A post on what is maybe the most obvious thing in the world but most can’t see, ignore or don’t want to talk about.
M1 money supply in the US since the ‘60s. It’s amazing how M1 money supply predicts Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and increases six fold, two years early.
Grrrrrr, I’m so angry that Putin has caused all this inflation. Sorry, I forgot to take my ‘triggered’ pills, I’m so easily triggered these days. As Neil points out below, the area highlighted in red should read Trump/Biden.
The inevitable, and only just beginning, conclusion.
Never stop telling the people that overreacted on Covid that their shrieking has caused today’s pain. Otherwise, it will just happen all over again. They selfishly got caught up in thinking about their own mortality without thinking about the complexity of the situation and the consequences that follow.
Government loans were necessary to support low income workers who were being denied a living by the wealthy laptop class but the economy should never have shut down in the first place. Moreover, much of the printed money was fraudulently taken by the wealthy who know how to game the system. I personally have heard many stories of loans being taken out to buy second homes or other assets and this is just the small scale stuff.
And if your argument is “it was necessary to save lives” then predominantly the lives that you saved were the elderly who you trapped and scared witless in their homes or care home rooms. They eventually died anyway, because that is life and what happens when you are old, but instead of happily enjoying those extra 6 months you gave them, they were forced to be alone with maybe the occasional zoom call if they were lucky.
As I’m typing I’m thinking back to a conversation I had with a doctor friend in early March 2020. He asked me if I was worried about dying from the virus. I said that I was more worried about what this is all going to do to the economy to which he replied that I need to get my priorities right.
So here we are today, with inflation having absolutely nothing at all to do with Covid overreactions.
Or maybe I’m reading the charts wrong? What are your thoughts and predictions for inflation in the West over the next few years?
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Using the same inflation calculator as the 70s and 80s the figure is closer to 20%. The highest ever. Get ready for their new thing, cbdcs backed by nothing that are programmed to guide consumer behavior toward "sustainability".
How so? Can you elaborate? Because I dont see failure and I am trying to work with my banker to get set so that the programmable digital currency wont see me on the streets?
The fiat USD system was already broken and on borrowed time before COVID. WEF "Elites" just used the "Pandemic" as an excuse to squeeze the last juice out of the lemon before provoking a war in Ukraine and blaming Putin for the collapse. Hopefully, enough people in the West can see it for what it is, i.e. an engineered implosion, and we won't end up in WWIII.
A lot of times farmland is bought for the water. And a lot of his acreage seems to be in dry places. I might be wrong but that's what it looked like a week or so ago when I searched.
Also is this farmland for farms or for 'returning to nature'. And who's behind him? I kind of figure he's like the Harvard benefactors, Harvard also being a large purchaser of farms/water rights, but in name only. Behind the Harvard name are billionaires.
WEF agenda seems to be to shut down conventional agriculture and switch to factory grown products. Like the food they used to eat in "Star Trek"...cubes of nutrition in whatever flavour you desire out of a vending machine or delivered by Amazon drone. I suppose the likes of Gates wants in on this business and by taking large acreages out of production (re-wilding) he helps to remove the competition. If things don't go his way then he still owns the land after the dust settles.
Sooner or later, he's gonna be found in a Ghadafi posture, ie, graduated. People think he's some kind of futurist, a philanthropist, ffs. He's a genocidal maniac.
Gates second largest land holding is in Arkansas. I do not know this for certain but my guess is Eastern Arkansas, where the massive rice fields exist, is where Gates has "invested." Arkansas is the largest rice producer in the US.
Louisiana, Gates largest land holding, is also one of the largest rice producing states in the US.
I think the fiat currency on borrowed time is one of, if not THE reason for Covid. All the rest falls into the category of "And Also." The eugenics thing has been going on for centuries... the fiat currency and incredible theft of the world's wealth is fairly latter day, would you agree?
