I cannot understand why anyone would see kids and athletes having cardiac issues as "normal."

just don't get it.

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Well, it's NOT normal.

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"when I was a boy" (old man story pending,) in 5 different mostly rural public schools I went to, anytime a kid had heart issues it was huge news throughout the school.

I remember it happening twice before I graduated, both kids ended up testing as genetically predisposed to cardiac issues.

very few kids, maybe two or three, died from ANYTHING through my entire public school experience, but none from cardiac, neurological, or circulatory system problems.

less than 5 were ever hospitalized for anything but accidental physical damage.

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It's the 'new normal'

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I don't know about Scotland, but in western countries that I'm more familiar with, "deprived" and "poor" are often proxies for minority groups (often excluding Asians) which tend to be more "vaccine hesitant" than average.

So possibly more correlation, which will either be ignored, written off as coincidence, fact checked via strawman and red herring arguments, or just labelled as anti-vax, white supremacist, racist hate speech. Because The Science™.

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Bear in mind that many people from ethnic minorities in Scotland are professionals and business people. Sure, Scotland also has a refugee population, but many of our ethnic minorities are graduates. The most deprived areas tend to be predominately deprived, white, poorly skilled folk in social housing estates on the outskirts of larger cities, with higher crime, drug abuse, disability, and unemployment.

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Sounds a bit like Trainspotting.

So the question remains: How does income disparity correlate to "vaccine hesitancy"? Or conversely, how does income disparity correlate to "vaccine coercion"?

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It's complicated: these urban deprived areas like Easterhouse, Ibrox, Govan and the Gorbals have already suffered from at least double the 'covid' deathrates of affluent garden suburbs like Milgavie and Newton Mearns , and tend to have far shorter life expectancy anyway (many more younger deprived male deaths due to drug deaths/ alcohol/ violence/ suicide/ RTAs) .

In terms of vaccine takeup, the lower takeup of vaccines in deprived areas is unlikely to be statistically significant in any meaningful way as a protection against vaccine damage: maybe a difference between say 90% takeup and 75% takeup... that's unlikely to show up in the figures.

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Collect all reports that have been "proven wrong" by soi-disant "fact checkers". Add in everything that has been censored by Twitter, FB, YouTube et al.

That collection of reports will be the actual truth.

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In the UK, covid vax uptake rate increases with socioeconomic status. ......

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Yes, the jabs were utilised as part of the British class / snobbery thing. People were boasting about being called first for their jabs as if that meant that they were more important. The levels of smugness amongst the middle classes - especially the well-off War Babies / Baby Boomers - was off the scale. Still is in fact - locally to me that generation has been smugly talking about their 4th booster for months and now await their 5th.

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Anecdotal, but my father, now firmly in his late 70's, messaged me to inform me he had just had his 2nd Booster (4th injection overall).

He is aware that I am unvaccinated . . .

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yep. here in CA, same thing. Especially in Silicon Valley. Kids trading pokemon cards on the playground are also affirming their vax statues. disgusting.

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Freaky. Ironic. Bizarre.

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Help. It's all so amazingly bizarre.

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Same in Canada. Cities jab, country no so much

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Occam’s razor.

In my own life there are examples.

People did not have true consent.

What happened to research and critical thinking???

Apparently it’s not a “thing”. 😳

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"What happened to research and critical thinking??? Apparently it’s not a “thing"

It is a thing.. now it's selfish anti-vax, science denial, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, Putin apologist hate speech! *smirk*

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People have been trained to be idiots and then sneer at those who DO research and think critically... It seems kind of like those games of young people who see who can come as close to death by alcohol poisoning from doing shots... Stupid? Maybe. Think it "can't happen to me"? Likely.

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In Orange County, CA here in the US, athletes now have to go through an EKG before they are allowed to play. They are writing it off as a "normal" thing. There is also legislation going through the state Senate to provide early EKG and cardiac care to youngsters as part of normal health programs in schools. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. The icing on the cake for me was when I took my 8 year old to her dentist for a normal 6 month cleaning (its a kids centric dentist, so no adults), and the first thing on the sheet I was supposed to fill out as an "update"on my child was "does your child have a history of cardiac issues." It was followed by "any new allergies or aliments we should know about?" WTAF. While I sat there dumbstruck, I overheard docs and DA asking new clients if their kids had heart issues. "Are you sure?" they kept repeating. Just an FYI, the State Senate here in CA is providing the groundwork to write all the vax injuries off as Long Covid. Senators on the Health Committee attended a lecture on Long Covid ramifications, and basically it stated that heart issues could be attributed to cases of "direct and indirect Covid" It's disgusting.

