Not many people talk about this, but covid just happened to give the banks and politicians a perfect excuse to print up trillions of dollars and hand it out to their buddies -- once again papering over the massive structural holes in our financial system.
This new blank check will have the same effect -- especially because it 'ends' during a lame-duck session in which Democrats will still have control over the process.
He's the team captain of the Washington Generals of the Uniparty -- his job is to make the losing look good. But make no mistake, his job is to lose.
"We're growing government, but more slowly" sums up his entire existence.
Edit: and let's remember what happened the last two times we had an "emergency" that required a ton of printing: Obama turned all that "emergency spending" into the "new baseline" in 2009 and Biden did the exact same thing in 2021.
Yes! If not for Covid infusing the global economy with this amount of stimulus ... particularly after the finance jocks believed we'd overcome the GFC... would have set off mass panic.... they needed a better excuse.
Of course the covid thing killed two birds with one stone ... (really well thought out) ... an excuse to unleash trillions + it was used to frighten billions into committing suicide.
You might also want to dig into the Zombie Company scene - here's a teaser
We are looking at a system that has run its course... a system that required endless cheap energy to survive... that's ended.
This is the death throes we are witnessing ... a gigantic flailing dying beast .... that has been thrown into a fire... it is howling and wailing and screeching ... thrashing about in great pain...
Let me borrow a little from Taleb here... recall his anecdote being in a 'very important meeting with very important bankers in their expensive suits perfect hair and extreme seriousness' and thinking what a f789ing joke.
When I think of the beast in the fire... I think of ultra wealthy (and even the moderately wealthy) who take themselves extremely seriously -- flitting about on their private jets.. believing they are the chosen ones... they are special... better ... and I think of being a fly on the wall when they realize the beast is dying...
Imagine the panic --- yes everyone will be shocked ... but these folks many of whom have had it handed to them on a silver platter are gonna lose their shit when they realized --- the party is over... real fear will hit hard -- as they contemplate swapping caviar for rat meat...
Alas because these sorts of folks are generally trusting of the system that supports their status... will have taken all the Rat Juice jabs... they will no doubt have jumped the queue using their connections ...
No rat meat for them. When the binary poison phase two is released... they'll go quietly into the night.... I betcha some of them have in house respirators --- and probably someone to inject them with Remdeathisnear and Midazolam -- trusting to the bitter end this titans of intelligence and logic.
The beat in the fire is a metaphor for all that is wrong with our species. We are overdue on extinction.
"When I think of the beast in the fire... I think of ultra wealthy (and even the moderately wealthy) who take themselves extremely seriously -- flitting about on their private jets.. believing they are the chosen ones... they are special... better ... and I think of being a fly on the wall when they realize the beast is dying..."
Reminds me of John Kerry recently pontificating about being the 'chosen ones' who were going to save the world from itself.
FE is correct: I certainly know very wealthy people, just below the billionaire class, formerly or currently in finance, who lined up for multiple jabs. And stupid enough to do even after serious adverse events. It was just so important not to lose that booking at the ski resort......
No one warned them, no tip-offs, despite being in the wealthy 'elite'.
That should cheer up anyone feeling sorry for themselves thinking it's only happening to them because they are 'poor' and not in The Club.
There's a wonderful equality in death, a fact observed upon in the Bible.
'Stage 2' is coming, certainly, whatever shape it takes: We have the Climate pretext, or the Virus one, or maybe they will run both together in tandem?
I would suggest we have one year of grace left, maybe a little longer if lucky- they can't really move on the 'virus' front until the new Moderna factories are ready, and the WHO pandemic treaty is nicely tied up.
The Main Page for The Sovereignty Coalition is here – There is an option for Foreign Supporters to sign their Declaration to Get Out of The WHO, at the bottom of their Main Page. There is lots of WHO info. on the James Roguski Substack Archives.
That was Fast: Mortgage Rates Re-Spike to 7% Range as it Sinks in that the Fed Won’t Cut Rates “Anytime Soon,” Mortgage Applications Plunge to 1995 Levels. Even Investors Pull Out
Spring selling season was a dud. But what comes next may be worse, that’s what mortgage applications and investors tell us.
