Very difficult to disagree with any of this. Very sad. Not that I had any fondness for or confidence in Truss. The IMF/World Bank globalists have been running just about all western countries since March 2020, and it was a matter of time before they pulled the rug out from under her feet.
Well yes, but I equally loathe that pygmy pillock Grant Shapps, and the smug git and serial failure/cheater Matt W/Hancock ...and apparently they're back as well. Shapps already [in Home Office ffs, that's actually a serious job!] with W/Hancock apparently to follow soon into the cabinet.
I can only presume that means they are gunning for the remaining cabinet Brexiteer, James Cleverly ...and plan to drop W/Hancock there. What a sh*tshow!
A very strange thing to me was that people saw just about every government across the world simultaneously at every stage of the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and Covid 'vaccines' push say, and do, exactly the same things -
- and yet, people don't realize that that simply demonstrates what has been true for many years now"
the world is already ruled by a single World Government, via their control of all main supranational institutions - the IMF, World Bank, UN, the WHO, EU, WEF et al.
Has anyone noticed how the governments do not appear to be worried - let alone panicked - that people are increasingly becoming aware of the mountain of evidence showing that the Covid 'vaccines' are biological weapons?
Instead of showing the slightest sign of panic at more and more people realizing this, the cabal and their Big Pharma partners-in-crime are demonstrating an increasingly brazen and open complete disregard for any kinds of meaningful safety tests on new 'vaccines: their CDC and FDA vehicles have just authorized new 'vaccines' for children - not even bothering to test some of them at all, and for others, basing their 'vaccine' on a few mice that they tested for a short time.
My point is, the WEF is more and more openly pushing on with their dystopian Plan to install a dystopian, totalitarian global bio-security State - and are now so confident, after their experience with their 'Covid crisis', the lockdowns and the fake 'vaccines', that the masses worldwide will obediently submit to whatever orders they are given, that I get the feeling that they don't much care whether we realize what they doing, or not.
Evil cannot contemplate or plan for the human spirit’s fortitude in adversity
They overplayed their hand during COVID and they are doing it again
At each turn they add another nail to their own globalist coffin as more and more people wake up
Nigel Farage is now openLy calling out “GLOBALISTS” it’s like when you call a demon out by its name to dissipate its power. I expect him to launch a new party soon, he knows what’s up and will see it as his duty to re-enter British politics and then the fun will start, all of the disillusioned voters will flock to his populist policies 🤞🏻
Totally agree. I never get an answer from people when I ask why they’d bother moving from a covert OWG to an overt OWG? There are certainly disadvantages.
Wow. Being an American these issues weren't clear, though in hindsight the strange happenings make sense now that you shed light on them. Thanks for elucidating. I anticipate similar non democratic happenings this coming midterm election, here.
(clicked the heart icon but you understand nothing is being "liked" here)
And to top it all off you guys have got the monarch for the times, haven't you?
I was in the UK during the Brexit vote and the younger generation in the enormous extended family group of friends I was visiting were pretty distraught by the results. I wish the winter coming only on my absolute worst enemies but unfortunately it's going to hit a lot of people extremely dear to me.
The UK has been totally controlled by the globalist criminal cabal since they ordered the overthrow of Thatcher.
Since the moment she departed, the UK has been a one-party globalist State for all practical purposes, but with different divisions of that globalist puppet party being assigned to pretend that they work for different political parties, so that the empty theatrical performance that the UK is still a democracy can be maintained for the suckers, until it is time (not far away now) when all countries' populations will be informed that due to the horrific global economic and financial collapse (which I expect to be launched within the next 3- 9 months), the only solution to the X and Y and Z global crisis is a One World government.
It's almost amazed me that so few Brexiteers realize that there never a Brexit - in anything more than name, that is.
How could there by - when people who voted for Brexit wanted Britain to be an independent country, and literally no one in the UK establishment nor their globalist cabal masters wanted that: they are signed up to a Global Government, just as all of the mainstream parties of almost all countries in the West are, and have been for decades.