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Dear God.

They are trying real hard to normalize the destruction.


I never in all my years of parenting had them ask me about my kids cardio health with athletics.

The dentist........?

Wake up people.

CA is gone. Sad.

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CA really is gone. We're leaving in the next few months, and I've lived here my whole life, 41 years. The host of bills they are trying to push through is incredibly disturbing, from mandatory clot shots for 0-18 to attend public and private schools (including daycares), to punishing doctors for spreading "misinformation"(what does that even mean? I think we all know), to lowering the consent age to 12 so they don't have to tell parents anything. They shelved one for the time being that would force all employees and independent contractors to get the clot shot - but only because the Unions were really against private employers becoming mandate police. Since a bill is being pushed through to create a universal vaccine catalog for children that gov employees can access (ie really just the precursor to universal digital passports), I'm positive they'll try to use that system for adults, eventually. After all, it's literally on the WEF's website.

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MUCH of the push to jab kids is to get that jab on the Vax List, so they can depend on it being part of those, what is it, 72 vaccines before the age of 10? 15? I don't remember just now, but these kids are being jabbed so much it's like pin cushion time, and sooooo many shots even before they're able to GO to school, starting on Day One!!! Vile. Even if Autism weren't one in 44 or whatever now, why should a tiny baby be jabbed?!?!? I'll answer that: MONEY. And maybe also MONEY. Possibly Sterilization. And possibly a little culling, here and there. Mind boggling.

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Climate change. It’s clearly climate change. That mysterious force of nature that can make the planet simultaneously hotter and colder, that can perpetually make the arctic ice-free 10 years hence without actually evidencing any downward trend in ice extent, is capable of creating amazing coincidences. Such as 15 young and ostensibly fit and healthy tennis players needing to withdraw from a tournament.

Yep, climate change and sticker shock from energy bills.

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You forgot the addiction to Fossil Fuels . . .

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Solar flares

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Polar bears.

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Please, please, please, do not add loony-toon flat-earther views like this to a respectable thread about vaccine damage. It reflects badly on us all.

If you want to delude yourself that human caused climate change is not a thing, then take it somewhere else please: I want no part of this nonsense.

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It's not as if this substack hasn't broached the subject before, https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/climate-lockdown-beta-version . And conflating skepticism of the mainstream climate narrative to flat earthers isn't going to win you support. If you want to win more support for your position, why not find some common ground. Asthma caused by polluted air, the poisons in our water/food, these are all areas which, if underlying causes changed, would help in the direction you are advocating and you'd have widespread agreement. Anecdotally, summers in Tokyo, you can never see the distant mountains. Not so for 2020 during voluntary movement restrictions. The skies were beautifully blue and the distant mountains in clear view.

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Oh, and I hardly think conflating perfectly understandable climate scepticism with flat earth theory is help full to anyone either.

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I've seen the glaciers retreat and shrink in my own lifetime (I'm a mountain climber and now 68 years old).

As far as I am concerned, if people want to argue about climate science that is fine, but not here: it makes most people who view this site look at us as a bunch of loony-toon conspiracy theorists.

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Most people already think that already anyway.

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Seems to me if you want no part of "this nonsense" maybe YOU should leave, eh? But you know, the Earth is not a static thing like a baseball. Things ebb and things flow. Maybe that's not as loony-toon as demanding people not talk about something on a public blog because you don't like what they say. Anecdotal evidence from experts like mountain climbers notwithstanding.

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And thirdly, this is not your article to decide where the conversation goes. By all means do so on your own articles. If naked emporer has a problem with it, then fine, that's his prerogative.

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I flip sides on the human caused climate crisis, whether it is actually a crisis and whether its caused by CO2. BUT...... You have to understand the total mistrust in "The Science" and how they are using the science to remove everything about the life we k ow to surplant it with their plans for out totalitarian technofacsist future. I'm no climate science expert so rely on others for my information, but it's a pretty big coincidence that the world apparently dying just at the same point that their tech is ready to rob us of our lives.