The 7% mortgages are back. The average interest rate on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages with conforming balances jumped to 6.91%, the highest since November, according to the weekly measure by the Mortgage Bankers Association today.
The daily measure by Mortgage News Daily already went over 7% a few days last week and earlier this week.
“Inflation is still running too high, and recent economic data is beginning to convince investors that the Federal Reserve will not be cutting rates anytime soon,” is how the Mortgage Bankers Association explained today what has been obvious to us here for months.
"It's a horrendous rates rise and I don't like it . . . but it's the world we're living in. If we go to the supermarket, it's the same. So it's a perfect storm we've hit with the debt we've got . . . I don't agree with it but we've just got to face it unfortunately," he told the meeting.
As described in a certain book, perpetual crises is a feature of the capitalist system, to ensure poverty is kept high enough and that the productive middle classes of various workers always need and want more, without ever having a real chance of becoming a competitor against the very few who owns virtually everything.
Capitalism, communism and fascism are more different in spelling than in practice.
Do I understand this correctly? Let's say that there is a national speed limit. Some want to increase it; some want to reduce it; and some don't know what they want, and really don't care. So now there's no speed limit at all until 2025?
So far not many comments on this ... and nobody seems to get what you are saying.
I'll as usual chalk this up to -- everyone says they want the truth .... but they actually do not.
Unless it involves a Hollywood ending...
If not they look away and pretend they did not see.
There ain't no Hollywood ending to this.... we are living through the biggest moment in the history of the human species... this dwarfs everything that came before ...
Even though the outcome is grim --- I must say --- I wouldn't trade this for having been born earlier and having died before this was unfurled. No way.
I wanna be on board as the jumbo jet filled with 8B piles into the mountain at full speed.
This will provide some insights into what will happen when the global economy collapses ... and 8 billion angry apes take to the streets --- looking for food that will not be there cuz supply chains have imploded.
NE - received your message ... I've already had some negative impacts on business interests due to some unveiled comments made elsewhere ... so I prefer to remain completely in the shadows.
I replied to the "spambot" about the Archons, pre-existing machine intelligence and that the Covid operating system is intended to optimize humans for the singularity. I figured the offer to converse was to identify posters.
I've been keeping a library of key events since GFC (which signalled the beginning of the End - of the world)
Let's dig in:
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. FT.com
In summary -- we were running into deep depletion on our affordable energy supply with the situation going critical in 2019 ...
The folks who run the world had been desperately doing whatever it takes for nearly two decades to offset the impact of the increasing costs of energy production (record low interest rates etc...) but unfortunately they started to push in multiple strings...
So they activated a plan that has been in the works for let me guess 50 years... what do do when we are completely F789ed... total collapse is imminent -- and that will leave 8 billion rapacious apes on the streets in the dark -- very angry -- and very hungry.... OMG -- can't have that!!! They'll come for us and skin us alive then roast us over fires fuelled by car tires.
Gotta have a plan to pre-empt that... let's bring in the Think Tanks ... ok yes -- a virus... use that to scare the mob into poisoning themselves... binary poison? Yes good idea... when the global economy can no longer hold together -- and 'the centre cannot hold and mere anarchy is about to be loosed upon the world' (yes I did borrow that from Yeats...
Release phase two of the binary poison (probably a virus that has been tweaked to be welcomed down the chimney like Santa by the destroyed immune systems of the Vaxxers - where he'll take a diseased shit in their cells killing them as if they were chickens infect with Marek's)
Better to die that way ... than in an 8 billion person rampage of murder rape and cannibalism!
The Pro Vaxxers will - contrary to popular SS belief - have made a good decision to shoot up with Rat Juice (although not so great if the past year+ has been spent nursing a severe injury)...
But what about the No Vaxxers shouts a voice from the back of the room... We don't want them to suffer -- is there something we can do?
Yes of course -- when they see the folks dropping dead like flies... they will not be told it's only the Pro Vaxxers... CNNBBC has the message ready to roll.... they'll be happy to lock themselves down...and we'll have those No Vaxxed special forces on the streets by this time ... shoot to kill if anyone gets any ideas...
We're already destroying food production facilities so that they will be conditioned to rely on the food trucks ... but we'll roll loads of clips of empty supermarkets on BBCCNN with a message - stay home - the food trucks will come to you.
