Very enlightening! Wind Turbines seem far worse for the environment than fossil fuels. But, there must be very profitable Wind Turbine industry that is making Elites very rich.

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I suspect it's not so much making 'elites' richer as making the rest of us poorer. As we know, governments are increasingly turning to expensive alternatives to fossil fuels in an attempt to be "green" without apparently thinking it through or doing the sums

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They know the sums very well. This is blatant Malthusianism. They are using so-called "green energy" in order to impoverish the 99% serf class while enriching the 1% ruling class. It's really the same old story, entrenchment of power in the hands of psychopaths. Only difference is nowadays they go to great lengths to invent narratives so they can claim "they are doing wonderful things" by subjugating us.

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Good points, although personally I dont think green energy particularly enriches the elites (they already do pretty well from fossil fuels after all!) as much as it impoverishes the rest of us. Perhaps even more so in 3rd world countries ... which may return us to your comment about Malthusianism.

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Are you kidding me? They are making $trillions of government guaranteed, heavily subsidized profits on wind & solar installations with giant subsidies. And the whole Net Zero fraud is just a giant carbon trading scam with more government guaranteed giant profits for the ultra-rich who invest & control that. That's where Al Gore made his $billions. While keeping the us serfs impoverished so we won't get unruly and actually believe we have some human rights.

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It's not quite as simple as that because in fact some windfarms are now built without state subsidies, but anyway they're built either by state owned or private companies - who usually make good profits (for shareholders) but not more so than big players in many other industries. Whether they should thought of as "elites" or in the same bracket as those clowns in the WEF I'm not so sure

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They all get giant federal subsidies, mandates & exemptions and I bet in every state also state subsidies as well as ESG/Net Zero subsidies. The only place they would be built without all of that is on a diesel grid with a good wind resource or in the very odd areas like Quebec or Norway that have a large reservoir hydro resource. It isn't the wind developers who are the culprits, so much (although they can be awful & unscrupulous), it's the WEF/Davos Overlords who are demanding the subsidies for wind & solar. Ultimately it is them who are foisting this insanity on the power grid.

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💯 agree SmithFS!

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Hmmm are they really not thinking it through? I’m not so sure. 😉

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agreed, they're rolling out their various forms of un-Godly anti-life, anti-abundance twattery aka agenda 21/30. Meticulously planned over decades and perhaps longer

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It’s only profitable because you are paying for it. There is no such thing as green energy. Electric cars are a tilt at windmills (ha ha). Solar is just as bad or worse. Only nuclear or a far off breakthrough in fusion can save us because when fossil runs out chaos will run amok. Why are we wasting our time pissing about? Because it is someone’s agenda for us to.

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Very eye opening and truly sad. Thank. you for posting. How do we as human beings stop all of this insanity and bring nature, beautiful animals, and humanity back from these disasters and suffering?

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Spread the word, "green energy", Net Zero, Sustainable Energy, Build Back Better, UN Agenda 2030 are all frauds.

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Wish it was that simple. How do you spread the word for any of this to the majority of people who are brainwashed or simply don't care and can't get off their butts because they're watching football? They're also afraid to go against the narrative and they are too stupid to add up all the weird happenings that are going on around them. They are totally afraid in the USA! The USA was basically built by rebels yet these lazy "(*%$(#" can't stand up for their own country and their children. How in a country built by rebels can people fall for so many lies? I'm surrounded by these idiots.

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Well they did get convinced on the Covid Innoculations. In spite of the mega-advertising and indoctrination campaign very few are volunteering to be vaccinated. It took them getting slapped on the head a couple times but people have wisened up.

"Common Knowledge" is the key, spread the word enough and a truth becomes that, and then all their efforts to indoctrinate will fail. That's ultimately what brought down the Soviet Union, it was "Common Knowledge" that the whole system had failed and was thoroughly corrupt and as for the news media it was said: "They lie and lie, and we know they are lying, and they know we know they are lying, but they just keep lying".

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Maybe some but believe me where I live many have gotten 4 or more shots including the flu shot. And since they appear fine, even though they get sick, they absolutely do not believe they've been effected by these shots in any way. They don't believe they need to detox the substances from the shot out of themselves.

I'm still quite pessimistic with regards to the power of the people because of where I live. People don't talk about any of this and those that might keep it quiet. I still know plenty of people who are so indoctrinated by the medical establishment and takes multiple drugs every day and refuse to change their behaviors. I know that there are plenty who will willingly get more shots and who absolutely don't believe, even if they refuse more shots, that they've been harmed in any way. I've mentioned to some that the shots cause cancer but that falls on deaf ears when their own family member "all of a sudden" has cancer. It's impossible to break these people of their "zombiness".

Regarding the Soviet Union, maybe it "fell" but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to live in the countries that have fallen. I think Russia is still not a place I'd want to live.

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Going on fossil fuels is not the answer to bringing back nature. these right wing idiots are just carrying water/oil for the fossil fuel industries. Like there wasn't an environmental crisis before wind turbines!!!

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Fossil fuels aren't the answer, we will run out of sufficient economical supplies, but nuclear is the answer and we will never run out of sufficient supply, which is why the Davos Bankster Psychopath Parasites despise commercial nuclear energy so much.

Wind turbines are an almost completely useless form of energy. Emissions increased after the big expansion of wind power in Texas & Colorado. Completely useless and environmentally far more damaging than the practical energy sources oil, gas, coal, nuclear or hydro.

