Unfortunately the reality is that nearly everybody "important" was involved in pushing these jabs into arms, even though the "experts" (and us) always knew the shots didn't stop transmission -- the entire basis of the vax push.

So sadly it's going to be up to the people who WEREN'T paid off to expose this.

Yes, I'm looking directly at you. :)

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"even though the "experts" (and us) always knew the shots didn't stop transmission"

I've been accused of being a "shill" for saying we ALWAYS knew the injections wouldn't stop infection. The absolute ignorance of people on our side beggars belief sometimes. I was sending extremely detailed emails to friends and family back in early 2021 stating this very fact.

The absolute risk reduction numbers were very clear - less than 1% at best for all the injections. In other words, as good as the square root of sod all.

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I followed the initial study data, and I was always struck by how few people actually got sick enough to count as a case in the first place. (This was because we used old standards of case -- you actually had to be sick, not just test positive)

But even in that very very very early data, it was clear the shot didn't stop transmission and the virus would go through the population no matter how many people were or weren't jabbed. That's when we started getting erased.

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Agreed. Then it turned into a political football and that's when we started hearing "You won't catch Covid or die if you get these vaccines" from the likes of President Brandon (who previously was a ferocious anti "Trump vaccine" Covidiot, apparently).

I mean, I don't blame people for not being able to keep up, the whole thing is beyond insane.

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The rich irony, of course, is that while it was “Trump’s vaccine” the libtards from top to bottom were adamant they’d never trust it or take it. When LGB-FJB “won”, suddenly it was a miracle potion & they literally lined up. Think of how many would not have been damaged or now dead had they maintained their sanity & mistrustfulness. Just desserts, I say.

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I've always found that so very interesting. Whatever might have happened to cause them to suddenly embrace and in fact, push, the vaccines once elected? It's the multi billion dollar question.

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It was their hatred of Trump that caused the initial backlash, & had he remained president almost none of them would ever have taken it, & THEIR refusal would have been hailed as principled opposition, “saving our democracy” from a mad tyrant (who never ever would’ve mandated it) & “my body, my choice” would have been bellowed from sea-to-shining-sea. And so the karmic wheel turns - they are being decimated & destroyed by their very hatred. Of course for the ones who would never have taken it but felt they had no choice, I have deep sympathy.

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Don't know, weird isn't it?

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That video needs to be followed by the switch when all these same pinheads started screeching about how everyone needs to take the shot and should be punished for not doing so. Then I'd happily play it on loop anytime a relative squawks..

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Stim Com, excellent! But OMG where was THIS on any media as a conglomeration when the f’ers MANDATED it on pain of job loss, societal exclusion, ad nauseum ???

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What does LGB-FJB mean?

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Let's go Brandon, F*** Joe Biden.

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I hope they heeded your advice, mine thought I was crazy and sent me to Coventry.

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I don't know if my brother did, but as far as I know the only person who listened to me was my mother.

I did everything I could, so I do at least know I did my best.

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I am just waiting for loads of people to ask why they sent you to Coventry.

(I know why)

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Maybe only older people, Brits, understand the phrase!

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Are you calling me old?

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Haha! No, just aware of it! I'm an old Brit though.

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“WE” didn’t even need to be particularly educated. Shortly BEFORE the shots came out, both the surgeon general and Saint Anthony Fauci said publicly that the new shots would not prevent the spread. I had links to these quotes in papers I sent to friends and family in Jan. 2021. Of course, many links within my papers no longer work. Inconvenient reality has a habit of disappearing from the internet nowadays

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So many of my covid bookmarks are gone, only 2 years later......

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This is why I archived everything and kept copious notes. The best way of doing so I found was by pasting huge swathes of texts into emails and saving them as drafts in Outlook 2007, which I use to this day. The search is so great I can find anything I saved almost instantly.

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Also in the UK Patrick Vallance said on the eve of the mass injections, while hailing the 'miracle' AZ drug 'we don't know yet whether it will stop infection'.

Perfectly truthful.

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The Ministry of Truth has been working overtime on it.

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Exactly so. I think that in December 2020 I read in the BMJ about the ARR from the Pfizer trials and thought exactly the same. Needless to say my wife and I are both retired and unvaccinated.

