Tonight I was taken to task for the “crazy things I read and have sent to a friends”. This from a man who blames Facebook for all the problems in the world today. It is facebook’s fault.
The interesting thing about this man tearing into me was that I remained calm, did not take offence because I know I have made the absolute right decisions to turn off msm, decline the experimental biologicals and recognise when we are being lied to.
It was also a reminder, most people have been brainwashed. So it is with great interest to read an oncologist’s professional opinion on the covid boosters. Most people will never see or read this article because it isn’t in the Guardian, or Times, Telegraph or BBC.
Sorry you were taken to task, but good on you for remaining calm! Remember - German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. :)
I'm not an oncologist, just a normal guy that has regularly donated whole blood for the last 15 years as often as I can, partly because I have fairly high hematocrit levels and my doctor said regular donations can keep that in a healthy range.
I've never been asked in these 15 years to donate platelets until about 6 months ago. The blood bank was practically begging me to consider donating those a few months back because of a 'critical shortage'.
At my last appointment, they begged me again and then followed up with a phone call, saying I could give those as often as once a week (!) based on my platelet counts.
I asked what's up with the shortage and the nurse said there's very high demand amongst cancer patients in the area, who are the primary recipients of donated platelets.
I'm probably going to suck it up and donate in December a few times when I have time off, but it's not the most pleasant experience...2 hours hooked up to a machine! But, clearly something unusual is happening in our area.
Interesting. They DID ask if I was vaccinated for anything in the last eight weeks, but they've always done that and it wasn't covid specific. Will be curious if thst changes.
Yeah thats the first time since the pandemic that i donated because they always wanted me to put on a mask to come in and give blood so thats the first time in the last fee years i got up to the computer questionnaire. It was def a cov-19 specific question. I actually thought they might not let me donate because im not vaxxed but they took my blood.
The blood of the vaxed,as we now know, is changed, it is full of MRNA,GRAPHINE HYDTOXIDE, PARASITES, ETHYLENE, ALUMINIUM,ETC, THE CELLS ARE DESTROYED, no vaxed person should be able to give blood and contaminate another..the vax is transmitted through the breath, skin and bodily is a death sentence..........Doctors are reporting a massive increase in cancers after the vax, the 2nd and the booster, virulent cancers in all ages, my sister, d vaxed,had fallen for the scam, got a stage 4 stomach cancer a few months ago, had most of her stomach removed, could only eat a tiny amount,every two hours, 8 weeks ago, worried about winter flu and covid, had the booster,2 weeks after had a scan, doctor told her, just 3 months to live,it was back with a vengeance.....I've also lost two brothers-in-law to the vax......
Truly appalling. So sorry for you and watching your sister like that.
I have a very small family and not that big of a social circle but had a friend who developed a second blood cancer after seemingly dealt with the first, a collapse and death and other odd health issues. Most people I know seem ok but is it just a matter of time? Dr. Mike Yeadon always said the boosters would be the worst though I appears that even the first shot can be very bad - probably as you say due to differing strengths of dose.
Knowing that the government and health authorities must know what’s going on and just sit and watch it all happening is heartbreaking.
I watched an American independent news channel yesterday and was shocked at the number of US colleges/universities are still mandating 2 shots plus booster for on-campus learning. They are really desperate to get all the young jabbed. There are times when it still seems unreal to me and I can’t believe it’s still happening.
All our governments are in on it, world reset, 170 countries,governments signed up to it, headed by the CCP, and KLAUSE SCHWAB, the Rothschild's,he is one, the WHO, and the world government, depopulation, slavery for the rest, YOU WILL OWN JOTHING AND BE HAPPY......KLAUS SHWAB TOLD US IN HIS SPEECH AT THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM.......mind control.......we now know all vaxed are chipped, and all their details are held in the Cloud, and we know that the vax transmits to the unvaxed...We are all in danger....
The vax can transmit but it cannot hijack your cells in the same manner as those who have been injected. What it can do, is deteriorate your health as you are exposed to more and more spike from shedders (eg the recently jabbed and the boosted recently). I personally take the horse paste ivermectin and I have year supply plus NAC , Zeolite (new to me) and Vitamins D3 plus VitK 1,2 with magnesium. Not cheap but then again, I may be the last one standing. Small quick and agile is the way to avoid things ... and of course, downsizing, and reducing your lifestyle to avoid the 'jabs'.
