Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

And the media is covering for Trudeau, which is no surprise because they basically have state-sponsored media.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I'll give an appreciative hand to Zelensky too. What a master of cynicism, expediency and shamelessness.

I do hate excesses of melodrama but I think I can just manage to hear the blood of my great-great-uncle, his wife and four adult daughters crying out from the ground in Uman. Maybe it was one of Hanka's colleagues who shot them.

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I was expecting some comments on Zelensky, but "a master of cynicism, expediency and shamelessness" was good... if you believe that sort of thing.

Do you believe that Zelensky is in this for his own benefit? I'd be interested to know what you think he expected in February 2022 to happen?

I can tell you that the majority of people expected him to run and leave Ukraine to the Russians. He didn't do that and, in that moment when he said "In need ammunition, not a ride" he blew a lot of people's expectations to pieces... just as Russia try to do every day.

Funny how every building that Russia hits is civilian but just happens to be full of "foreign mercenaries"... like the maternity hospitals and the 1300 schools they've blown up.

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When he fired all those deputy defense ministers I assumed he was purging everyone he thought might mount a coup while he carried his extortionary begging bowl to NY and DC.

Before Ukraine became our brave little breadbasket of the world, it was Europe's most corrupt nation famous for the export of mail-order brides and truckstop whores. It's probably safest to assume everyone there is dirty, each in his or her own little way.

Putin of course is a thug, and he's been clever enough to put on enough of a pageant display of the restoration of past glories to excite even the most plaintive neurotics of Christendom.

Sometimes everyone in the neighborhood is lousy.

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Yes, Zelensky is in this for his own benefit. He is in for a rude awakening when NATO and the collective west hang him out to dry. The whispers are getting louder and the writing is on the wall.

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Oh boy, go and open another bottle with MaryJane.

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Fuck off.

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I'll take that as your turn o fetch the next crate into the basement.

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It's foolish, I think, the way people tend to scream "troll!" at any commenter whose opinions they dislike and too often they haven't enough wit to refute those views with a reasoned contrary argument.

But it certainly seems that you might be here for a little voluntary or remunerated in cash or kind fuckery, and you're not very good at it.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

They are all so stupid it’s a joke.. or maybe they know which is even worse. Just gross. No other words

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I go with joke, the whole is a pantomime. So many just don't get it.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter


This absolute ROYAL cuck-up is going viral faster than the vid 19 ever thought of!!

Trudeau, in his haste to make Zelensky the hero and HIS Canada the stronghold for perpetual war against Russia, has fallen victim to his own ego centrical narcissist self!!

Bet the speech of all speeches was placed in front of the Speaker to read by Trudeau's own speech writer, (and of course he would because he is totally a part of [their] system), and BOOM, the wildest most unimaginable thing happened!! The ENTIRE Canadian Parliament at Trudeau's beck and call is unequivocally humiliated on the entire world stage.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer party!!


The Leader of the Opposition Party, (Conservative), has come out with a statement.

Sept. 24 2:44 pm.


- " This is an appalling error in judgement on the part of Justin Trudeau, whose personal protocol office is responsible for arranging and vetting all guests and programming for state visits of this kind."

- "No parliamentarians (other than Justin Trudeau) had the opportunity to vet this individual’s past..."

- "Without warning or context, it was impossible for any parliamentarian in the room (other than Mr. Trudeau) to know of this dark past."

Prior to this very vivid showing of exactly who Trudeau is, these precious moments were captured:

1. Serious bromance hugs between Trudeau and Zelensky: A. on the Canadian tarmac and B. in front of the PMO. Like, ya couldn't slip a sheet of paper twixt the two bodies due to lack of space and back rubbing.

A. https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1705074116061962345

B. https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1705261427307503982

2. The X clip of them from the PMO where they both looked strung out on "Who's line is this anyways?"


3. This speech that can only and literally be compared to one given directly by Hitler himself. (Or Biden with the red and black background and).


And truly, in the spirit of all WTF moments, his sidekick cannot be forgotten. Just look at that face! Says, "Oh thank Klaus, you're here to save us!!"


