They sure as hell aren't 'vaccines' as everybody thought of them for decades. And so if they don't actually provide immunity to 'x', what's the point in the first place? Gene therapy or no, why subject yourself to something that doesn't actually work?

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Because the injections have nothing to do with health, or with stopping a relatively harmless flu virus such as covid. Everything we have seen only makes sense in the context of transhumanism and/or genocide and/or population control. The article cited is a step in the right direction, but fails to just tell it like it is. They are absolutely gene therapy, they absolutely always had the potential to reverse transcribe (and were engineered to do so, one could argue), and all of the tests suggested should absolutely have been done before forcing them on the population. The fact that those tests weren't done is the red flag. They didn't move fast because they cared about saving lives (after all, more people are dying now and they won't even look at it), they moved fast because the injections never would have stood up to a shred of authentic scrutiny.

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It's getting harder and harder to come to any other conclusion.

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They moved fast because it's a failed cancer treatment repurposed as a failed common cold vaccine simply to make big ass money! All that research will not be wasted. These failed drugs have been sitting on the shelves for decades. Finally a repurposed use to make trillions. Think ozempic and weight loss.

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I hope it is that simple.

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I think stupidity plays a major role in this

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The latter.

Regulated? No, destroyed. They’re a disaster.

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Make that destroyed by being injected into the decision-makers, the boards of executives, the marketing departments, the lobbyists, and pretty much anyone involved in and profiting from the whole deal.

If it's no danger, they can hardly object to getting their booster every third month for the rest of their lives, can they?

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Pretty sure all those types got the now infamous “placebos”, for sure

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In my imagination they do not get a choice.

Reason being, they said - they promised! - it's necessary and no danger. They lied.

Therefore, no choice.

I've a very old-fashioned kind of moral, the kind that went out of style around 1066AD or thereabouts.

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I agree w/ you Rikard!

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Your comment Cindy reminds me that in Australia, Pfizer imported a batch of "special" vaccines for Australian Pfizer employees only.

A unique batch for their employees only?

Very sus, as there's plenty of the normal Pfizer vaccine here, why a special batch just for them?

The TGA website covers batches brought into Australia... Best demonstrated in this tweet here :


IF the "vaccines" were as safe and effective as we were all told, WHY would Pfizer need to create limited special batches for their employees? Which were NOT EVEN REQUIRED TO BE TESTED by the TGA!?

I don't want to say the word "saline", but I'm tempted to...

Lot number: FD0927*


The batch number says to "see remarks"...

And... those remarks are:

"Not tested. OCABR Reviewed. Limited batch quantity allocated for use in Pfizer Australia employee vaccination program"

So sus ...

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Steve, if you won’t say it, I will: saline, Saline, SALINE 😂. Isn’t it maddening? You know all of the smart set got that

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One hundred percent Cindi, it's frustrating, and yet not on mainstream media... Very sus all around!!

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In answer to the question, "How should they be regulated":

Every single vial should be removed forthwith from wherever they are stored, and immediately, safely, and irrevocably destroyed. They have been demonstrated to be unfit for use by any living being. Then, all facilities producing or promoting or developing them in any way should be shut down and investigated. Yes, they are that dangerous.

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Depends on what a woman is...this looks like a transviral type. Really wants to be a vaccine, but genetically is gene therapy. And everyone will disagree.

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Schrodinger's vaccine. In the same way it exists in a quantum superposition between EUA and full approval (therefore it can be mandated while simultaneously being exempt from liability and ingredient disclosure), it exists in quantum superposition between gene therapy and vaccine (therefore it can act as a gene therapy while being regulated as a vaccine). It is both and neither at the same time, and only the rules from each that best benefit the elites qualify to be enforced.

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So it totally can't change DNA...but there's a potential risk it reverse-transcribes into the genome? Umm...pretty sure that means it can change DNA, even if its rare. The diff between possibility and probability and all that. If it can, it can. Even if rare, even if not intended, if its a possibility at all then its not impossible.

And last I heard, this unnatural lab-made mRNA was adapted to resist the body's processes that destroy it fast after doing the job.

Also, Bourla, Pfizer CEO, proudly crowing about how they will change the DNA of all mankind using mRNA. I guess he needs a lesson in the Science.

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Yeah, everything the alphabet agencies say, eventually gets proved wrong.

"Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line"


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At this point I'd say when the alphabet agencies say go one way, the smart bet is to go the opposite direction until solid evidence shows otherwise. Just based on their track record.

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Bragging will do more harm they don't care if it kills you.

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My brother mocks my.mom.and her talk of "illuminati". I told him she maybe has the name wrong but its real: its called the WEF and they aren't a secret society. They aren't even trying to keep their plans secret, they boast about what they're doing openly and loudly. He doubts my mom's intelligence and mental stability, but given the fact he disbelieves in an evil global org that is not only not a secret but is wide open about their plans, I seriously doubt his intelligence. And his stability. And his rationality. Because this is 1984 "what if the party says 2+2=5" level brainwashing he's displaying.

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Regulated? What are ya', some kind of commie?

Let the forces of the market decide, that way everyone will always have access to exactly the right medication for any ailment, since the market will always produce the best alternative. You know, like it was in the 1910s, with Radium toothpaste, cocaine coughdrops, Bromide for everything from halitosis to cardiac arrest, and so on - all thanks to the invisible hand always giving the best results.

Sarcasm aside (and the above isn't even a strawman, if you've ever read the libertarian/ancap arguments usually trotted out whenever the state needs be blamed for whatever private capitalist ventures have done wrong this time), the real issue is how to avoid regulation leading to the kind of situation best exemplified by the actions of US CDC, FDA and the collusion of capitalist companies, clannish politicians and chinese influence-agents (dr. Fauci's connections to the Wuhan lab facilities f.e.) brought to light since 2020.