25 years on just urine therapy. No illness, no doctors, no vitamins. I am unvaxxed and I am doing great. I am not taking ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, NAC, zeolite, etc. Here is my website
I don't think there is enough data nor research yet to know how the transmission affects the unvaxed. We don't know for sure, so I assume the worse for now. I like your protocol you are taking. There's also Dr. McCollough's "Spike Support" for transmission AND was made for people that took the jab, which for the vaxxed, he says to take it at least one year (its about $55-60/month) , find at The Wellness Company
Thank you Susan, it is horrendous what is happening, and it will be worse next year, as the vials were different strengths, some saline,some 50% and some 100%, so it's affected people at different times, but the boosters are the most deadly, many dropping dead or serious cancers ,dead in weeks or a few months, the criminals did not want everyone dropping brother-in-law in vancouver, September 2021, against my advice, took 2 vax so he could fly, he went blind in one eye, was very weak, got severe shingles, could hardly walk,put into hospital, he became paralysed in both legs, and this travelled through his spine and down both arms and hands, killed him within 8 weeks, neurological damage, this neurological damage has affected many, my other brother-in-law, fit and well, had a booster for his job, in April , playing golf, walking back to his car,had a massive heart attack,he died.......sadly all people who took the vax,thought it was a vaccine, like the flu vax, they were conned ,and all who took it will die, there are 1300 side effects listed in the phizer documents..
yes so sad and scary. We can't know how many will die but likely very many. There are ways to detox. My one practitioner says he is working 12 hours a day helping ppl with vax injuries and with Covid.
Try the ancient urine therapy. I can forward my website that has lots of info, e-books. I will append it here and see if it is acceptable.
Not wanting to discourage your wonderful and generous help of other people, but please carefully look into how these machines are built before you agree to donate.
Surgical / medical equipment comes with 2 kinds of parts: those that are disposable, and those that need to be sterilized in between patients. With something like a knife, no problem, throw it in the sterilizing dishwasher. But guess what else goes in the dishwasher? Tubes. Imagine putting a straw (caked with dry protein / blood / fat) in your dishwasher at home and expecting it to ever come clean. No imagine that that straw is 2 feet long.
It is commonly acknowledged amongst surgeons and anesthesiologists (who are proper critical thinkers) that tube instruments are never genuinely sterilized. Even with simple instruments, such as dental tools, when they actually check the success of sterilization processes in studies, they find remnants of hepatitis, HIV, prions, etc.
Now we come to the topic of platelets. When you donate platelets, they're going to hook you up on one arm to a machine sucking the blood out (through tubes), filter out the stuff they want (through who knows what kind of mechanical parts: are they all disposable or are there remnants from other patients including e.g. Spike protein?) and then hook you up on the other arm (through tubes) to put the rest of your blood BACK IN. After it has been swirling around in a machine used by countless other people.
I haven't dismantled one of these machines and don't work in hematology, so I can't tell you whether your blood will ever touch places that aren't one-use disposable.
I personally would never donate platelets without having full reassurance of how the machine is built.
As a cardiac surgeon familiar with the "heart lung machine" - cardiopulmonary bypass, yes, tubing is of concern.. but in addition, the metallic parts that tubing is hooked to needs to be steam serialized. Platelet donation is important and we really need them.. but a critical thinker would be wise to ask the questions posed.
I have donated plasma before covid and it took about an hour in and out of the door. hooked up was more like 40-50 minutes. I was at one of those plasma donating center so perhaps they have different equipment then your blood donation center?
I'm convinced the cancer appearance or reappearance is a real phenomenon and we're only seeing the start of it. But I have to question this type of thing ... "an old friend felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster". No, the appearance of those symptoms soon after a booster (or any of the various jabs) suggests not Long Covid but Long Vaccine. Governments love everything being lumped together as the vague "Long Covid" with little or no proof, meaning attention is diverted from the much more likely suspect, the 'vaccinations'. This idea that every man and his dog who feels bad is suffering from Long Covid needs to be pushed back against, for me, anyone who's had any of the mRNA or DNA jabs and has problems afterwards, whether it's days, weeks or months, is suffering from Long Vaccine unless proven otherwise
Long Covid is a bogeyman. Something that any symptom can be attributed to, without any proof. Like when people were told they had whichever variant, just because they were sick at a particular time.