As a Canadian, I am appalled at the audacity of ALL OF THIS.

But MORE than all of that, I am busting a gut because like I said, couldn't have happened to a nicer party!!

*Tips hat

Much Love

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Oh boy, conflating Nazis in Ukraine in WW2 and today is an incredibly difficult, no, impossible, act to balance without making a complete mess of it.

Firstly, Ukraine was oppressed, and indeed, millions killed by Stalin's Russia in the early 30s with the created famine, the Holodomor. Hence there was no desire to side with Russia in a war that they had become an accidental participant.

Siding with Germany, stay away from Nazis for now, was perceived as a route to becoming an independent state, free from Russian occupation, domination and slaughter.

I think that this can be tagged as the enemy of my enemy is my friend type of relationship. It's also a case of, maybe, choosing the least worst of only two possible options.

The atrocities committed against the Jews were pretty much all down to the Germans, especially Nazis like Himmler.

The camps on the Polish-Ukrainian border, such as Belzec and Sobibor had a good number of Ukrainian guards, and I have no doubt that there would have been a few who would have gone along, some maybe happily, with the exterminations... but what were their options? None at all unless they were more in favour of visiting the "showers" themselves.

We have all heard of the German guards being hunted down and brought to trial but I've only seen one Ukrainian make the news and that was John Demjanjuk, a guard at Sobibor.

I think, in the interests of balance, that I should also mention that there were far more senior Nazis "saved" and exported to the US, in Operation Paper Clip, than faced trial in an exercise of convenient memory wiping simply because those were of more value alive than dead. An expediency that stinks of hypocrisy but since when has that ever been any different?

That said, Hunka was no different from John Demjanjuk and should have been prosecuted. I haven't looked into why Canada allowed SS soldiers and officers to emigrate to them so can't apportion any kind of reasoning to it. It's certainly not something that I was aware of previously. It does seem very strange that the Canadians have conflated fighting the Russians then with fighting them now. The circumstances are entirely different and should be kept 78 years apart.

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"The atrocities committed against the Jews were pretty much all down to the Germans, especially Nazis like Himmler."

Ukrainians were amusing themselves with pogroms long before Hitler was even a schoolboy.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Facts about Nazis and Hiroshima. Picky picky picky.

But I do love the the performance costume wear of Zelensky as he addresses the UN, Washington and Canada's Parliament. Fresh off the front lines, no time to change clothes, don't ya know.

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Yeah, he's probably got a change or two on the plane, just like Putin has... oh, wait, Putin doesn't change his clothes when he travels, he just sends out one of his three doppelgängers to cover his cowardly arse as he's too scared to leave one of his bunkers.

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Have you forgotten that after Zelensky got to power, among other by help from Pentagon, and as wanted by by WEK, where CIA was in when the union WEK was made, and we got Claus Schwab, who had been taught by Kissinger. And then in 2014 when Zelensky was put in as chef, then at least 14,000 Russian citizens in Ukraine were killed for being Russian, and this was followed by blocking the river which brings water to Crim, because the farmers there are Russians, and should be killed or leave. And what about the probably 42 biological research centers in Ukraine, in which Gunter was connected, some close to the Russian border. And where the US government tells the it will not allow equal biological institutes on Cuba. But Cuba is 160 km from us!

Maybe US is afraid that there will be dropped down diseases on US, as US did it on Cuba, during "The cold war".

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I have not forgotten any of that. All the bad actors from our government and its agencies, and European counties, and Russia. Ukraine is called the bloodlands for good reason. The major result is people die in untold thousands in all these forever wars and the best and brightest young of all the countries are cut down in their youth fighting for what the powers that be caused. I keep hearing the phrase in the USA that "we will fight to the last Ukrainian.". What if instead, the world governments had worked to solve the corruption, made durable peace treaties, removed the bio-lab "research" facilities, and brought the oligarchs to justice? Whatever happened to the peace movement that was so vibrant during the Vietnam war? Why is it that so many of the same people are now so supportive or at least silent about this war in Ukraine? Why is Nuclear War which was unthinkable before thinkable now?

