I have discovered, as I’m sure most unvaccinated people have, that the overwhelming majority of the vaccinated don’t want to hear about the jab in any negative context whatsoever. This is understandable. This behavior is driven by some combination of Confirmation Bias, Denial and the team sport phenomenon that politics has always been. I see this among friends and family, even ones who share my political views but elected(often early on) to take the vaccine. Some now regret that decision but tend to avoid the subject.

This psychology is so strong that I believe it adds power to the censorship of the news and data which show the truth and reality behind these vaccines. We are told that 70%+ of the world have been vaccinated. No one wants to believe they made a giant mistake, or were duped, or that(perhaps most of all) the other side was right all along. These emotions are among the most powerful in the human psyche. We may wonder at the motivation behind censorship regarding some topics. This one, not so much.

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I agree with everything you've stated and I would add two more things -- for those who truly did believe that governments could be totally trusted and believed in -- the level of psychological upheaval they would experience to have that foundational belief shattered by discovering the level of subterfuge, manipulation, lies and outright criminal behaviour that has occurred in order to coerce 70% of the world's people to accept this barely tested medicalization into their bodies would be -- honestly -- too much for most of them to handle. The cognitive dissonance would be utterly overwhelming and for so many - terrifying, in fact. -- That, compounded with the new realization that all of the alarming side-effects -- they have to this point in time -- been able to write off as "mere conspiracy theory" -- they would now have to accept simply for what the statistics indicate, which is not a reassuring picture. That means, for them, that as a result of having believed these formerly "trusted" people -- they have taken something themselves -- and even more terrifying for most adults -- even allowed their children take -- something that could even MORE seriously endanger their health than the illness they were coerced into believing they needed to take the thing to protect them against!!! That is HUGE!!!! Stuff!!! -- and for many -- they would MUCH prefer to remain in a state of "blissful ignorance" about these truths. This is, of course, why they may sometimes react so vociferously against anyone who even attempts to put in front of them any information that runs counter to the "truth" they have chosen to embrace. It's just all too much for them to even go there!!

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Yes. This. Exactly right, right here.

Shoot, this upheaval of paradigm has been enormous enough for me, and I entered the covid situation already with some skepticism about the trustworthiness of government and the industrial medical system. Although I still had some confidence that most doctors want what is right for their patients and would be naturally thoughtful about new diseases, new uses for old tests (eg, asymptomatic testing for respiratory disease), abandonment of time-honored principles (Koch’s postulates, anyone? Or maybe they don’t teach those in medical school anymore. 🤔), refusal to even CONSIDERING use of any and all drugs or medicines which might possibly be helpful in cases of serious disease, and by ALL MEANS don’t EVER be the first to adopt a new and unproven therapy.

But, alas, even my physician friends who are very nice people and care about helping their patients have swallowed all of this - hook, line, and sinker! It’s been appalling. And my own mental upheaval at witnessing this has been not small.

Seeing the level of fraud and corruption.... how then can we be assured the same level of fraud and regulatory capture is not occurring with other pharmaceuticals for other diseases? My neurologist friends were shocked by the F D A approval of a new Alzheimer’s drug a year or so ago, because apparently the trials weren’t so good. (Ironically, they also were among the first to line up for the covid injections.). How do I know that the breast cancer drug, or the heart med, or whatever else wonder-drug has not been allowed through the F D A with trials as revolting as those for the gene therapy injections?

I don’t.

And this, as you say, is just too much for many to bear.

Ditto for the realization that our own government, in our beloved United States of America, is largely not on our side.

It all really is too much.

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It has definitely been a heavy load for all of us, to have to face the fact that nearly all the people and institutions we have ever known and trusted are now all either "suspect", or, just outright our "enemy". Family, trusted physician, our government, it's been like being hunted down, it's depressing and frightening, and I didn't even loose my job and income as so many have suffered. What this has done to mentally and emotionally healthy people is astonishing ! Even those with NO predisposition to mental health issues, depression, or substance abuse have been effected and harmed. Just to know you may have to fight for your life at any time in the future that our trusted elected "officials" decide all need to be "inoculated" for most any reason is a stress that will now always dwell in the hearts and soles of all of us who would never have believed our own officials and federal administration would turn against it's own people. Most of us taken it for granted sacred constitution would always protect us, and then, for the sake of bringing it down eventually, we found out it is very possible to force anything, even medical interventions. No matter which "side" of this issue they were on, everyone's life has been irreversibly affected in a negative way. Those of us who did take one, or even more, shots, now have to live with the constant shadow of what have we done to ourselves, now that the data is pouring in daily. It's actually a true human tragedy, 85% of it completely unnecessary.