Nobody will venture out... cuz disease + there ain't no food + the snipers.
Slowly the No Vaxxers will weaken as they run out of food ... food trucks coming -- tomorrow...
As this progresses to total desperation -- we've got Fed Ex cooperating with the militaries around the world to drop Super Fentanyl to all the No Vaxxers... candy flavoured for the kids... liver flavoured for pets...
This will be offered as a magic pill to stop the pain of starvation ... take 4 to be safe (and effective)
And that ... my good friends... is how you exterminate 8 billion people ... who are fed only if there is an infinite supply of cheap fossil fuels ... which there is not....
And you prefer that the story not end with them ripping each others faces off.
I know this is a bit heavy ... but once you recover from the despair (or shock) of being served up this Grand Epiphany.... think on the positive side.... how many billion came before you and did not get the chance to experience extinction?
And best of all ... normally death is a bit of issue for most people... is it death though -- or is it missing out on seeing grand kids grow up ... missing friends for whom life goes on ... and so on...
This is like being told you have Turbo Cancer... offering every family member and friend that you might miss when you die... a ticket on a jet ... then smashing it into the side of a mountain!
Surely that knowledge will take the edge off the situation -- if everyone else dies... you don't miss out on any fun!!!
1. Ulltimate Extinction Plan is to prevent roasting the Elites over tyre fires and ripping of faces
2. Binary Santa virus will come down the chimney to deficate on diseased cells of Pro-Vaxxers
3. Fed Ex and Special Ops delivering Super fent and pureblood snipers to starve and quarantine vax injured.
4. The grand plan for dealing with the end of affordable energy is analogous to being diagnosed with turbo cancer and inviting friends and family on a one-way plane trip into the side of mountain.
This is what happens when a species uses its great intelligence --- to defy Mother Nature.
Our big brains allowed us to do what no other species does -- to harness fire -- farm food -- then compound this by using finite substances - oil and gas -- as the feedstock for fertilizers and pesticides --- allowing us to grow enough food to feed 8B.
This was always an inevitable outcome. Malthus warned - and was ridiculed as the geniuses among us promised that technology would allow us to innovate out of a die-off.
The smart species. I gotta laugh at that. So smart we no doubt are about to set the record for the shortest-lived species.
Let's face it. Humans are just plain f789ing dumb.
And yet we insist we are superior to all others. That theory is about to run into a brick wall
I know that if my dog could communicate and I asked him why he does not drive... he'd say -- why in the f789 would I want to do that?
Well some say these bodies of ours are simply retainers, providing a learning experience for our souls, our true nature. If we heed the lesson, and spiritually evolve, we can move to a higher plane. Let´s hope for the best, and plan for the worst!
Not many people talk about this, but covid just happened to give the banks and politicians a perfect excuse to print up trillions of dollars and hand it out to their buddies -- once again papering over the massive structural holes in our financial system.
This new blank check will have the same effect -- especially because it 'ends' during a lame-duck session in which Democrats will still have control over the process.
The complete entire process. What the xxxx did McCarthy do???!! Who IS he?
He's the team captain of the Washington Generals of the Uniparty -- his job is to make the losing look good. But make no mistake, his job is to lose.
"We're growing government, but more slowly" sums up his entire existence.
Edit: and let's remember what happened the last two times we had an "emergency" that required a ton of printing: Obama turned all that "emergency spending" into the "new baseline" in 2009 and Biden did the exact same thing in 2021.
No reason to think 2025 won't go the same way.
I get so tired of cliches of central casting. These guys always but always look exactly like what you'd order from the "tawdry opportunist" rack.
I think a new virus occurred in the same general time frame. Lots more money to friends and family too. Looking forward?
He is a WEFer/
And I'm still waiting for him to fulfill the promise of releasing the 1/6 tapes.........
A tool of the globalists?
Beginning to think so.
Yes! If not for Covid infusing the global economy with this amount of stimulus ... particularly after the finance jocks believed we'd overcome the GFC... would have set off mass panic.... they needed a better excuse.
Of course the covid thing killed two birds with one stone ... (really well thought out) ... an excuse to unleash trillions + it was used to frighten billions into committing suicide.