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One more thing: Why do we have such clowns and idiots as leaders in so many of our countries? Who runs them and put them there?

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To me your writings are much equal to what I say. And before Russia went into Ukraine, I told friend that this would happen, as it in the plan from WEF.

But concerning the idiots of leaders in most of the countries, Bill Gates and the other in WEF has so much money power that they just tells the governments what to do. 2 African countries leaders were killed, poisoned, for not wanting to force the peoples the get the "snake poison vaccines".

Some of the East European countries don't like the Ukrainians after what they earlier through out history have learned.

A few months ago an Australian member of the parliament, talked and showed the letter send from WHO, to, was it 53 or 58 governments, and telling what to tell to the peoples about Covid-19, for have them to being scared if not "vaccinated". 7 months ago I to 2 health ministries in Denmark, send 6 sides letters, with 36 cases concerning, SARS-CoV-2, and mRNA injections, each finished with "What do you say to this?", or "are this also going on in Denmark". I Denmark the health minister have said that not a single on have died by, or even sick after Covid injections, and the Danes believe this!

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Canada was captured years ago by China. All parties are a bunch of globalists with the conservatives less woke than Trudeau supposedly.

Trudeau will not hold a proper foreign interference investigation into elections nor bring in a law that foreign agents should register.

The manufactured war helps Biden/Trudeau with their petro dollar value as they both have a war on domestic oil production. The longer the war goes on creating chaos in Eurasia… the better it is for Trudeau/Biden economies.

It’s just another oil war!! A bomb a day then photo ops for the newspapers.

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Most ignorant and ill-informed comment ever. Care to discuss how ignorant you are?

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Evil is now lauded and the righteous are now terrorists.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter


Then again, the Allies saw Soviet communism as far worse than national socialism before 1941. Hitler, Mussolini and their respective actions and ideologies were after all lauded and celebrated by high and low by western capitalist industrialists, bankers and other nobs.

The ideas and morals behind communism were abhored by the same people who saw no problem with 20 000 children starving to death in Britain every year during the height of laissez faire capitalism and refused to make the connection between the failure of cosmopolitan capitaism to the rise of marxist ideologies.

Kind of like today, really.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Just when I think I can't be more embarassed to be Canadian, Trudeau yet again raises the bar ....

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Zelensky’s costume is to help locate him in a crowd of appropriately dressed men when meeting heads of state. Some of the donations to the Ukr@ine should be used to buy him a decent suit.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Razed, not raised.

Almost opposite meanings!

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Because the people behind "supporting Ukraine" who actively ignited and provoked the war are the same people who started WWII (same group). Russia was to be annihilated back then, and they hate the fact it was not. They are obsessed with making it happen this time.

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Oh, yes, MaryJane, what's the Russian version of your name? You know, the one you were given after you were born?

It's amazing that you're so stupid that you don't even know your own history. Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler and they carved up Poland between them, but that was a massive mistake as it allowed Hitler to grow in strength to the point where he no longer needed Russia.

When you write your obvious bullshit propaganda you're completely ignoring, deliberately, that both the UK and the US armed and fed Russia to enable them to fight off the Germans. The result of that collaboration was Russia helping to destroy the Nazis and end the war.

There was no attempt to "annihilate" Russia "back then", but hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your lies, you might get sent to Siberia as a reward if you speak the truth.

There's no doubt that by the end of the war, there were a few hawks in the US, namely George Patton who wanted to "finish the job" and take Moscow... maybe that would have been the right thing to do, but what I do know is that nobody else had the stomach for prolonging the war and Russia was safe to take over half of Europe... something that Putin (or Vladolf Putler) to give him a better name, would clearly like to do all over again.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

blah-blah-blah, Russia/USSR did not come to conquer Germany, or UK, or US, and did not kill 27m of their people. Leave Russia and Russians alone with your "help", the real name of which is "loot" and "murder". Assuming you are from the US, it is YOU who should study your own history and how your country acquired its wealth by bombing and looting other countries and profiting from wars. Russia paid for its help till 2006 (!!!!), nice incentive to create the wars, perfect business model! It's disgusting people like yourself why Russia had to start the current "invasion", how else can you let people like yourself anywhere close to its borders who want to kill people in countries thousands of miles away who were never any threat to them. Disgusting murderous racist

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In 1991 Germany and US promised Russia, that NATO never should go east of Rhine!

