“With enough wealth, people would buy an EV”. That would be N-O. If everyone wanted a cleaner planet, the last thing anyone but esp these hypocrites would do is sign on to the insanity of wind, solar, EV. The “carbon” or other footprint to create & maintain all of them (not to mention the slave/child labor to mine the minerals needed) are the true danger to “the planet”. Which BTW has done a spectacular job of surviving & then thriving through eons of catastrophe well before man was a glimmer.

As w/ the scamdemic, “climate change” is nothing about climate or “saving the planet”. It’s all about control

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There’s a difference between climate change and pollution. EVs may have been the wrong example and obv have a lot of challenges to overcome but I’d prefer something cleaner than the crap you breath in standing next to a petrol car.

Wanting cleaner air doesn’t mean believing the climate scam

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Pollution is a huge problem. I worked as a whitewater River guide in undergrad. Most peaceful time in my life was living in a tent in the woods. I am huge into conservation and restoration. Can’t stand SoCal. It’s creepy you can see the polluted air you breathe. I like green landscape and not being able to see the air I breathe.

The climate change people are ecological monsters. We need to stop giving them the language. The sun shines and the wind blows but lithium is not renewable, lead is not environmentally friendly, and giant hunks of metal and magnet that need to be replaced every couple of decades are not energy efficient.

More efficiency and pollution reduction is more likely to come from gas cars than lithium batteries. Lithium mining is an ecological nightmare so EVs really just relocate the pollution to poor countries.

Plus, we all have garages in the US and I fear a huge problem with house fires from EVs if they really try to rush adoption and lower the cost too fast. Some EV ran over something in my neighborhood a couple months ago. It took forever to put the fire out even with firefighters actively trying to put it out within 5 minutes. All that was left was a charred metal frame. That happening in my garage and my whole family is dead. I’ll wait for liquid hydrogen. Hard pass on EVs.

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You are still ignoring all the crap created from the mining and other processes required to produce EV's and their batteries not to mention what do you do with the batteries when they are no longer useful. IC cars are so much cleaner than they were 40-50 years ago that it is difficult to realize the pollution coming from them. If you want something cleaner wear a mask.

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I'm not ignoring it. Maybe EVs was the wrong example, the point was with more money, the majority of people would want a vehicle that doesn't pollute. As you say, that could be a newer IC car. The problem is people don't have enough money, not that they don't care about the environment (separate to climate change).

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They're shutting of accounts of protestors in Brazil like Canada did. It's only a matter of time it happens here on a massive scale.


BRAZIL: The government has ordered Banks to seize/block funds from protesters participating in mass demonstrations.

Banks have so far blocked funds from 42 different companies that traveled in a convoy from Mato Grosso to participate.


Any sort of 'permission' card works the same way. When people protest, turn them off.


Last April, Chinese banks unexpectedly froze the accounts of numerous customers without a plausible explanation. Recently, would-be protestors trying to get their money back found their digital covid health apps ‘red’, meaning they lose access to nearly all public services.

This is a perfect real-world example of the tyranny of covid health passes. Obviously these protestors don’t actually have covid. They aren’t a public health threat in the slightest. They are a POLITICAL nuisance — so the ruling class simply turns them off.

And don’t worry, this is coming soon to an area near you. After all, it’s so unseemly to physically confront protestors — much better off to unperson them from a safe distance.

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As a family, we’re doing all we can to safeguard against what’s coming: buying 70 acres in a remote mountainous area of Idaho, been growing all of our own food for the past 10 years (except meat -- that will start next year in Idaho), stocking up on medicines, preserving food, etc. BUT there’s one thing we haven’t been able to figure out yet. That’s how do we unbank and still be able to pay our mortgage? We can’t use cash. How do we run the business we’re starting next year while unbanked? People are ALL going to want to pay with cash.

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Do you have access to credit unions?

Which begs the question, are credit unions a good alternative to banks?

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Nov 19, 2022
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Hopefully they learned the lesson from Canada: When it comes to banks, only put in what you can afford to lose. (ironically the same lesson as crypto)

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Think of where the intervention points are to combat this woke tank wankery

If you have no tv, no radio, no smart phone, don’t read the newspaper and pay with cash their plans will not work and many of us are there already due to the plandemic so I adjust want to thank the WHO for giving me immunity from this infodemic 🤳🏻

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yes and I don't know about cass sunstein but that nasty Richard Thaler can get to fk with his nudge ( " we need mandates") WE SEE YOU. fk right off!