You might also want to dig into the Zombie Company scene - here's a teaser
We are looking at a system that has run its course... a system that required endless cheap energy to survive... that's ended.
This is the death throes we are witnessing ... a gigantic flailing dying beast .... that has been thrown into a fire... it is howling and wailing and screeching ... thrashing about in great pain...
Let me borrow a little from Taleb here... recall his anecdote being in a 'very important meeting with very important bankers in their expensive suits perfect hair and extreme seriousness' and thinking what a f789ing joke.
When I think of the beast in the fire... I think of ultra wealthy (and even the moderately wealthy) who take themselves extremely seriously -- flitting about on their private jets.. believing they are the chosen ones... they are special... better ... and I think of being a fly on the wall when they realize the beast is dying...
Imagine the panic --- yes everyone will be shocked ... but these folks many of whom have had it handed to them on a silver platter are gonna lose their shit when they realized --- the party is over... real fear will hit hard -- as they contemplate swapping caviar for rat meat...
Alas because these sorts of folks are generally trusting of the system that supports their status... will have taken all the Rat Juice jabs... they will no doubt have jumped the queue using their connections ...
No rat meat for them. When the binary poison phase two is released... they'll go quietly into the night.... I betcha some of them have in house respirators --- and probably someone to inject them with Remdeathisnear and Midazolam -- trusting to the bitter end this titans of intelligence and logic.
The beat in the fire is a metaphor for all that is wrong with our species. We are overdue on extinction.
"When I think of the beast in the fire... I think of ultra wealthy (and even the moderately wealthy) who take themselves extremely seriously -- flitting about on their private jets.. believing they are the chosen ones... they are special... better ... and I think of being a fly on the wall when they realize the beast is dying..."
Reminds me of John Kerry recently pontificating about being the 'chosen ones' who were going to save the world from itself.
He is correct. The people who actually run the world and their minions ... are saving the world from itself...
If they failed to act we'd rip each other to pieces when the global economy collapses
FE is correct: I certainly know very wealthy people, just below the billionaire class, formerly or currently in finance, who lined up for multiple jabs. And stupid enough to do even after serious adverse events. It was just so important not to lose that booking at the ski resort......
No one warned them, no tip-offs, despite being in the wealthy 'elite'.
That should cheer up anyone feeling sorry for themselves thinking it's only happening to them because they are 'poor' and not in The Club.
There's a wonderful equality in death, a fact observed upon in the Bible.
'Stage 2' is coming, certainly, whatever shape it takes: We have the Climate pretext, or the Virus one, or maybe they will run both together in tandem?
I would suggest we have one year of grace left, maybe a little longer if lucky- they can't really move on the 'virus' front until the new Moderna factories are ready, and the WHO pandemic treaty is nicely tied up.
Carpe Diem!
James Roguski is warning about Censorship in the WHO Pandemic Treaty, Article 18 -
CALL TO ALL AMERICANS - Contact Your Congressman to "Exit The WHO" - All info. and contact numbers are on the James Roguski Substack site -
A core group of 18 House Reps from both major Parties recently gave a Press Conference. They are calling themselves “The Sovereignty Coalition” and they are supporting Bill HR 79 – The Exit The Who Bill. They have given short speeches and these can be viewed on James Roguski’s Substack –
The Main Page for The Sovereignty Coalition is here – There is an option for Foreign Supporters to sign their Declaration to Get Out of The WHO, at the bottom of their Main Page. There is lots of WHO info. on the James Roguski Substack Archives.
They are losing control....
That was Fast: Mortgage Rates Re-Spike to 7% Range as it Sinks in that the Fed Won’t Cut Rates “Anytime Soon,” Mortgage Applications Plunge to 1995 Levels. Even Investors Pull Out
Spring selling season was a dud. But what comes next may be worse, that’s what mortgage applications and investors tell us.
The 7% mortgages are back. The average interest rate on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages with conforming balances jumped to 6.91%, the highest since November, according to the weekly measure by the Mortgage Bankers Association today.
The daily measure by Mortgage News Daily already went over 7% a few days last week and earlier this week.