And we must remember that for Soviet I costed around 25 millions died, a son of Stalin died in concentration camp i Germany, as out fighting as soldier.

And US first went into the war, and started to "help" Europe, after Stalingrad, where it newer was expected that Soviet would win.

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Typical propagandist. You assumed I'm from the US. I'm not. Everything you write is unjustifiable crap but I accept that's what you're paid to do. You're just wasting your time as the only people who agree with you and support you in here are pretty sure to be in your building. I won't assume that all are as there's probably a few in Moscow as well.

Even Solovyov is struggling to justify the shit that's going on in Ukraine, he's more concerned that he can't get his German cars serviced properly any more!

Mardan seems to have gone quiet... is that because it's all coming apart now and losing Crimea is going to happen very soon?

How are you going to sell that to ordinary Russians who've already seen 380,000 body bags from an SMO that was supposed to last 3 days?

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everything I write is a fact vs some stupid propaganda in your head. You sound like an Ukrainian from a village thoroughly mind-controlled by mockingbird propaganda. It's a good question why the Ukraine war lasts that long considering the peace agreement was about to be signed April 2022 (and another was proposed in December of 2021). Any war-related death after that is owned by Boris Johnson and Biden mob who did not want peace to happen.

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Zelensky wasn't going to sign any peace agreement with Putler because he knew he couldn't be trusted.

Neither Biden nor Johnson had the power to sign anything for Ukraine.

Go to sleep, it's past your bedtime and you've got school tomorrow.

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It was not Putin who promised "not one inch eastwards", who started the violent coup in 2014 and profited off of it and who broke Minsk agreements. Of course, Zelensky handlers will not let him sign the peace agreement as they profit off the war immensely. And by the way, Putin may not be trustworthy, but Zelensky trusts him, as he immediately got out of the bunker once promised by Putin he would not kill him (early in the war, per Israeli ex prime minister), and so far Putin keeps his promise. And please find a real job, vs being a paid propagandist of the violent empire.

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In 1905 George Santayana wrote "Those who do not remember the past is doomed to repeat it". Concerning schools, high schools, education, 24 years, I always was exception higher than anybody, in history, mathematic, and so, om, own 100 meter, 330 feet's of book and maps about science, and measured to 170 or more in IQ when 8 year old, because problem for teachers that I new more than them. And finishing engineering i 1986, and to that they never before had seen so good finishing work at done by me, and told to be to clever to live in Denmark! Under this education told to be too clever to be there, especially chocking the mathematical - but not as good as Ramanujan. Own only 400 mathematical books, while 600 doctor books.

But concerning remembering, think about how many persons who deny that the concentration camps, where 7 million were killed. I have visited some of the.

And furthermore concerning killing. What about when Franco took the power by civil war, and Germany daily send bombers in over Spain - remember the famous painting - and where there bombings newer hit areas where the rich persons livid. Why did no country say anything? And then after Franco had "concurred" a new city, persons who had been against him, were taking out and killed, and in this way 300.000 persons were killed until he died. Do you remember this?

Danish persons who survived an returned home after fighting against fascism, were punished by the government.

And concerning the start of the "Armageddon", which we now are in, after told about a Covid, back in 1960s, I predicted this by reading history, economic, and philosophy (Malthus and Nitze "And thus spoke Sarasutra" "high" humans and "low" humans, when look biological).

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It didn't take you long to climb out of your vodka bottle in St. Petersburg.

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be careful, one day you may be on the receiving end and will understand what it's like when someone throws bombs on innocent people. And ha, "Russia conquered half of Europe", is that from someone who conquered HALF the world countries (750+ military bases), ALL of Europe (except Russia) and now bombs Russia to conquer it as well, literally enslaved Ukraine and made them die for your interests, dropped nuclear bombs on innocent people who never did anything to you, killed millions in countries around the world including by way of biological warfare, blew up other countries' pipelines because you cannot win in fair competition, tested bio weapons on children, created concentration camps, imposed sanctions (=economic warfare) on almost the third of world countries, and so on, and NONE of the targets ever presented any threat to you? USA is THE most violent country to have ever existed. period.