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Actually it is 100% unnecessary.

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And I realize that is the opinion of many. I just purposely took a marginally positive view since I myself, lost three close friends who had NO co-morbidity issues, so, in any emergency I do realize "some" steps ( "reasonable" ones that do not impinge on human rights, or the Bill of Rights) might be necessary in an emergency, so I made the equivocation that perhaps 15% of the "cautionary" measures "may" have been needed. LOL, truth be told, I've now lived through so much UN-reasonableness", that I tried to be "reasonable" in my estimate...LOL !

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Ahhh, I get your point.

I was reacting to the 100% that was not necessary (lockdowns, mandates of all sorts). Leave it to personal responsibility and decision making. Just like they’re done the new moneypox - they aren’t shutting down all of the “events” where the thing is likely to be spread, but actually said that they are leaving it up to individuals. And yes, I left the “k” out on purpose.

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Unfortunately, your friends may have easily had undiagnosed co-morbidities. At least half of the US population has some form of metabolic dysregulation (insulin resistance and pre-diabetes) and doesn’t know it. Many of these folks are young, thin, athletic.

Many others are vitamin D deficient. Which wildly increases risk of severe illness from respiratory viruses of all sorts. This is likely the case even in people who spend a lot of time outside, given that most of us are north enough that we don’t get sufficiently intense sun for most of the year AND we tend to be at least mostly clothed. Lol.

I’m sorry about your friends. That must have been and still must be so hard - especially since they didn’t fit the typical at-risk description. 😥

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I feel the same. I came into covid with basic knowledge of biology, media literacy, pharmaceutical fraud and our captured government and regulatory agencies. And yet the grief of seeing those closest to me fall for this, and sometimes get agitated, aggressive towards me, and a few isolate from me, has been so painful. Definitely has been a grieving process. ❤️

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YES!!! to ALL of the above!! Totally resonate with everything you said -- and with Shelle's comment. It truly IS a grief process that everyone is and will be required to go through - once it becomes impossible to ignore the truth.

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Tried to like your comment and it wouldn't let me. Yes, this has been a real grief process.

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There is a lag time when trying to click "like", I had that problem for a time, until I found if you refresh, you will usually then see it was recorded, or if not, you will then be able to just "click" again and it will "take".

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Well said. I recently met a Doctor friend of mine. All I could think was "How many children and women of childbearing age has he personally injected with an experimental drug ?"

And these people claim the moral highground :-(

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True, I'm sure he did, but I can tell you in our area it was extremely rare for anyone to receive the injection from a doctor, even at his or her office, neither the doctor or a nurse did it, it was the "medical assistant" (the multi-tasker who does any and everything no one else in the office wants to do). By far, probably over 99% of the injections in our area (since most doctors refused to take appointments for the shots) were given by volunteers who attended a 90 minute "training" session on how to give the injection. Personally, skeptical me will always believe that was the reason so many were incorrectly injected, and in the worst cases actually incurred permanent damage which ultimately required surgery ! MANY things in addition to "vaccines" were rushed without thought or moral considerations.

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I used to dutifully take the annual flu shots and all the other vaccinations doctors recommended. The evidence against the covid shots just became too strong to ignore, and so I have not taken any covid shots. But a consequence of this is that I have to conclude that I was probably wrong to take those other shots. By your reasoning, shouldn't I be resistant to concluding this? But I'm not. Not by a long shot. Since I have to conclude I was misled by authority figures, I'm angry. I want to make it clear to others that those authority figures do not deserve their trust.

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I agree. I think it’s gonna be a mixed bag. Many will not want to face/admit they were wrong or duped, but I think there’s gonna be also A LOT of angry folks who realize they were!

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A lot of people I know have developed different things. One has a tremor now, another told me how she and many other of her friends have all developed skin cancers. O ne of my other friends passed out and hit her face, another now diabetic. Ex father in law has much worsened arthritis and has developed fast onset memory problems! There are more- young daughter of neighbour had emergency appendectomy. Maybe not connected but this condition is on Pfizer's adverse events of special interest as well as the others. What is surprising is that none associate teir new health issue to the jabs at all!

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(Emojis in reference to Kathryn’s comment.)

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This is a brilliant analysis.

May I have your permission to re-print in a post that I am working on, with credit/link to you?

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This really is a powerful thread. You have permission to use anything I've posted here. I hope others will agree, too. It's so important for all of us to share our understanding and information as widely as possible. We are the only ones who can save each other now.

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Kathryn, what does it mean for us that understood early on our entire world was false, that everything we thought was true was not, and have been ok living with this (except for anger and isolation) paradigm shift/accepted it/now looking for others ready to resist what is coming? Is there something wrong with us? Or do we function differently?

