to the HIV "vaccine" that Moderna has in the works. That's why there is suddenly media attention around rising AIDs cases & Prince Harry saying get tested. Prepping the field for a new vax.
The Sarscov spike itself had some part or all of HIV added to it. There is a fauxi foia email that explains how they added hiv to "the bioweapon." I saw the author- redacted version summer '21. The unredacted version was recently leaked & verified; I saw it yesterday. From a researcher last name Gainger.
I wonder whether that's the "new, worse" thing that "will get people's attention" which Bill and Mel announced, in a clip going around odysee etc, with uncertain original date.
If the blogpost on about suppression of the innate immune system by the injectables is correct, and we are perhaps expecting to see
a lot of immunodeficiency soon - all these recent news reports about some new, more transmissible HIV going around, are perhaps the same type of preparing gaslighting as are the reports about supposedly less known hidden diseases which make 22 year olds die of heart issues and strokes...
Heard a commercial on local talk radio this afternoon, a public service announcement, that strokes can happen to anyone. There are 100K strokes a year and know your family history. Yeah, right.
Yes, I think bad cattitude was it who recently made a blog post listing dozens of examples of this disgusting gaslighting by the usual media outlets recently... The worst thing is that a lot of people are buying that. How brazen can you get to say things like "it's climate change that now causes heart attacks"... and some supposedly intelligent people actually swallowing it. ARGH.
In the first days of the pandemic a Chinese virologist was surprised to see an amino acid protein sequence that was common in HIV but never seen in the coronavirus. He concluded it was bioengineered to make it more transmissible. Haven't heard from him since.
I good way to take a reality break is to watch the new film Belfast. It’s everything that makes a movie great especially if you have a loving partner and family. It reminded me so much of how special our time is and why we are all trying so hard to restore our humanity.
Have been hearing recent new commercials in alabama paid for by Dept of Health & Human Services with stories of long haul covid & telling us to go get vaccinated. They are not done with us
If it continues in the loosening up direction the only thing that will prevent it from happening again is the criminals facing justice. Some with loss of jobs and others with prison terms.
I wouldn't support that. I think a nice small prison island, a year of supplies, quonset huts, and let them live together. What could be worse than that? They would need to figure out how to grow food and do physical labor. I don't think they would get along with each other very well.
Wonder who they would eat 1st? Fauxi is an awfully tough old bird with no meat on him. Schwab all fat no meat. Keep Wen around for a while to play with. Leaves Bill & Melinda, Walensky...
And I might win powerball. None of them has done an honest minutes work in decades, if ever. Not one could push a spade shovel through untilled ground. And their instincts & experience are geared totally toward enslavement & murder.
Been smokin' your lunch Prof? It is highly improbable that our god-like rulers have the knowledge, or basic skills, to survive without peons to grow their food, build and maintain shelters, or wipe their asses.
I'm sure (at least I hope) that this is an off-the-cuff dark humor attempt, but I honestly think that giving the "other side" any ammunition whatsoever to paint us as violent or extremist is a bad idea, even said in jest.
I don’t know. A speedy execution is too easy of escape especially for older monsters like Fauci and Schwab. I’d really like to see them learn a lesson and wouldn’t object to it being a painful one. Let them see firsthand the suffering that they’ve caused. Remember that the people who are on the main stage are mostly puppets for the ones who are at the source of these crimes.
I'd like to see a very small jail cell with a hard cot. The walls and ceiling papered with the faces of people they have killed. Having to look at those faces until the day they die would be a nice punishment.
We have lots of expired jab lots about death by injection, as usual for criminals in the US, but instead we use the expired whackscene?, (all 4 recommended doses, and how about we mix and match like they suggested?) No one thinks about how all this expired poison will be laying about and is very difficult to dispose of. It is hard for some folks to understand how very evil the jab makers and pushers are. Most of them are unjabbed, Fauci, Gates, CDC. That is a matter of record. Or revive something like drawing a quartering, a bullet is too quick. Look at some of the videos of people suffering with terrible seizures and convulsions from this stuff. Spend some time there and come back and say a nice prison cell is fair for them.
I agree. I am really uncomfortable with those statements above. I do not condone or support any kind of violence toward anyone, even in a joke or venting. It's also a bad look for one's team.
I don't think anyone should face imprisonment without a fair trial by jury for whatever they are charged with. I would never advocate violence. I think a prison island for some criminals is humanitarian.
i just been shopping and most of the idiots are still wearing masks, i havnt checked the numbers but i think we are at a lower death rate than a normal flu season.
just cos the governments are backing off in places most are still either fearful or blind and stupid
The deception is real. These Covidians do not want to hear or know the truth. The last 2 years have been the biggest psychological and medical experiment we have seen in my lifetime. You keep thinking they will wake up soon, but many get pissed if you even show evidence which generally they won’t watch or read.
Now it may be they cannot admit they have been fooled due to pride and ego.
Mine spent 20 yrs in the Navy, so it's second nature. Thankfully he settled on the 1 J/J. only masks are Dr or Navy base when he goes for meds. I refuse to go. I shop by myself and my county/state is make your own choice. Dr's still insist. Nail salon they still mask, saw a woman with a 2 yr old in them when I had my nails, my 1 luxary done.
My husband took Pfizer x2 and then boosted, overweight and 66 so he feels threatened. With pestering I gave in to J&J last April, but told him being boosted is out of the question for me. Wish I had waited and understood then how this was all being used against us. My trust in my Federal and State government/agencies is gone, media gone, much of medicine gone.
If you still wish to keep him, ensure that he has Vit D supplements to get to 50 ng/ml. Look at website and get meds in case he does become ill- you want them now, before you panic or the supplies are further suppressed.
Pareto's Law will always naturally enforce itself. There will always be a hardcore 20% of Covid/panic porn realists who will always think for themselves. And as for the 80%, I am reminded of the old Thomas Edison quote: "There is no work that people will work harder to avoid than thinking."
Hospitals are always packed during flu season, patients put in hallways, waiting on beds. This is not new because of Covid as people have been led to believe.
Mixed in my neighborhood, more blacks than whites, we are a Red State, and the Governor lifted the mask and jab mandates, but caviot is YOU CHOSE. Which gave our 4 Blue counties the ability to impose them. Can't do anything about the Fed facilities, including the Record Keeping BUPERS Naval Inland Navy base. Our county's schools are mask free. We live in a high retired Military neighborhood, it runs the gamut, because of health mostly. 2 Neighbors 1 heart 1 cancer on chemo, mask. Can't blame them.
They're in a strategic retreat but I don't trust it. Has anyone in power really questioned the safe and effective vaccines, or facemasks or social distancing or lockdowns as more than good tools that might have outgrown their usefulness? They'll bring it all back and more now that they've set the precedent once they see the right time. I saw it in Thailand with the waves after wave of Conjob virus and facemask use: at first few wore them except under duress, many wore them very incorrectly, and they took them off almost as soon as the threat (of fines and heavy handed police enforcement went away). Wave after wave and everybody wears them in public correctly covering their nose now, even 85% driving motorbikes (I counted back from the beach a few days ago: 49 wearing facemask and correctly, 11 not wearing one, 5 not wearing one correctly-while driving a motorbike. In a country that routinely posts the most motor vehicle fatalities of anywhere on Earth...
I don't think that they have come this far to give up now.
This was planned for a long, long time. It involved a complicated plan for control of medical research, the medical profession, the media and social media. It involved rubbishing medications that are cheap and would have worked, it gave us 'anti-vaxxer' and, well, the list is endless isn't it?
It was - is - a very sophisticated psychological warfare operation - people were given fear, hope, fear, hope, repeat until they were brainwashed, conditioned, suffering Stockholm Syndrome and the PTSD is yet to come.
I am still of the belief that the plan was for Boris to lockdown the UK prior to Christmas and for Biden to use the UK lockdown as an excuse to announce a US lockdown - Biden's speech was already scheduled for a few days after Boris.
But the British got very angry and the Downing Street party was leaked. Boris thus could not lockdown - although Wales and Scotland did a kind of lockdown as both their leaders wanted to do hard lockdowns - and, just a few days later, Biden walked out to make his big omicron speech and he basically said b*gger all!
You only have to look at the photos of politcians on both sides of the Atlantic attending parties maskless whilst served by masked 'slaves' and this is the stuff of 'The Hunger Games' - in the books the servants in capital city have to wear masks, but not the so-called elite.
I've been discerning — attempting to — this issue. If a spiritual perspective might be added to the 'wisdom of crowds' mix… the Hebrew Tanakh (Bible) includes a book named Ester (Esther). If I remember correctly, it was one of the books that hardly made it into the canon, because it barely mentions G-d at all? Anyways, the story revolves around Ester and her intercession, as the new Queen of King Achashverosh, on behalf of her people, the Jews, who are threatened by the oppressive, genocidal intent of the *bureaucrat* Haman, who is singled out for advancement by the King.
Haman gets infuriated by Ester's uncle, Mordekhai, who refuses to bow the knee to him — anyone starting to see how the cycle of history is repeating itself!? — so Haman starts a series of vicious, destructive rumours to turn the king against the Jews. Long story short: he succeeds in his vendetta and the king issues a *mandate* to facilitate the wholesale extermination, by murder, of the Jews and seize their goods. A decree is issued to the overseers of every province.
