Jun 3Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Worrying, what else c an be transferred through a blood transfusion? Poor mice, what a life having to suffer for human beings stupid mistakes.

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Jun 3Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I am one who believes long Covid is really long vaccine, and in the unvaccinated it is vaccine shedding. This cannot be proven(or mis-proven) with data at this time, however I have heard Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC say he believes his clinical data points to Long Vaccine for the vast majority of symptomology referred to as Long Covid, although he added that Long Covid appears to occur in a minority of unvaccinated individuals. This is where I believe vaccine shedding could be the culprit. Perhaps one day we will know.

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I’m unjabbed and had what is technically considered long Covid (POTS, weird bruising & brainfog) for several months after my bout with the alpha variant. I was not “shed” on either. EXCEPT maybe I was? I got Covid after shaking the sweaty hand (after golf) of a guy who had been vaccinated the week prior! He and his sister had been our houseguests for the weekend and both were excited to talk about their shots they just had. I knew no one at that time who had had covid. 🤷‍♀️

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Try a nice organic green tea to detoxify and extra Vitamin C.. won't cure anything but will significantly boost immune system & reduce metabolic toxic load.. organic is essential or residual pesticides steep in the brew! :~)

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💯👍Although the LC symptoms appearing in unvaccinated could just as possibly be uncleared viral matter, depending on whether they experienced covid or not. Sort of same same but different.

The reality of the "shedding" issue (notbreally an accurate term for what is occurring, but certainly the best so far), is that it can happen with or without "exposure", because energetic "imprints" can be transferred (as per Peter Gariev's work) via electromagnetic frequencies, which is partially why that "conspiracy theory" of SARSCov2+5g=covid was floating around.😐🤔😉

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I expect that will be the case even more with the fake chicken flu pandemic, that it’s really the 5G out roll in 2025, as per predicted by conspiracy truthers. I hope they’re wrong.

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Fantastic website, thanks!

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Always my pleasure.. knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us... even happier for me when it's double favorites for longer than this was new.. flippin adore both Engdahl & Michel Chossudovsky w vision & talent to create and curate the priceless gem that is Global Research.. decades on kicking assets! <3 https://www.globalresearch.ca/

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I'd be inclined to go with this - except that there are cases of "long covid" from before the jabs were rolled out.

Just are there are cases of "long flu" (except they don't call it that)... people whose immune systems are not working well and they can't throw it off fully. I haven't looked into it in depth, but my understanding is that the symptoms are much the same, chronic fatigue and the rest.

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Good point.

Which brings up another topic. Is it really a virus? I have always believed it was, but recently have been listening to qualified individuals who claim it is not, rather it was some kind of toxin or poison. The heart of the claim is symptomology. They say that no virus has ever presented the symptomology that Covid did:

1. Rapid onset

2. Extreme headache

3. Brain fog

4. Extreme inflammatory response, cytokine storm

5. Taste and smell degradation, often significant and lasting

6. Multiple Organ function impacts

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I've looked into this a bit too, and also the claims of 5G EMF causing it.

And it's true that no other virus has caused an illness quite like covid - but OTOH, we have to consider that this virus was engineered in a lab, to do all sorts of nasty things.

I'm 71, unjabbed and with a fairly decent level of health and immune function. I caught covid too, in Feb 2022 after going down to the big protest rally in Canberra (I'm in Australia). I have no idea who I caught it from! Chances are that I caught it from someone on the 2 day bus trip, some of whom had been jabbed.

I have no idea if it was a mild case of Beta or a bad case of Omicron (both were circulating in Australia around that time) but I got the classic 2-stage onset (classic for the original Wuhan version of covid) with very mild symptoms for 5 days, then a sudden hit of extreme weakness and dizziness, and loss of smell/taste too. I was doing all sorts of protective things (nebulizing hydrogen peroxide and iodine) and it never got into my lungs (for which I am very grateful).

But it was definitely a respiratory virus IMO.

(At that point I pulled out the last remaining tool in my toolkit, MMS, and it did the trick within hours.)

For sense of smell, I was already taking zinc (which reportedly helps) and there is some smell training you can do, with essential oils (use 4 different types, I think I used orange, cinnamon, tea-tree and maybe basil, things I had on hand, smelling them in turn - there are videos on YT). And I did recover completely, though it took a few weeks to regain it fully.

The loss of sense of smell confirmed for me it was covid (along with a RAT test) - but then I discovered that it sometimes happened with other conditions including flu.

The poison theory makes no sense to me - I find it hard to believe that vaccine shedding would do it.

The spike protein has properties that explain all the things you describe.

This excellent (but technical) article by Arkmedic goes into more detail, if you are interested:


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I'm unvaccinated and caught the coof in Oct 2021 from my vaccinated partner who caught it from her vaccinated friend whose vaccinated husband subsequently died of/with the coof in hospital. I was very poorly for a number of weeks but did recover, but not fully. (5) above is my takeaway, I have never recovered my sense of smell and my sense of taste is also reduced. I am 70 y.o. and a keen cyclist with above average fitness. My view is that I was poisoned.