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And we will expose it to ourselves, which it would appear has already occurred. There is no amount of data or evidence that will produce an admission, confession or about-face by the perpetrators, the important people as you call them. They have known the truth since Day One. This isn’t about truth or science or public health. It’s about control and depopulation.

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Yep. They were always lying. And although we were ALMOST positive about it here in WA state, it's good to have proof:


To round up the political news, radio host Ari Hoffman has obtained emails from Washington state officials acknowledging that covid shots don’t stop transmission — months before Jay Inslee dictated a vaccine mandate that led to the dismissal of thousands of employees and a 10% drop in our hospital capacity.

(pics of email text)

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Do not forget that Dr. Deborah Birx basically admitted she knew from the beginning that the COVID jabs were never going to protect you from catching or spreading the virus. Yet she and others pushed for vaccine mandates. Really?? What else are they blatantly lying about??


These people are just plain Evil! 😈

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Yep. If she knew it didn't stop transmission but still pushed for mandates, she should be on trial.

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ty for the reminder and link. i had forgotten how frank she was. setting the base for a plea deal.

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Not about "health" then is it?

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Download or print all and any articles showing the 95% effective claims because I have a feeling that facts are about to change 1984-style online.

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Ask the families of vaccine-injured children how many injuries it will take to get noticed. (30 years and counting...)

That said, it’s really eerie to see such widespread devastation and have people still pushing for vaccination. I mean, the fact that it doesn’t work should have made everyone go quiet, yet they push on. It defies any semblance of logic.

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People are not logical at all - they are emotional. That is why every topic brought up by the powers to divide the masses are highly emotional. And people make serious decisions based on emotions only. Thats why the spin doctors are so successful.

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Yep. They attacked our sense of duty to others to push a shot they knew only granted personal protection (at best).

Otherwise there's no way in the world young and healthy people would have taken the shot.

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There was no personal protection the juice provided at ANY age. Poison is poison AT ALL AGES.

Vaccines have been used to disable and kill for decades. Health does not come (and will never come) in a syringe. Period.

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They’re too invested or complicit in the lies, & that goes from top to bottom. I believe some simply cannot face what they’ve done to themselves, and esp to their children & other family members, whether it was cajoling them (or in the case of kids, forcing them) to get the poison or banning other family & friends who refused. They cannot face that the government & entities they trusted lied & are actually malicious & malevolent. And then there are the loons who just plug their ears & say “la-la-la-la” or think it’s right wing tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

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“Someone in power” paid for the vaccines to be developed and pushed it on all peasants around the globe. They have known the deadly effects of the spike protein since 2007 so the juice is working exactly as intended. Nothing to investigate here. But as I always say: government is not going to investigate government to find possible government wrongdoing. Never going to happen. Pharma did not devise this plan - they followed what they were told and were paid for. They are the opportunists not the masterminds. People need to see that the constitution is meaningless and we are all but servants of THE EMPIRE.

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Dick Gregory told me a couple of secrets before he laid down in his grave

All of us serve the same masters, all of us nothin' but slaves

Never forget in the story of Jesus, the hero was killed by the state


Run The Jewels - Walking in the Snow (Rap of 2020 by far)

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I agree; we are all slaves indeed. And yes, we most certainly serve the same master - the global Rona scam definitely demonstrated that. But nothing will change, unless the masses break away from their daily bread and circus cycle, until they stop outsourcing their thinking and until they realize the chains they are in.

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I would say that they will only start shouting when it happens to one of their family - but I suppose they all didn't really get the jab? Over 300 Vips/celebs etc are being investigated here in Italy, for forging their 'Green Pass' or vax card. I seriously don't know what the tipping point will be. Something HAS to give. 🙏🙏

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"....mRNA went where it wasn’t meant to go (the heart) and an immune response caused myocarditis leading to acute cardiac failure."

I would argue that it went EXACTLY where TPTB had planned it to go. This is a sophisticated USG generated bioweapon that has been in the works for decades... The patent trail alone is damning. Will there be justice? Not as long as psychopaths continue to run the US/UK/Brussels anti-Human axis.