People have become so accustomed to accepting pure speculation as truth, that it’s easy for Long Covid to be accepted.
Whew! You are SO FAR BEHIND!! Go read/watch Drs Pierre Kory and Paul Marik (pulmonologists and intensivists; founders of the FLCCC! ( They have separate protocols for Long Haulers and Vax-injured because those are DIFFERENT pathologies, and may or may not present similarly! Treatments are similar but not identical for any patient (of either type): because the spikes -- FROM covid, or worse from the poison-vaxx -- cause many and varying problems because they go lie down with and mess up MANY cells and organs...
That's a bit unfair, what's happening is that people aren't seeing experts like Kory or Marik but their own GPs who are often blindly putting down "Long Covid" as the diagnosis, because they're not real experts and of course it's also easier ... how long do you get when you see a GP? 15 minutes? Also many people are self diagnosing 'LC' based on what they're hearing in the media. Few are considering that the 'vaccines' might have caused their ongoing problems, they assume Long Covid - and the government love that happening because attention goes off the 'vaccines' as the culprit
Also as a doctor even if you know full well that the symptoms match vax injury, you'll lose your job if you write that, so "long Covid" is safe and makes everyone happy.
I know LOTS of people who are unjabbed, who had covid, and none of them have anything like "long covid." However, I know vaxxed people who have all sorts of chronic problems now. Not long covid, rather, they have vaccination covid.
I know unjabbeds who got long Covid. One of the HIV inserts enables it to travel cell to cell while being hidden from the immune system, so I would suspect that a large number of people actually have it in the body much longer than expected.
I don't think Omicron causes long COVID at the same rate, maybe only to the vaccine injured. I had Omicron and the only lingering symptom I had was low blood pressure because I diarrhea'd out all my electrolytes. This was corrected simply by eating more salt and supplementing cream of tartar for potassium.
I HIGHLY recommend checking out the recent tweet threat from Jikky the mouse.
He shows a tumor suppression gene line was erased in the data, which just so happens to coincidentally be the genetic line a whistle blower back in December 2020 said was highly suspect…
It’s a creepy thread and the anonymous post from December 2020 couldn’t have come from anyone but an insider…
Well, that's the thing. Who published the sequences of the virus? If my lab were responsible for launching this thing, I'd probably just delete that little section about beta-HCG to kill off pregnancies or whatever else to kickstart cancers. Publish the wrong sequence, case closed.
The parallels to the old tobacco industry are striking. Lots of money to be made if the slow beat of adverse cancer reports could be kept at arms length. Good Dr’s blew the whistle, but nothing really changed until every Doctor and policy maker knew several people personally who succumbed to illness.
Well, look on the bright side. Civilization has gone through this from the beginning. Brilliant new invention or engineering tweak and the rich privileged ones end up killing themselves off to a considerable extent and the rest of us keep going, or not.
We're not so special and the existence of human life on earth isn't really entirely threatened by the idiotic things the smart people do. Die-offs happen regularly in large and small percentages.
It's just really painful to be in the middle of one of these lunacies and see people we love affected.
I wonder how many Plague deaths now were caused by quack treatments pushed by quack plague doctors. Did you know Nostradamus was one of the more effective plague doctors?
This post has really set me off on a dot-connecting whirlwind. The key thing to note is, "after the booster". Why do the turbo cancers kick off (usually) only after the booster? I think we already have a clue; IgG4
For those not aware, German scientists published some surprising findings in July of this year - in the months after the booster, a new immunological phenomenon was being observed that was never before seen in the context of vaccination or natural infection; formation of non-inflammatory (what I term NPC) IgG4 antibodies. Brian Mowrey wrote about it here, including references to the original paper and data charts;
IgG4 Characteristics and Functions in Cancer Immunity
Somehow the third dose... the booster.. ends up being the turning point where our immune systems say, "Enough". That is what IgG4 is. The example of "natural" IgG4 formation that is given in many papers is bee keepers... eventually the immune systems of bee keepers just stops reacting to bee sting antigen. Nature has a way of turning off the formation of inflammatory, active, T-cell promoting antibodies.... and, surprise, surprise, the Booster dose kicks that off. Beware.