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Maybe we've just been here on this ride a few million more times than many others -- so we've gained a bit more experience and clarity to see through the illusion. I would see that as a good thing -- especially if we can stay in clarity and use what we know to help create something better.

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This is an excellent point. I think that a lot of people (especially politicians) know that they were wrong and are trying to back away slowly. They want things to fade away. That's a lot easier than confronting the fact that their stupidity might have permanent consequences for the survival of our species.

The only scenario I see where a confrontation is possible is if politicians can feign ignorance (We were just following CDC guidelines! We had no idea that they were lying!) to create a victim class of “vaccine harmed” people seeking reparations from big bad capitalism. It could very easily turn into an excuse to impose even tighter top-down government regulations and advance the surveillance state agenda.

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Mass formation psychosis.....keep talking and telling the facts...humanity depends on us doing this right now.....We should still try...that's what Mattias Desmet says, " When the opposition is silent, when the opposition stops to speak out. At that moment, exactly, the totalitarian state commits its most cruel atrocities, starts to commit its most cruel atrocities. And that was what happened in 1930 in the Soviet Union, when Stalin started has a “large scale purification”, which led to about 80 million people dying in less than ten years, according to Selsinchin. And then in Nazi Germany, the same happened around 1935. The opposition was silenced. And then the real problem started in the totalitarian state. So totalitarianism is something really different from classical dictatorships. And it’s the process of mass formation that is important." https://covidvaccinesideeffects.com/mattias-desmet-on-mass-formation-psychosis/........This is our time to take center stage....and work on breaking through this hypnosis....🤞

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Go to ‘Epoch Cinema’ and watch ‘Headwind - The Roundtable Discussion’ featuring Mattias Desmet, Robert Malone and Geert Vanden Bossche. It’s the best half hour on this topic you will likely ever see or hear. It is by subscription but so worth it. Epoch TV and Epoch Cinema are doing some of the best investigative journalism ever done on what is happening in our world. Could not recommend it highly enough

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Thanks for this information!!

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Yes, I did...it's awesome....but thanks for the reminder....others may now check it out..... :)

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I’m more than regretful that I went against my gut feelings, and was too ignorant to know my rights when I allowed my job to coerce me into being vaxxedx2. I suppose I should be thankful that I realized my grave mistake after I had a nasty reaction to the 2nd (but last) pfiizer dose. I have a lawyer now, to keep my job, for now, but I’m not very careful about how I feel about the damage these vaccines are causing and I speak out to everyone that I know and sometimes to strangers. I’m obsessed. I’m, unfortunately, convinced this vax is brewing something in me…I’m accept the consequences but sure would like it if this crime against humanity would cease! I’m scared for everyone!

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I'm so sorry that you lacked the knowledge I'm certain you would have used to stand up against the pressure to get vaxxed. They were relying on that -- that's why so many people were silenced - so that people like you who were not convinced would not have the information they needed TO follow their gut and refuse. I'm VERY happy to know you have a lawyer now -- and I stand in great appreciation for the power you are bringing to informing others about the dangers. I want to point out to you, the fact that you DID take the vax - actually makes your testimony to other people SO MUCH more POWERFUL!! When someone they can simply dismiss as an "anti-vaxxer" tries to warn people of the dangers -- well -- we all know how that can go. But they can't dismiss your information as easily and as readily -- because you are "one of them". You are part of the club -- and yet -- not only are you seeing through it faulty narrative -- you are physical PROOF that these things - not only don't do what they were promised to do in the first place -- but they also actually DO injure people!! So, honestly, I can't thank you enough for your powerfull bravery in being so outspoken and informing people of the truth of these things!! You are doing AMAZING work!! Much, much gratitude to you!! (And I agree with Brien -- flip your inner narrative. Instead of imagining that this medicalization is "brewing something" inside of you -- daily -- visualize your immune system powerful neutralizing and healing any unwanted side-effects. View every cell, molecule and atom of your body as vibrantly healthy!!!! THIS!!!! is the truth and the reality you are creating for yourself!! Look at the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza (If you don't already know it ) and Dr. Bruce Lipton. We DO posses the power to heal ourselves. And you are especially needed on this planet right now to do the work you are doing -- so please!! -- know you are protected!!! Thanks again for all you are doing to wake up the world!!! <3

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Well said!

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I believe that God has protected many from this vaccine, otherwise it would have been much worse. I believe He will protect you.

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That’s kind of you to say❤️

Whatever happens I’m blessed that this situation has brought me back to God so it’s a win for me, and hopefully, I can help someone else do the same….