Mordekhai coaches Ester to recognise her favourable position: Perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this… Ester risks her own life to change the king's mind. Meanwhile, Haman continues his vendetta against Mordekhai — when he is not occupied with boasting about the vast wealth he's accumulated — and ultimately plans to have him hung… and so on. Anyways… to make the point… Ester gets the kings attention… saves the Jews and Mordekhai and … Haman gets EXPOSED and HUNG on the very gallows he'd erected for Mordekhai!
I've been meditating on this and asking whether the time is coming when those who set out on this pathway might now be about to get exposed and, ultimately, receive justice. Interestingly, Mordekhai is then granted by the king all the responsibility previously held by Haman.
Make of that what you will, but one point that is observable is how the scheming of Haman-like figures has been going on for centuries; the other is that they often aren't as clever as their vicious schemes suggest; thirdly, they often get "hoisted on their own petard" …
Interest rate increases on government corona debt will be enough in itself to bankrupt many countries. Public support for rona measures will evaporate very quickly once their wallets are hit.
But I do find it very odd that it's happening so fast and simultaneously.
They now intricately know the mechanisms to repeat it very easily. Be great if the UK coronavirus act could be shredded on its imminent expiry...
They've already been hit, this last inflation report is over 7%, though from my level it's much higher, we have not 2 but 3 gas taxes, the last 1 was RINO pushed through and is progressive, their Fed gas tax halt act is only until Nov election. And going maskless means 3 jabs in BLUE states and Counties. At Certain events. MID-TERM ELECTIONS is driving this several key Dems are facing stiff opposition. If you get past the cheating mail in votes.
Even my liberal Step Daughter, has not done the jabs, nor her 2 college kids both who were Pre-eclampsia preemies, they do mask. Her daughter nearly died from Gate's Gardasil shot, and still deals with RA/Fibromyalgia.
The Renz Military Lawsuit needs some enhancements, Embalmer's, teachers, OB/GYN inputs, along with Cardiologist reports. I don't think all the side effects have shown up yet. Fertility is a longer term issue especially in the younger vaxed. Those past child bearing would not note it. How many hysterectomies will increase from cancer has not been explored enough. When you throw off hormone balance more bad crap happens. Has Breast Cancer increased because of testing delays, or jabs?
I asked an oncologist in B.C. in December. He hadn't noticed an increase in cancers, but was aware that the current diagnoses were more advanced. This was attributed to delay in diagnosis due to the lockouts and tele"Medicine", he did not see it as an immunity problem. My father-in-law is finished the first phase of treatment, I will ask again in 2 months. I am aware of Dr. Ryan Cole's observations.
Yes, great analogy and feel we are getting closer to the eye only when governments bow. Then back into the storm with another variant. Follow the money 💰 and goal of this entire pandemic. 🤫🤐🙊🙉🙈🐑🐑🐑
I keep reminding myself and saying to everyone who’s willing to listen that there are 2 things that are certain. Pay close attention:
1) Each and every one of us has a limited viewpoint of the bigger picture. Through our experiences, our observations, our encounters with others etc we gain our point of view. But it is foolish to believe that we know any more than a fraction of what is currently happening in this huge ball we are riding on much less what is going to happen to us or all of our fellow inhabitants. We can speculate all we want (nothing wrong with that BTW) but in all honesty we don’t even know for certain if we will live to see another day. We hope for some disclosure and would love to see transparency especially from those who think they are entitled to own and rule the world and will resort to the worst of human attributes to see it through. But whether we like it or not we must remain patient. Our time will come one way or another.
2) We live in a movie. I never really understood the law of attraction until recently when it became clear that nothing is making any sense so the best thing I can do for the betterment of mankind as well as for my own sanity is to simply let it happen and play my part to the best of my ability - and watch everything unfold as the forces out of my control provide me with choices. When calm and at ease I’m more likely to choose wisely. The indescribable journey we are on is a drama, a dance, a dream, a circus, a quest, and a pretty wild ride all in one. Just doing everything I can to keep it from being a great tragedy. And at 71 in good health with a lot of hope and gratitude, I’m all in for the adventure of a lifetime. Does this make any sense to you?
Yes, I agree. I'm 72 and have always had a fascination with history. What we are experiencing now will be studied in future times with a great deal of interest. I feel fortunate to be of an age and have enough world experience behind me to view everything I see with a critical eye. This is all definitely an adventure, but you must keep your wits about you constantly. I feel sorry for those who are taken in by all the subterfuge and lies.
Carol Ann - I’m so glad. I’ve been spending my entire adult life on this journey to awaken the callings of my heart which is where the divine resides. To be able to share a tiny bit of wisdom that can help somebody see things clearly is what I get the most joy from. I just saw the film Belfast and highly recommend it to all. Sometimes we need to take a step back from the heat of the battle and remember why we are fighting so hard.
I'm rather weary at present. As a traditional Catholic, I'm longing to pray, be left alone to worship and to be calm but the church leadership have other plans and ideas. I might check that movie out. I tend to avoid mainstream stuff of late as it usually agitates me. My mother's family were from Northern Ireland and I was born and reared in Dublin but have not lived in Ireland for many years.
I like your philosophy. Just a suggestion - I think you would get a lot out of yoga. Not the trendy sweatpant kind but the actual philosophy behind it. You should look into it :)
They will ramp up other strands of their strategy - digital passports, social credit, chemtrails, war, financial collapse, food & energy shortages etc. The list is endless. It will be a long running battle on several fronts.
The eye. I’m watching, not the games but, the return of the athletes from the Olympics. Will they be carrying the next “bug” like those from the Military frame in Wuhan?
You may be correct. Will shall see but, either way, I'm suspicious as can be after years of our government and their lackeys lying about, EVERYTHING:-)
This has had me greatly worried…. Interesting that several viral outbreaks in other provinces in China (one was Ebola-like if I remember correctly..?) have disappeared from the conversation since just before the Olympics….in any case I found it odd that there was so little talk of delaying the opening…
The precedent is set for even more incursions into our private life. This has been going on for decades but really accelerated after the sept 11 attacks. I was in Northern NJ at that time. The affordable care act and the 08 financial crises embolded governemtn agencies to assume that they could get away with forcing people to buy a private product from a private company and punish them if they didnt, now we are being forced to take medication that most of us dont need.
The state is set for some new crises that will lead these bureaucrats and pols to rationalize even more violations of our liberties. What will it be. CLimate, a war with russia, inflation? We have to work to roll back the state. THe first step is to scale back and eliminate federal department like the dept of education, energy, transportation, housing and urban development, and more
yes... pure despotism... I thought at the time that it couldnt get worse. ALso the legal Kelo SCOTUS decision.. Guess who eventually gtot the Kelo property: Pfizer. Chief justice robverts and Obama should have immedidately been impeached and convicted for violating the constitution and basic morality. But now we have taken it a step further: inject this experimental drug into your body that you dont want and dont need just ...well... because... we say so and if you dont take it we will not fine you like in Obamacare... we will fire you, exclude you from society... the devil is lose upon the earth.
Yes the devil strides to an fro and thinks he will win. And he might, for a while. But I cannot believe Pfizer got the Kelo property....I agree they should have been impeached, and Roberts still needs to be. I wonder if we could get people to work on different committees...impeachment of Senators and Supreme Court Justices and judges...another to work on reversing every damn emergency order in every state, more to take down DHS, NIH, CDC etc.
EVERYTHING needs to be TORN DOWN and BUILT BACK LOCAL. I so agree. It is inch by inch, ruling by ruling, and we sit back and do nothing.
I think the same media that shoved the vax down the throats of hundreds of millions of people, will now ride the adverse events wave that will be too big not to report on.
I don’t think so. Haven’t you noticed the huge campaign, which started a couple of months ago, trying to dissuade people from thinking that their recent heart problems could in any way be linked to the vaxx?
Yes they may. The promise of government subsidies that transformed their business models in 2020 and 2021 & that's been keeping them on message is receding, and "if it bleeds it leads" - but this will be framed in terms of "but covid would have been worse because the quantum of spike proteins would have been higher". At the same time there will be new pharma treatments to push - often mRNA based - to treat vaccine longhaulers.
I think Covid might go away but the mRNA is here to stay. Its the latest greatest. Theyll have to play with it for a wee while longer, get some mileage see. HIV seems to be all the rage lately. There was talk of a all inclusive jab, flu and Covid dynamic duo drop. But I didn't think Facebook would ban the word "honk" so what do I know?
It feels like elite's and their government stooges' work here is done? They have the Franken-shot "installed" in millions of us. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
Those who did not take it or got the saline batch will be "shed" upon sooner or later. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
The financial damage that has been done to 99.9% of us is real. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
Plus, they have been more successful than ever at dividing us against each other. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
I am seriously thinking about buying my own 18-wheeler and heading to DC with my 2 years of storable food.
Wales finally to get rid of passes next week and masks on the 28th - despite cases being less in Wales than in England and death rates being the same despite Wales having had, and currently continues to have, more restrictions.
"Can someone please explain to me why vaccine passports protect people from Covid on 17 Feb but not a day later, while masks work until 27 Feb and then suddenly they don't? This sure is one clever little virus!"