In the past month I have had 4 conversations with people who contracted Covid after getting a booster and being in contact with other vaxxed/boosted and sick people. My parents never had Covid and were vaxxed and 3 weeks ago got a booster and have been sick ever since. They blame my cousin who had supposedly been in contact with someone with Covid.
When I suggested it was the booster, it was if I was suggesting that I was a visitor from the rings of Saturn.
That was mostly just a snarky line highlighting how Biden doesn't even know what he's reading, but in general I think the policy shapers know the truth. (The speechwriters themselves only have to be told what to say, they don't have to know or care about the underlying data.)
Of my children's four grandparents (all approaching 80 years old, all relatively healthy, all jabbed in early 2021), three were subsequently diagnosed with cancer and the fourth was hospitalized, jaundiced with a mysterious hepatitis. (My dad has melanoma, my mom has breast cancer, and my father-in-law now has prostate cancer AND Parkinson's.) The good news is that none opted for the booster and all are receiving treatment for their respective conditions, doing pretty well.
I wonder how much of the cancer is due to the suppression of the immune system and how much is due to the telomerase synthesis disruption that was the subject of an Israeli study.
The news for the jab junkies is all bad and yet they still go get the boosters. Sigh.
Yeah. {sigh} My bro-in-law. Spent a hellish month is hospital before giving up and asking for hospice. (Died in five days.) His doctors .... were baffled.... (oh fer cryin' out loud!!!)
Cannot talk to my sister, because she hung up on me in fury back in early-mid 2020 when I was TRYING to talk her out of the poison. (She called back later and apologized; but said this was (yet another) topic about which we were to never speak. Her husband had had some weird (blood?) cancer 6-7 years ago; the docs then tried lots of stuff and some experimental thing finally worked... But they were fervent vaxxers... And paid the toll.
Please take a few minutes to learn about how fenbendazole can treat cancer. You, your friends and family’s lives could depend on it. Read the detailed Case Reports, read the science on this off patent, safe, inexpensive, side-effect free, OTC medicine This Substack is implementing an interesting research model where scientists gather from-the-field reports on the use of fenbendazole then distill what may be the optimal parameters governing its use. Pharma will not do this research so others must. Oh, by the way, fenbendazole can both cure and prevent cancer!
HA! Great timing! My four boxes of fenbendazol just arrived this evening! Goes in the
protocol box, next to the IVM and I will finish my research to add it to my preventives! <VBG>
I DID have to finish my last two days of covid treatment last Dec with the horse paste, as I had run out of pills... Ghastly stuff; works like the pills! Now have several hundred 12mg pills on hand, and a hundred 6mg pills!! Stock up while you can folks -- you KNOW the govt's gonna try to lock it down again!
Yes, I have some preloaded into a syringe that the vet gave me last time doggie was there - some eggs in the poop or something. Anyway, it was nearly impossible to get the syringe liquid down her little doggie throat so I just want back to IVM horse paste, which she licks off my finger readily.
Yes. Some parasites and cancer cells share a similar structural vulnerability within their microtubule transport system that is exploited by fenbendazole.
Tonight I was taken to task for the “crazy things I read and have sent to a friends”. This from a man who blames Facebook for all the problems in the world today. It is facebook’s fault.
The interesting thing about this man tearing into me was that I remained calm, did not take offence because I know I have made the absolute right decisions to turn off msm, decline the experimental biologicals and recognise when we are being lied to.
It was also a reminder, most people have been brainwashed. So it is with great interest to read an oncologist’s professional opinion on the covid boosters. Most people will never see or read this article because it isn’t in the Guardian, or Times, Telegraph or BBC.
Thank you for another great substack💕💕
Sorry you were taken to task, but good on you for remaining calm! Remember - German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. :)
I'll add my anecdotal observation.
I'm not an oncologist, just a normal guy that has regularly donated whole blood for the last 15 years as often as I can, partly because I have fairly high hematocrit levels and my doctor said regular donations can keep that in a healthy range.
I've never been asked in these 15 years to donate platelets until about 6 months ago. The blood bank was practically begging me to consider donating those a few months back because of a 'critical shortage'.