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I now think this entire COVID nightmare has nothing whatsoever to do with COVID or saving lives. I think it has always been to push a much larger agenda. That of installing tyranny under WHO Onehealth digital ID surveillance and control in order to institute the sustainable development goals. The SDGS LIKE ONEHEALTH are centralized power grabs designed to consolidate a permanant upper class who will implement their SD command economy. It’s ideological and based on utopian notion of technocracy as most efficient use of earths resources. Unfortunately individual rights or freedom or well being is immaterial insofar as it does not advance the collective goals. People will be treated as children. Like all Tyrannies this will result in more atrocity before it completely fails as tyrannical command economies always do. The new tyrants learned nothing from hitler Mao or Stalin as only narcissists and psychopaths can fail to learn or be humble......It took a long while for my head to arrive at this place. I hope I’m wrong but everything I see keeps adding more evidence. Vaccine deaths are not a concern here. Propaganda with todays technology is a powerful tool.

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Statins are only effective at preventing 1% of heart attacks. They are another big pharmacy subscription plan with oversold benefits and ignored side effects. A drop in statins, even if it gad occurred, wouldn’t lead to this number of excess deaths because they don’t save that many lives.

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The answer is--they will never ask the question about vaccines and no matter how much evidence they will never admit that they were a mistake. The media wont report anything negative and nobody will ever be held accountable. All we can do is keep that garbage away from our families.

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I live in Mid Wales. (I write about my journey towards self-sufficiency here: https://walkingwithgoats.substack.com). It used to be an item of note and concern to hear an ambulance pass on the road that snakes through the valley a mile or so from my house. It can occur a couple of times per day now.

For a city-dweller - as I was briefly- this is nothing of course. In a community as small as that scattered across the hills I've come back to, it is the sign of a different era.

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In the words of Macbeth "I am in blood stepped in so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er". To turn back now, to admit lockdowns were a mistake, early treatment would have been a good idea and that the vaccines are neither safe nor effective, would be the end for them. The whole system would be discredited, government, NGOs, media, Big Pharma, the regulators, the NHS. So they plough on regardless of the mounting evidence because the alternative is the complete ruination of the current system and all those who operate it.

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Expected - what happens in America happens to all of America's Allies too: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)

The Contracts 23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te..https://substack.com/redirect/dac78dc8-9d2d-4280-a390-218d47bb331d?j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF023 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Llhttps://substack.com/redirect/bcba05ff-1dce-4b15-a6a7-0f59f3cb115a j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF0 Grand total? $35,425,642 The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records 1% of all reports:

VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow

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The 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology injected into your inner body workings is at least 10 years more advanced than our species has yet been able to scientifically develop it - "our nanotechnology" is still in its infancy now, however, contained in the billions of lipid packages in each vaccine shot, which fool the blood brain barrier to let them into the inner workings of your body, where they unravel and start creating microcircuits and other nanotechnology structures and a nanotransmitter with nanobots and the included parasites the nanotransmitter connects directly to your brain at a cellular level, which cannot be seen without a electron microscope (see Robert O Young's webpages here: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-mindset-of-dr-robert-young-on-blood-clots-pleomorphism-the-jibby-jab-t-cruzi-h-vulgaris?postId=3704e561-ae34-4a1b-98f5-ded468531d93&utm_campaign=5003d1c8-c42a-4ec7-837d-42a0d74c29a2&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ca364f20-ac6e-41bf-9814-33ce0b02ff77&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4) with respect to what he has found, explained with photo's diagrams and full text - and you think that Trump and Biden's vaccines are going to save you from a head infection, then you must have rocks in your head as well. Much laughter!!

OK, back to square one - you have a cold or flu infection and while you self isolate it becomes Covid and it spreads throughout your nasal passages and after the infection appears to have passed by, you get the symptoms of Long Covid which nobody can explain or provide a cure for and a possibly fatal Covid infection in your lungs and body - well, except me, Long Covid possibly, that is, because, you see, modern virology does not include the head, where a cold and Covid originates from, at any time - virologists and the medical fraternity are only interested in the disease it becomes in your lungs and body, where they try to treat it, where the money is, at no financial risk to them.