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Hmm, I don't recall the US ever conquering anyone in Europe. Having military bases present to ensure that more people like Hitler and Stalin couldn't invade other countries was by invitation only. Nobody was invaded.

Maybe you think that Finland and Sweden have just been invaded as well then?

Don't you think it odd that all of the former Soviet countries joined NATO and others joined the EU for protection from Russia? Yep, must be really strange for you to realise that Russia is the most hated and despised country on the entire planet!

Nobody likes, you nobody cares about you, you just didn't like being kept within your own borders so decided to start the new empire with Ukraine being "encouraged" to set an example. Great example. Azerbaijan has just stuck two fingers up to your great empire and Armenia now sees that Russia is a toothless tiger.

What now for the 24th most powerful army in Europe? Might be 25th... I forgot about Luxembourg!

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Didn't even finish reading this crap, you are clearly deranged Ukrainian. FACT: while USSR was stationed in Europe, there was not a single war on that continent. The moment it withdrew (voluntarily), wars and bombings started non-stop. As for "protection", how did that "protection" work out for Ukraine? And what about (largely forgotten) war in Greece post WWII? What about the war in Cyprus? What about endless wars post USSR collapse on its former republics (who peacefully lived prior to that) and later Serbia? Constant terror attacks in Russia? Horrors of Donbass? Not to mention the criminal war in Iraq and Libya? It's an endless list. The one thing that puzzled me from living in the US (originally not from there), is that most people are normal reasonable people who mind their business, do not have any interest in bombing anyone, but mention some topic, and all of a sudden you hear "yes, we should have nuked Russia and finished them off", or "yes, it's good we nuked japs or bombed germans in Dresden", "of course it's right we bombed Serbia, Milosevic committed genocide", and so on and so on. They absolutely justify any actions of their government! I did not hear that even from Germans and I worked with Germans a lot. Is it because Americans never really had to pay for their crimes and never had any war on their territory?

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and you are a racist murderous pig. Be grateful Putin is so kind and not a genocidal maniac like people ruling your country

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If I didn't think you believed that rubbish I'd suggest you were trying out irony for the first time!

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So you are a RuZZian troll then.

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Since the revolution in 1918 it always was the plan to destroy Soviet, and after the WW2 unexpected was "stopped" by Soviet, the in 1947 the CIA was made, for by infiltrating, news and so on, to brake down Soviet, and this with success. We recall that Bush back in the 1930 nearly constructed the Nazi policy ideas (from Nitze) and together with Ford and the other paid for "constructing" Hitler. Before the war they got medals from Hitler and Mussolini. And what about the US firms, like the one with aluminum, and the one making more compressed engines, and thereby airplanes which bombed London. And IBM helping with registration of persons in concentrating camps, during all of the WW2. Without US firms helping, as for example, 90% aluminum to Germany, and 10% by government forced to US army, the London would not have been bombed.

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What? So Stalin made a nonaggression pact with Hitler.

Have you forgotten that in 1937 Stalin tried to make a pact with Churchill, to make an European union against Hitler, but Churchill said no. Because UK and US expected Hitler to destroy Soviet.

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Rubbish. The first time Churchill met Stalin was in 1942.

In 1937 Churchill had nothing to do with the Soviets. He hated communism and Chamberlain was PM, nor Churchill.

Typical garbage from a Russian troll. Anything more you want to make up?

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Kudos to you for picking this up so soon after it happened. The bandwagon certainly started filling up, once the apologies came. Glad I came across your substack today, a WEEK after this debacle. You obviously have a nose for hot stories and a talent for writing a bit of satire into this sh/lown show we are being forced to watch.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Apparently the Speaker who invited him will be issuing a statement tomorrow after this “blunder”. Jewish groups are demanding an apology.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Clown show ...

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