I think there is a very long haul ahead. Many have been completely brainwashed, ironically mostly those who have subjected themselves most readily to medical experimentation. A bioweapon has been unleashed on humanity, and its effects will prove much more severe than a nuclear war.
As a little child I asked my mom why do I have to memorize all of the people who signed the constitution, the presidents, ect… I had note cards galore. You all know what she said …. “If you don’t know your history your destined to repeat it “
I fear some restrictions shall endure, such as vax-pass for international travel, masks in some settings (such as airlines and airports).
There will never be a full retreat. They will try to hold on to some aspects, if only to leave a lingering impression that they were correct to do what they did, in the first place.
Their retreat coincided with the new year of the Tiger that brought in a new energy which should last for two years. That was our D-Day. We still have to push on for liberation. It will be interesting when the diehard countries like France, Austria, NZ, Australia, etc. will come to realise it's game over?
Even though restrictions may be loosening, they still want us to believe the vax is necessary. As long as they prevent early treatment, they will at the very least, want people to take a booster yearly like the flu.
Strategic soft retreat. Temporary. The vaccine passport is still hanging around and even if its use will not be required on a daily basis during spring & summer, expect a comeback in autumn. Already now, they are shortening the period of validity of the passport in some EU countries if one has not been boostered. This will affect youth for holidays. No, it's not over yet.
Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep which portrays almost to a word what we've been through also predicts that after increasingly authoritarian government behaviour populations start to rise up against restrictions. It's entirely possible populations are being herded toward populist revolt in order to justify these new 'domestic terror/misinformation/conspiracy theorist'measures being brought in by UK and US govts.
This is the eye of the storm unlesss people get wise to the chess game we are currently playing..
Yes…this exactly. I am really concerned about all these new measures as well. I would have thought that recent events in Canada would have been a real eye-opener for some but even people close to me are still blind.
In their retreat, after learning what worked/didn’t work this time around, they will try to find better ways to suppress opposing views and protest for round 2.
I think that most of the population that agreed with vaccine passports and mandates at one time will see the removal of these restrictions as a natural outcome of he less deadly Omicron variant. I feel like the people like most of us, who could see what was really happening from the start, are in a bit of a bubble right now. I hear a lot of talk of the "narrative crumbling", but I don't know that it's crumbling for the vast majority of people who are still under the propaganda spell. Propaganda is powerful, and it will continue to be waged through this next period of managing vaccine passports, mandates and masks. I think some are opening their eyes though, and that can expand. I'm not sure that a majority of people won't again fall for the next wave of totalitarian rule, wherever it comes from, if their safety is threatened. My perspective and perception may come from the fact that I live in California, so I'm in a minority. Perhaps if I lived in a more free state I would have a different perception.
I read about restrictions being cast aside all over the world. Then I go outside and seem to see MORE people masked up, including the idiots alone in their cars.
Yeah 🤷 A part of the propaganda has been to trigger people's fear response, and I think they're kind of traumatized. They are stuck in the loop of the propaganda narrative. I was at Kaiser today getting a blood test, and a man sat down next to me with two masks on and a paper towels stuffed behind in to try and stop anything from getting in! He was so short of breath walking 25' from the check-in to the waiting room chair because he couldn't get any oxygen! Then the lack of oxygen also increases the anxiety and fear in the nervous system. Jees!
For about $70 CDN a person can buy a dual filter mask used by pro painters. They are quite easy to breathe through. For the mask wearers you talk of, in order to try to break through to them, I might pretend to take them seriously, show them how much better a pro mask would be. The contrast between them wearing 'hazmat' gear and you wearing nothing might start to get through to them eventually.
The way I see it, this is indeed a coordinated, startegic retreat.
These policies are not popular.
Some of it may be because it gets harder and harder to hide the truth, especially with Omicron: the vaccines are not working. You just can't keep telling people the vaccines are working when everybody sees and feels that vaccinated people are testing positive and getting sick.
People for the most part are not taking the booster. They don't want more and more boosters.
And so, what was it all for?
This will have consequences for elites. For one thing, with elections, especially the upcoming US elections. This is the Democrats' pandemic. Their mandates. Their "experts" running public health. Their media pushing the narrative.
And possibly, if they keep pushing and coercing, it could eventually push people beyond just voting against them. It could push them to various forms of non compliance, to getting out of FB/twitter/youtube, to stop following the MSM. Elites don't like that.
And who knows, eventually there could be blood as well, and then all bets are off.
And so I think elites are retreating for now. Their position hasn't been seriously compromised. It's a chance for them to just stop while paying very little cost for what they've done.
But they will be back. They still want a social credit / digital ID. The military-industrial and pharma-hospital industries are still going strong. The surveillance state continues. They'll take lessons from this and try again with the next virus, or climate change, or something else.
They will try every excuse to keep the vax passport system. "We might need it later" or "You'll need it for travel outside the country" type nonsense.
Face it folks. If you accept the vaccine passport you are trading your RIGHTS for PRIVILEGES which will be canceled any time you say "NO" to your government.
We could currently be living through a coordinated period of "look, we're reasonable, we remove restrictions when we think it's safe", only to be followed by more restrictions in the future, helped into effect by this period of relaxation. So, an eye of the storm, like you say.
Not much of a retreat here in Italy. The non vaccinated are still in quasi lockdown, the vaccine mandate for over 50s came in and the govt (who was not elected) just changed the constitution. They are making the green pass 'unlimited' for people with the booster, so it's obvious they will try to keep this vaccine passport long after the case numbers have normalised in order to implement social control. They have vowed to make life as difficult as possible for the non vaccinated... But of course this will end up covering everyone as soon as they have enough power consolidated.
The narrative has collapsed because of a combination of Dr Malone and Dr McCulloughs exposure on Rogan and the power of the Canadian truckers. As the MSM lost control over the narrative, they ended the narrative. Covid news is down over 90% in browser feeds. VAIDS is on deck, but a slow roll. Look to Israel’s data if you’d like to see how this is going to play out.
The frantic cranking of the Russia/Ukraine conflict despite an obvious reluctance by either party to participate, suggests an axis of USA, UK and NATO are tasked with the next narrative probably to frame Russia in a false flag. War is scarier than disease for driving the populace to whatever cliff they have planned
“A freedom fighter learns the hard way that it is the oppressor who defines the nature of the struggle, and the oppressed is often left no recourse but to use methods that mirror those of the oppressor.At a point, one can only fight fire with fire”
― Nelson Mandela
Yes they will try again. A clear statement should be made that when they try again, we will push back as hard as it is required to stop them taking our freedom.
My view is that the relaxation of restrictions in most US states is directly related to the 2022 elections. The ruling class knows that the restrictions are extremely unpopular and do not want to get hung with them in the upcoming elections. Whether this is the eye or whether the storm is really going to dissipate in the US heavily depends on the 2022 election outcome. Let us hope that the current ruling class has overplayed its hand and the reaction at the polls is strong enough to overcome any “extraordinary measures” they may take to increase their chances of winning.
Pressure on the governments might solve some issues, for a while. They did it once, got a taste for it and will do it again.
Everyone who was part of this scam must suffer dire consequences, many laws must be changed and the whole system overhauled from top to bottom. No other way.
"One person’s predictions are rarely correct, however, the wisdom of the crowd usually points in the more correct direction."
Correct and, the problem nowadays is social media where perhaps 50% of the crowd is "algorithmically distilled" out of the crowd for having "wrong-think" ideas.
Not only was this wrong, it cost lives. Social media is the most powerful communications tool ever but, they noticed we were communicating in ways that didn't conform to the narrative so, of course, had to come in and "F" it up.
I'm very disappointed with the "new left" that are behind all of this censorship considering their roots were planted in "anti-Orwell, anti-big brother" concepts. Now, massive hypocrites.
Hypocrite Number One, today; Flashback: Neil Young participated in 'Freedom of Speech Tour' before advocating censorship of Joe Rogan.
Some of the old timers, the graybeards, have tried to raise their voices but even they were promptly shut down except, Roger Waters; he told Zuck to kiss his...:-) From my old notes;
“and now they are deep into some weird hybrid of Stockholm syndrome and Munchausen’s by proxy. they have identified with the kidnappers, become the kidnappers, and are addicted to pretending that kids are at dire risk so that they can “save” them.”
“this is mental illness.”
“and it’s LONG past time they were called out on it.”
“they, not the kids, are the ones that ought to be in quarantine.”
The great dream of the 90s was that information would set us free. Yet, 30 years later, we know how naive that was. Information is EASIER to control and distort now. Authoritarianism is far more viral than liberty. Tyrannies fare better in the information space than free nations.
I look to alternative sources all of the time. I remember when the left embraced alternative media. Now they discourage people and often defend themselves by "attacking the source" per, Alinsky.
Now it seems "incurious minds" are the vogue, and people seem to fear turning into a pillar of salt if they gaze upon something contrary to the Narrative the MSM is selling.
Here in Norway they are lifting the restrictions, but at the same time they inform us they have new plans for restrictions if needed. And i´m sure it is just a matter of time before things are closed down again. The goverment is working on changing the law to be able to use Covid pass in Norway in the future, so it´s for sure coming.
