Sep 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Time worn ploy to divide and conquer. After the American Civil War, the impoverished people of the conquered Southern Confederacy joined with the newly freed slaves to form farming co-opts. Since all parties needed resources from other parties in order to survive and hopefully thrive. The whites and blacks had no problem forming the co-opts and rapidly began rebuilding the agricultural economy of the South.

The US Federal Government saw this as "dangerous" and promptly began a campaign of divide and conquer by offering the newly freed black farmers 40 acres and a mule while withholding the same offer from the white farmers. Racism and divide were born, the co-opts fell apart, and the repercussions are still evident today. The campaign worked well.

It's always about divide and conquer. Relativism is a perfect tool. No Universal Truth, nothing to stand for in unison.

Howard Zinn wrote about this in The People's History of The United States.

Thank you for this thought provoking article.

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Exactly the same policies indeed. Witness San Frans offer to its black citizens. And here in NZ about 5 minutes walk away from where I live a new "health centre" is being built for Maori and Pacifika. Not necessarily good for these communities of course but resources garnered from the whole population are being spent on only part of our population. Also Dunedin does not have a very large Maori & Pacifika community so I kind of figure they must be planning to change that as well.

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Perhaps I need a refresher course in American history, but I don't think the 40 acres and a mule policy ever took effect.

One thing I have come to realize (with the help of reading "A Fool's Errand", written shortly after the civil war), is that the freed slaves continued to feel a bond to their former masters, as they were the only White people they had ever known. Of the aristocratic plantation owners, blacks, and the Northern liberators, it is the Northern liberators who were the odd man out. That largely holds true today. Blacks faithfully vote for the democratic party, the party that is responsible for all institutional racism, including slavery.

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My source is Howard Zinn's The People's History of The United States.

Thoroughly documented and a good read.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

They now herd you like cattle through a cattle shoot at Walmart to pay for their overpriced Chinese junk.

Details of the Amish Farmer Story Prove the FDA and USDA Should Be Dissolved Completely


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It means a few own and control your buying power. And they get richer, the middle class poorer, the poor even worse.


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Sep 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

“No multicultural society can survive without unifying myths of nationhood or willingness to defend common values.”


That’s the magic bean. All peoples have always known this. That’s why they compose great mythic works of binding, such as, you know, the Bible.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Loved all over London and parts of Sussex in the mid 80s to the early 90s. The British people are extremely tolerant, welcoming to all who want to better themselves and their families future, and in the main, very polite. I was a young Irish lad. There were still bomb attacks and other atrocities being carried out by the provisional IRA. And it made no difference in people’s attitudes towards what was a huge wave of young irish economic refugees. I’ve lived in a few great countries, but I remember my days in England fondly. The manufacturing of divisive issues has attempted to paint a different picture. But as the man says, those at the coalface, and we Irish now have a lot of immigrants for varying reasons, so our experience is now similar to that of Britain, know that the narrative is bollox. But to even attempt to have any form of discussion on immigration, for example, or especially the LGBQTA issue, is to be labelled a bigot, a racist, or homophobic . Sometimes all 3 depending on the situation.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Decolonization, often defined as "decolonization of the mind," is a hugely important topic. Thank you for bringing it up.

Decolonization of the mind means, to the adherents of this term, getting rid of the Western style of thought.


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Sep 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"Knowledge must be decentralised away from white male perspectives toward “diverse ways of knowing.”"

Perhaps a footnote to exempt public health emergencies where diverse knowing is forbidden.

"Instead, prominent media pundits, cultural leaders and now self-interested corporate brands readily amplify decolonisation narratives that reflexively attribute imperialism, racism and guilt to the majority demographic."

Substitute decolonisation with unvaccinated it's same sh*t different bun!

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Good points brought up here but I tire of the neologisms and the redefining of everything where we must use quotation marks around simple terminology.... For example, the traditional definition of colonization is not what these people refer to when they are trying to "decolonize" so it creates this bizarre dynamic..

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Well said. The simple use of language has become a minefield. Curated by the PC brigade, as well as those who wake up in the morning and decide that they are going to find a way of finding offence in a comment, post, article or everyday conversation. People are self censoring themselves to the point of silence.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Peter Whittle is brilliant. I will definitely watch this episode - thanks for flagging it.. His series called Heresies is also excellent.

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Fabulous series. London has changed so much in a generation, but gets to nuts and bolts of how it happened as it did, and it’s consequences.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The elites are definitely parasites.

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At the recent Frome Festival, they decolonised the environment.


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Prepping for the Real Deal.....

The Home Office has confirmed that a biohazard response at Dover harbour on Friday afternoon followed reports of some migrants arriving from France and "being unwell".

GB News filmed as authorities wore specialist biohazard coveralls at the main migrant processing facility.


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I haven't watched this yet, but it sounds like it's Russia's fault that the West is doing what it's doing . I beg to differ.

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He said Russia could take advantage of the West destroying itself, not that it is Russia's fault.

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Perhaps. I haven't listened to the talk. But from your transcript one can gather that self-destruction of the West is in Russia's interest. I had the impression that Russia (don't know about China) was quite happy to coexist with everybody around until NATO came too close.

The West should forget about the East and concentrate on itself.

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"I haven't watched this yet, but it sounds like it's Russia's fault that the West is doing what it's doing . I beg to differ."

Always a head scratcher why folks preface opinion w haven't watched or read disclosures.

Made me laugh as if Uncle Sam has US actions determined by outsiders when planning, though driven by insane warmongers, leaves nothing to chance & always proactive.

To entertain the idea that the countries so rude as to put their borders uncomfortably close to America's 800+ known military installations around the globe are capable of provocation speaks to a fairly propaganda soaked, corp media view of the world. Improve your sources.

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You did not pay attention: I have read the description of the video, so perhaps you need to buy a better shampoo, so the head stop itching.

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My sister used to work at the San Francisco School of Circus Arts with a survivor of the Cultural Revolution who taught acrobatics. He was persecuted for his knowledge of Western arts. During the Cultural Revolution, according to memoirs, anything Western could get you sent to starvation re-education camps, so people dug holes in their houses to hide all the art and music and books.

China is the prototype for the world the globalists want to impose, and they've been involved in a decades long destruction of Western nations, Western values, Judeo-Christianity. I still think there's an early AI computer somewhere that the globalists fed all human knowledge into, particularly sociological, historical and psychological, and asked it how to destroy the West and its spirituality, individualism and liberal values. Colonialism hits hard in Europe, whereas here in America, it is the incessant water drop torture is of race, race, race. This is all totally top down, imposed over decades, but they are mostly psychopaths, and psychopaths are 5 per cent of the population, so how many is that, out of 8 billion?

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Are you speechless after reading this?

Covid may have permanently damaged people's immunity

Covid infections are putting people at higher risk of diabetes, strokes, heart disease and other long-term illnesses - but experts warn it may be decades before the full impact is known.

Meanwhile, could Covid-19 also be blamed for the increased frequency and severity of colds and flu? Has it damaged our ability to fight off infections?


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That’s a serious cause for concern, especially for those who have had a few jabs. The immune system can be caught off guard. Dr Jonathan Engler gives great description of the dangers posed by multiple shots, amongst other great insights concerning covid.

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