So no, not latter day. I'd also suggest that wealth has been accumulating in the same families for a little longer than 93 years. But don't ask me to name them although I suspect that Glattfelder et al's study, if drilled down to the human shareholders, would out them.
I'm not totally up to date with the workings of currencies but apparently they all fail eventually due to the catastrophic loss of value over time (a dollar today likely has the purchasing power of a cent or two from a 100 years ago).
With regards to crypto coins it's one of the stupidest ideas ever.
Agree with you on eugenics and I'd suggest Bill Gates made his billions because he was put there (Microsoft) by his father's eugenics mates. I don't believe that any company that relied on his business acumen for wealth generation would survive 2 years. His wealth, and his Microsoft background, relies completely on his connections.
Conserning the Rothschilds, as I recall it from when teenager, way back in the 1960s, and reading much more history than for school and highschool, that we started hearing about the Rotchilds in 1790, and that later there came talking, and writings about their connecting to the start of the 1st World War.
Undoubtedly they've had a malign influence on the history of the world since the time of Napoleon thereabouts.
It's odd that they rose as the Medicis disappeared from the scene. Is it out of the question that the Medicis headed north, changed their name, their religion and continued in the same vein? Where does the French Revolution fit in. Napoleon?
My 86 year old father sits in a local psych ward as I write these comments after being admitted for suicidal thoughts. I cannot help but blame the lockdowns for his condition - he was a social person who spent hours several days a week taking exercise classes at a YMCA. I would much prefer he battled with covid than the condition he finds himself in now. He never got the annual flu shots but sadly after reading about long covid he relented and got the pfizer jab.
Also, be sure to look closely into any medicines he may have been taking (cholesterol, or blood pressure, allergy medications, blood thinners, etc. they just LOAD UP seniors with all kinds of medications and so many have a side effect of depression or suicidal thoughts, even some EYE medications older people are prescribed ! Found this with my mother, gradually withdrawing all these various pills was like a miracle ! The lock-downs may have only accelerated what these meds already do through their "side effects" .
During 40 years enourmously much of money each year earnd on this bad drug which came when lying and telling that the cholestorol in blood should be less than 200, or els heartattac, which is totally wrong. Instead resulting in a tribble chance being hit by diabetes, and besides Alzheimer's, and more, andmissing Q10. Instead if lowering cholesterol, if over 260, the use niacin, not niacinamid, both being vitamin B3s.
Concerning cholesterol there is much more about it, among other that the brain is about 60% consisting of cholesterol. And if the total result number under 160 then statistical if lower and lower from this, then bigger and bigger chanche in Alzheimer's. We have persons born with only 20 - 30 in total, and nearly can't do anything. But especailly we talks about the LDL and HDL, of the cholesterol, as the good and the bad, and look at their parts of the total number. But both of them can be either good or bad, actually also "body as big or small", bad if oxidised. But we are only measured how much of LDL, or HDL, not 2 different measures for how much good or bad of each of them. Niacin (which we can't get i Thailand, so from USA) it helps in getting higher of the HDL and lower LDL, if the body want this, and turn down total number i too high, and up if too low. There excist a gene disease which result in up around 1,000 i total number, or higher. By taking niacin (B3), it very often results, also for me, in 1/4 of an hour with burning ears and skin (can be quite a bit), and indian read skin, because sometimes widening the blood vessels in the skin, for this 1/4 of an hour. Dr. Hoffer in 1953 found out to cure 90% of schizofrenia patiens by niacin, much, up to 3 grams/day. I take 100 mg sometimes, among other against osteoporoses. Doctors don't know about cholesterol or niacin. This written to You for if it could be a help in knowing.
Wow. Who ARE you?! ^_^ I am highly skeptical of the "Western Medicine" approach to life, and I have been highly skeptical of all this "Bad Cholesterol" propaganda, but you seem to be quite educated in this... and other things such as statins, I noticed. Are you a natural medicine healer? Whatever, you don't have to say, but... Thank You. xo
Just an observation on the misleading party political tagging of Biden here: the biggest printing of USD occurred in 2020 under Trump. Not that either of these guys called the shots anyway.