At my last appointment, they begged me again and then followed up with a phone call, saying I could give those as often as once a week (!) based on my platelet counts.
I asked what's up with the shortage and the nurse said there's very high demand amongst cancer patients in the area, who are the primary recipients of donated platelets.
I'm probably going to suck it up and donate in December a few times when I have time off, but it's not the most pleasant experience...2 hours hooked up to a machine! But, clearly something unusual is happening in our area.
Do they ask your vaccination status?
No, they don't. I'm 100% unjabbed, I wonder if they can detect that?
Last month before donating whole blood one of the pre-donation questions on the computer asked if i had been vaccinated for cov-19.
Interesting. They DID ask if I was vaccinated for anything in the last eight weeks, but they've always done that and it wasn't covid specific. Will be curious if thst changes.
Yeah thats the first time since the pandemic that i donated because they always wanted me to put on a mask to come in and give blood so thats the first time in the last fee years i got up to the computer questionnaire. It was def a cov-19 specific question. I actually thought they might not let me donate because im not vaxxed but they took my blood.
The blood of the vaxed,as we now know, is changed, it is full of MRNA,GRAPHINE HYDTOXIDE, PARASITES, ETHYLENE, ALUMINIUM,ETC, THE CELLS ARE DESTROYED, no vaxed person should be able to give blood and contaminate another..the vax is transmitted through the breath, skin and bodily is a death sentence..........Doctors are reporting a massive increase in cancers after the vax, the 2nd and the booster, virulent cancers in all ages, my sister, d vaxed,had fallen for the scam, got a stage 4 stomach cancer a few months ago, had most of her stomach removed, could only eat a tiny amount,every two hours, 8 weeks ago, worried about winter flu and covid, had the booster,2 weeks after had a scan, doctor told her, just 3 months to live,it was back with a vengeance.....I've also lost two brothers-in-law to the vax......
Truly appalling. So sorry for you and watching your sister like that.
I have a very small family and not that big of a social circle but had a friend who developed a second blood cancer after seemingly dealt with the first, a collapse and death and other odd health issues. Most people I know seem ok but is it just a matter of time? Dr. Mike Yeadon always said the boosters would be the worst though I appears that even the first shot can be very bad - probably as you say due to differing strengths of dose.
Knowing that the government and health authorities must know what’s going on and just sit and watch it all happening is heartbreaking.
I watched an American independent news channel yesterday and was shocked at the number of US colleges/universities are still mandating 2 shots plus booster for on-campus learning. They are really desperate to get all the young jabbed. There are times when it still seems unreal to me and I can’t believe it’s still happening.
All our governments are in on it, world reset, 170 countries,governments signed up to it, headed by the CCP, and KLAUSE SCHWAB, the Rothschild's,he is one, the WHO, and the world government, depopulation, slavery for the rest, YOU WILL OWN JOTHING AND BE HAPPY......KLAUS SHWAB TOLD US IN HIS SPEECH AT THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM.......mind control.......we now know all vaxed are chipped, and all their details are held in the Cloud, and we know that the vax transmits to the unvaxed...We are all in danger....
The vax can transmit but it cannot hijack your cells in the same manner as those who have been injected. What it can do, is deteriorate your health as you are exposed to more and more spike from shedders (eg the recently jabbed and the boosted recently). I personally take the horse paste ivermectin and I have year supply plus NAC , Zeolite (new to me) and Vitamins D3 plus VitK 1,2 with magnesium. Not cheap but then again, I may be the last one standing. Small quick and agile is the way to avoid things ... and of course, downsizing, and reducing your lifestyle to avoid the 'jabs'.
