The covid response was the biggest robbery in the history of the world.

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SC don't you mean murder robbery....?

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Government Hiearchial counts crime, only the most serious is counted.

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It used to be they were smart enough to give the populace a light little pat on the head to ease their anxieties, but now I've seen farmers treat their cattle with more respect.

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Inflation is the increase in the supply of money, no more no less. Price rises are the inevitable consequence (more money chasing the same quantity of goods and services) which are constantly mislabelled as ‘inflation’ to stop rubes asking difficult questions of government and central bankers. Rising prices are inevitable with fiat currencies and make everyone not immediately adjacent to government poorer, this is called the Cantillion effect. All this has been understood for over 2 centuries, meaning Huw is incompetent or malevolent. The propaganda from government since WWII has been so effective, everyone accepts ‘inflation’ as normal, yet it should not be: prices should fall (they did in the US, UK and Europe throughout the 1900s) because goods and services are produced more efficiently. Ask yourself this: how many things in life have you got worse at the more you have done them? Then ask yourself: are rising prices ‘normal’ or caused by government and central bankers?

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Indeed, price rises are not inflation, they are a consequence of the resulting currency devaluation, sellers need to pay for stuff too, so they will eventually feed these rising costs into what they sell.

Also, some of the price rises has also been caused by the "cut off your nose to spite your face" idiocy of European countries placing sanctions upon Russia, a major supplier of oil, gas, fertilisers, etc. to Europe, much cheaper than other suppliers, with costs also rising because of reduced global supply, and possibly arbitrage profiting too. Russia was forced to become more self-sufficient, which it did very well and sought other markets for their goods, so the sanctions are now just annoying, with Russia having even greater commercial growth than before!

Anyhow, back to inflation, central banks can't control forex repricing of their fiat currency, well or at all, so an inflated currency will end up have less buying value internationally, which can increase the cost of imports and reduce the revenue from exports, which will force some local price rises.

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I can't stand that the media claims inflation is from "printing money" in the USA.

No. Most of the money, at least in the USA, went to corporations and finance.

The cheap money flooded commodities markets, to get a return on investment.

Prices on commodities went up due to speculation.

It's no different than the flood of mortgages that created the last 20 years of huge real estate inflation. It was topped off with a cherry, when blackrock pumped money into buying houses in order to make the banks look good.

Financial capitalism is legal gambling.

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Inflation is always due to printing money at the first place.

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Don't forget the $100 billion+ to Ukraine, and the Mexican Border crisis, which is now seeing 160 nations and China sending people for taxpayers to support. Those with high Credit Scores will pay higher mortgages, than those with bad Credit Scores, which reminds you of Obama's balloon mortgages.

Ours was a 15 yr GI Loan. Paid off in 7 years when we downsized. And while Americans are losing their jobs and healthcare.

Better plan on a garden, and learn to can your own food. Stock like a Prepper. You should have done the minute he sat his skinny butt in Trump's chair. At nearly 75 my second garden is going in as soon as the cold nights stop. Plants or seeds are ready. Rain catch system is next.

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Got it!

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Confidence is the fundamental source of value for any fiat currency even bitcoin and the loss of confidence can crash in the blink of an eye to destroy what took centuries to build. Joe does not instill confidence and he thinks 2 + 2 = whatever he says it is on any given day.

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"someone needs to accept that they’re worse off"

You first. Simple as that.

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One wage across the board for all state employees, elected or otherwise, no matter if it is local or national or international. Yearly increase tied to GDP/cap. No net increase, no higher pay.

I can effing guarantee you results would improve everywhere.

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The pie is rapidly shrinking ... your slice will be wafer thin... then nothing.

SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECTSTORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. Butt he critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

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The government’s pandemic response cause multiple catastrophes, inflation being one of them.

A very unhelpful comment from the BoE person, however does he have a point? If we increase all wages in line with inflation, cost of wages will rise leading to further inflation.

But maybe someone with a better economic understanding has an argument why this would not be the case.

And this hits all of us, and maybe worse for some pensioners who don’t have the ability to earn anymore.

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Wages rises are unlikely to cause prices rises of anything for long, because they are generally less than the rising cost of living. Inflation (of currency supply) is the primary driver of price rises; this includes via the massive fraud called fractional reserve banking!

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It use to be that interest rates tracked higher than inflation. Then an inversion occurred and since then, you will be poorer. Workers must strike otherwise they will be totallt screwed over a short perood of time.

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Grrrr, how do you not get angry:

* covid and supply chain wasn't the problem, our response (actions) to covid caused the problem

* Russia didn't turn off the gas, your choice to stand in solidarity with Ukraine had consequences!

* and yes, void of stimulus and how that is a driver for inflation

Spin, and I wonder how many see through it! And actually, it is worse, spon is just a PC term for lying!

Next iteration: we have no more munitions to defend ourselves because we gave it all away (incl those spent uranium shells), wonder how that is going to be spun to the UK public.

The devil is at work and he is doing his job really well!

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Banking the act of creating money from the many paupers willing to loan their fiat money

The bankers hate the sheeple who keep them fat

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Nice. His response is the same as when anti-narcotics politicians blame junkies for organised crime.

-"Oh, you must stop shooting heroin, don't you see the money you pay your dealer finances his violence!"

-"So how'bout some kind of program, like maybe an institution where you get medically made equivalents administered by a nurse, to keep the shakes away while you get to work on getting clean, off the streets with no need to commit crime to pay for drugs?"

-"No! Heinous! That would legitimise drug use! Think of the children!"

Alternative take:

"If you hadn't worn those clothes, you wouldn't have been raped!" - Bank of England explaining inflation?

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I guess nothing embarrasses the elites.

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All those covid nudge unit mall cops are not just watching torture porn online and blunting their dopamine responses, they are obviously advising the usual suspects. Hear the embed of "do your part" "we're all in this together" civic duty push that we got shoved into our mammalian cortices here in America and I'm guessing in UK too "yes, we’re all worse off, and we all have to take our share."

Illegitimi non carborundum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone needs to design a translator for totalitarian technofeudal fascist speak!

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URGENT: Stop the Senate from ERAsing Women! ERA

After fifty years, the Equal Rights Amendment is again rearing its ugly head. After a contentious hearing on the ERA in February, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to bring legislation (S.J. Res. 4) to the floor to remove the seven-year deadline on Thursday, April 27. There are 53 co-sponsors for this revival of the ERA, but because the vote will be on ‘cloture,’ 60 votes are needed to advance the resolution. While proponents claim that this amendment will give women “rights,” it actually does the opposite.

Thanks to the efforts of Phyllis Schlafly and the dedicated women she rallied to the cause, the ERA failed to reach the 38-state threshold needed to ratify it for inclusion in the Constitution within the legislated seven-year deadline and the unlawful three-year extension. Thirty-five states ratified it by 1977, and five of those states rescinded their ratifications. Since 1979, several federal courts and the United States National Archivist have confirmed that it is indeed dead. Yet, feminists ignored these facts and implemented their “three-state strategy,” encouraging Nevada (2017), Illinois (2018), and Virginia (2020) to ratify well past the deadline, and now claim ERA has the 38 states necessary to become a part of the US Constitution.


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