I'm a little embarrassed to say I swallowed the whole Climate Change narrative for years, and actually lost sleep worrying about the impending doom it portended.

Then I saw Channel 4's "The Great Global Warming Swindle" (in about 2011) and have slept better ever since. Or at least, until I realized that "Climate Change" is part of a full-on war plan against... us.

Amazingly, you can still watch this great documentary (in HD no less!) on youtube, of all places:


Looking back over the period of time that I was hoodwinked, I'm always reminded of what a friend of mine who was working for the Canadian Environment Minister said after attending the Kyoto Conference in 1997: "Climate change is going to be the next big thing!!"

I think she was well-meaning, but she didn't have a scrap of science in her educational background, and it was as if she was announcing a new fashion trend. And guess what... she was!

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When the 'believers' fall in line behind a kid in a sailboat (Greta Thunberg) as their guru, you know that they have no respect for actual science.

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To quote Dennis Prager, Who Is more likely to be telling the truth, those who welcome debate or those who silence dissent?

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“Man is arrogant to think he knows everything about the climate”

Applies to the immune system as well.

And to intelligence, and the nature of consciousness.

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The "Climate Change Crisis" scare/narrative is heavily relied

on by Bill Gates business strategy, as is the Pandemic /

Virus X Pandemic narrative...That's why he gives Millions

to the corporate propaganda media (to promote them)...

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When I try gently to disabuse my friend-from-5th-grade (trademarked) of her more hysterical assertions, she accuses me of reading the [scary noise] Dark Web! and "claiming to know stuff nobody knows. How come nobody else knows this stuff that you claim to know?"

I then must gently tell her that what is broadcast and published in mainstream outlets is not everything available to normal people with cable and internet (she has neither but goes to the library to download the TV schedule every week).

She still thinks I'm getting this stuff from the [scary noise] Dark Web.

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I just think it quite funny in a way that humans think they can turn the earth’s thermostat up and down at will….

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Maybe they can now with chem trails and cloud seeding.

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I read “The Cooling” in the 70’s by Lowell Ponte about the coming Ice age and wow it never happened so when climate change arrived based on computer modeling I smelled bullshit from the start. Getta Thumbalina arrived it looked more clownish and exploitive than unemotional debate about facts. Context reveals many opportunities for knowledge.

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I got so worried that I wrote a rather poor climate change novel. I believed I was helping to raise awareness. And then I fell into a clinical depression. Fortunately, I not longer listen to the 'climate experts' and nowadays, I feel almost normal!

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Climate scam is in the benefit for many:

1. Politicians have to pretend they can manage it otherwise people would question their useless job

2. People need something to grasp onto. You can't tell them climate change is uncontrollable. They would go insane.

3. Scientists have to push the doom because funding is only available for problems. If everything is fine then you are unemployed.

4. If people realise our scientist, politicians are useless and we can't control our life they would turn towards something transcendental to have a meaning. So current managerial class would loose power.

5. Without climate histeria no ESG=regulation=corruption

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---and the tragedy is that the rich getting richer doesn't make them happier, because happiness comes from the inside, not something outside us (once our basic needs are met). The ability for each of us to fully connect to our own humanness is the secret to our happiness, not the pleasant distractions that we fill our lives with. So where in our lives do we become disconnected from ourselves? I would suggest the first few non cognitive years of our lives - please read Gabor Mate's 'The Myth of Normal'.

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No-one has mentioned geoengineering yet. Until I did.

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Thank you. This is a no-brainer. Huge historical natural temperature variations always have been a scientific fact before industrrialization. Why would that not be the case now?

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I used to buy into this frightening supposedly human-made scenario. No more. A few years ago, I had an epiphany that we’ve been having ice ages and meltdowns for many millennia, long before industrialized societies existed. Recently, it’s been shown that half the human population lives on 1% of the planet, denser areas where industry normally occurs. Then, of course, there’s solar maximum we are now experiencing and will be for the next seven years. It goes on and on. A meteorologist by the name of John Coleman, who started The Weather Channel, has a common sense video about “climate change” and the false narrative behind use of the term. If you do a search for John Coleman and climate change, it should pop up.

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The Great Global Warming Swindle was fascinating .

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I remember Channel 4 from Mrs. Bucket complaining about it on Keeping Up Appearances

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"Man is arrogant to think he knows everything about the climate and the very worst thing to do is to restrict debate about it." You spelled Mann incorrectly.

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I know what you did there...

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