Yes, same in the uk. They backed down on the mandates for NHS workers but they are trying to adjust the human rights bill to accommodate press restrictions on ‘misinformation’ and are pushing for rights being taken from the individual if they are deemed ‘ a threat to society’, which will allow forced vaccinations. Anyone you talk to about this who still believes the BS thinks this is great ‘because trrrorists’. We have until 8th March to give our responses but most people won’t because the proposal is huge and these amendments buried in legal language that most people don’t have a hope in hell trying to fathom
Is there no easier way to oppose this bill? I no longer live in the UK but would like to share with friends there how to do their part in rejecting this bill and to have them spread the word.
Here in the USA I'm sure new restrictions will be needed right before our mid-term elections so we will have to vote by mail. It's for our own good, you know?:-)
Johnson is relaxing restrictions. As more people succumb to the effects of the 'vaccines' - and they will - the relaxing may well be claimed as the cause of the increase in deaths and permanent injuries. Cue - further, more stringent restrictions. This year will be a roller coaster, filled with desparate actions from governments driven by a cabal in a state of retreat and panic. Beware of a cornered beast. Strong leadership is needed where little is present. With a distinct lack of same, then people will need to be clued up and prepared to stand their ground - regardless of consequences. This is not about health, it never was. It is about the protection of all individuals from organisations thousands strong, whose goal is total domination through control mechanisms based upon the smart grid; 'passports' and nano-technology being constructed within the body at a cellular level - transhumanism.
A mingled of 2 and 3 could work. Crash the banking system through a cyber attack, explain 3rd parties have mined data and have enough to interfere in the democratic processes.. impersonate you to vote, sign up for credit cards, etc.... use our block chain digital pass to ensure you are your authentic self everywhere you go.
Imagine that.. sell the digital ID pass as a method to protect yourself from fraud and bad actors..
I read somewhere else, they will squeeze and release power in arbitrary ways to drive more chaos and compliance. We must continue to identify peaceful ways to make our viewd heard in order to displace these overlords. Even countries which loosened restrictions keep restrictions for the nonjab bed. So the blame game remains in place in UK ect...they will use this scape goat to control the narrative and distraction. The compliers may resent non compliers as govern ments still control the mainstream media's voice.
If you are relying on "the wisdom of crowds" I'm afraid you are begging the eye of the storm to where you are. What we've experienced over the last two years and continues today isn't the wisdom of crowds, it's the madness of crowds.
The wisdom of crowds is an oxymoron. It is the equivalent of the wisdom of mobs. And I think it came from the idea of the wisdom of markets (free markets that is), which should not be confused with crowds. Free markets are rational because all the players in it have skin in the game. Moral hazard is inherent. Crowds, think voters, are generally the opposite. They are inherently emotional/irrational. They choose security over liberty. They demand something for nothing. Moral hazard is absent. The "wisdom" of crowds is how we get Trump and Biden and experimental vaccines that are rushed and mandated. It's how we get to $30 Trillion in national debt, over $100 Trillion if you count unfunded liabilities. It's how you get a currency that has been devalued where the dollar's purchasing power today is over 90% less than it was a century ago. It's how you get the clusterfuck of empire we've become. On the other hand, the wisdom of (actual) free markets is how we've enjoyed pretty much everything we have that actually makes life better and more comfortable.
The entire problem with this debacle is that there has been and will be no wisdom of free markets at work. It has been and will only be the wisdom of mobs that we get. We just have to hope we can individually manage to elude it as much as possible.
I believe we have two groups that have come out of a common root. The old globalist military industrial system, that has given us two world wars and the new World Economic Forum global leaders, who plans are to depopulate and enslave the people of world.
The old military are getting fed up and don't see the COVID enslavement working so they are trying to pick a war with Russia, their preferred old method.
We have to wait to see if we are to be poisoned or blown to bits in a war.
But then again this has all been prophesied in the Bible if you look.
think it’s ‘eye of storm’ unfortunately... predict the ruling class cannot allow the midterm election to proceed without an ‘event’ justifying further manipulations
British Doctor writes about what he is seeing in the jabbed.
'And then the worst, two 40y female patients within about a week of each other and each within close proximity of the jab (1-2 weeks). Both died without significant medical history, one I always remember as she had two young children of similar age to my own, MCCD VITT (vaccine induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia), catastrophic clotting to multiple systems leading to death.'
The pawns will give in and cover their own derrieres. I'm unsure about the megolomaniacs who planned this whole thing. They can't win,but there's plenty of nutcases who will take as many as they can will them. It's called evil
This is the eye of the storm. The global "me-lites" are simply executing a planned strategic retreat. They will be back for more very soon. I guarantee it.
I am not a pessimist, my glass is always half full , not half empty but Agree Neil Kellen, it’s not over 🤬
"Perhaps the next one will really get their attention"
- Bill Gates
Double benefit - new controls and anger against the nay-sayers who wanted to relax the "sensible controls in the interests of public health" making future dissent easier to crush.
That is not the feeling that I have here in the US but it certainly is in Belgium where my family is. Very hateful comments in the newspapers for the people who refuse the jabs. I hope the summer bring solace, but both parties are very interwoven with the WEF, trump and his daughter are members and several dems are. Laws are being made hurriedly to try and suppress free opinion. Homeland security considers all critics of the government terrorists. I don't know if it would be different if the Reps were in the house. We will see after the midterm. I suppose the Reps will gain the house.
I’m suspicious of GOP as well. What truth leaks from them is for political advantage only I’m afraid. There are a few who seem ok. Maybe desantis.
"The Illusion of choice"
I know. Both are actually the Dance with the 2 faced Devil. They just take turns leading. I frankly will not support this toxic government or election choices at all I’m done voting. Nothing changes and it’s just a distraction from the real monsters controlling the strings of their puppet politicians while we get eaten alive by them.
What makes you think Trump is a member of WEF?
Next stop: HIV aids vax. Courtesy of moderna. Note the sudden uptick in news media & Harry.
That is what is already in the shot.. I believe its the spike protein that puts the system in overdrive that breaks down the immune system.
I'm referring to the HIV "vaccine" that Moderna has in the works. That's why there is suddenly media attention around rising AIDs cases & Prince Harry saying get tested. Prepping the field for a new vax.
The Sarscov spike itself had some part or all of HIV added to it. There is a fauxi foia email that explains how they added hiv to "the bioweapon." I saw the author- redacted version summer '21. The unredacted version was recently leaked & verified; I saw it yesterday. From a researcher last name Gainger.
I wonder whether that's the "new, worse" thing that "will get people's attention" which Bill and Mel announced, in a clip going around odysee etc, with uncertain original date.
If the blogpost on about suppression of the innate immune system by the injectables is correct, and we are perhaps expecting to see
a lot of immunodeficiency soon - all these recent news reports about some new, more transmissible HIV going around, are perhaps the same type of preparing gaslighting as are the reports about supposedly less known hidden diseases which make 22 year olds die of heart issues and strokes...
Heard a commercial on local talk radio this afternoon, a public service announcement, that strokes can happen to anyone. There are 100K strokes a year and know your family history. Yeah, right.
Yes, I think bad cattitude was it who recently made a blog post listing dozens of examples of this disgusting gaslighting by the usual media outlets recently... The worst thing is that a lot of people are buying that. How brazen can you get to say things like "it's climate change that now causes heart attacks"... and some supposedly intelligent people actually swallowing it. ARGH.
My fear is that the new worse thing (that made Melinda smile) will be smallpox.
In the first days of the pandemic a Chinese virologist was surprised to see an amino acid protein sequence that was common in HIV but never seen in the coronavirus. He concluded it was bioengineered to make it more transmissible. Haven't heard from him since.
Well they did spike 98 mil doses of Polio vaccine with it.
Agreed. The jabbed will acquire ADE or AIDS necessitating the HIV vaxx, sadly leading to more mandates and lockdowns on steroids
It's time for a snickers break.
2022 looks to be an interesting year, who needs media entertainment when our reality is laden with so many stories.
I good way to take a reality break is to watch the new film Belfast. It’s everything that makes a movie great especially if you have a loving partner and family. It reminded me so much of how special our time is and why we are all trying so hard to restore our humanity.
Have been hearing recent new commercials in alabama paid for by Dept of Health & Human Services with stories of long haul covid & telling us to go get vaccinated. They are not done with us
If it continues in the loosening up direction the only thing that will prevent it from happening again is the criminals facing justice. Some with loss of jobs and others with prison terms.
I wouldn't support that. I think a nice small prison island, a year of supplies, quonset huts, and let them live together. What could be worse than that? They would need to figure out how to grow food and do physical labor. I don't think they would get along with each other very well.
Wonder who they would eat 1st? Fauxi is an awfully tough old bird with no meat on him. Schwab all fat no meat. Keep Wen around for a while to play with. Leaves Bill & Melinda, Walensky...
They might actually work and grow some food. Maybe turn it into a reality TV show. Fauci's Island
And I might win powerball. None of them has done an honest minutes work in decades, if ever. Not one could push a spade shovel through untilled ground. And their instincts & experience are geared totally toward enslavement & murder.
Been smokin' your lunch Prof? It is highly improbable that our god-like rulers have the knowledge, or basic skills, to survive without peons to grow their food, build and maintain shelters, or wipe their asses.
That's the point.