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Jun 3Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

💯💯📣📣👍 Thank you for cracking the door open again on this one NE. 🙏🙏

The blood supply in every country is a massive problem in this context. The private companies like red cross are refusing to publically discuss the contamination issues and are not giving any transparency on whether the bloods were mixed or not. Until this year in Australia, they were not even asking about the shots on intakes. Now they are but seem to still accept as long as ots after 14days since the last shot😐🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ But if I were truly a genocidal, meglomaniac, with eugenic visions of earths utopia, well i know i would certainly allow the private organisations doing blood donations to continue to mix the blood supplies....😉🤔😤🤐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Jun 3Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This is interesting. Finally a study about this. I am unvaccinated but was born with a deficient immune system (low IgG). So I have to take a sub cutaneous IgG from human blood every two weeks. When I tried to go longer, I was sick four months in a row. My fear since 2021 when vaccines were released was that I would be vaccinated through this infusion. No professional I asked had any idea. Somehow I knew.

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You can join a safe blood bank for $10/month. I belong to SafeBlood.com

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Jun 3Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Good find. No surprise, but it is good to have research that supports my ideas.

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Jun 3Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's important to understand what a "blood transfusion" is. It is packed red blood cells. Plasma is separate. This article is interesting, but probably meaningless, and it makes people a little hysterical about getting blood - and trust me we doctors do not suggest a transfusion flippantly (unlike many of the other things we prescribe!)

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Right, I had considered that being plasma would be different than blood itself. But still worry.

I have a friend who was unvaccinated who had 3 transfusions and was suddenly full of blood clots. That was 6 months ago and he is still dealing with it.

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The first thing to ask is why he was getting blood transfusions. Generally it's a sign that someone is unwell, and automatically in a higher-risk group for blood clots, COVID or no COVID. I have 2 friends who are very slim, athletic, and don't smoke. Both had blood clots before the age of 40. That was 15 years ago, long before COVID or spike protein. Attribution bias is a big problem when we think about these issues with motivated reasoning.

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Yes, all good questions and consideration. In his case, he had bariatric surgery years ago and had some health issues off and on because of that surgery. He was very sick after the surgery - very anemic - but did heal and become strong again in the last few years. I am not sure of all the details of his condition but do know the doctors could not figure out why he was forming blood clots throughout his extensive stay in the last six months. However, he never had blood clots before so I have to at least consider that the transfusions could be the cause.

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It is also worth noting that blood transfusion itself has long been a recognized risk for blood clots. (details have to do with adding foreign substances into your body, and the body's protective reactions against it)

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Yes. Just like the IgG infusion I take. When I receive the IgG meds, there is now a blood clot warning (since 2022). My understanding is that there has always been a warning but I never received it in big bold letters at the top of the patient drug information page.

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I encourage all unvaccinated people to search for and join the registry “BLESSED BY HIS BLOOD” for donating and receiving unvaccinated blood.

I don’t know how to post the flier here so just search for it online.

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I joined but can’t give blood because I take an infusion for my immune system. My family are also members and they can donate.

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Hi Kim, you may know me. My partner and I donated over the weekend for someone on the registry. KR and ER

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Do you believe the same transfer occurs with sexual fluids/mucosa?

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Blood From Jabbed Donors May Pose Risk to Neurological Health


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I've already informed my doctor and hospital that they had better come up with a blood test for transfusions. Because I have not had the shot, due to health reasons: Anaphylactic Shock.

So if I go into AS .. and they did NOT check the blood - and should I live - I own the hospital. If I die, my wife will own them.

They said, "there is no test ..." for which I responded, then you better come up with one, because you have been warned.

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Join the unvaccinated blood bank in the comments above! Encourage unvaccinated friend’s and family to join as well! This is part of the parallel economy/medical system that’s emerging

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Just a quick one: if never isolated/purified what is 'COVID'? And agreed : 'long covid' is surely adverse reactions?

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Are these things transferred in blood plasma?

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I’ll bet they are! That’s why this pure blood registry exists.

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These mRNA transfections produce foreign proteins with unknown distribution for unknown periods of time. This has been known for 20 years since this is failed cancer therapy and why a guy like Malone should have been screaming like the house was on fire when the insane concept of transfection induced, population wide medical disaster began.

There is every reason to believe some of these novel proteins make their way into blood. Pieter Cullis was expected to be the third in the LNP Nobel Prize group & his 2022 pre-award lecture tour w commentary by Jay Couey explains the science & spin. Most horrifying discovery for me was that less than 0.01% chemo drugs hit their target.. either 43 or 53 min but entire Studyhall is awesome.. most you can learn about acadamythology anywhere!!


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The Vaccinated Are Already Programmed.

Based On What They Did To Themselves.

What’s A Couple Chips ?


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