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and you darling girl, have single handledly restored my faith. Bless you. Wish we could clone you.

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Omicron. Where did it come from? God. He wants all of us to stop taking the poison shots, but if society doesn't listen and keeps taking them, we will be left to our own devises. For those who took the shots and regret it, vowing never to take any more, AND do not force others to take the shot or shame us lepers, God has your back already.

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I completely understand that worry. FLCCC and Dr. Been lectures both say that intermittent fasting can clean out the spike protein detritus (my understanding of that is vague). I find this sort of indicative of "more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio" as during inflation, when food costs are way up, not eating (if you are not elderly, a growing kid, or immunocompromised or pregnant) can clear the damage the vaccine inflicted. Check out the IRecover protocol. Really important not to nocebo yourself into stress and high cortisol and resulting immune problems too. And the immune system is a wildly complex incredibly complex thing evolved over millenia!

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Keep speaking out! You’re not alone in what happened. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this but glad you have a lawyer. Prayers you’ll escape any long lasting ill affects from the jab 🙏🙏🙏

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How are you feeling these days, Christine?

I can't top what Kathryn has already said, but I feel exactly the same way, and I am grateful for your comment & speaking up about your vaccine-regret, to spread the word. Esp now with these updated bivalent boosters, which have only been tested in 8 mice, no humans.

I hope you are feeling more at peace, mentally & physically & spiritually. Please let us know if there are any updates w your lawyer - has your employer backed down?

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When a colleague found out that I was not vaccinated he declared me to be "an idiot anti-vaxxer that Darwinism will sort out".

The fact that I had already had Covid and therefore had natural immunity did not change his opinion.

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The Stupid virus is running rampant in the academic and medical communities.

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Unbelievable how people can say such demoralizing comments to your face. They have no idea that they’re the ticking time bomb in this scenario. Maddening!

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I'll say a prayer that Darwinism doesn't end up sorting him out. I wouldn't wish harm on anyone - however - according to current stats he's much more likely to come to harm as a result of his choice than you would for yours.

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100%. The denial is a huge obstacle to revolution. Some people could possibly admit they were fooled - they weren't alone and there was huge hyping and exaggeration of the virus and massive over-selling of the "vaccine". But there's more. They went along and took it out of statistically irrational fear of dying on a ventilator. It feels weak to admit that one acted out of fear rather than just mass propaganda. It's much preferred to maintain a belief that you were a social and scientific hero. Then the fact that you can't climb stairs any more is a necessary sacrifice, not a reportable vaccine injury. And then they got their kids vaxxed! Kids who needed it even less and suffered from it even more. It's very hard to admit that was a killer mistake.

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To be clear, I did not take it for fear of dying of Covid. I work in a nursing home and all staff were coerced to take it to keep our job. Although, I never felt forced to take flu shots before I usually did each year otherwise it was mandatory to wear a mask during the flu season. Which now that I’m awake to the vaccine scams that have always occurred I will no longer participate. I will no longer accept any pharmaceutical or vaccine…nor will I administer another vaccine or any EUA medication. I no longer trust the medical system….and I work in a nursing home! I’m guilty of not knowing my God given rights. I do know them now.

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Jun 18, 2022
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I regret all vaccines I ever took and allowed to be given to my kid. It’s super depressing that I didn’t question a thing until the second Pfizer shot nearly did me in. Luckily, I didn’t get every jab offered and there were some years I didn’t get the flu shot…mainly got them “to protect my patients” as I never felt I needed it fo my health. I refused last years flu shot and my boss asked why. I told her I’d never take another vax ever again after my reaction to a forced experimental drug and since we’re never taking the mask off I don’t see why I’d need the flu shot again. No one in our nursing/retirement home (350+ residents) died of/or with Covid in the last 2+ years. My boss told me the flu shot was also mandatory and I told her well, that’s gonna be a problem then. She said she’d need to discuss it with the administrator….never heard back about it. When the 3rd Covid shot was mandated I turned in a religious exemption. They accepted it at first but then denied it. I got a lawyer and now they have not mentioned anything. I’m sure things will get heated again this fall when flu shots and 4th boost are mandated. I’m in Commifornia so 🤷‍♀️…it’s getting nuttier by the day.

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Stick to your guns Christine, even if it means you lose your job. You are doing the right thing. No job is worth your health or life.

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Oh, so woefully true, in every way ,so regrettably true.Now, what should we do? And, are we to trust our own judgment, if ideas are presented on how to handle the results of our last foray into decision making?

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The role of physicians is to offer choices that empower the healing of individual patients as sovereign beings. So I think the goal should be a conversation about how data is not the same as facts and why we need open scientific dialogue rather than dogma, a return to the healing sanctity of the doctory-patient relationship and the removal of all state-powers in healthcare.