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I think this is a very understandable and decent logical flaw:


a) Some science is obvious rubbish'

b) Therefore, all Science is suspect'

I mean, yes, of course all science is suspect, and I have zero problems with questioning it, but when the science in question goes back over 100 years to the first concerns about global warming caused by burning coal, and when we know that burning fossil fuels also causes many millions of deaths from lung problems like cancer, bronchitis, asthma, and COPD, then it seems to me that the case against fossil fuels is not just proven, it is crystal clear.

I do not want to breathe fossil fuel emissions: so even if global warming is a hoax, please do what I do:

- Walk a lot, or use a bike. If you need to travel further then get some solar panels and charge your electric car, bike, or boat off them. (I do all three)

- Recycle more.

- Waste less.

- Consume less.

- buy local

- eat - or even better grow your own - healthy foods,

AND - Live Long and Be happy!

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I agree with what you say here, I hate pollution, I cycle or ride wherever possible, I buy local where possible, I just don't think these bastards have the answer to the problem.

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Apr 6, 2022
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No idea: I have the same issue! Probably need a battery and a mains breaker.

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How conveeeeeeenient!!! ;)

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Thanks for putting a smile on my face. I needed it!

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2005-2008 I was aware credit markets were over-heated, but I was not tapped into the "Cassandra's" discussing the details of it.

I vowed never to be so oblivious again.

Now I am tapped into many "Cassandra's". Now take the Great Recession and times it by 10.

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I can’t come to any other logical conclusion that differs from the one you made.

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The Ethical Skeptic has identified similar excess deaths in four US death causes. Sadly, the trend is not abating. https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1510295955475685385

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I don't know which is why I am a consumer of this information.

I would tend to think the COVID virus is more a deadly scare tactic, an effort to succumb people into these edicts. The injection is more complicated, meant to reduce the population, and those who do live needing all manner of pharmaceutical help aids, as thus easier to control.

The plan is obvious, we will work for the fascists and the payments will only be allowed to pay for the space we are forced to live in and subscriptions to the metaverse.

Except not in Hungary...

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Apr 6, 2022
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Only 30% in Ukraine got the shot so Vladimir teamed up with Zelensky to change the dynamic a little.

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Apr 5, 2022
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Apr 5, 2022
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Why the focus on transgenderism in the US. Chaos invoking?

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I think yes, and another attempt at Divide&Conquer, and another distraction, and another perverted thing to push on the population to disorient and inflame... chaos, as you say. WTF, after all, WTF.

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Thanks for that interesting observation. One comment: there is a lot of noise in the data that likely comes from random fluctuations around the week limits. If you do a 2-week or 3-week moving average on the data, the signals will very likely be much clearer visible.

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Apr 5, 2022
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Looks grim.

I'm curious how this will all come out eventually....

Needless to say I am not vaxxed, and frankly I am amazed that so many people wanted to be guinea pigs.

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Apr 5, 2022
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"especially the young pretty, boys and girls, if you get my drift."

No I don't get your drift, but it sounds rather tacky.

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"Are we meant to ignore them?" Simple answer, yes. Just like 9-11 rescue workers, US veterans, and the vaccine injured who may have to take one for the team. We celebrate them, at least as an idea, until recognizing them has a cost, cognitive or financial.

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I keep wondering why provax doctors on social and other media don't seem to see this. I guess they just keep listening to their medical overlords and can't see the forest for the trees.

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Thank you for the excellent breakdown of the heart disease data. 👍🏽

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This is excellent reporting!

Can you share the average percent excess in cardiovascular cases (above 2018-2019 trend) in the age group of 15 to 44, specifically for the span of time which begins at July 2021 and ends with the most recent data?

Alert: Visiting the site indicates that they are already in the process of a cover-up of the data, just like the Dept. of Defense did after 3 whistleblowers publicized dramatically-increased harm from vaccines (with many serious diseases more than doubling among the vaccinated).

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@nakedemperor, can you share a link to the data source?

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The data is from https://scotland.shinyapps.io/phs-covid-wider-impact/ , linked in the article. I missed it too when first skimming the article. You won't find it via search, robots.txt prevents indexing by search engines.

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