The function of the Ukraine war was to provide the pretext for the sanctions supposedly against Russia but actually against all Western countries, so as to use ever higher energy prices to trash their economies, finances, industries, unemployment rates and living standards - so that those events can in turn be used as the pretext for the coming financial and economic collapse of (at least) the West, which will in turn be used to create such desperation among the populations that they will submit to the Orwellian tyranny of the Great Reset which they global cabal has got waiting for us all.
The idea that Truss was 'elected' is totally ridiculous: Tory party members were given a choice of two 100% globalist puppets - and to the annoyance of the Establishment, they chose the wrong one. So now, the two die-hard globalist glove puppets Sunak and the (in my view, genuinely deranged) Hunt will be inserted, to carry out the destruction of the UK economy, after their globalist puppet predecessor Boris Johnson had already made a very good start on that.
Democracy died many decades ago in Britain. It may not have been much - but what we have now is very close to being a globalist totalitarian State.
It would appear that KCIII is at work and in charge of affairs in Britain. His globalist bona fides are longer if not deeper that most European power brokers. And if you believe John Coleman, the British Monarch runs the Committee of 300 through the RIIA, the MI6 and the Club of Rome.
So very sad - and, predictable. The West is done. Committed cultural suicide for the "greater good" of the WEFers - the Gates-Schwabian fascists - and, banksters, of course.
Without “covid” none of us would be here, remember that
The unintended consequence of their desperation was to rush the plan into action because Trump put his spanner in the works and this sloppy implementation has woken up a massive amount of people.
There is hardly a single politician across the entire world who is denouncing the Covid clot shots or the 'Covid crisis' as a deliberate scam.
That tells us that effectively, we ARE on our own. They've been planning all of this for many decades, and have game-planned everything inside and out.
I agree to a point and could never realise why Trump would champion such a death juice however it was explained to me that the consequences of going against the narrative at that point would have led to the immediate annihilation of Trump and the curtailment of his plans and that he would have been unable to effectively do anything else. Look what happened to the others such as Tanzania and Madagascar who tried to resist. I find the notion of bigging up the vaccine in any way repellant but I am aware that we are blissfully unaware of the real games that are played behind the scenes and that our own understanding is based on a very small set of circumstances we can observe and are fed to us through biased and unreliable sources. I do not know but I like to believe that there is a reason for it but that does not stop me calling out the murderous gene cocktail at every opportunity. There is another theory that the rushed implementation of the vaccine prevented covid concentration camps which were the intended aim that was planned for the Killary regime that never was.
People attach themselves to their chosen 'hero' or dogma - and once they've done that, most of them will just not let go, no matter the mountain of evidence that they were conned into believing something that is completely untrue.
Trump's supporters twist and turn, desperately trying to cook up some ludicrously convoluted supposed justification for Trump doing so many things that completely contradict his supposed role as an anti-globalist hero - and thus, we get these utterly stupid claims that if Trump hadn't rammed through the deadly clot shots, we have had concentration camps, or whatever.
Yeah, right - so you cheer on the pathogenic and toxic Covid clots which will kill large numbers of your supporters, in order to save them from concentration camps!
That's about as idiotic as these people saying about their relative who was killed by a Covid 'vaccine', "Thank God he had the Covid vaccine - or it could have been much worse."
It’s the lesser of evils. When you are not in charge yourself you do tend to root for someone who you think will do the best for you and your clan. My clan is not drug addicts hooked on endless medications including vaccines and so when you say “ Yeah, right - so you cheer on the pathogenic and toxic Covid clots which will kill large numbers of your supporters, in order to save them from concentration camps”. I do not necessarily count “my supporters” as the ones who are now on their 5th booster. I regard them as the canaries that will hopefully wake up all those around them and I certainly do not “cheer on” the covid shots I actively rail against it at every opportunity. The vaccine head of my local county is a witness in a trial of a vaccine protester in 7th November in Buckinghamshire Magistrates Court if anyone wants to come and see the circus. I am trying to get them cross examined on oath if anyone is interested in stepping up as a solicitor or barrister …
I am not allowed to as I am not a registered solicitor or else I would revel in it, that’s how much I oppose this drug pandemic 🤜🏻👩🏻🔬
Covid has brought things to a head, many are waking up to the treachery committed against the people.