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This just came out today and does a great job of explaining the psychology behind all of this madness. People just fail to realize that social psychology has benne weaponized against the public and it’s been going on for decades.

The Psychology of Totalitarianism


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What I would be interested in reading is about the new social engineering that has been weaponized against us by our own government, in coordination with Facistbook, Google, Geolocation etc etc etc...

I think that it has been and is being used (all our data) by more actors than we can imagine (think CIA/NSA the FBI , HOmeland Security etc) ...and that it is ubiquitous ....starting with those loyalty cards....

And now it is indeed tied to facial recognition...do you know that anyone who owned shares in facial recognition technology are now multimillionaires and their biggest client is the US government?

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There are emotions that are strong enough to overcome the confirmation bias and denial: fear (of the negative side effect) that should manifest at least in the reduced uptake of additional boosters and anger/desire for revenge at the people and entities who did that

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Yes I agree and I have seen some of that. My brother is an example. He got 2 doses but refused to take the boosters after learning more. On the other hand I have a friend who is a college professor. He has had 4 jabs and talks about how he is “protected from serious illness” after having come down with Covid after the 4th shot and getting moderately sick. He is required to be fully vaccinated to keep his job, which is of the utmost importance to him. I believe Confirmation Bias is a powerful force in his attitude toward the vaccine. He does not want to listen to other views and dismisses them as coming from the “anti-vax crowd”.

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When it finally comes, The MSM rug pull is going to send a majority of these people out into the streets looking for blood

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This is why my questions about the FDA's rationale for treating hospitalized patients are so effective. Those questions undermine confidence in the FDA without directly addressing decisions made with sunk cost.

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The study can’t be anymore biased than the FDA and CDC.

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Yes, and though it's sometimes said those who remained unvaxxed may have already been healthier, I believe just as often the opposite was the case. Many learned to be wary because of prior health problems handled badly. I had learned the hard way before Covid - both in my own experiences and in seeing those of others I loved that the medical industry will steer you wrong 9 times out of ten. Integrative medical care outside of insurance is where I found best care. Even doctors who started out right would be influenced if they stayed in the big hospital systems. I saw a doctor who used to treat Lyme disease patients stop because it attracted too much scrutiny. So she began to send her patients who contracted it to doctors outside her hospital system rather than treat herself anymore. I assume it's because the things that work were outside the accepted medical protocols.

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My unvaxxed family of 5 is currently getting over our first CoVid infections. We each had one bad day. Mine was first and consisted of a pretty bad migraine and body aches. My husband had an exacerbation of underlying neuro issues. Kids (9, 13, 16) all had one day of high fevers (102-104) where they napped off and on all day and seemed sick and other than that day, they played and entertained themselves normally. We didn’t seek medical care and managed at home with IVM and a supplement stack. Hopefully no long haul issues linger though three of us have lost sense of smell as of right now and my oldest has sore eyes.

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Substack is rapidly becoming the tech version of that heroic man in Mali saving an entire culture's worth of written knowledge from ISIS ravagement.

When The Plague first hit here, and the reports coming out of NY were apocalyptic, and I, fortunately living far away from there and with the luxury of being able to stay home and have a loved one provision me as necessary, had plenty of time to just watch and think, was extremely baffled by the authoritative medical advice to the afflicted to stay home and do nothing at all until they needed to be rushed to the ICUs.

I mean, since when do you do absolutely nothing for any respiratory viral infection? No Vitamin C? No ginger tea? In those days I was still supportive of the mask-up advice, so I can't claim any great wisdom, but the way the relevant authorities were advising complete helpless surrender before a hitherto unknown pathogen was just completely astounding to me.

And here we are. They've made it easy to believe that any level of evil up to exponentially infinitive numbers is completely plausible.

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I am a member of this control group and submitted my data each month to the website. To be honest I was surprised that the information about this survey even made it into the MSM, however briefly. Unfortunately it does not fit the narrative that you could be unvaccinated and still alive, let alone healthy despite these ‘vaccines’ obviously failing in front of our eyes. It has been - and remains - so important to have a control group as the drug companies seem to have disposed of theirs. How long this group’s members will be allowed to exist I am unsure. On the positive side I think that more of the vaccinated are beginning to wonder what they got themselves into and why and have now decided that enough is enough.

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I believe you are right. Pretty much everyone I know - or at least -- who I have spoken to about this -- who took it -- are now questioning -- and many, many, many are refusing the boosters.