25 years on just urine therapy. No illness, no doctors, no vitamins. I am unvaxxed and I am doing great. I am not taking ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, NAC, zeolite, etc. Here is my website
I don't think there is enough data nor research yet to know how the transmission affects the unvaxed. We don't know for sure, so I assume the worse for now. I like your protocol you are taking. There's also Dr. McCollough's "Spike Support" for transmission AND was made for people that took the jab, which for the vaxxed, he says to take it at least one year (its about $55-60/month) , find at The Wellness Company
I am so sorry Jennifer. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you Susan, it is horrendous what is happening, and it will be worse next year, as the vials were different strengths, some saline,some 50% and some 100%, so it's affected people at different times, but the boosters are the most deadly, many dropping dead or serious cancers ,dead in weeks or a few months, the criminals did not want everyone dropping brother-in-law in vancouver, September 2021, against my advice, took 2 vax so he could fly, he went blind in one eye, was very weak, got severe shingles, could hardly walk,put into hospital, he became paralysed in both legs, and this travelled through his spine and down both arms and hands, killed him within 8 weeks, neurological damage, this neurological damage has affected many, my other brother-in-law, fit and well, had a booster for his job, in April , playing golf, walking back to his car,had a massive heart attack,he died.......sadly all people who took the vax,thought it was a vaccine, like the flu vax, they were conned ,and all who took it will die, there are 1300 side effects listed in the phizer documents..
yes so sad and scary. We can't know how many will die but likely very many. There are ways to detox. My one practitioner says he is working 12 hours a day helping ppl with vax injuries and with Covid.
Try the ancient urine therapy. I can forward my website that has lots of info, e-books. I will append it here and see if it is acceptable.
Perhaps you could inform that you have a condition attached to your donations ...
That the donation only go to the unvaxxed cancer patients.
If they are unwilling to commit then don't donate.
Not wanting to discourage your wonderful and generous help of other people, but please carefully look into how these machines are built before you agree to donate.
Surgical / medical equipment comes with 2 kinds of parts: those that are disposable, and those that need to be sterilized in between patients. With something like a knife, no problem, throw it in the sterilizing dishwasher. But guess what else goes in the dishwasher? Tubes. Imagine putting a straw (caked with dry protein / blood / fat) in your dishwasher at home and expecting it to ever come clean. No imagine that that straw is 2 feet long.
It is commonly acknowledged amongst surgeons and anesthesiologists (who are proper critical thinkers) that tube instruments are never genuinely sterilized. Even with simple instruments, such as dental tools, when they actually check the success of sterilization processes in studies, they find remnants of hepatitis, HIV, prions, etc.
Now we come to the topic of platelets. When you donate platelets, they're going to hook you up on one arm to a machine sucking the blood out (through tubes), filter out the stuff they want (through who knows what kind of mechanical parts: are they all disposable or are there remnants from other patients including e.g. Spike protein?) and then hook you up on the other arm (through tubes) to put the rest of your blood BACK IN. After it has been swirling around in a machine used by countless other people.
I haven't dismantled one of these machines and don't work in hematology, so I can't tell you whether your blood will ever touch places that aren't one-use disposable.
I personally would never donate platelets without having full reassurance of how the machine is built.
As a cardiac surgeon familiar with the "heart lung machine" - cardiopulmonary bypass, yes, tubing is of concern.. but in addition, the metallic parts that tubing is hooked to needs to be steam serialized. Platelet donation is important and we really need them.. but a critical thinker would be wise to ask the questions posed.
I have donated plasma before covid and it took about an hour in and out of the door. hooked up was more like 40-50 minutes. I was at one of those plasma donating center so perhaps they have different equipment then your blood donation center?
I can't donate blood because I work with dangerous goods. Then quakcinated people are welcome to donate their poisonous blood. Welcome to clown world.
I stopped giving blood years ago because I put on the form that I had had chronic fatigue. I was told ‘no, thank you’ and now look what they’ll take.
That's good to know! They told me they tell everyone two hours, but it's highly variable and depends on your counts.
God bless you for such kindness. You are saving lives.
I'm convinced the cancer appearance or reappearance is a real phenomenon and we're only seeing the start of it. But I have to question this type of thing ... "an old friend felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster". No, the appearance of those symptoms soon after a booster (or any of the various jabs) suggests not Long Covid but Long Vaccine. Governments love everything being lumped together as the vague "Long Covid" with little or no proof, meaning attention is diverted from the much more likely suspect, the 'vaccinations'. This idea that every man and his dog who feels bad is suffering from Long Covid needs to be pushed back against, for me, anyone who's had any of the mRNA or DNA jabs and has problems afterwards, whether it's days, weeks or months, is suffering from Long Vaccine unless proven otherwise
Long Covid is a bogeyman. Something that any symptom can be attributed to, without any proof. Like when people were told they had whichever variant, just because they were sick at a particular time.