Jeez, I hope it doesn't come out too bad for Trump. I'm still on his side. Tell me all about how bad he is - then show me this mob.... I'll still be on Trump's side, in fact further..... :)
I can see how that could be right. Just thinking about myself. I am a rich man. I'm also a poor man. To the people I met when I overlanded between UK and Australia wayback I'm filthy rich. I have cars and brick houses and fine foods whenever I want them, clothes, tools, toys, etc. etc..
No doubt at all, filthy rich.
The New Guinea natives I met when I was over there - still virtually naked and living in rough grass huts. Going back a few years now. But you know what I mean. We can throw today's modern Ukraine refugees in to take their place. And so on.
No doubt at all. To them I'm quite literally and truthfully filthy rich.
And I know it myself because I've been down and out and I know what it is like when each day is a new struggle just to get through that day and you never know where you'll sleep that night and you can have nothing because you've nowhere to put it even if you could afford it. So having nothing you can build nothing, play with nothing, learn with nothing.
So I know it without doubt. I'm filthy rich.
And I remember two identical things: promising a teacher who gave me something like a 500km lift in Iran I think it was, and fed me, and all for nothing, that I would correspond with him when I got home. And I never did.
And promising a very similar little thing to a New Guinea native.
Yep. I can't be trusted by those to whom I am filthy rich.
Because I just don't share their priorities. Their priorities are not mine. They are not as important to me as I am to them. I have a complicated and varied and self obsessed life which essentially has no room for them.
Yes. It is conflict or mismatch of expectations and understandings and relative significancies and priorities. Different worlds you could even say.
Same as the vaccine. Operation warp speed started under Trump and Biden just made it complete. This is actually the best for them as they are sharing the 'responsibility' and they can point fingers on each other.
Trump STILL wants all the credit & believes the poisons he sanctioned (& relieved the makers of all liability) “saved millions of lives” & that his supporters should “take credit” for them. Supporter no more.
The Federal Reserve answers to No One. They LOAN money they print out of thin air to the government, at a high interest rate. Biggest scam ever pulled off, 1913.
But the fact is they saved no lives. Damned if they did. How so? They never prevented anyone getting covid - charts of lockdowns v no lockdowns show the same trajectories.
They didn't do it with vaccines; early there were no vaccines. Late the efficacy of vaccines is very disputable. Pfizer vaccine in any case was only ever even touted as adding 0.1% efficacy to the existing efficacy of your immune system. The others would be much the same.
Granted that is an average over their test cases and it may have been higher in the elderly such as you quote. But then would depend, we see with hind and present sight, on when they took the vaccine as against when they got the virus. For the first two weeks after the vaccine makes them more vulnerable to severe and fatal attacks from the virus. So that's very much a moot point.
As against we must put the complete absence of any steps whatever to actually fight the virus and/or enhance the immune system. i.e. getting vitamins and minerals to the right levels and using repurposes anti-virals. Not to mention psychological factors i.e. at least removing the deleterious psychological factors being deliberately - by their own admission - poured into the people in order to frighten them.
Given the above we can see the notional +0.1% may quite easily have been obtained in other ways and without the negatives of the first two weeks vulnerability and the possible first two years of lingering negative effects.
Hence anyone 'saved' by anything the govt did is someone who quite easily could have been better 'saved' by removing the government's heavy hand.
And in all of this we remain steadfastly parochial. We ought now to have fair idea if collateralglobal's prognosticationns of wholesale death and injury, starvation and worse in the third world are being borne out at all.
For if they are those deaths should also be set against any supposed 'saves' govts might claim.
You know what it all looks like to me? LIke they all knew it was disastrous but felt the whole western world and the USA in particular was facing an impossible situation anyway. Might as well go out with a bang.