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Every time an idiot that tests positive states, “thankfully I’m boosted or my stroke could have been worse” I mention that my unvaxxed aunt and uncle, both in their mid 70’s survived Covid and my 23yo unvaxxed son still hasn’t caught Covid. I have many unvaxxed friends who either survived Covid or still haven’t caught it….all doing fine. Ha ha! Then the freak out and demand to know my vax status…of which I just nod “yes”…and then I launch into my extremely negative experience after my second shot.

I cannot help myself….I can’t, and refuse to protect the lie.

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I SO love that you do this!!!! Your powerful truth hits home even harder because they simply CAN'T write you off as some crazy "anti-Vaxxer"!!! because you're in the same club! You DID do it -- and -- are living proof that they are NOT "safe and effective"!!!! Thank you so much for doing all you are doing!!! I'm so sorry that you experienced an adverse reaction -- but in such admiration that you are using the experience to forward the message of truth!! You are AWESOME!!!

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As always, invaluable information to keep in my safe place for references. As someone elderly , who appreciates alternative choices , my husband and I have managed not to be gene edited and so far still alive even after a doubled doubled family member living with us was terribly sick for quite sometime. Would suspect our early treatment regimes were instrumental in keeping us well- not according to main stream information.

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My aunt and uncle are in their mid 70’s did fine with Covid, the usual symptoms of headache, fever, fatigue and neither are vaccinated. No IVM either. Just old fashioned rest, fluids and soup.

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Good for you!! <3

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Thank you - still alive and cranky about everything going on .

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Love you!!!! <3

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Oh my ,thank you . However - I'm like a honey badger and getting worse .

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The Covid vaccine media arguments never made any sense - by June 2021 Israel and UK made it clear the the stupid things didn’t work. Gibraltar in December 2020 showed it would enhance spread and kill people. The Covid for kids shots never made any sense at any level, even if the stupid vaccines had worked, why does a 5 year old need a vaccine to protect grandma if her vaccine actually protects her?

In any event I’m fine with adult Covidians jabbing themselves as many time as it takes to finally join the Covid victimhood group claiming they have “long Covid” that would be “worse” without those 7 vaccines.

I’m not sure how their getting endless jabs protected my entire unvaccinated family, and well over over 1 billion others who are also unvaccinated and Covid recovered, from severe Covid, but if they want to keep it up, go for it.

I’m going to continue to pass personally. I was really really tired for 6 hours with Covid. My kids got short headaches. My husband even ran a fever a couple hours. All when we got Covid once and intentionally by having a Covid party. The “normal” side effects of the jab seem to be much worse. My husband and I had zero side effects from the ivermectin we took, wether or not it actually helped.

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And I’ll add, since when have we ever needed 2+ jabs or more in one years time for any other vaccine? None

I’m continually astonished - this alone should raise questions 🤷‍♀️

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I turned 40 a few weeks ago and most of the people in my circle are, like me, in good shape and no health issues we know of. If you had come to any of us in 2019 and given the established risk factors for the disease while offering any experimental shot with novel technology where all the previous animal trials had failed, every single healthy person I know would have said “heck no.” If you had extended that to experimental shots in their children they would have said “not even over my dead body.”

And yet, over half the adults we know, and a material minority of their children, had been double or triple jabbed by the end of 2021 despite the added info of “it doesn’t actually prevent any disease, any potential protection from rare serious disease fades in weeks or a few months, it has a terrible side effect profile, it may inhibit your ability to form natural immunity to the disease it doesn’t prevent you from catching, and the long term impacts remain unknowable.” I am still in complete shock that so many threw all logic to the side to obediently follow the demands of politicians and media talking heads even though most obedient Covidians we know openly admit to finding those same people/ institutions corrupt and untrustworthy.

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Happy Belated Birthday! Yes exactly, it’s definitely Mass Psychosis. Had a similar conversation with an older friend yesterday, but it’s still shocking there could be such a dramatic shift in reasoning. When they do admit to finding those same people/institutions corrupt and untrustworthy as you mention, it’s more about the blame game of which side is at fault! So frustrating!

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Unvaxxed and had Delta in June of 2021 - it was rough, bad cough, exhaustion and accelerated taste and smell. However, used z-pack, prednisone, vitamin d, c and zinc and recovered back to 100%.

2x Pfizered wife caught Omnicron in Jan 2022. I slept next to her for 4 days and was fine. I know of several triple vaccinated who caught Omnicron in Dec / Jan. I only know of 4 people who are

Multi-vaxxed and still Covid free to date, and one lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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Do you believe Biden received the vax? I don’t, these people lie for a living, their entire lives are one big lie. No way he received an experimental medication. He’s on hydroxy and ivermectin.