They should also be required to get Covid boosters every four months. Let them live under the conditions they tried to force onto us.
And they would not be allowed to wear clothes. I don't reckon Klaus would be so confident when everyone can see what a needledick he is
Just reread "The Lord of the Flies."
LOL. Oh come on. Let's bring back a great old American tradition. DUELING.
Now Fausti is a small target so he might last a few rounds but think of the gambling revenue we could generate! Hat tip to George Carlin.
Cruel and unusual. I like the cut of your jib.
I prefer to think of it as Cool and Unusual.
You guys/gals rock.
Yeah an Island in Anartica.
I know a good island for that... what's the name again where the French did nuclear bomb testing...
You get to wear a small two piece bathing suit. It would be good for the fat guys with "Moobs."
I'm sure (at least I hope) that this is an off-the-cuff dark humor attempt, but I honestly think that giving the "other side" any ammunition whatsoever to paint us as violent or extremist is a bad idea, even said in jest.
No I am NOT joking. What fate do you think war criminals who've committed medical mass murder should face?
I'm not calling for vigilante killings. I'm calling for war crime trials and executions of the guilty.
Withholding medicine and letting people suffer and die IS murder.
Coercing/forcing people into a medical experiment IS a war crime.
What punnishment do you think they should face?
I don’t know. A speedy execution is too easy of escape especially for older monsters like Fauci and Schwab. I’d really like to see them learn a lesson and wouldn’t object to it being a painful one. Let them see firsthand the suffering that they’ve caused. Remember that the people who are on the main stage are mostly puppets for the ones who are at the source of these crimes.
I'd like to see a very small jail cell with a hard cot. The walls and ceiling papered with the faces of people they have killed. Having to look at those faces until the day they die would be a nice punishment.
Unfortunately, with enough money you are Napoleon on Elba.
We have lots of expired jab lots about death by injection, as usual for criminals in the US, but instead we use the expired whackscene?, (all 4 recommended doses, and how about we mix and match like they suggested?) No one thinks about how all this expired poison will be laying about and is very difficult to dispose of. It is hard for some folks to understand how very evil the jab makers and pushers are. Most of them are unjabbed, Fauci, Gates, CDC. That is a matter of record. Or revive something like drawing a quartering, a bullet is too quick. Look at some of the videos of people suffering with terrible seizures and convulsions from this stuff. Spend some time there and come back and say a nice prison cell is fair for them.
I agree. I am really uncomfortable with those statements above. I do not condone or support any kind of violence toward anyone, even in a joke or venting. It's also a bad look for one's team.
I don't think anyone should face imprisonment without a fair trial by jury for whatever they are charged with. I would never advocate violence. I think a prison island for some criminals is humanitarian.
Loss of jobs is nothing- I want to see their pensions retracted!
i just been shopping and most of the idiots are still wearing masks, i havnt checked the numbers but i think we are at a lower death rate than a normal flu season.
just cos the governments are backing off in places most are still either fearful or blind and stupid
Karens don’t want to relinquish their new found power to “busy body” people.
My husband believes in vaxes and masks. So, when I’m shopping with him I’ll wear a mask but when I’m shopping alone I’m massless.🤷🏻♀️
you can try to explain to him the uselessness of masks:
virus=1 micron, holes in mask= 100+ microns
100 x 100 = 10000+ theoretical covid viruses can blow through a single mask pore at the same time
as for the shot the data is in, more likely to get omicon with a jab than without
I’ve tried to explain. At this point i let him believe what he wants to as there is no point in arguing. I remain vaccine free.
The deception is real. These Covidians do not want to hear or know the truth. The last 2 years have been the biggest psychological and medical experiment we have seen in my lifetime. You keep thinking they will wake up soon, but many get pissed if you even show evidence which generally they won’t watch or read.
Now it may be they cannot admit they have been fooled due to pride and ego.
Its been truly an amazing thing to witness, eh?
Cognitive dissonance for sure
Mass formation psychosis is real
I am amazed you can have even a shred of respect for him anymore. I know I could not. It would be the end of our marriage.
Same situation here JMJ ❤️
I think divorce court is an order....... Take him to the cleaners.
as effective as trying to keep mosquitoes off your property with chain link fence
or hauling sand away from the beach in shopping cart
My husband is the same way. I still refuse to put that thing on.
Because she loves him and is willing to sacrifice this for him. We all make those decisions for ourselves, as we should.
"So, when I’m shopping with him I’ll wear a mask"
Read Outspoken by Dr Naomi Wolf substack. "I'm
Not Brave. You're just a P----y.
Dr Naomi Wolf substack:
Mine spent 20 yrs in the Navy, so it's second nature. Thankfully he settled on the 1 J/J. only masks are Dr or Navy base when he goes for meds. I refuse to go. I shop by myself and my county/state is make your own choice. Dr's still insist. Nail salon they still mask, saw a woman with a 2 yr old in them when I had my nails, my 1 luxary done.
My husband took Pfizer x2 and then boosted, overweight and 66 so he feels threatened. With pestering I gave in to J&J last April, but told him being boosted is out of the question for me. Wish I had waited and understood then how this was all being used against us. My trust in my Federal and State government/agencies is gone, media gone, much of medicine gone.
If you still wish to keep him, ensure that he has Vit D supplements to get to 50 ng/ml. Look at website and get meds in case he does become ill- you want them now, before you panic or the supplies are further suppressed.
NOT 1ST BLUNDER LOOK AT BOTTOM LINKS and at the Binding/Perservatives in all vaccines, Ethylene Oxide is on the Swab they use, everone is a CANCER OR POISON AGENT, AND PHARMA CAN'T BE SUED LIKE ROUNDUP WAS.
Pareto's Law will always naturally enforce itself. There will always be a hardcore 20% of Covid/panic porn realists who will always think for themselves. And as for the 80%, I am reminded of the old Thomas Edison quote: "There is no work that people will work harder to avoid than thinking."
Love it!
People really don't realize that every year the flu and pneumonia kill a lot of people.
age adjusted flu is worse cos it kills all ages
Good point!
Hospitals are always packed during flu season, patients put in hallways, waiting on beds. This is not new because of Covid as people have been led to believe.
Mixed in my neighborhood, more blacks than whites, we are a Red State, and the Governor lifted the mask and jab mandates, but caviot is YOU CHOSE. Which gave our 4 Blue counties the ability to impose them. Can't do anything about the Fed facilities, including the Record Keeping BUPERS Naval Inland Navy base. Our county's schools are mask free. We live in a high retired Military neighborhood, it runs the gamut, because of health mostly. 2 Neighbors 1 heart 1 cancer on chemo, mask. Can't blame them.
They're in a strategic retreat but I don't trust it. Has anyone in power really questioned the safe and effective vaccines, or facemasks or social distancing or lockdowns as more than good tools that might have outgrown their usefulness? They'll bring it all back and more now that they've set the precedent once they see the right time. I saw it in Thailand with the waves after wave of Conjob virus and facemask use: at first few wore them except under duress, many wore them very incorrectly, and they took them off almost as soon as the threat (of fines and heavy handed police enforcement went away). Wave after wave and everybody wears them in public correctly covering their nose now, even 85% driving motorbikes (I counted back from the beach a few days ago: 49 wearing facemask and correctly, 11 not wearing one, 5 not wearing one correctly-while driving a motorbike. In a country that routinely posts the most motor vehicle fatalities of anywhere on Earth...
The societal crisis has yet to be resolved. Left/right, yankee/south, city/rural, red/blue divide is still with us.
The resolution of the culture wars must happen before a new peace can be established.
Even if the health tyranny is over for real, something new will happen and the left will attempt to reassert their control over society.
some hope that SCOTUS can renew protection of 2a, and start winding down DIE mania via the asian-admissions case
On the other hand, 3 of them were able to ignore data and uphold mandates for HCW's.
The courts are part of the state and behave as such. They will argue law, but search hard to see them uphold justice.
I don't think that they have come this far to give up now.
This was planned for a long, long time. It involved a complicated plan for control of medical research, the medical profession, the media and social media. It involved rubbishing medications that are cheap and would have worked, it gave us 'anti-vaxxer' and, well, the list is endless isn't it?
It was - is - a very sophisticated psychological warfare operation - people were given fear, hope, fear, hope, repeat until they were brainwashed, conditioned, suffering Stockholm Syndrome and the PTSD is yet to come.
I am still of the belief that the plan was for Boris to lockdown the UK prior to Christmas and for Biden to use the UK lockdown as an excuse to announce a US lockdown - Biden's speech was already scheduled for a few days after Boris.
But the British got very angry and the Downing Street party was leaked. Boris thus could not lockdown - although Wales and Scotland did a kind of lockdown as both their leaders wanted to do hard lockdowns - and, just a few days later, Biden walked out to make his big omicron speech and he basically said b*gger all!
You only have to look at the photos of politcians on both sides of the Atlantic attending parties maskless whilst served by masked 'slaves' and this is the stuff of 'The Hunger Games' - in the books the servants in capital city have to wear masks, but not the so-called elite.
You are smart.