So they've all just had a party. Each with whatever they could. Pollies with their power. Business with selling all this crap. Media with promoting the party line and handsomely paid to do so. Financiers etc playing the market - I've seen plenty observations claiming the richest have got considerable richer in the last two years. Doctors and hospitals handsomely paid.
Even disgruntled workers paid off for some time - with, of course, their own taxpayer money.
And the remaining people who don't fit into any of that? Yes, us, the 'ordinary' workers and citizens, we just paid for it all and shambled about like dull masked peasant sheep coming in and out of our pens only when told we could.
I tend to agree with you, there were no "saves", but it's a purely emotional (and therefore, of no VALUE) response. The factual truth is, we do not know, and will NEVER KNOW definitively, if they vaccinations did stimulate the immune systems of some people enough to save them from the most severe cases. For this reason, no one will ever be able to definitively ARGUE down a friend or relative who prefers to believe the only reason they survived serious Covid was due to their vaccination. It is simply unknowable, if they are correct, or if they would have survived without !
I agree with Ung. Rich... it's knowable. What's keeping the knowable part so quiet is a deliberate censorship of Free Speech coupled with intense and pretty demonic propaganda.
No argument, I simply don't understand HOW it can be "knowable". If you caught a common cold (and yes, I do acknowledge viruses DO exist, but again, if you think they don't, that's not point here), if you got a cold, and you happened to get over it in 3 days instead of the usual 7, could you say DEFINITELY that it was because you ate an apple each day for the month before you come down with the cold ? Your position seems (if I understand it) to be the same as so many "studies" quoted these days; studies with very faulty designs which have no way to filter out miscellaneous variables. But, yes, I see that if you do not acknowledge the existence of viruses, then of course you would believe all vaccinations are harmful; actually, all medicines are harmful in one way or another, so I do understand that simply denying the existence of viruses, bacteria, or illness of any kind, is one way to deal with it. That's why we really need to respect the opinions of everyone, don't have to concur, but do have to respect !
No, not all medicines are harmful. PHARMACEUTICALS are harmful, almost all of them, because of the fact that they are synthetic-- they're made from petroleum byproducts. Add to that drugs deliberately made to cause terrible problems, on top of the side effects, because of greed, because they want to harm enough to cause people to take MORE drugs. It's so insidious as to be hard to believe. NATURAL medicines do not cause these issues, if done right, and they are smeared, along with the practitioners who actually heal people. It's really quite a step to take to become aware of this! It's like finding out your beloved grandfather is a mass-murderer... Losing your religion... Having your best friend turn into a werewolf, etc. I suggest you look into Terrain Theory. It makes actual sense, and it's fascinating. Contagion is a myth! ^_^
We can argue about whether vaccines really enhance the immune system or not but there's no doubt that being provoked it acts slightly abnormally.
We have no way of knowing if that abnormal behaviour caused or mitigated severity.
We can only look at the overall figures and notice that - I believe this is what the charts show very often - that cases seem to rise in concert with the rising rates of vaccination which seems a clear indication that overall they are causing strife, not mitigating it.
Mostly I agree, except doctors didn’t get handsomely paid. Whether BHS or medicare, the payment is fixed. Doesn’t matter the diagnosis, an office visit is about 65 dollar payment in USA. Based in CPT code .At most, complex visit, Now the hospitals yes, based upon ICD (hospital basis) the payment for trip to ICU if Covid related bumped up payment 28,000 to 100,000 based on what zip code hospitals were in. Most salaried doctors don’t even understand this simple explanation. They get a check from university or hospital, monthly, period.
Thanks for that correction. I was thinking mainly of increased traffic but that wouldn't alter the payment to a doctor already fully committed I guess.
There are some instances where the practice, at least, gets more money in Australia. I was just exposed to an instance.
I needed a Certificate of Fitness for a special driving licence and they are permitted to raise their own charges.
They charged me $130. $30 more than I've ever previously been charged.
They also have a long list of charges on the wall there for various procedures. I don't know if those are prescribed charges or their own.