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I totally agree, there need to be shift in perception of information. If someone can produce information in different language and use Internet to manipulate people on long distance, there has to be some protection against that. Either we can not consume information from untrusted sources or there has to be some method to verify that. Like in person meeting, when you see the person and can verify, that the information is trully passed from him or her.

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Do you own property? What about your ownership if you're not compliant? Pfooof!! What about when cash is no longer legal tender? You think it can't be done? Think again.

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Just say no to

Digital Prison

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Do not comply!

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I don't remember giving my bank (or anyone else) a licence to tell me what to do. I don't think it is possible for me to get paid in cash but am going to investigate. Next step will be to become debt free. Used only cash at a craft market today and stallholders seemed to like it.

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"After the survey, they discovered that 9 in 10 already consider the environment when making purchases. Shockingly 6 in 10 supported their bank helping them reduce their environmental impact."

- Surely we know by now that "polls" are merely another way to "nudge" people?

E.g. 9/10 people got the safe and effective and FREE vaccine, and six out of ten did so to protect others!

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Nov 19, 2022
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You are welcome. We need to maintain our scepticism.

Look at this for example:


My comment on ZH:

"It amazes me that so-called "sceptics" believe any of this nonsense. We don't even know the true number of people in the UK or France or the US and they supposedly have "world class censuses".

If it comes from Globalists, you can be pretty certain that it's BS to fit their Neo-Malthuisian "overpopulation" agenda."

I don't mean to be a nihilist but I would suggest questioning everything. Even what I'm saying.

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Nov 19, 2022
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Totally overstated to induce "herd compliance".

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You hit the nail on the head Naked Emperor. The ruling class will decide what's best or better for them. Most of them care nothing for the rest of society. They've openly shown their true colors since 2020. Prior to 2020 the ruling class were a little more pretentious. Most of them flip flop too much to know where they stand on issues even if most of them had any empathy or love for anyone outside of their Great Reset AKA Agenda 21 AKA Agenda 2030 AKA Sustainable Development AKA New World Order AKA Build Back Better clubs.

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the ruling class is painting us into an economic compliance ghetto. And all of these institutions pushing this agenda are in now in ideological lockstep together. Its going to be very hard to stop this runaway insanity--except from a solar EMP. During the first industrial turning, circumstances resulted in forming a dissident movement called the Luddites which did not accomplish anything in stopping the transition except getting several dozen of them hung for their crimes.

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You are exactly right and we coming there.

I see only one way out of this. There should be analysis how to counter act this nudging techniques. Basically, there should be movement to stop tracking online - enoucrage people to do not consent to tracking cookies, speak more about data harvesting as bad things, stop answering surveys and questioners, even if they pay for it. Ask not to do surveys in schools for public money. Stop using mobile banking, pay with cash or card, use multiple account, delete facebook, twitter and just make it hard for them to gather any data from you. If they have no data on which they can pefrom analysis, they can't not nudge you. Also teach your kids and parents, that Internet and TV is not harmless source of information. Internet access should be restricted under strong supervision atleast till 18 years old and even after that all information there should be always validated with book and publications in paper. Any information at Internet can be changed and modified in a second.

Also if someone know some institution or organization which would take this seriously and try to develop tools and support the effort to reduce this nudging opportunities, I will be happy for some links or information how to get involved. I think it's important to seriously consider this issue and not allow this nudging to happen again.

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"do not consent to tracking cookies" - yet you are being tracked anyway, without any consent or even notification.

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The only thing these bastards truly believe is unsustainable is you and me. The rest they could care less about

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just do what the powers that be want and they will stop pestering you. If you are really good at what they want, you get a shiny badge to show all over town so everyone knows how good you are. We already are in a soft totalitarian society. It is global (or largely global) with few places of freedom to which one can escape. It won't take much to tip over into the traditional hard totalitarian state. Just one more pandemic, one more weather event, one more (overinflated) political event and the powers that be will make that final transition.

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Unbank yourself, self-custody your Bitcoin, carry cash until the fiat circus collapses, and self-custody your Bitcoin. There are avenues to escape this digital enslavement game.

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Google Maps already puts a little green leaf on the route option which uses the least petrol. If it told me I could 'save' 'carbon', I's probably always take the scenic route. If I want to be nudged, I'll ask.

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No-one voted for these people, and that means you can't vote them out.

Which means...?

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Remember the JBPeterson video where he concluded that best way to clean-up the environment is to make everyone as wealthy as possible as quickly as possible because they will then care about the environment?

Clearly, someone saw that and decided the opposite is what is needed and, presumably, fuck people.

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Where is the financial gain for banks to get into carbon sustainability? And what do their airline customers have to say about less flying?

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