Personally, I'm been of the opinion for decades now, that CEOs and stockholders alike should always bear full financial responsibility for any side effects and damages cause by their products - no matter what clever legal loopholes they employ to put thir assets out of reach. You made a profit selling something which caused life-long problems in every 1/10 000 users? You pay the pension of that 1/10 000 person (actual sum depending on currency and nation of course, but that's [important] details).

Inthe case of Pfizer's juju-juice, it's total asset seizure and execution of the board since they knowlingly (it's their job to know) sold flawed and faulty product under false premises and false pretense; letting someone believe you product does X when it doesn't, thereby causing harm to come to the buyer, is the same as lying about it outright.

Caveat venditor.

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Well, that kind of "regulation" would mean that, if someone at a company was responsible for your child's injuries, you would settle up the old-fashioned way. And it wouldn't involve taking them to court. Whereas right now, the corrupt lawmakers have given them total immunity, even if they kill everyone on the continent.

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I didn't trust them enough to take the first vaccine. I certainly don't trust them enough to take the next one. Trust must be earned, and once that trust is gone, it is especially hard for them to re-earn it. The entire medical profession is now tainted because of Anthony Fauci and his cohorts. Shame on them!

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I find the idea implicit in her language that this testing needs to be done “now that the pandemic is over” extremely disturbing. It should have been fine prior to injecting half of the world’s population, especially given that it was clear from the outset that the virus was no serious threat to the vast majority of the same population. There was never any excuse to short cut the normal and necessary testing protocols, especially given the newness of the technology and the fact that early tests in animals were far from satisfactory.

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Question: was the AZ Covid vaccine gene therapy as well?

I initially thought it was a virus vector subunit vaccine, but it turns out it contains Spike Protein DNA?

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I could be wrong,but the way I understood it, viral vector uses an adenovirus to deliver a snip of target viral gene (can't recall whether DNA or not) to cells and mRNA uses lipid nanoparticles to deliver lab-created mRNA to cells, but the end result is the same, in that they both are supposed to make your cells imitate the target virus. So in both cases, the immune system is targeting human cells under the impression it is targeting foreign cells. Which made all of it no-go for me, as it sounded like a great recipe to cook up autoimmune disease. I already have some kind of psoriasis on my hands, I don't need more of that type of problem.

I do know that they all used the spike protein specifically.

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Thank you. Makes sense. Just wondering why AZ vaccine is not mentioned as gene therapy. Maybe because it has been taken off the market and therefore considered not if concern? Or because it was less widely used? The AZ vaccine technology has been used before in other vaccines (Ebola for instance).

It is interesting to note that the side-effects reported from the AZ Covid vaccine appeared to be more immediate? Cloths, strokes, rather than the myocarditis?

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Imo, they only allowed AZ and J&J so they could take them off the market and create the illusion they were doing due diligence with vax safety.

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Officially, the frankenjabs are "countermeasures", a get-around which enabled these bioweapons masquerading as medicine to be manufactured, distributed and injected without any of the usual safeguards for Joe Public.

It's complicated. Fortunately, Sasha Latypova, a former Big Pharma R & D executive-turned-investigator, has unravelled the plot and fingered the plotters behind what she describes as a genocidal attack on humanity. Hold on to your hats.


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Look up CRISPR online and try and figure out it’s relationship to Covid-19. You will find numerous articles referring to a linkage and a history, but they won’t come out and say exactly, in plain English or any other language, what that relationship is. Many people have asked the question, and the lack of a clear answer adds more suspicion to the pile. The vaccines are gene therapy. The manufactured virus likely involved gene editing as well.

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Early on in the pandemic we heard a great deal about how serious damage from SARSCOV2 infection was mediated by the spike protein. It has been linked to vascular endothelial damage, myocardial damage and causes organ damage through inflammatory response to it. Based upon that alone we should be aggressively studying the effects of a vaccine/gene therapy that makes an unknown amount of spike protein in vivo.

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I recall hearing how incredibly dangerous the spike protein was...then told that the ones created by the injections were totally safe and had no possibility of harming anyone. Because it was completely and entirely different from the one in the virus. When I asked how the hell that creates a relevant immune response, I was told to shut up.and follow the science.

I got the feeling that many have been brainwashed to believe anything that comes from nature is deadly but anything made in a lab is beneficial. Ergo, the same spike protein is deadly or harmless based not on its actual characteristics but on its origins.

Edit to add: Yes, covid didn't come from nature,but those so brainwashed to worship.anything labelled "vaccine" also believed the natural origins fairy tale to the point of censoring dissent. So that is consistent with their mental processes.

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Of particular interest is the unsettled question of “shedding” which would continue to affect the unvaccinated, even though Geert Van Den Bossche continues to be sanguine about their prospects.

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Absolutely agree.

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Considering that mRNA is the product of translation of DNA (genetic material), and proteins are the product of translation of mRNA, it is reasonable to to classify any beneficial mRNA injection as "gene therapy". In the particular case of covid mRNA, the synthesis of a non-self protein, which will lead to autoimmune disorders, the classification of "poison" or "bioweapon" is more appropriate.

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I agree with being careful what language we use. It's really important to understand that the word "therapy" comes from the Greek θεραπεία (therapeia), meaning "healing."

The products in question are NOT vaccines, and they are NOT therapy, as they DO NOT have anything to do with healing.

We absolutely need to stop using either of these words to describe what are extremely harmful substances.

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