In regard to the exploitation of the world's population via lucrative vaccine products, Covid is just one of many.
Check out the vaccination schedule now, for children and adults, and see how it has blown out over the years, including with multi-component shots, and revaccinations with failing products.
The vaccination schedule is now actually from 'womb to tomb', with pregnant women being injected with Covid, flu, and pertussis shots - the baby is in the firing line from the get go. Then multiple shots throughout childhood/teenage years, including being lined up for yearly flu shots, and now the Covid scam. And adults being lined up for flu, Covid, shingles, pneumococcal, pertussis, and goodness knows what else is in the pipeline? Watch out for the emerging 'Adult Immunisation Register' keeping tabs and making sure people are 'up to date'...
Plus Covid jab mandates remain for many in Australia...mandated medical interventions...what a shocking situation in our so-called liberal democracies.
Who recommends these jabs for the taxpayer-funded schedule? It took a lot of digging around and persistence in Australia to find out, but many of the people influencing vaccination policy are also associated with the vaccine industry, e.g. via their participation in running vaccine clinical trials.
International vaccination policy is a disgusting mire of conflicts of interest, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation being the ringleader, via funding of the World Health Organisation, which is a front for the vaccine industry. And of course the Gavi Alliance, CEPI etc.
It's a massive racket, exploitation on a ginormous scale.
And now here we are with the Covid industry...out of thin air. Who is raking in the dough from this scam, plus putting in place plans for enslavement of the people with lockdowns, masking, vaccine passports, surveillance, a social credit system...
Treachery writ large.
Hopefully Covid is leading to the great awakening...and retribution.
Well, best of luck, Brits.... If you sort out how to throw them off (again) maybe take some notes to share with your former colonies on the western shore of the Atlantic. We'll be needing all the help we can find; but for their own oil and gas Canada might have it the worst, even moreso than us Yanks. (at that, blokes on either side of the Tasman could use the help, too)
I’m afraid everyone is looking to the US for salvation. And your mid terms. It has to start there, and has to start now. What’s going on can only be rolled back from the US. Your experiment is self governance and your constitution, bill of rights, is all any of us has left to fight for individual freedom.
I would imagine all Bozo is thinking of is his public speaking fees. And I voted for him. I voted for a libertine and I got a socialist who locked us up for nigh on two years. I neither know nor care what May thinks.
It's very possible that the global economic and financial collapse which the global cabal need in order to terrorize the masses into submitting to the Great Reset dystopian nightmare may have already kicked off -using the UK as the catalyst.
The most important globalist power centres are Washington, London and Israel. Collapsing Israels' economy would not start off a global collapse - so they are not suitable for kicking the global collapse off.
The globalist puppet regime running the US is facing vast popular resistance - with the 100% globalist GOP leadership very aware that millions of US conservatives want them removed, and replaced with genuine conservatives. Thus, to use the US to kick off the global collapse, without the GOP leadership clique assisting that, would be tricky.
The UK, by contrast, has 100% globalist puppet parties filling the Commons, and a 100% globalist puppet Deep State - so they would be the right government to kick off the global / Western cataclysmic economic and financial collapse which is coming.
Very difficult to disagree with any of this. Very sad. Not that I had any fondness for or confidence in Truss. The IMF/World Bank globalists have been running just about all western countries since March 2020, and it was a matter of time before they pulled the rug out from under her feet.
i hate all politicians but Jeremy cunt has to be the worst
Well yes, but I equally loathe that pygmy pillock Grant Shapps, and the smug git and serial failure/cheater Matt W/Hancock ...and apparently they're back as well. Shapps already [in Home Office ffs, that's actually a serious job!] with W/Hancock apparently to follow soon into the cabinet.
I can only presume that means they are gunning for the remaining cabinet Brexiteer, James Cleverly ...and plan to drop W/Hancock there. What a sh*tshow!