I've been discerning — attempting to — this issue. If a spiritual perspective might be added to the 'wisdom of crowds' mix… the Hebrew Tanakh (Bible) includes a book named Ester (Esther). If I remember correctly, it was one of the books that hardly made it into the canon, because it barely mentions G-d at all? Anyways, the story revolves around Ester and her intercession, as the new Queen of King Achashverosh, on behalf of her people, the Jews, who are threatened by the oppressive, genocidal intent of the *bureaucrat* Haman, who is singled out for advancement by the King.
Haman gets infuriated by Ester's uncle, Mordekhai, who refuses to bow the knee to him — anyone starting to see how the cycle of history is repeating itself!? — so Haman starts a series of vicious, destructive rumours to turn the king against the Jews. Long story short: he succeeds in his vendetta and the king issues a *mandate* to facilitate the wholesale extermination, by murder, of the Jews and seize their goods. A decree is issued to the overseers of every province.
Mordekhai coaches Ester to recognise her favourable position: Perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this… Ester risks her own life to change the king's mind. Meanwhile, Haman continues his vendetta against Mordekhai — when he is not occupied with boasting about the vast wealth he's accumulated — and ultimately plans to have him hung… and so on. Anyways… to make the point… Ester gets the kings attention… saves the Jews and Mordekhai and … Haman gets EXPOSED and HUNG on the very gallows he'd erected for Mordekhai!
I've been meditating on this and asking whether the time is coming when those who set out on this pathway might now be about to get exposed and, ultimately, receive justice. Interestingly, Mordekhai is then granted by the king all the responsibility previously held by Haman.
Make of that what you will, but one point that is observable is how the scheming of Haman-like figures has been going on for centuries; the other is that they often aren't as clever as their vicious schemes suggest; thirdly, they often get "hoisted on their own petard" …
Interest rate increases on government corona debt will be enough in itself to bankrupt many countries. Public support for rona measures will evaporate very quickly once their wallets are hit.
But I do find it very odd that it's happening so fast and simultaneously.
They now intricately know the mechanisms to repeat it very easily. Be great if the UK coronavirus act could be shredded on its imminent expiry...
They've already been hit, this last inflation report is over 7%, though from my level it's much higher, we have not 2 but 3 gas taxes, the last 1 was RINO pushed through and is progressive, their Fed gas tax halt act is only until Nov election. And going maskless means 3 jabs in BLUE states and Counties. At Certain events. MID-TERM ELECTIONS is driving this several key Dems are facing stiff opposition. If you get past the cheating mail in votes.
Even my liberal Step Daughter, has not done the jabs, nor her 2 college kids both who were Pre-eclampsia preemies, they do mask. Her daughter nearly died from Gate's Gardasil shot, and still deals with RA/Fibromyalgia.
The Renz Military Lawsuit needs some enhancements, Embalmer's, teachers, OB/GYN inputs, along with Cardiologist reports. I don't think all the side effects have shown up yet. Fertility is a longer term issue especially in the younger vaxed. Those past child bearing would not note it. How many hysterectomies will increase from cancer has not been explored enough. When you throw off hormone balance more bad crap happens. Has Breast Cancer increased because of testing delays, or jabs?
I asked an oncologist in B.C. in December. He hadn't noticed an increase in cancers, but was aware that the current diagnoses were more advanced. This was attributed to delay in diagnosis due to the lockouts and tele"Medicine", he did not see it as an immunity problem. My father-in-law is finished the first phase of treatment, I will ask again in 2 months. I am aware of Dr. Ryan Cole's observations.
Yes, great analogy and feel we are getting closer to the eye only when governments bow. Then back into the storm with another variant. Follow the money 💰 and goal of this entire pandemic. 🤫🤐🙊🙉🙈🐑🐑🐑
I keep reminding myself and saying to everyone who’s willing to listen that there are 2 things that are certain. Pay close attention:
1) Each and every one of us has a limited viewpoint of the bigger picture. Through our experiences, our observations, our encounters with others etc we gain our point of view. But it is foolish to believe that we know any more than a fraction of what is currently happening in this huge ball we are riding on much less what is going to happen to us or all of our fellow inhabitants. We can speculate all we want (nothing wrong with that BTW) but in all honesty we don’t even know for certain if we will live to see another day. We hope for some disclosure and would love to see transparency especially from those who think they are entitled to own and rule the world and will resort to the worst of human attributes to see it through. But whether we like it or not we must remain patient. Our time will come one way or another.
2) We live in a movie. I never really understood the law of attraction until recently when it became clear that nothing is making any sense so the best thing I can do for the betterment of mankind as well as for my own sanity is to simply let it happen and play my part to the best of my ability - and watch everything unfold as the forces out of my control provide me with choices. When calm and at ease I’m more likely to choose wisely. The indescribable journey we are on is a drama, a dance, a dream, a circus, a quest, and a pretty wild ride all in one. Just doing everything I can to keep it from being a great tragedy. And at 71 in good health with a lot of hope and gratitude, I’m all in for the adventure of a lifetime. Does this make any sense to you?
Yes and yes. At 71, it does for me, too.
Serafino- who’d have thought the seventies would be so much fun?
Yes, I agree. I'm 72 and have always had a fascination with history. What we are experiencing now will be studied in future times with a great deal of interest. I feel fortunate to be of an age and have enough world experience behind me to view everything I see with a critical eye. This is all definitely an adventure, but you must keep your wits about you constantly. I feel sorry for those who are taken in by all the subterfuge and lies.
Thanks. This is encouraging. Feeling very angry right now. Has helped to calm me somewhat.
Carol Ann - I’m so glad. I’ve been spending my entire adult life on this journey to awaken the callings of my heart which is where the divine resides. To be able to share a tiny bit of wisdom that can help somebody see things clearly is what I get the most joy from. I just saw the film Belfast and highly recommend it to all. Sometimes we need to take a step back from the heat of the battle and remember why we are fighting so hard.
I'm looking forward to seeing Belfast. I spent a year in Ireland in 1978, and got a lot of perspectives on life there.
I'm rather weary at present. As a traditional Catholic, I'm longing to pray, be left alone to worship and to be calm but the church leadership have other plans and ideas. I might check that movie out. I tend to avoid mainstream stuff of late as it usually agitates me. My mother's family were from Northern Ireland and I was born and reared in Dublin but have not lived in Ireland for many years.
1. Prayer for Serenity
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr
(from As You Like It, spoken by Jaques)
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms;
And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion;
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
Makes a lot of sense to me!
I like your philosophy. Just a suggestion - I think you would get a lot out of yoga. Not the trendy sweatpant kind but the actual philosophy behind it. You should look into it :)
Thanks - I’ve been practicing various forms of yoga my entire adult life. While not so much into physical techniques, spend much time engaged with Bhakti, Karma, and Raj Yoga. And one of my dearest friends and fellow freedom warrior is a master yogini. Here is a sample of her writings
They have much more going on than just Covid.
Covid was simply an opening gambit.
They will ramp up other strands of their strategy - digital passports, social credit, chemtrails, war, financial collapse, food & energy shortages etc. The list is endless. It will be a long running battle on several fronts.
The eye. I’m watching, not the games but, the return of the athletes from the Olympics. Will they be carrying the next “bug” like those from the Military frame in Wuhan?
They will not actually bring anything back, but it may be used by the various governments to say we have some new “thing” to be afraid of.
It will likely just be to cover up the deaths related to these shots.
You may be correct. Will shall see but, either way, I'm suspicious as can be after years of our government and their lackeys lying about, EVERYTHING:-)
This has had me greatly worried…. Interesting that several viral outbreaks in other provinces in China (one was Ebola-like if I remember correctly..?) have disappeared from the conversation since just before the Olympics….in any case I found it odd that there was so little talk of delaying the opening…
The precedent is set for even more incursions into our private life. This has been going on for decades but really accelerated after the sept 11 attacks. I was in Northern NJ at that time. The affordable care act and the 08 financial crises embolded governemtn agencies to assume that they could get away with forcing people to buy a private product from a private company and punish them if they didnt, now we are being forced to take medication that most of us dont need.
The state is set for some new crises that will lead these bureaucrats and pols to rationalize even more violations of our liberties. What will it be. CLimate, a war with russia, inflation? We have to work to roll back the state. THe first step is to scale back and eliminate federal department like the dept of education, energy, transportation, housing and urban development, and more
You know I had forgotten about that...we have to buy a private product from a private company.
yes... pure despotism... I thought at the time that it couldnt get worse. ALso the legal Kelo SCOTUS decision.. Guess who eventually gtot the Kelo property: Pfizer. Chief justice robverts and Obama should have immedidately been impeached and convicted for violating the constitution and basic morality. But now we have taken it a step further: inject this experimental drug into your body that you dont want and dont need just ...well... because... we say so and if you dont take it we will not fine you like in Obamacare... we will fire you, exclude you from society... the devil is lose upon the earth.
Yes the devil strides to an fro and thinks he will win. And he might, for a while. But I cannot believe Pfizer got the Kelo property....I agree they should have been impeached, and Roberts still needs to be. I wonder if we could get people to work on different committees...impeachment of Senators and Supreme Court Justices and judges...another to work on reversing every damn emergency order in every state, more to take down DHS, NIH, CDC etc.
EVERYTHING needs to be TORN DOWN and BUILT BACK LOCAL. I so agree. It is inch by inch, ruling by ruling, and we sit back and do nothing.