People have become so accustomed to accepting pure speculation as truth, that it’s easy for Long Covid to be accepted.
Whew! You are SO FAR BEHIND!! Go read/watch Drs Pierre Kory and Paul Marik (pulmonologists and intensivists; founders of the FLCCC! ( They have separate protocols for Long Haulers and Vax-injured because those are DIFFERENT pathologies, and may or may not present similarly! Treatments are similar but not identical for any patient (of either type): because the spikes -- FROM covid, or worse from the poison-vaxx -- cause many and varying problems because they go lie down with and mess up MANY cells and organs...
That's a bit unfair, what's happening is that people aren't seeing experts like Kory or Marik but their own GPs who are often blindly putting down "Long Covid" as the diagnosis, because they're not real experts and of course it's also easier ... how long do you get when you see a GP? 15 minutes? Also many people are self diagnosing 'LC' based on what they're hearing in the media. Few are considering that the 'vaccines' might have caused their ongoing problems, they assume Long Covid - and the government love that happening because attention goes off the 'vaccines' as the culprit
Also as a doctor even if you know full well that the symptoms match vax injury, you'll lose your job if you write that, so "long Covid" is safe and makes everyone happy.
I know LOTS of people who are unjabbed, who had covid, and none of them have anything like "long covid." However, I know vaxxed people who have all sorts of chronic problems now. Not long covid, rather, they have vaccination covid.
I know unjabbeds who got long Covid. One of the HIV inserts enables it to travel cell to cell while being hidden from the immune system, so I would suspect that a large number of people actually have it in the body much longer than expected.
I don't think Omicron causes long COVID at the same rate, maybe only to the vaccine injured. I had Omicron and the only lingering symptom I had was low blood pressure because I diarrhea'd out all my electrolytes. This was corrected simply by eating more salt and supplementing cream of tartar for potassium.
In 3...2...1...”climate change is causing a drastic increase in cancers”
I HIGHLY recommend checking out the recent tweet threat from Jikky the mouse.
He shows a tumor suppression gene line was erased in the data, which just so happens to coincidentally be the genetic line a whistle blower back in December 2020 said was highly suspect…
It’s a creepy thread and the anonymous post from December 2020 couldn’t have come from anyone but an insider…
Yes I’ve had an eye on that 4chan post for a while. Worrying
Would you share the link to it?
Check out my Substack, I just dropped it there. Link, screenshots, everything.
Don’t worry, my subs free, lol, not trying to scam ya!
What is the link to your substack?
Sorry, here ya go!
Thank you. Subscribed! Thanks for sharing the 4Chan post. It’s an eye opener…
Im working on a follow up.
ty subscribed
Thanks! Hope you enjoy!
Well, that's the thing. Who published the sequences of the virus? If my lab were responsible for launching this thing, I'd probably just delete that little section about beta-HCG to kill off pregnancies or whatever else to kickstart cancers. Publish the wrong sequence, case closed.
The parallels to the old tobacco industry are striking. Lots of money to be made if the slow beat of adverse cancer reports could be kept at arms length. Good Dr’s blew the whistle, but nothing really changed until every Doctor and policy maker knew several people personally who succumbed to illness.
Well, look on the bright side. Civilization has gone through this from the beginning. Brilliant new invention or engineering tweak and the rich privileged ones end up killing themselves off to a considerable extent and the rest of us keep going, or not.
We're not so special and the existence of human life on earth isn't really entirely threatened by the idiotic things the smart people do. Die-offs happen regularly in large and small percentages.
It's just really painful to be in the middle of one of these lunacies and see people we love affected.
I wonder how many Plague deaths now were caused by quack treatments pushed by quack plague doctors. Did you know Nostradamus was one of the more effective plague doctors?