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Once it’s more widely known his daughter’s dairy talked about showering with her dad growing up, and a hyper sexualized childhood, leading her to sex and drug addictions as an adult, I’m guessing Brandon will either “catch” Covid, or get the real jabs for a couple boosters......... and here I thought Brandon’s other drug addict, sex addicted child’s laptop was as bad as it got....... and that was pretty bad.......

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They’re one messed up family. It’s stunning he’s President- someone you’re supposed to respect.

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Agree. It’s terrifying the this is the best the party in power could come up with.

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He's not the best, he's the most compromised and most malleable...and the most senile to boot.

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I’m with you on this one! I’ve thought that all along.

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Maybe, but then Tiny Tony caught it so who knows?

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Or so he said, maybe to avoid being at the hearing yesterday in person

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I have nothing good to say about that garden gnome, expect rest in peace. 🤣

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I had it end of November, it wasn’t fun but wasn’t a bad flu. My double injected husband I swear has had it multiple times, just doesn’t test. The latest time he was sick for multiple weeks, I was over whatever it was in 3 days. I’m trying to get him to take the ‘vitamins and supplements’ to help, but the only thing ‘woo woo’ I’ve convinced him on is echinacea 🤣

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That article went viral on US Freedom Flyer social media- for good reason. So many people got the link because they wanted to show their injected friends that they weren’t crazy for abstaining. And now, 2 days later, the article AND the study is gone. You know nobody is going to open that link except reluctantly a few days later. So not only does it make us look crazy, but we’re being gaslit as well.

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I find that questioning the decision by the FDA and its followers (including the NHS) about the rationale to only treat hospitalized patients with hydroxychloroquine tends to cause them to shut off the conversation. Likely because it's incredibly obvious once you go through the rationale that the rationale is bogus even to a non-medical person. So this looks like an effective way to plant seeds of doubt about the FDA and NHS narratives.

Here's the argument:

FDA: "Hospitalized patients were likely to have greater prospect of benefit (compared to ambulatory

patients with mild illness)...."


So, supposedly, hospitalized patients would be expected to benefit more from HCQ than ambulatory patients with mild illness, according to the FDA. But didn't hospitalized patients go through a phase of covid where they were ambulatory with mild illness? So, isn't it important to prevent covid from progressing from mild to moderate illness in high-risk patients, who then end up hospitalized? Wasn't there a great deal of concern expressed about potentially overloading hospitals with covid patients? So, why wasn't the FDA interested in reducing covid progression in high-risk patients?

Doesn't everyone see a problem with the FDA's rationale?

There are no negative studies of truly early treatment with hydroxychloroquine (within 72 hours of symptom onset), although a few neutral studies look to be underpowered.

The Accinelli study in Nov. 2021 showing time to treat being the key variable in mortality should be promoted heavily. In that study, patients were treated with HCQ. Out of 1265 patients, including 500 with at least one comorbidity, no patients treated within 72 hours of symptom onset died.

Within the 72 hour window, HCQ looks to work successfully in almost every case.

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Tom, early in this cluster in Northern Italy, they looked at the 60,000 Italians taking HCQ for RA or lupus, and found only 20 positive tests, no hospitalizations and zero deaths.

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would be great to have the source, would you mind to post it for us?

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It was listed in a early Covid paper I read.

I have a copy of it and will look for it.

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I think it’s still somewhere on the Swiss Policy Research website

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Wow!! That's powerful information!

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Could you provide a link for this study? I just looked for it myself but couldn't find it. Thanks so much!!

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FDA needs to revoke the EUAs

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The government has committed treason against the People of the United States of America

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F’in’ FDA just approved EUAs for 6 months to 5 years! Wouldn’t hold your breath, Lily

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And age group for which there is not now and has never been even the remotest inkling of an "emergency" for!!! And right now -- they are not even considering it a state of emergency for any other age group!!! Every step they take --- everything they do -- reveals this for the utter scam it is and has always been. It has NEVER been about our health -- it has always and only been about control.

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Yes indeed

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Oh no, I'm not trying to leave the planet. I have work to do here ;)

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Caution on this.

When I came across this article I applied the same relentless skepticism I do to everything I read, indeed - when I find something that seems to agree with my bias (in this case, supporting my choice to skip the vaccine) I am even more critical - I would hate to succumb to the same nonsense as the Covid Hysterics - uncritically passing on garbage "research" like the Kansas Mask "study".

My first red flag was looking up each of the authors. Given their background I felt there was near zero chance any of them would be applying a "disinterested" approach to this topic.

