When I see events such as this unfold, I think of the following quote:

"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."

Attributed to Jean Rostand

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Steal a pack of cigarettes and go to jail ......... steal the pensions and life savings of thousands of families and go to your private island ........

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Perfect statement by a Psychopath

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Who, me? I'm an ambivalent observer, not a psychopath. I have empathy, just not much left for the vaxx proponents.

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Look up who Rostand was. Psychopath is about as far off the mark as you can get.

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I think it it is a paraphrase of the Marquis de Sade.

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Incredible...the establishment continues to erode our dwindling trust in them. And its just as well, for they are complicit in mass murder.

And the king...well, this king is a problem for us.

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He was a big problem even before he was King. Nothing worse that a 70 yr. old with no job but a HUGE EGO and SELF IMPORT. Psychopaths like Schwab prey on fodder like that. Macron, Trudeau, every insecure dolt with an important father or a family who thinks they should do big things but are running out of time. Trained by Schwab funded by Gates, Soros or Pharma/Rockefeller/Rothschild

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I so agree with both of you. There is information that Trudeau was likely groomed (sexually and otherwise) through mind control programmes such as MK Ultra/Monarch.

I put a blog together in June with information about some of the many concerns myself and others have about Charles. https://azradale.substack.com/p/unlike-the-queen-king-charles-will

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Thank you. Interesting Guardian article especially the sub link to The Mountbatten article.

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Right up there with Obama's Nobel Peace Prize because nothing says peacemaker like US wars going from two to seven. Apparently the higher the death toll the bigger the elite's reward.

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And jazindas harvard honorary phd in snickering.

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In this we have a clear example of how one receives honors in today's world:

Example A: Dr. McCullough loses his medical license and lead editor position for going public about the morbidity and mortality caused by the vaccines.

Example B: CEO of AstraZeneca gets knighted after killing many and causing lasting harm to a countless unknown many.

So folks, what can be interpreted as a highest honor in today's day and age?

Losing your job and being ridiculed by the media = the crown of integrity, truth, and importance.

Remember this when you or people close to you encounter difficulties in life.

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Weren’t knights originally really good killers, who helped cement the king’s power? Nothing seems to have changed, except the queen knighted a bunch of rock stars and athletes, presumably as a distraction. She oversaw quite a bit of carnage herself.

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True. I guess the singers are the odd ones out.

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Great article Mr Cummins.

I wonder if anyone here can answer something that puzzles me, or point me in the right direction for an answer? We know that Pfizer tried to embargo their trial data for 75 years, but were forced by court order to release it. If this is the case, what data did the MHRA see before green-lighting the Pfizer jab?

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Wrong Emperor I think! I work out more.

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Is there a confusion here between a certain fat vs. a naked emperor?

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Dr's here (UK) trying to get the AZ trial data.

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Great post. NO end to the bag of tricks these evil kleptocrats have up their sleeves.

But why oh why do all of the ringleaders have such a look about them of being wounded individuals? If I had to take a wild guess I would pin them all with a working diagnosis of dangerous Toxic Narcissistic Psychopathology. And I am not even any sort of medical professional.

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Not narcissists - they have vulnerability and need to have positive feedback from others: an Achilles' heel leaving them open to a certain amount of external control. The leaders pulling the strings are psychopaths.

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Sir Jimmy Savile.

Sir Philip Green

Sir Gavin Williamson

Is it an honour, or a red flag?

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When people die, refusing to ask hard questions about what might have killed them is not heroic. It's the opposite.

With excess deaths continuing month after month in the mRNA countries, those words are more accurate than ever.

Karma will find the playground among those promoting bullying and segregation against the vax-free. It is a matter of time - not if.

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Peer Reviewed Science is dead.

We need a new kind of science based on what science really is: Can your experiment be independently replicated?

We need to think about the systems that govern over science. If we make them transparent and decentralize them, we can fix everything. Put everything on chain so other scientists can build off each other.

Listen to the wise Balaji Srinivasan talking about this on The Knowledge Project podcast:

Start this at 26:10


Also please read this:


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Honestly I can agree with the line that: "billions were vaccinated so obviously we will face issues" UNTIL no one was coerced to take it or pushed out of society because they declined the quakcine!

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Thank you so much NE for letting us know about this.

I find it rather interesting that a number of players from the industry have received honours. Off the top of my head there is Sir Patrick Vallance, who in January 2022 was "elevated to Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath for "exceptional leadership" during the pandemic, including formation of the Vaccines Task Force." Also the MHRA's Dame June Raine, and Chris Whitty. Dr Jenny Harries OBE, chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency also received a Damehood in January. See more here: https://www.medscape.co.uk/viewarticle/knighthoods-chief-medical-officers-covid-dominated-new-year-2022a100000a

There is also of course Wellcome Trust director Sir Jeremy Farrar who, along with Wellcome Trust Deputy Chair of their Board of Governors, Mike Ferguson who both received knighthoods in the January 2019 New Years Honours. Source: https://wellcome.org/news/wellcome-leaders-awarded-new-year-honours

As you know, Farrar was at the forefront of the covid agenda and was recently appointed by Tedros as the the WHO's Chief Scientist. See more information here: https://azradale.substack.com/p/jeremy-farrar-promoted-to-be-whos

With Charles in charge, I imagine that the "honours" given to global players for implementing the pharma and "climate change" agendas will likely greatly expand.

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Our Woke King will sell his countrymen down the river . . . (England, not Germany, just for clarity)

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Yup "British" but with very deep German/Nazi roots-- on both sides.

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I was just thinking about how tin he inverted reality of the death camps, commandants were given support for how difficult their job of murder could be. It was perceived to be hard on them, which made their leadership noble. That ideology obviously just went underground, or not entirely underground, as the World Anti-Communist League was full of Nazis, and had to be seen to be purged of that when that made the news, when there was news. I'm not better than that "if you licked my heart, it would poison you" (WWII partisan fighter but I won't rant [minced oath] [minced oath] [minced oath] lol

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I wonder if these millions of trees being planted in Uganda is in an area like that where back in 2011 over 22,000 Ugandans were evicted from their homes and land to make way for a carbon offset tree plantation, the contract for which went to a London-based firm called New Forests Company. For more see here https://redd-monitor.org/2011/09/23/ugandan-farmers-kicked-off-their-land-for-new-forests-companys-carbon-project/#t1

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I'm not better than that, freely admitted and proudly too, but since you asked not to I wont.

Here in Sweden, following from norwegian alerts on the clotting issue, Vaxzevria was discreetly phased out during spring/early summer of last year. It remained as an option for those over 65 years of age, who had had or was suspected to be liable to have an allergic reaction to the other brands.

The unused doses were donated or (and I don't know how they mean but this it what it says on the official homepage) /loaned out/.

How do you loan out a dose of a "vaccine"?

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In the UK we had a loan out scheme whereby vaccines were 'loaned' to another country and then we got their shipment 6 months later or whenever they were meant to receive it. Never really followed this properly so not sure if it ever went ahead but it probably is some kind of scam as with everything.

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They'll dump it on the 3rd world, like lead paint was

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They've got away with so much over the years, while the public have been largely asleep, that they think they can carry on in the same vein with no regard for what a bad look all this back slapping is when folk have lost their lives. However, people are starting to "notice things" in large numbers and they're increasingly unhappy with the situation.

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