So perhaps there's some truth in what I said but overall it's an exaggeration I guess, as you point out.
They are a real puzzle, the doctors. We have always thought of them as being somewhat above the common run - a long way above the common run.
Yet now they seem to be largely ineffectual silent timid creatures a prey to habit and totally controlled by government locked away in little cubicles slaving away for relatively paltry pittances at the rate of 5 or six persons per hour - far too fast to allow of any real personal therapeutic interaction I think. Depends a lot on the doctor but generally I think so. There's simply no time to engage in any conversation at all.
It's not the world I thought it was. Far from it.
p.s. I might add to that while it's there the question of therapeutic environment in doctor's waiting rooms or, more commonly these days, group practice waiting rooms.
It reflects on doctors, of course.
I find that commonly these waiting rooms are without any amenable comforts at all never mind anything distinctly therapeutic. No attempt made whatever to tend to ill people until you get into the doctor's office.
That's the physical layout.
But then there's the use of them. Where I live the major clinic quite often used to have people waiting there on those little chairs for even as much as an hour and half. I've done that.
Generally without a word of explanation.
You have to be bold and obtrusive to ask the line of receptionists what the problem is, how much more you might have to wait.
The sell time in 10 minutes slots. 10 minutes. But you can wait half an hour for your slot.
The one and half hour waits are generally for the 'emergency' doctors. i.e. unscheduled. You just get in the queue there and wait. No comeback whatever. Except as I said, the notion of 'therapeutic' treatment.
But scheduled patients can wait half an hour quite easily.
That's three time slots missed.
Yours and two more.
Your doctor has failed to meet his appointment and hasn't said a word to you but has kept you waiting for the length of two more appointments.
And you just have to swallow it.
But if you miss an appointment - then they want to charge you $30 or more.
How therapeutic is that?
And that's a 'group practice', i.e. a collusion of doctors presenting their opinion of how medicine should best be practiced, presented to the people
Yes. They're not what I was brought up to believe they were. Not G.P.'s anyway. I don't know about hospital doctors but one wonders when we read that there's over 200,000 hospital deaths in the USA from 'hospital errors'.
I think we need to narrow the gap between medicine and medical practitioners and the common people. The time of witchcraft and high priests and arcane holy arts as against abject ignorant illiterate masses is over.
Half your luck. I try to do the same. I held off for two years, maybe longer, one time. But in the finish it was evident the hernia just wasn't going to go away no matter what I did. I admit it wasn't doctors that fixed it, it was surgeons, but pretty much the same thing.
Yep, they're good to stay away from if you can. But oft times we need help and then those who supposedly have the greatest expertise are the doctors.
It's changing though. With online differential diagnosis becoming available and home tests for many things - soon we should be able to get home blood testing even, I think, at least for some items.
And as more and more we establish our own authoritative centres for exchange of facts about this or that. And AI gets better. Read just today how AI language code can now do better than the average human. ! Beats the Turing test. AI code speaks English better than the average human. Marvellous.
You know, it's kind of funny. Locums can make a lot more than salaried staff at hospitals. Sometimes locums are competent and sometimes not. The ones who are competent tend to have lots of repeat work, but the others have to move around a lot.
What if it's all really nothing but a beat up? Have you read 'Snake Oil' yet? 'Snake Oil: How Xi Jingping shut down the world' by michael Senger I think. Something like that.
Very beautiful read. Essentially saying we were conned most right royally.
Hard to believe such a thing could happen isn't it?
No. It's not. Not any more, is it?
It used to be hard to believe such a thing. Just over two years ago. But not now.
We see total illogicality all over the place in every sphere: medicine, law, social systems, education...
We call it 'insanity'. I've used the world a thousand times. So have many others.
But I think we should stop. It is not specific enough and it has lost it's power to carry any kind of message. It has gotten like swear word: to be passed over without comment.
To be more specific we are seeing illogicality. We are seeing unreason.