“Inflation is still running too high, and recent economic data is beginning to convince investors that the Federal Reserve will not be cutting rates anytime soon,” is how the Mortgage Bankers Association explained today what has been obvious to us here for months.
11% Rate Hike:
"It's a horrendous rates rise and I don't like it . . . but it's the world we're living in. If we go to the supermarket, it's the same. So it's a perfect storm we've hit with the debt we've got . . . I don't agree with it but we've just got to face it unfortunately," he told the meeting.
Central Banks are raising interest rates trying to tame this raging inflation inferno - it is not working.
Of course it's not... the global economy is being deprived of the cheap energy ... it is dying.
Our energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told
The Everything Crisis
The serpent has been thrown onto a bed of red hot coals... it is thrashing about wildly...
As described in a certain book, perpetual crises is a feature of the capitalist system, to ensure poverty is kept high enough and that the productive middle classes of various workers always need and want more, without ever having a real chance of becoming a competitor against the very few who owns virtually everything.
Capitalism, communism and fascism are more different in spelling than in practice.
Do I understand this correctly? Let's say that there is a national speed limit. Some want to increase it; some want to reduce it; and some don't know what they want, and really don't care. So now there's no speed limit at all until 2025?
The eerie silence here and near complete lack of discussion of the topic ... is an indication that you have delivered a truth ... that is unpalatable.
Bring it.
McCarthy is such a snake. Lying, deceitful, selfish man.
So far not many comments on this ... and nobody seems to get what you are saying.
I'll as usual chalk this up to -- everyone says they want the truth .... but they actually do not.
Unless it involves a Hollywood ending...
If not they look away and pretend they did not see.
There ain't no Hollywood ending to this.... we are living through the biggest moment in the history of the human species... this dwarfs everything that came before ...
Even though the outcome is grim --- I must say --- I wouldn't trade this for having been born earlier and having died before this was unfurled. No way.
I wanna be on board as the jumbo jet filled with 8B piles into the mountain at full speed.
What a way to go!!!!
This will provide some insights into what will happen when the global economy collapses ... and 8 billion angry apes take to the streets --- looking for food that will not be there cuz supply chains have imploded.
Fortunately -- the people who run the world ... will not allow the Gates of Hell to open.... they are doing something to pre-empt that
NE - received your message ... I've already had some negative impacts on business interests due to some unveiled comments made elsewhere ... so I prefer to remain completely in the shadows.
If you mean the phone number, that was from a spam bot and has been removed.
I thought you were gonna ask me out on a date ... :)
I replied to the "spambot" about the Archons, pre-existing machine intelligence and that the Covid operating system is intended to optimize humans for the singularity. I figured the offer to converse was to identify posters.
I've been keeping a library of key events since GFC (which signalled the beginning of the End - of the world)
Let's dig in:
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression.
In pre-Covid times, the world economy was on the verge of another colossal meltdown. Here is a brief chronicle of how the pressure was building up:
The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse
Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed only much bigger.
And the cause of this catastrophe that was emerging just prior to Covid being foisted upon us?
Our energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told
In summary -- we were running into deep depletion on our affordable energy supply with the situation going critical in 2019 ...
The folks who run the world had been desperately doing whatever it takes for nearly two decades to offset the impact of the increasing costs of energy production (record low interest rates etc...) but unfortunately they started to push in multiple strings...
So they activated a plan that has been in the works for let me guess 50 years... what do do when we are completely F789ed... total collapse is imminent -- and that will leave 8 billion rapacious apes on the streets in the dark -- very angry -- and very hungry.... OMG -- can't have that!!! They'll come for us and skin us alive then roast us over fires fuelled by car tires.
Gotta have a plan to pre-empt that... let's bring in the Think Tanks ... ok yes -- a virus... use that to scare the mob into poisoning themselves... binary poison? Yes good idea... when the global economy can no longer hold together -- and 'the centre cannot hold and mere anarchy is about to be loosed upon the world' (yes I did borrow that from Yeats...
Release phase two of the binary poison (probably a virus that has been tweaked to be welcomed down the chimney like Santa by the destroyed immune systems of the Vaxxers - where he'll take a diseased shit in their cells killing them as if they were chickens infect with Marek's)
Better to die that way ... than in an 8 billion person rampage of murder rape and cannibalism!