Kat Lindley is a Twitter banned vocal critic of the vaccine, you can read her blog and views here: https://www.drkats.co.za/about/ I'm unclear if she actively practices medicine (says based in Texas), but as a spouse to a DO, I am aware that whenever someone puts the FACOFP designation in their title, it tends to mean they want to impress you with letters. This title in fact is simply purchasable once you complete your medical degree and means nothing (I have been a to a few of the "awarding" ceremonies for this "designation)

Cristophe Plothe is another DO who appears to focus on the part of Osteopathic Medicine most DOs shy away from over the last 30 years - the Osteopathy part (it's basically quackery). Again, given his background I suspect there is zero chance if you were to give this guy a massive set of data he could drudge through he would find anything OTHER than a negative vaccine outcome. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/our-team/do-christof-plothe/

We also have Dr. Naseeba Kathrada aka "Dr Kats" who is a weight loss professional and hawks "Diet in a box" for ~$100 USD. Can read more about her: https://www.drkats.co.za/about/

That leaves the lead author, Rob Verkerk who has focused on everything from Organic Food Sourcing, Keto Control, to Termite infestations. https://www.anhinternational.org/rob-verkerk-phd-cv/

It would be interesting to reach out to him and find out what happened to his article if you get the time: rob@anhinternational.org

All four set off my pseudoscience alarms immediately (for reference, pre Covid I have always been vocally critically of the granola GMO/Organic/Gwyneth Paltrow quackery). While that shouldn't give cause to dismiss their claims entirely, the fact they are using the lowest form of evidence (self reported survey results) with a massive sample set lead me to be extremely wary that anything in this paper would be of value.

It's interested it got pulled, as even if it was junk science the answer is a rebuttal not a removal (retracted papers should stay up to learn from the mistakes - they don't get removed).

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I belong to this group. I haven’t researched the backgrounds of the organisers, but I also suspect it’s a bit flaky. I joined mainly so that I could get the “do not vaccinate” card if I needed it, but I do carefully fill in the monthly survey in case the data *are* worth anything.

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I belong to a large group of unvaccinated people in New Zealand. I've wanted to do exactly as this report has tried to do, collect data on how they fared with Covid, using the readily available protocols. I see nothing wrong with the intentions of the study and I hope many of my friends will add their experience to the site's database. I'm not sure how else these experiences can be collected. Other than this, we only have the data collected at c19early.com and independant surveys by Kirsch.

I don't even trust peer reviewed Double Blinded RCTs anymore after seeing how they can be gamed and noting the glaring COIs of the authors.

And of course the authors you disparage have a bias and different motivations to BigTech. They also dont have the financial backing to produce a glossy research paper.

If I share my honest Covid experience on the Control Group site, I'm happy for that to be used in any way possible. I doubt strongly Bigpharma would look objectively at the data because it would threaten their narrative. My personal observation, here in NZ, which really only experienced Omicron, is that my unvaxxed friends have fared well with Covid and have suffered none of the vaccine side effects that have killed and named many in my community.

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TerryA, there are a lot of New Zealanders (& Aussies) in the Vax Control Group. You can join @ any time

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I've joined the website, but will get a card too, as it is a visual reminder of what should have been created in the first place, a sizable control group.

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the article was also archived on archive.ph (at

https://archive.ph/Fnp7U) before being censored, it'll last longer than Google caching. Google sucks government <censored.>

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Makes me extra happy of joining the Control Group knowing the data has been used to show we are not dropping like flies and vitamins are more popular than Pfizer with far more than me.

Almost as critical as the control group are the Wayback captures because info disappears and critical info disappears faster. This is a problem everyone can help to solve by getting a Wayback toolbar button and check for archive copies or save on the fly. Even better it will redirect 404 Not Found Error to archive copies IF someone saved it. See something Save Something..


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I have just joined this website you talk about at the end of April!

You can still join and submit your own observations at: https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/

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I have never bothered to test myself so have no idea if I've had the virus. It isn't, in my opinion, worthy of all the panic and hysteria of the last 2 years. It certainly isn't worth getting an injection of some stuff with no long term safety data which doesn't stop you getting it! I have had 2 colds, one probably was Covid because my cousin had a cold which turned out to be an exciting positive Covid when tested. I look after our own health. I don't test for things I don't have which wouldn't hurt me anyway. How is it that nobody remembers what having the flu is like? This is a storm in a teacup over a cold virus. All these reports rely on mass testing of people to see if they have a cold or not.

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Even if you tested yourself, you'd have to have a lot of doubt about whether the test was accurate, whether it returned a negative (could be false) or a positive (then you'd know you'd been exposed, but could have been asymptomatic).

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I am part of the control group in this survey along with my family, its a great study and factual, we fill it out every month.

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