They keep blaming Russia for all the cool stuff that happens in the west. I’m starting to really like Russia, TBH.
A very strange thing to me was that people saw just about every government across the world simultaneously at every stage of the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and Covid 'vaccines' push say, and do, exactly the same things -
- and yet, people don't realize that that simply demonstrates what has been true for many years now"
the world is already ruled by a single World Government, via their control of all main supranational institutions - the IMF, World Bank, UN, the WHO, EU, WEF et al.
Has anyone noticed how the governments do not appear to be worried - let alone panicked - that people are increasingly becoming aware of the mountain of evidence showing that the Covid 'vaccines' are biological weapons?
Instead of showing the slightest sign of panic at more and more people realizing this, the cabal and their Big Pharma partners-in-crime are demonstrating an increasingly brazen and open complete disregard for any kinds of meaningful safety tests on new 'vaccines: their CDC and FDA vehicles have just authorized new 'vaccines' for children - not even bothering to test some of them at all, and for others, basing their 'vaccine' on a few mice that they tested for a short time.
My point is, the WEF is more and more openly pushing on with their dystopian Plan to install a dystopian, totalitarian global bio-security State - and are now so confident, after their experience with their 'Covid crisis', the lockdowns and the fake 'vaccines', that the masses worldwide will obediently submit to whatever orders they are given, that I get the feeling that they don't much care whether we realize what they doing, or not.
This will be their downfall!
Evil cannot contemplate or plan for the human spirit’s fortitude in adversity
They overplayed their hand during COVID and they are doing it again
At each turn they add another nail to their own globalist coffin as more and more people wake up
Nigel Farage is now openLy calling out “GLOBALISTS” it’s like when you call a demon out by its name to dissipate its power. I expect him to launch a new party soon, he knows what’s up and will see it as his duty to re-enter British politics and then the fun will start, all of the disillusioned voters will flock to his populist policies 🤞🏻
They're smugly rubbing our noses in it.
Totally agree. I never get an answer from people when I ask why they’d bother moving from a covert OWG to an overt OWG? There are certainly disadvantages.
Wow. Being an American these issues weren't clear, though in hindsight the strange happenings make sense now that you shed light on them. Thanks for elucidating. I anticipate similar non democratic happenings this coming midterm election, here.
(clicked the heart icon but you understand nothing is being "liked" here)
And to top it all off you guys have got the monarch for the times, haven't you?
I was in the UK during the Brexit vote and the younger generation in the enormous extended family group of friends I was visiting were pretty distraught by the results. I wish the winter coming only on my absolute worst enemies but unfortunately it's going to hit a lot of people extremely dear to me.
When we storm the beaches at Normandy, we don’t all make it. Our brothers to our sides fall and die, but we push onwards, to victory.
People extremely dear to us aren’t all going to make it, and maybe we won’t either, but storm that beach we must.
To victory.
Sorry, upset youth? Spare me.
The UK has been totally controlled by the globalist criminal cabal since they ordered the overthrow of Thatcher.
Since the moment she departed, the UK has been a one-party globalist State for all practical purposes, but with different divisions of that globalist puppet party being assigned to pretend that they work for different political parties, so that the empty theatrical performance that the UK is still a democracy can be maintained for the suckers, until it is time (not far away now) when all countries' populations will be informed that due to the horrific global economic and financial collapse (which I expect to be launched within the next 3- 9 months), the only solution to the X and Y and Z global crisis is a One World government.
It's almost amazed me that so few Brexiteers realize that there never a Brexit - in anything more than name, that is.
How could there by - when people who voted for Brexit wanted Britain to be an independent country, and literally no one in the UK establishment nor their globalist cabal masters wanted that: they are signed up to a Global Government, just as all of the mainstream parties of almost all countries in the West are, and have been for decades.
The function of the Ukraine war was to provide the pretext for the sanctions supposedly against Russia but actually against all Western countries, so as to use ever higher energy prices to trash their economies, finances, industries, unemployment rates and living standards - so that those events can in turn be used as the pretext for the coming financial and economic collapse of (at least) the West, which will in turn be used to create such desperation among the populations that they will submit to the Orwellian tyranny of the Great Reset which they global cabal has got waiting for us all.