My free salt water cure, done exactly as I have provided, washes the complete nasal area with salt water which leaves a salt deposit over everything it touches, spill some on a flat surface and allow to dry - flu and colds hate that - it kills them dead and at the same time, my free salt water cure flushes behind the eyes, the escutcheon tubes to the inner ears, the brain stem the brain bulb and the top of your throat, which is not where your mouth is - but half way up your ears - the facts being that if you kill the infection in your head, as I have described, then you can't catch Covid anywhere can you, so obviously, whatever the intentions of the synthetic mRNA vaccines - they were never, ever, intended to kill Covid anything, because viral infections attack your breathing apparatus, which is your FIRST closed system in itself and the mRNA vaccines injected into your blood which kid the brain blood barrier into thinking they are safe, is your SECOND closed system too - so taking anything by mouth - well that goes down into your stomach acid, where it is broken down into its elements, which your body does not need and expelled in your piss and shit is your THIRD closed system, too and they all interact to give us life, while not having internal access to each other and interact in the body, but differently - which is why cures taken by mouth, are just another way to skim you for your money and more mumbo jumbo.

The obvious question then is, for the vaccinated - is what to do about the installed nanotechnology which is far ahead of our technical ability - how to explain that.

So let's go with aircraft engines:

Up to the end of World War 2 (1939-1945) all aircraft were powered by piston engine technology and it was only towards the end of World War 2 (1944) that the jet engine was invented, in its infancy and because it delivered more thrust, provided faster speeds, took up less space, than piston engine aircraft - it eventually became our main mode of aircraft propulsion.

So with the nanotechnology in 2023 - we are at the beginning of World War 2 as above and the vaccines are to become jet engines, way beyond our understanding or mechanical ability to create in now, because we didn't have the specialized equipment, or the engineering capability to create them and won't reach that level of capability for at least 10 years forwards from today, let's see 2033 and here we have them being injected with the Pfizer's (and other vaccines) from January 2021 - do you see the conundrum?

How is the impossible possible, when the possible, makes the impossible, totally impossible and since "human" technology did not create this 2033 nanotechnology by 2021 when the Pfizer and other vaccines were injected, what did and why and why I personally think it is essential we eachkill it off as quickly as we can and especially if you lose your soul and your body in the process - it just another radio controlled toy, controlled offsite with no memory of its past - like the early Van Damme movies where he died in battle and his dead body was recovered and installed with a computer interface and he became a Cyborg warrior with others of his mates who went through the same process as him. They were transported around America in a huge black refrigerated truck and injected with this yellow fluid which awoke them and programmed them for the next job assigned to them - a lot like RoboCop.

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👏👏👏👏💯 and thank you for your comment re the blaming of EVERY death on the shot. We have to do better than that. #holdthebarhigher

By the end of 2023, they will forced to acknowledge 2022 as the biggest all cause mortality rate. My guess is they will try to blame the boosters and "novel, 1st gen mRNA tech", but don't worry, their developer's are working on the next generation "vaccine" that will save the children.😐😑🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I agree, but we should continue to point out the complete hypocrisy in how we count.

Die in car crash 25 days after a positive test? That's a covid death.

Die 15 minutes after your booster? It really could have been anything.

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Hold on there. It may be that 2022 is just the first wave. The second wave is increased cancers. The third wave, likely the largest, will be a population with a severely depressed immune response which makes them vulnerable to previously non-lethal disease that now becomes life threatening. When that wave arrives, Katie bar the door. The all cause mortality rate will make 2022 look like a blip on the screen.

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Is Chris whitty bought and paid for? It sort of looks that way.

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It is a weird one Chris Whitty and he always looked like a kidnap victim on the daily pressers.

His father was murdered whilst working for the British Government in Greece back in the 1980s.

It was supposedly a case of mistaken identity but it is weird.

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"...some real scientists are looking into it and more and more evidence is pointing towards at least some (if not more) excess deaths occurring due to vaccines."

What? Stop the presses. Who knew?

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This article tells us exactly why we are not making progress getting through to covidiots. They truly believe we wear tinfoil hats. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/gop-covid-anti-vax/?custno=&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily%201.6.2022&utm_term=daily

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The recent excess deaths data are rather worrying.

I note the data for Wales in particular -- back in 2020 the Welsh government was very robust in encouraging very rapid vaccine take up, and reached relatively high levels relatively quickly. I do hope that their increasingly high excess deaths data is a blip and is not reflective of them being just that little bit faster to jab everyone.

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