There may be more than one storm
I think the same media that shoved the vax down the throats of hundreds of millions of people, will now ride the adverse events wave that will be too big not to report on.
I don’t think so. Haven’t you noticed the huge campaign, which started a couple of months ago, trying to dissuade people from thinking that their recent heart problems could in any way be linked to the vaxx?
Yes they may. The promise of government subsidies that transformed their business models in 2020 and 2021 & that's been keeping them on message is receding, and "if it bleeds it leads" - but this will be framed in terms of "but covid would have been worse because the quantum of spike proteins would have been higher". At the same time there will be new pharma treatments to push - often mRNA based - to treat vaccine longhaulers.
I think Covid might go away but the mRNA is here to stay. Its the latest greatest. Theyll have to play with it for a wee while longer, get some mileage see. HIV seems to be all the rage lately. There was talk of a all inclusive jab, flu and Covid dynamic duo drop. But I didn't think Facebook would ban the word "honk" so what do I know?
They are not retreating, they are reloading
It feels like elite's and their government stooges' work here is done? They have the Franken-shot "installed" in millions of us. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
Those who did not take it or got the saline batch will be "shed" upon sooner or later. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
The financial damage that has been done to 99.9% of us is real. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
Plus, they have been more successful than ever at dividing us against each other. The effects of which will be showing itself for years to come.
I am seriously thinking about buying my own 18-wheeler and heading to DC with my 2 years of storable food.
Praying for the Canadian truckers!!!!!
Wales finally to get rid of passes next week and masks on the 28th - despite cases being less in Wales than in England and death rates being the same despite Wales having had, and currently continues to have, more restrictions.
Thread on the Welsh data
The majority of people with covid in Welsh hospitals caught it in the hospital.
"Can someone please explain to me why vaccine passports protect people from Covid on 17 Feb but not a day later, while masks work until 27 Feb and then suddenly they don't? This sure is one clever little virus!"
I think there is a very long haul ahead. Many have been completely brainwashed, ironically mostly those who have subjected themselves most readily to medical experimentation. A bioweapon has been unleashed on humanity, and its effects will prove much more severe than a nuclear war.
Abusers never stop abusing; they cycle through it leading the abused to believe they are safe, then they strike again.
We must make sure no one ever gets to have ‘emergency powers’ ever again. At all. For any time span, or any reason.
As a little child I asked my mom why do I have to memorize all of the people who signed the constitution, the presidents, ect… I had note cards galore. You all know what she said …. “If you don’t know your history your destined to repeat it “
I fear some restrictions shall endure, such as vax-pass for international travel, masks in some settings (such as airlines and airports).
There will never be a full retreat. They will try to hold on to some aspects, if only to leave a lingering impression that they were correct to do what they did, in the first place.
Their retreat coincided with the new year of the Tiger that brought in a new energy which should last for two years. That was our D-Day. We still have to push on for liberation. It will be interesting when the diehard countries like France, Austria, NZ, Australia, etc. will come to realise it's game over?
Even though restrictions may be loosening, they still want us to believe the vax is necessary. As long as they prevent early treatment, they will at the very least, want people to take a booster yearly like the flu.
Strategic soft retreat. Temporary. The vaccine passport is still hanging around and even if its use will not be required on a daily basis during spring & summer, expect a comeback in autumn. Already now, they are shortening the period of validity of the passport in some EU countries if one has not been boostered. This will affect youth for holidays. No, it's not over yet.
Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep which portrays almost to a word what we've been through also predicts that after increasingly authoritarian government behaviour populations start to rise up against restrictions. It's entirely possible populations are being herded toward populist revolt in order to justify these new 'domestic terror/misinformation/conspiracy theorist'measures being brought in by UK and US govts.
This is the eye of the storm unlesss people get wise to the chess game we are currently playing..
Yes…this exactly. I am really concerned about all these new measures as well. I would have thought that recent events in Canada would have been a real eye-opener for some but even people close to me are still blind.
In their retreat, after learning what worked/didn’t work this time around, they will try to find better ways to suppress opposing views and protest for round 2.
I don't know if they predicted a 'peaceful and loving' rebellion though, as in Ottawa.
I think that most of the population that agreed with vaccine passports and mandates at one time will see the removal of these restrictions as a natural outcome of he less deadly Omicron variant. I feel like the people like most of us, who could see what was really happening from the start, are in a bit of a bubble right now. I hear a lot of talk of the "narrative crumbling", but I don't know that it's crumbling for the vast majority of people who are still under the propaganda spell. Propaganda is powerful, and it will continue to be waged through this next period of managing vaccine passports, mandates and masks. I think some are opening their eyes though, and that can expand. I'm not sure that a majority of people won't again fall for the next wave of totalitarian rule, wherever it comes from, if their safety is threatened. My perspective and perception may come from the fact that I live in California, so I'm in a minority. Perhaps if I lived in a more free state I would have a different perception.
I read about restrictions being cast aside all over the world. Then I go outside and seem to see MORE people masked up, including the idiots alone in their cars.
Yeah 🤷 A part of the propaganda has been to trigger people's fear response, and I think they're kind of traumatized. They are stuck in the loop of the propaganda narrative. I was at Kaiser today getting a blood test, and a man sat down next to me with two masks on and a paper towels stuffed behind in to try and stop anything from getting in! He was so short of breath walking 25' from the check-in to the waiting room chair because he couldn't get any oxygen! Then the lack of oxygen also increases the anxiety and fear in the nervous system. Jees!
For about $70 CDN a person can buy a dual filter mask used by pro painters. They are quite easy to breathe through. For the mask wearers you talk of, in order to try to break through to them, I might pretend to take them seriously, show them how much better a pro mask would be. The contrast between them wearing 'hazmat' gear and you wearing nothing might start to get through to them eventually.
The way I see it, this is indeed a coordinated, startegic retreat.
These policies are not popular.
Some of it may be because it gets harder and harder to hide the truth, especially with Omicron: the vaccines are not working. You just can't keep telling people the vaccines are working when everybody sees and feels that vaccinated people are testing positive and getting sick.
People for the most part are not taking the booster. They don't want more and more boosters.
And so, what was it all for?
This will have consequences for elites. For one thing, with elections, especially the upcoming US elections. This is the Democrats' pandemic. Their mandates. Their "experts" running public health. Their media pushing the narrative.
And possibly, if they keep pushing and coercing, it could eventually push people beyond just voting against them. It could push them to various forms of non compliance, to getting out of FB/twitter/youtube, to stop following the MSM. Elites don't like that.
And who knows, eventually there could be blood as well, and then all bets are off.
And so I think elites are retreating for now. Their position hasn't been seriously compromised. It's a chance for them to just stop while paying very little cost for what they've done.
But they will be back. They still want a social credit / digital ID. The military-industrial and pharma-hospital industries are still going strong. The surveillance state continues. They'll take lessons from this and try again with the next virus, or climate change, or something else.
Which is why the Ottawa Trucker stand off is globally important. They want the passport ID gone as well.
They will try every excuse to keep the vax passport system. "We might need it later" or "You'll need it for travel outside the country" type nonsense.
Face it folks. If you accept the vaccine passport you are trading your RIGHTS for PRIVILEGES which will be canceled any time you say "NO" to your government.
We could currently be living through a coordinated period of "look, we're reasonable, we remove restrictions when we think it's safe", only to be followed by more restrictions in the future, helped into effect by this period of relaxation. So, an eye of the storm, like you say.
Not much of a retreat here in Italy. The non vaccinated are still in quasi lockdown, the vaccine mandate for over 50s came in and the govt (who was not elected) just changed the constitution. They are making the green pass 'unlimited' for people with the booster, so it's obvious they will try to keep this vaccine passport long after the case numbers have normalised in order to implement social control. They have vowed to make life as difficult as possible for the non vaccinated... But of course this will end up covering everyone as soon as they have enough power consolidated.
It's all too easy to raise ones hopes, only to be dashed on the shores of HIV.
Luc is now gone and like Kary before, his silence will be deafening as they crush you and me.
The pressure to test is already apace in the mainstream to see if you've got it.
Now the race to the bottom for the virtue signallers to test and do their bit.
Covid will be but a memory for those who do nothing but watch their TV's.
As they sit there with their white fluffy coats on, struggling with chronic disease.
Blind to cause of their disintegrating state, they still worship The Science buffoons.
I wonder how many of these poor souls have seen their last birthday balloons.
The narrative has collapsed because of a combination of Dr Malone and Dr McCulloughs exposure on Rogan and the power of the Canadian truckers. As the MSM lost control over the narrative, they ended the narrative. Covid news is down over 90% in browser feeds. VAIDS is on deck, but a slow roll. Look to Israel’s data if you’d like to see how this is going to play out.
The frantic cranking of the Russia/Ukraine conflict despite an obvious reluctance by either party to participate, suggests an axis of USA, UK and NATO are tasked with the next narrative probably to frame Russia in a false flag. War is scarier than disease for driving the populace to whatever cliff they have planned
“A freedom fighter learns the hard way that it is the oppressor who defines the nature of the struggle, and the oppressed is often left no recourse but to use methods that mirror those of the oppressor.At a point, one can only fight fire with fire”
― Nelson Mandela
Yes they will try again. A clear statement should be made that when they try again, we will push back as hard as it is required to stop them taking our freedom.
