Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I think the Chinese are manufacturing evidence that the lockdowns were effective, in an attempt to save face. There shouldn't even be much of a rise in cases in the post omicron era, but all western news sources are uncritically repeating the numbers on a Chinese wave. Look, the party knew they lockdowns would have to be rescinded at some point, as well as respond to evidence that most Chinese had been infected in spite of the lockdowns - what better time for China to suffer its worse covid wave than right after the government's policy was challenged?

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

An interesting take and you may well be right.

I read it slightly differently;

The Chinese people had had enough, so relaxing the rules was inevitable.

With these new videos of people on the floor in hospitals and morgues overflowing the Chinese government is saying: ‘Look what happens if you have your way. That is why we protected you our way for all this time. We were right with our zero Covid policy.’

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Waves of fear! At some point, you just can't take it anymore (esp if you buy into the propaganda) and you simply submit to whatever they throw your way. This is all about breaking down resistance... And not just to the c19 narrative. Critically evaluating everything and resisting/fighting in general are being worn down so that there are very few left to say "no!". People will just not have any fight left.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They're probably going to say there's a deadly new variant, and because people's immune systems are responding with the wrong response (IGI4),.their immune systems are defunct. They're going to try the old passport crap again and try and lock us down. Resist with everything.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

It could any of the above and I'm past caring, to be honest. All we need to remember is :-

1 Don't take the shots.

2 Don't wear the mask.

3 The Government wants you dead before you get chance to claim your pension.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Same players, same style. Total BS. 200% BS. I am not even considering this has any validity. They trying to scare us again and yes lock us down. They say outbreak happened after opening up fully this is the argument. The lock downs already failed but they needed a scape goat. And Italy is again the partner in crime with as we know bs pcr tests. How you. Ekirve the junk tests still??

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Welcome to our scripted reality

“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come

China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP




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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

To give us the opportunity to "hone" our skills of tuning this kinda b.....t out : )

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Then again, the C-19 pretext for the lockdowns may be only that. It may have ensured that no foreigners or locals could get out to photograph the massive movement of military supplies across the country. At a minimum, we should never assume that anything the CCP does is even related to the proffered rationales for it.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The ultimate goal of the CCP and Globalists is sustainable totalitarian control over the People. This is another PysOp to achieve that goal. The narrative that the CCP Lockdowns did work can be sold via massive outbreak after the Lockdowns were withdrawn. A narrative that a new dangerous Variant is circulating globally, can sell more vaccines and mandates. No matter what the narrative, the People will be the losers but, only if we allow it.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Who knows. I now don’t believe what our own media reports never mind the Chinese. But if they are letting Omicron rip thats smart policy. THEY actually might achieve the herd immunity, the opportunity the rest of the world blew with leaky non sterilizing MRNA.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

To see if we can spot the guy smoking a cig in his body bag, lol, "Where's Waldo style?"

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Zombie Apocalypse 2.0

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Slightly off topic here, but has anyone noticed how many VXED people have come down with a really bad flu? I know loads of people who have had something that looks very much like C19 but not tested positive. All VXED

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Where is the "All of the above" button?

I think one problem is that most people see this covid issue as being an op run by a single entity, rather than multiple groups with different agendas.

Let's say Elon Musk is controlled by the "good" side or pro-American side of the CIA and they are fighting against the "bad" side of the NSA who want a One World Order, that is a fight that didn't start covid but is using covid ( or the did start cocid, who knows). Throw in the WEF and whatever MI-6 is doing with and without Charles and we already have a morass of mixed agendas before the DAPRA gets involved.

So yeah, I need that "All of the above" button.

Regardless, I am a nobody, letting all of those aholes live rent free in my mind is wasted energy. To update the Bard's greatest quote from Romeo and Juliet, "A pox on all of their houses!!!"

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I think the immune system monoculture of those in the west is now fundamentally different from that of citizens of ccp china since no one there got mRNA jabs.

I think ccp biolabs may be experimenting with new variants that target folks who have high levels of igG4 antibodies post-jab.

I hope none of these sars cov + tourists have something new and that I am wrong about this.

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