The idea that Truss was 'elected' is totally ridiculous: Tory party members were given a choice of two 100% globalist puppets - and to the annoyance of the Establishment, they chose the wrong one. So now, the two die-hard globalist glove puppets Sunak and the (in my view, genuinely deranged) Hunt will be inserted, to carry out the destruction of the UK economy, after their globalist puppet predecessor Boris Johnson had already made a very good start on that.
Democracy died many decades ago in Britain. It may not have been much - but what we have now is very close to being a globalist totalitarian State.
Excellent sum up.
It would appear that KCIII is at work and in charge of affairs in Britain. His globalist bona fides are longer if not deeper that most European power brokers. And if you believe John Coleman, the British Monarch runs the Committee of 300 through the RIIA, the MI6 and the Club of Rome.
Truss looked like she was drugged to the eyeballs today in Parliament. If this doesn't wake people up then we are cooked.
So very sad - and, predictable. The West is done. Committed cultural suicide for the "greater good" of the WEFers - the Gates-Schwabian fascists - and, banksters, of course.
What the hell are 8 billion people going to do about these treacherous bastards?!?!?
For starters, has anyone yet calculated how much the Covid scam has cost the people of the world?
How much has been robbed from us? And not just our money, but also our freedom...
The manufactured Covid crisis has been a great awakening...
I've seen now how 'our traitorous governments' are controlling and exploiting the people for the benefit of the puppet masters.
And this is just one of the scams, how many others are bleeding us dry and being used to enslave us?
People need to wake up and take it back - how do we get justice for the crimes committed?
Without “covid” none of us would be here, remember that
The unintended consequence of their desperation was to rush the plan into action because Trump put his spanner in the works and this sloppy implementation has woken up a massive amount of people.
We are not alone…
Trump cheers on the Covid clot shots.
There is hardly a single politician across the entire world who is denouncing the Covid clot shots or the 'Covid crisis' as a deliberate scam.
That tells us that effectively, we ARE on our own. They've been planning all of this for many decades, and have game-planned everything inside and out.
I agree to a point and could never realise why Trump would champion such a death juice however it was explained to me that the consequences of going against the narrative at that point would have led to the immediate annihilation of Trump and the curtailment of his plans and that he would have been unable to effectively do anything else. Look what happened to the others such as Tanzania and Madagascar who tried to resist. I find the notion of bigging up the vaccine in any way repellant but I am aware that we are blissfully unaware of the real games that are played behind the scenes and that our own understanding is based on a very small set of circumstances we can observe and are fed to us through biased and unreliable sources. I do not know but I like to believe that there is a reason for it but that does not stop me calling out the murderous gene cocktail at every opportunity. There is another theory that the rushed implementation of the vaccine prevented covid concentration camps which were the intended aim that was planned for the Killary regime that never was.
People attach themselves to their chosen 'hero' or dogma - and once they've done that, most of them will just not let go, no matter the mountain of evidence that they were conned into believing something that is completely untrue.
Trump's supporters twist and turn, desperately trying to cook up some ludicrously convoluted supposed justification for Trump doing so many things that completely contradict his supposed role as an anti-globalist hero - and thus, we get these utterly stupid claims that if Trump hadn't rammed through the deadly clot shots, we have had concentration camps, or whatever.
Yeah, right - so you cheer on the pathogenic and toxic Covid clots which will kill large numbers of your supporters, in order to save them from concentration camps!
That's about as idiotic as these people saying about their relative who was killed by a Covid 'vaccine', "Thank God he had the Covid vaccine - or it could have been much worse."