This post has really set me off on a dot-connecting whirlwind. The key thing to note is, "after the booster". Why do the turbo cancers kick off (usually) only after the booster? I think we already have a clue; IgG4
For those not aware, German scientists published some surprising findings in July of this year - in the months after the booster, a new immunological phenomenon was being observed that was never before seen in the context of vaccination or natural infection; formation of non-inflammatory (what I term NPC) IgG4 antibodies. Brian Mowrey wrote about it here, including references to the original paper and data charts;
IgG4 antibodies have been associated with various cancers;
IgG4 Characteristics and Functions in Cancer Immunity
Somehow the third dose... the booster.. ends up being the turning point where our immune systems say, "Enough". That is what IgG4 is. The example of "natural" IgG4 formation that is given in many papers is bee keepers... eventually the immune systems of bee keepers just stops reacting to bee sting antigen. Nature has a way of turning off the formation of inflammatory, active, T-cell promoting antibodies.... and, surprise, surprise, the Booster dose kicks that off. Beware.
In the past month I have had 4 conversations with people who contracted Covid after getting a booster and being in contact with other vaxxed/boosted and sick people. My parents never had Covid and were vaxxed and 3 weeks ago got a booster and have been sick ever since. They blame my cousin who had supposedly been in contact with someone with Covid.
When I suggested it was the booster, it was if I was suggesting that I was a visitor from the rings of Saturn.
Covid 19 and sars 2 are both listed jn the 9 pages of phizers side effects, it is in the vax....
There's a reason that Biden mentioned 'beating cancer' twice in the last year. His speechwriters know something most people don't.
Do you think or just the current thing to talk about? I'm sceptical as to whether speechwriters would be privy to such info if true.
That was mostly just a snarky line highlighting how Biden doesn't even know what he's reading, but in general I think the policy shapers know the truth. (The speechwriters themselves only have to be told what to say, they don't have to know or care about the underlying data.)
Good point
For the cancer vaccine push.
Of my children's four grandparents (all approaching 80 years old, all relatively healthy, all jabbed in early 2021), three were subsequently diagnosed with cancer and the fourth was hospitalized, jaundiced with a mysterious hepatitis. (My dad has melanoma, my mom has breast cancer, and my father-in-law now has prostate cancer AND Parkinson's.) The good news is that none opted for the booster and all are receiving treatment for their respective conditions, doing pretty well.
I wonder how much of the cancer is due to the suppression of the immune system and how much is due to the telomerase synthesis disruption that was the subject of an Israeli study.
The news for the jab junkies is all bad and yet they still go get the boosters. Sigh.
I knew a few people whose cancers were in remission prior to the covid plague. They took the injections and now they are gone. rip.
Sorry to hear that
Yeah. {sigh} My bro-in-law. Spent a hellish month is hospital before giving up and asking for hospice. (Died in five days.) His doctors .... were baffled.... (oh fer cryin' out loud!!!)
Cannot talk to my sister, because she hung up on me in fury back in early-mid 2020 when I was TRYING to talk her out of the poison. (She called back later and apologized; but said this was (yet another) topic about which we were to never speak. Her husband had had some weird (blood?) cancer 6-7 years ago; the docs then tried lots of stuff and some experimental thing finally worked... But they were fervent vaxxers... And paid the toll.
Please take a few minutes to learn about how fenbendazole can treat cancer. You, your friends and family’s lives could depend on it. Read the detailed Case Reports, read the science on this off patent, safe, inexpensive, side-effect free, OTC medicine This Substack is implementing an interesting research model where scientists gather from-the-field reports on the use of fenbendazole then distill what may be the optimal parameters governing its use. Pharma will not do this research so others must. Oh, by the way, fenbendazole can both cure and prevent cancer!
HA! Great timing! My four boxes of fenbendazol just arrived this evening! Goes in the
protocol box, next to the IVM and I will finish my research to add it to my preventives! <VBG>
I DID have to finish my last two days of covid treatment last Dec with the horse paste, as I had run out of pills... Ghastly stuff; works like the pills! Now have several hundred 12mg pills on hand, and a hundred 6mg pills!! Stock up while you can folks -- you KNOW the govt's gonna try to lock it down again!
Is this the animal antiparasitic drug? I've not looked at the link yet.
Yes, I have some preloaded into a syringe that the vet gave me last time doggie was there - some eggs in the poop or something. Anyway, it was nearly impossible to get the syringe liquid down her little doggie throat so I just want back to IVM horse paste, which she licks off my finger readily.
This is a terrific "find."
Many thanks!
Yes. Some parasites and cancer cells share a similar structural vulnerability within their microtubule transport system that is exploited by fenbendazole.