The Pro Vaxxers will - contrary to popular SS belief - have made a good decision to shoot up with Rat Juice (although not so great if the past year+ has been spent nursing a severe injury)...
But what about the No Vaxxers shouts a voice from the back of the room... We don't want them to suffer -- is there something we can do?
Yes of course -- when they see the folks dropping dead like flies... they will not be told it's only the Pro Vaxxers... CNNBBC has the message ready to roll.... they'll be happy to lock themselves down...and we'll have those No Vaxxed special forces on the streets by this time ... shoot to kill if anyone gets any ideas...
We're already destroying food production facilities so that they will be conditioned to rely on the food trucks ... but we'll roll loads of clips of empty supermarkets on BBCCNN with a message - stay home - the food trucks will come to you.
Nobody will venture out... cuz disease + there ain't no food + the snipers.
Slowly the No Vaxxers will weaken as they run out of food ... food trucks coming -- tomorrow...
As this progresses to total desperation -- we've got Fed Ex cooperating with the militaries around the world to drop Super Fentanyl to all the No Vaxxers... candy flavoured for the kids... liver flavoured for pets...
This will be offered as a magic pill to stop the pain of starvation ... take 4 to be safe (and effective)
And that ... my good friends... is how you exterminate 8 billion people ... who are fed only if there is an infinite supply of cheap fossil fuels ... which there is not....
And you prefer that the story not end with them ripping each others faces off.
I know this is a bit heavy ... but once you recover from the despair (or shock) of being served up this Grand Epiphany.... think on the positive side.... how many billion came before you and did not get the chance to experience extinction?
And best of all ... normally death is a bit of issue for most people... is it death though -- or is it missing out on seeing grand kids grow up ... missing friends for whom life goes on ... and so on...
This is like being told you have Turbo Cancer... offering every family member and friend that you might miss when you die... a ticket on a jet ... then smashing it into the side of a mountain!
Surely that knowledge will take the edge off the situation -- if everyone else dies... you don't miss out on any fun!!!
More on this here
FE "Seneca Cliff" notes:
1. Ulltimate Extinction Plan is to prevent roasting the Elites over tyre fires and ripping of faces
2. Binary Santa virus will come down the chimney to deficate on diseased cells of Pro-Vaxxers
3. Fed Ex and Special Ops delivering Super fent and pureblood snipers to starve and quarantine vax injured.
4. The grand plan for dealing with the end of affordable energy is analogous to being diagnosed with turbo cancer and inviting friends and family on a one-way plane trip into the side of mountain.
Man I can´t quite make the dive that you have......yet???? Surely there´s a way out of this disaster.....
No. There is no way out.
This is what happens when a species uses its great intelligence --- to defy Mother Nature.
Our big brains allowed us to do what no other species does -- to harness fire -- farm food -- then compound this by using finite substances - oil and gas -- as the feedstock for fertilizers and pesticides --- allowing us to grow enough food to feed 8B.
This was always an inevitable outcome. Malthus warned - and was ridiculed as the geniuses among us promised that technology would allow us to innovate out of a die-off.
The smart species. I gotta laugh at that. So smart we no doubt are about to set the record for the shortest-lived species.
Let's face it. Humans are just plain f789ing dumb.
And yet we insist we are superior to all others. That theory is about to run into a brick wall
I know that if my dog could communicate and I asked him why he does not drive... he'd say -- why in the f789 would I want to do that?
Well some say these bodies of ours are simply retainers, providing a learning experience for our souls, our true nature. If we heed the lesson, and spiritually evolve, we can move to a higher plane. Let´s hope for the best, and plan for the worst!
I reckon our species exists to release carbon trapped in the earth ... for the benefit of the plant life - and all other species.
If not then we are just plain stupid beasts... that have self-exterminated.
Is the ceiling out until 2024 or 2025? Other media in the last few days have said 2024 and It's a massive difference to the timeline if it's 24 or 25.
Notice he's carving the symbol for rabbit into his chest... guess what year 2023 is on the chinese calendar...
Biden 2024. Because there is no other possible outcome. Unless his Maker says it’s over. In which case it’s Kamala, Jill , or Hunter. Take your pick.