Still (after 6 months) trying to figure out how anyone knows that the gene therapies "reduce hospitalization and death". As compared with what? Isn't this entirely subjective? I hear people all the time saying "I got covid but it was only mild as I got the vaccine". Maybe it would have been mild anyway, vaccine or not. How would you know?

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As compared to the unvaccinated but this is muddled by lots of confounding factors.

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Exactly, cuz anything occurring within 14 days post shot, don't they count them as unvaxxed??

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I got Covid and it was mild last year. No vaxx in my ass either.

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I'm sold that the vaxes will ultimately fail, but just want to point out that on page 37 the report does say:

"The higher age-standardised rate for individuals with two doses is a reflection of increasing hospitalisation rates for those aged 70+ (see figure 4). In other age groups the rates remain lower for those with two doses compared to those with one dose or unvaccinated. This group of individuals aged 70+ who have had two doses of vaccine but have not yet had a booster may include some very vulnerable individuals."

So, while I'm looking forward to the demise of the vaccine narrative, it still isn't dead yet. But we're trending in that direction.

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Good spot thanks. However, they like to make all sorts of provisos - I'd like to see the actual figures.

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I urge you to point out things like this so that you cannot be accused of spin by the other side.

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Added to the bottom of the article

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Great. Unbelievable how no one will release raw data so we can see the crucial details.

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The UK HSA surveillance report has it broken down by age band. see Table 12 for example:


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P.S. The UK rates may trail the Scottish one as far s trends appearing because it's a 4-week moving average I think while Scotland reports absolute numbers per week. So Scottish data has a much higher proportion of Omicron cases.

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What needs to be sorted out is how many of the two dose vaxx were really boosted but less than 2 weeks. I bet the numbers for boosted plummet if it were recorded fairly.

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How good is the age standardisation they use? because if it's good, then this is bad (for the vaccinated).

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No idea, sorry!

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Complete vaccine failure EVERYWHERE. No vaccine has ever succeeded in doing as claimed. There is no such thing as a safe and effective vaccine, or safe and effective medication, period. They all contain known toxins long established by chemists to be harmful to biological organisms. Prescribing and injecting poisons is the basis of modern medicine. More on this topic here :


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So wait a minute. This data suggests that if you are on the vaccine programme, you need to stay on it, every 10 weeks. And if you don't stay on it, you move into negative efficacy.

Medium Risk: Unvaccinated have a so-so chance of getting the virus

High Risk: Double vaccinated have a very high chance of getting the virus

Low Risk: Boosted, very low chance of getting the virus

Going forward, in 10 weeks time, Boosted will become the new High Risk. While unvaccinated remain Medium Risk.

Looks like this has been engineered to make sure that if you don't keep up with the vaccinations, you are worse of than anyone else.

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