Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The deafening silence around excess deaths from the same authorities who blasted out every covid case 3 years ago says it all really. Does anyone else feel like they are witnessing the slow death of ‘Rome’.

What is better I wonder ? Being in Pompeii during the eruption, or in Rome enduring the slow decline awaiting barbarians at the gates.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023


If you're vicious and clever you can profit from the collapse, and carve yourself a position of power adjacent to the throne in the new regime, whichever it may be.

Not much you can do about a volcano but run, yes?

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By definition those of us commenting here have all chosen Rome. Time will tell if a fiery volcano might not have saved us a great deal of time.

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The living will envy the dead by the time this is all over, although that's mostly reserved for the victim consciousness. The self responsible ones will have graduated past that.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

In other words... VAIDS.

IN terms of deaths hi vaxxed countries - lots of death follows... low vaxxed countries few deaths https://metatron.substack.com/p/covid-requiem-aeternam?s=r

Be interesting to see a comparison for conditions that could be attributed to the injections ... I have no doubt -- the results would be similar

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

You rightly said the continued excess deaths aren't "being sufficiently investigated", but I suspect the reason for that is there's no need for an official investigation, because they probably already know the cause. That's why there's almost complete silence in the media and amongst establishment scientists about it. After all, why create a discussion when they know the likely conclusions will be bad ones (for them)?

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

This was designed to suppress the immune system because the mrna is a prelude to transhumanism via nano technology borgification.

The immune system sees nanites and nano lipids as foreign material and DNA. To make humans into "hackable animals" as the WEF have disclosed to you all, the immune system must be suppressed and then the nerves can be hijacked with this nano technology.

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Makes sense.

Based on some of the videos I’ve seen on the died suddenly telegram channels, they have shown possible proof that they can take over your limbs in a very crude, herky jerky way so far before killing you remotely.

Creepy stuff.

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This is the "kill switch" disclosed in games like Deus Ex 2000.

One of the problems or benefits of nano technology in a human body is that somebody has access to it and can hack/program it to do what they want. Which can be any number of things harmful to the actual body host.

If people could not disobey "your job or get the shot", how will they disobey Gattaca style totalitarian "do this or die" threats?

These are not "micro chips". The chips are nano scale devices, which are also called viruses and proteins. You know, like Spike Protein....

Micro chips are obsolete level tech from the 1980s. Read Charles Lieber's patents. This is the level of 2023 technology, and we are well past the sci fi stage. Star Trek once had these thin pads that they read from. We call it a kindle or smartphone now.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Same here in New Zealand. Its summer and we have over 700 XS deaths after 9-weeks of 2023. We have even higher deaths in 2023 than the tragic 2022. I prefer the HMD method of estimating predicted deaths, called the Short Term. Mortaity Fuctuation method. It uses regression based on a user defined time series. The OWID method is a waste of times as it uses 2015-2019 only, which in NZ, leads to a higher level of expected deaths due to bad flu seasons in 2017 and 2019 and the model's assumption of continued population growth during the pandemic, which never eventuated.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com


details batch code info for all countries (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System-VAERS ) Data showing roughly 80% of jab injuries + death from 20% batch lots. Estimate of non reporting - incalculable

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Their original goal was 500 million and under on Earth, total pop. That's a long way from what we have now.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Interesting, thanks.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Yes I'm sure that the IgG3/4 issue is playing its part in gene therapy AEs. But it's probably a complex interaction of various things, many of which we don't understand. One of the world's leading immunologists once told me, in the context of a Multi-center RCT that we're lucky if we understand 10% of the human immune system. That has always stayed with me.

Of the things that we do know, clearly OAS (immune imprinting) and ADE are playing a part as well as are the intermediary functions of avrious interferons and interleukins etc.

Irrespective of mechanisms, it seems to me that the existing official narrative explaining excess deaths : the present favorite seemingly being "Climate Change-induced SADS" are wholly inadequate and, irrespective of causes, it's critical that we focus on finding sensible explanations on why this is happening and taking appropriate actions.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The thing to bear in mind is that since the supposedly “safe and effective” experiment was unleashed on the global public study after study and data after data shows the opposite and the direction of travel is one way. Any idiot, never mind the alleged (not by me!) brightest lights in public health don’t see it. Nor do the useful idiots actually...

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Not sure how much I trust ONS data... And I would trust their analysis even less.

Also, this is linked to FIRST dose, so quite a bit of spin involved in that. Why is this being released now? This info has been available for ages! I they still punting for mRNA vaccine use?

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Time, repeated jabs and re-infection probably induced a critical IgG4 load to cause diasterous immune suppression.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Well done bringing it out into the Stack-sphere!

Personal nitpick: why do governement agencies nowadays display a pathlogical urge to clutter graphs and tables with emotive background imagery?

The person clutching their chest behind the mRNA/non-mRNA comparison chart, what does that image add to the data? Emotional clutter, is what!

Why do they do this?

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That was a chart that had been done by the Mail. I linked to it if you click on it.

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Thank you, didn't mean to imply you were the guilty party in "putting make-up on the pig" (the swedish-equivalent idiom for "polishing a turd" translates to that).

I've only ever had the very basics of statistics as part of my economics/pol sci studies, but adding anything besides data and info about the data was more or less guranteed to earn a failing grade.

Nitpicking as I said, but it triggers the same response in me as the "green grocer's' comma"-type of errors. Maybe the field of statistics needs an equivalent to Lynne Truss?

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

May be interesting the analysis of a german blogger*

The analysis is in German. The following excerpt is a machine translation by deepL

“The British Office for National Statistics has again published a batch of data.

This time under the heading: "Risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination or positive SARS-CoV-2 test in young people, England". The data are presented in the usual way, which makes any evaluation massively difficult, and are obviously intended to direct the viewer's attention to the calculation of the relative risk of death, which is compiled in several tables.

And so we have collated the baseline data for the risk period on which ONS has based its own calculation of the "incidence rate ratio", for both vaccinated and unvaccinated, the beauty of our analysis being that we compare the mortality risk of those who have received a positive PCR test in an UNvaccinated condition with the mortality risk of those who have been "vaccinated" once, twice or three times without testing positive for SARS-CoV-2.

This type of comparison allows DIRECT conclusions to be drawn about the benefits and costs of COVID-19 shots for young people aged 12 to 29 years.”


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Mar 29, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com
Mar 28, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Figure 4, page 12 of the new pre-print (linked in article) is a good illustration to take a look at for understanding how IgG4 could make things worse

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The really sad part is that nobody needed to be injected. It's now becoming known that covid was weaponised Influenza and Pneumonia, not at all what the authorities said it was.

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