It’s the lesser of evils. When you are not in charge yourself you do tend to root for someone who you think will do the best for you and your clan. My clan is not drug addicts hooked on endless medications including vaccines and so when you say “ Yeah, right - so you cheer on the pathogenic and toxic Covid clots which will kill large numbers of your supporters, in order to save them from concentration camps”. I do not necessarily count “my supporters” as the ones who are now on their 5th booster. I regard them as the canaries that will hopefully wake up all those around them and I certainly do not “cheer on” the covid shots I actively rail against it at every opportunity. The vaccine head of my local county is a witness in a trial of a vaccine protester in 7th November in Buckinghamshire Magistrates Court if anyone wants to come and see the circus. I am trying to get them cross examined on oath if anyone is interested in stepping up as a solicitor or barrister …
I am not allowed to as I am not a registered solicitor or else I would revel in it, that’s how much I oppose this drug pandemic 🤜🏻👩🏻🔬
Covid has brought things to a head, many are waking up to the treachery committed against the people.
In regard to the exploitation of the world's population via lucrative vaccine products, Covid is just one of many.
Check out the vaccination schedule now, for children and adults, and see how it has blown out over the years, including with multi-component shots, and revaccinations with failing products.
The vaccination schedule is now actually from 'womb to tomb', with pregnant women being injected with Covid, flu, and pertussis shots - the baby is in the firing line from the get go. Then multiple shots throughout childhood/teenage years, including being lined up for yearly flu shots, and now the Covid scam. And adults being lined up for flu, Covid, shingles, pneumococcal, pertussis, and goodness knows what else is in the pipeline? Watch out for the emerging 'Adult Immunisation Register' keeping tabs and making sure people are 'up to date'...
Plus Covid jab mandates remain for many in Australia...mandated medical interventions...what a shocking situation in our so-called liberal democracies.
Who recommends these jabs for the taxpayer-funded schedule? It took a lot of digging around and persistence in Australia to find out, but many of the people influencing vaccination policy are also associated with the vaccine industry, e.g. via their participation in running vaccine clinical trials.
International vaccination policy is a disgusting mire of conflicts of interest, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation being the ringleader, via funding of the World Health Organisation, which is a front for the vaccine industry. And of course the Gavi Alliance, CEPI etc.
It's a massive racket, exploitation on a ginormous scale.
And now here we are with the Covid industry...out of thin air. Who is raking in the dough from this scam, plus putting in place plans for enslavement of the people with lockdowns, masking, vaccine passports, surveillance, a social credit system...
Treachery writ large.
Hopefully Covid is leading to the great awakening...and retribution.
Well, best of luck, Brits.... If you sort out how to throw them off (again) maybe take some notes to share with your former colonies on the western shore of the Atlantic. We'll be needing all the help we can find; but for their own oil and gas Canada might have it the worst, even moreso than us Yanks. (at that, blokes on either side of the Tasman could use the help, too)
I’m afraid everyone is looking to the US for salvation. And your mid terms. It has to start there, and has to start now. What’s going on can only be rolled back from the US. Your experiment is self governance and your constitution, bill of rights, is all any of us has left to fight for individual freedom.
Interesting appraisal.
Watching all of this from afar, I cannot help but wonder what Teresa May and Boris Johnson are thinking seeing all this unfold.
I would imagine all Bozo is thinking of is his public speaking fees. And I voted for him. I voted for a libertine and I got a socialist who locked us up for nigh on two years. I neither know nor care what May thinks.
And Jeremy Hunt's special advisor is George Osbourne's old mucker, ex-BlackRock Managing Director Rupert Harrison.
Don't worry, this is fine . . .
It's very possible that the global economic and financial collapse which the global cabal need in order to terrorize the masses into submitting to the Great Reset dystopian nightmare may have already kicked off -using the UK as the catalyst.
The most important globalist power centres are Washington, London and Israel. Collapsing Israels' economy would not start off a global collapse - so they are not suitable for kicking the global collapse off.
The globalist puppet regime running the US is facing vast popular resistance - with the 100% globalist GOP leadership very aware that millions of US conservatives want them removed, and replaced with genuine conservatives. Thus, to use the US to kick off the global collapse, without the GOP leadership clique assisting that, would be tricky.
The UK, by contrast, has 100% globalist puppet parties filling the Commons, and a 100% globalist puppet Deep State - so they would be the right government to kick off the global / Western cataclysmic economic and financial collapse which is coming.