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Thank you for putting this together. This is truly disheartening and my first thought is where are the so called tree huggers, environmentalists, and nature conservancy organizations? But hey, if you can buy a politician, and buy a doctor, and buy a scientist I guess you can buy off all these other groups. Sad.

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So true Scott. Where are they?!!

NE, thank you for your work. Such an informative detailed piece. Devastating. When I was a kid I used to count the insect blobs on my dad’s windshield. I don’t see bug splatter on my windshield anymore.

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It was by Patrice who has commented below

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Ahhh. I missed that. Thank you for the correction.

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Many received “inspiration” to stay silent. Here is a lovely list.. https://saverightwhales.org/conflictsofinterestreport

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Yeah, and what is killing insects? It's worldwide and i suspect more than bats being hit by turbines. but the oil and gas lobby will use anything to further their nefarious goals.

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Obviously it is mostly the crap we are putting in our food supply, insecticides, herbicides, Glyphosate being the worst culprit. In a World of plentiful energy we can easily produce food with far less environmental impact. You seem to think Wind energy actually works. It doesn't. It's a complete waste of money and an environmental disaster. One of the worst things we are doing to nature right now.

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Actually, i'm not enthusiastic after reading this piece... but i'm not a supporter of big oil neither... science is ever evolving and solutions can happen if the will is there....

I live far from any pesticide use and i've seen the insect population plummet over the last decade. hate to be a conspiracy theorist but chemtrales seems to be the most logical culprit.

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Glyphosate by now is everywhere. They use billions of lbs of the stuff and even more to produce idiotic agrofuels which use more fossil fuels than they replace.

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glyphosate is sprayed on non gmo crops to kill them before harvest specially in short season areas like Canada.. potatoes, legumes, and wheat that is not gmo.

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In North central Costa Rica there is a windmill installation. It is not a “farm”

It’s not appropriate to call it a farm. These windmills are incredibly loud. No one would want to live anywhere near these things for several miles in every direction. They interrupt the natural beauty of the landscape. They require maintenance and road access.

They might be appropriate for certain remote windy places. But otherwise they are ugly blights on the landscape

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That's a good point. They are heavy industrial installations.

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Ive been there. The noise is deafening

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Unfortunately, there is a glitch in your link

I was in CR last month and above 650’ in Dominicalito the sound of insects during the day would drown out everything!

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When construction projects are stopped due to disturbing a rare breed of door mouse or bat, why doesn’t the same rules apply to sea animals. It makes no sense.

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It is amazing the incredible exemptions they give to Wind & Solar Industrial sites. Exemptions under almost every endangered species Act. No other energy site can get away with what they are allowed.

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Regarding pre-construction windfarm surveys: I work in the offshore survey industry and it's sometimes a requirement from the client (not Fugro which would be the subcontractor in the instance highlighted in the article), to "start equipment at low power and increase gradually in order to scare off marine life" .... turning the volume knob up gradually is a way to think of it. However this depends on the client's instructions as well as the type of underwater sensors used - some are more powerful than others and therefore more likely to have the potential for harm. Without knowing exactly what was used in this case it's hard to assess whether there was a chance of affecting whales, and some of the sensors mentioned would be almost certainly harmless, others would depend exactly how close marine life was to the survey vessel (Ps. surveys for oil and gas exploration are a different matter as they use higher power equipment in order to penetrate deeper into the geology, and quite often have 'spotters' onboard to look for dolphins, whales etc, and suspend operations when something is seen (or heard, if underwater listening equipment is utilised)

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Interesting, thanks!

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Truckers who haul those wind turbine blades use alot of fuel to transport....shhh don’t tell anyone. 🤫

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A stunning indicment. Also in the UK they are going to tear up the countryside and forest to install the cables and infrastructure to connect the turbines to the grid.

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Wind power is aces if done the traditional way: smaller mills where the mechanical energy is used directly. Say a derrick with a propeller, where the motion is transferred to something, like mill or a mangler or something like that.

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Don't forget all the American Bald Eagles they've killed. While LEAKING OIL! If they are next to oil platforms they can blame the leaks on the oil companies.

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An illuminating yet sobering piece, thanks. Sadly, I can only see climate cultists clinging onto their delusions with even more tenacity than Covidians clung to their masks; it simply constitutes far too fundamental a part of their self-image. After all, no matter how so-called "environmentalists" might gnash their teeth about the plight of the whales or the vanishing of the rainforests, a vast majority would willingly let the entirety of nature burn just so long as they their egos remained untouched.

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99% of environmentalism is self-congratulation.

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Amazing that the elites controlling the world seem to be inherently destructive. Wind turbines are a good example of this. In the USA, which has virtually unlimited natural gas which is very inexpensive and clean burning, why is its use not greatly increased? And why not build the safe small nuclear plants? We should be awash in safe clean energy with destructive wind turbines!

Thanks NE for the excellent and honest summary!

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Post was by a guest author

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You’re right. It’s a transfer of wealth from American tax payers to the Wind Turbine investors.

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Very infromative. Thanks for this!

"...the internal flow of energy is greater in an ancient forest than anywhere else on earth, and it is this high rate of "metabolism" which gives the great forests their powerful influence on the rest of the world. Bioenergetically, they can be compared to the brain of an animal: intense, stable, and essential to the existence of the whole." Ray Peat (from Generative Energy)

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Assuming the data herein is accurate Lord help us. The psychopaths are making time short for us all.

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