On and off topic; Nelson Mandela and our reaction to apartheid back then and our, new left's reaction to government injustice today;
For the record, Obama, Biden, and, their advisor, Ben Rhodes following their ass kissing visit to Cuba:
(Human Rights) White House Justifies Imprisonment of Cuban Dissidents By Promoting Regime Excuse (Having Broken the Laws)
Mother of ‘Brothers to The Rescue’ Victim Assails Ben Rhodes Accuses Obama adviser of 'bragging' about his shuttle diplomacy with Cuba
Cuba: Head of Largest Dissident Group Still Missing After Violent Arrest of Wife, Children
Just try to imagine our leadership saying; "well, Mandela broke the laws of S. Africa," move on.
Then they turn around and snuggle up to the old Soviet Union as we are doing now with China?
Am I wrong?
My view is that the relaxation of restrictions in most US states is directly related to the 2022 elections. The ruling class knows that the restrictions are extremely unpopular and do not want to get hung with them in the upcoming elections. Whether this is the eye or whether the storm is really going to dissipate in the US heavily depends on the 2022 election outcome. Let us hope that the current ruling class has overplayed its hand and the reaction at the polls is strong enough to overcome any “extraordinary measures” they may take to increase their chances of winning.
Pressure on the governments might solve some issues, for a while. They did it once, got a taste for it and will do it again.
Everyone who was part of this scam must suffer dire consequences, many laws must be changed and the whole system overhauled from top to bottom. No other way.
"One person’s predictions are rarely correct, however, the wisdom of the crowd usually points in the more correct direction."
Correct and, the problem nowadays is social media where perhaps 50% of the crowd is "algorithmically distilled" out of the crowd for having "wrong-think" ideas.
Not only was this wrong, it cost lives. Social media is the most powerful communications tool ever but, they noticed we were communicating in ways that didn't conform to the narrative so, of course, had to come in and "F" it up.
I'm very disappointed with the "new left" that are behind all of this censorship considering their roots were planted in "anti-Orwell, anti-big brother" concepts. Now, massive hypocrites.
Hypocrite Number One, today; Flashback: Neil Young participated in 'Freedom of Speech Tour' before advocating censorship of Joe Rogan.
Some of the old timers, the graybeards, have tried to raise their voices but even they were promptly shut down except, Roger Waters; he told Zuck to kiss his...:-) From my old notes;
Roger Waters Tell Zuckerberg to F-Off
Hey, Zuck, Leave Them Kids Alone! | The Beau Show
“and now they are deep into some weird hybrid of Stockholm syndrome and Munchausen’s by proxy. they have identified with the kidnappers, become the kidnappers, and are addicted to pretending that kids are at dire risk so that they can “save” them.”
“this is mental illness.”
“and it’s LONG past time they were called out on it.”
“they, not the kids, are the ones that ought to be in quarantine.”
The Pink Floyd rocker says Facebook is trying "to take over absolutely everything."
Clapton and Van Morrison Protest Songs
Waking Up Is Hard To Do
it's ok to be mad, but be mad at the right people
gatopal™ AJ kay nails this.
AJ Kay
It’s okay to be mad.
But be mad at the people who lied to you - not the people who saw through the lie.
John Hayward
The great dream of the 90s was that information would set us free. Yet, 30 years later, we know how naive that was. Information is EASIER to control and distort now. Authoritarianism is far more viral than liberty. Tyrannies fare better in the information space than free nations.
I look to alternative sources all of the time. I remember when the left embraced alternative media. Now they discourage people and often defend themselves by "attacking the source" per, Alinsky.
Book Review - "Smoking Typewriters: The Sixties Underground Press & the Rise of Alternative Media in America"
Now it seems "incurious minds" are the vogue, and people seem to fear turning into a pillar of salt if they gaze upon something contrary to the Narrative the MSM is selling.
The Left was NEVER about individual freedom; it was always about naked power.
Given the increase in attention and messaging around cancer and HIV I’m guessing this is far from over.
Here in Norway they are lifting the restrictions, but at the same time they inform us they have new plans for restrictions if needed. And i´m sure it is just a matter of time before things are closed down again. The goverment is working on changing the law to be able to use Covid pass in Norway in the future, so it´s for sure coming.
Yes, same in the uk. They backed down on the mandates for NHS workers but they are trying to adjust the human rights bill to accommodate press restrictions on ‘misinformation’ and are pushing for rights being taken from the individual if they are deemed ‘ a threat to society’, which will allow forced vaccinations. Anyone you talk to about this who still believes the BS thinks this is great ‘because trrrorists’. We have until 8th March to give our responses but most people won’t because the proposal is huge and these amendments buried in legal language that most people don’t have a hope in hell trying to fathom
Is there no easier way to oppose this bill? I no longer live in the UK but would like to share with friends there how to do their part in rejecting this bill and to have them spread the word.
Here in the USA I'm sure new restrictions will be needed right before our mid-term elections so we will have to vote by mail. It's for our own good, you know?:-)
Johnson is relaxing restrictions. As more people succumb to the effects of the 'vaccines' - and they will - the relaxing may well be claimed as the cause of the increase in deaths and permanent injuries. Cue - further, more stringent restrictions. This year will be a roller coaster, filled with desparate actions from governments driven by a cabal in a state of retreat and panic. Beware of a cornered beast. Strong leadership is needed where little is present. With a distinct lack of same, then people will need to be clued up and prepared to stand their ground - regardless of consequences. This is not about health, it never was. It is about the protection of all individuals from organisations thousands strong, whose goal is total domination through control mechanisms based upon the smart grid; 'passports' and nano-technology being constructed within the body at a cellular level - transhumanism.
Definitely the eye. Possibilities for round 2:
1. Portion of electric grid goes down, white supremacists are blamed.
2. Covid of internet takes down the internet for a time. Russia/Iran/North Korea is blamed. Digital IDs are introduced.
3. Massive financial crash (perhaps precipitated by #2), ushers in central bank digital currencies and ban of cash.
4. Climate lockdowns/carbon tax introduced (seems this might come a bit later).
5. Plandemic 2. Believe us this time the media will say.
A mingled of 2 and 3 could work. Crash the banking system through a cyber attack, explain 3rd parties have mined data and have enough to interfere in the democratic processes.. impersonate you to vote, sign up for credit cards, etc.... use our block chain digital pass to ensure you are your authentic self everywhere you go.
Imagine that.. sell the digital ID pass as a method to protect yourself from fraud and bad actors..
Time to get a lottery ticket..
I read somewhere else, they will squeeze and release power in arbitrary ways to drive more chaos and compliance. We must continue to identify peaceful ways to make our viewd heard in order to displace these overlords. Even countries which loosened restrictions keep restrictions for the nonjab bed. So the blame game remains in place in UK ect...they will use this scape goat to control the narrative and distraction. The compliers may resent non compliers as govern ments still control the mainstream media's voice.
If you are relying on "the wisdom of crowds" I'm afraid you are begging the eye of the storm to where you are. What we've experienced over the last two years and continues today isn't the wisdom of crowds, it's the madness of crowds.
The wisdom of crowds is an oxymoron. It is the equivalent of the wisdom of mobs. And I think it came from the idea of the wisdom of markets (free markets that is), which should not be confused with crowds. Free markets are rational because all the players in it have skin in the game. Moral hazard is inherent. Crowds, think voters, are generally the opposite. They are inherently emotional/irrational. They choose security over liberty. They demand something for nothing. Moral hazard is absent. The "wisdom" of crowds is how we get Trump and Biden and experimental vaccines that are rushed and mandated. It's how we get to $30 Trillion in national debt, over $100 Trillion if you count unfunded liabilities. It's how you get a currency that has been devalued where the dollar's purchasing power today is over 90% less than it was a century ago. It's how you get the clusterfuck of empire we've become. On the other hand, the wisdom of (actual) free markets is how we've enjoyed pretty much everything we have that actually makes life better and more comfortable.
The entire problem with this debacle is that there has been and will be no wisdom of free markets at work. It has been and will only be the wisdom of mobs that we get. We just have to hope we can individually manage to elude it as much as possible.
I believe we have two groups that have come out of a common root. The old globalist military industrial system, that has given us two world wars and the new World Economic Forum global leaders, who plans are to depopulate and enslave the people of world.
The old military are getting fed up and don't see the COVID enslavement working so they are trying to pick a war with Russia, their preferred old method.
We have to wait to see if we are to be poisoned or blown to bits in a war.
But then again this has all been prophesied in the Bible if you look.
think it’s ‘eye of storm’ unfortunately... predict the ruling class cannot allow the midterm election to proceed without an ‘event’ justifying further manipulations
British Doctor writes about what he is seeing in the jabbed.
'And then the worst, two 40y female patients within about a week of each other and each within close proximity of the jab (1-2 weeks). Both died without significant medical history, one I always remember as she had two young children of similar age to my own, MCCD VITT (vaccine induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia), catastrophic clotting to multiple systems leading to death.'
Full article below:
Breaking the Silence
The pawns will give in and cover their own derrieres. I'm unsure about the megolomaniacs who planned this whole thing. They can't win,but there's plenty of nutcases who will take as many as they can will them. It's called evil