Not 'madness', not 'insanity'. They are human medical conditions. We infer that's what is behind what we see and we're probably right but that's not what we actually look at when we see masks and mandates etc., is it?
What we see is illogical behaviour. Unreasonable behaviour. Behaviour without rational sense. Counter productive behaviour. Self destructive behaviour.
The Australians have cost themselves $1,000,000,000,000 ( 1 trillion ) over the last two years.
And to this day most of them don't know.
And no one - no one - has asked for an accounting of it.
I for instance consider one of the more reprehensible parts of that expenditure being that which went to killing free speech and promoting inaccurate propaganda.
How much did Facebook et al charge them to let a box come up on every post that mentioned 'covid' or some other 'target' words telling the user to consult the govt. propaganda site?
And so on.
We can see that. It is all around us.
So yes, I can readily believe it was a nonsense initiated by those devilish clever Chinese. I can indeed.
Read the book. It's good. And 'unmasked' I read recently, too, that's good too. And 'the real anthony fauci'. Good trilogy. Might define this era between them.
It's a very dark sentiment, but I made a post yesterday (albeit more of a ramble) that the increasing death rates we are seeing in heavily locked down countries are the inevitable death of the vulnerable. Although they were held off for a year or two while the rest of the world was getting infected Omicron was able to find these populations.
I can tell you here in the US gas prices have been steadily increasing since early 2020 and I've been noticing it. What's striking is how all of a sudden the increase in gas is being blamed on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and how many people latch onto it. It's scary how easily people can be made to over ride prior thinking with a mere mention from the news.
I believe it is a very well established principle of "emotionalism", that people WANT, they readily EMBRACE, a "boogieman", a "scapegoat", it works so well, why would anyone with ulterior motives (such as politicians, CEO', dictators, authoritarian personalities, etc.) EVER think of choosing any other campaign management philosophy. They really don't HAVE to "sell it", people of any background or country are hungry for a TARGET, a reason for their suffering, their fear, their insecurities, and/or their station in life. Food prices nearing unaffordable in relation to meat, beginning to be a "toss up" between gasoline prices to drive to a job paying $10-$11 an hour ? Believe me, selling the line "PUTIN"S" inflation, is not difficult, at this point people are so emotionally effected they would accept anyone, the illegals, big city mayors, entrepreneurs, or, name ANY group, as THE CULPRITS. They just want someone, or a group, to be ANGRY AT !
All you have to do is look at the history of the rise on ANY dictator through history, ANY ONE in any century. They all had one thing in common, they gave the people someone, or something, at which to direct their discontent, suffering, and anger. Yep, Putin did all this for sure. At this season of Easter, one could say Jesus Christ was the Roman's answer to the people looking for someone to "blame". so Pontius Pilate "served" them up a target for their anger. Not much seems to have changed !
I shouldn't have stated with such certainty that the elderly are now succumbing to the inevitable, but at the same time unless other data proves otherwise I believe it to at least be a viable hypothesis. Do you have evidence to the contrary? I would like to hear other opinions.
82 rubles to a USD at the moment. About 3 times higher than 15 years ago. Twice as high as late 2014 before it fell to 60 rubles or so (and stayed there).
In 2014 right after Russia annexed Crimea the US & Saudis flooded the world oil market with cheap oil. $100+ per barrel down to $40.00 per barrel. That caused Russia to go into recession. Ukraine's civil war has been ongoing since 2014 and WW3 for a few years.
The war in Ukraine, which I incidentally totally condemn, is literally a godsend for the criminal vaccinators and money printers. So convenient to blame inflation on something other than money printing and suppression of hydrocarbon production. Also a great distraction fromthe ongoing COVID disaster.
What happens in the UK with Covid is outright frightening, frankly.
US-Five Eyes', proxies EU-NATO_MICIMATT (Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academia Think Tank) Complex
Igor if you have time.
In this presentation delivered to students at Moscow State Nuclear University and hosted by American University in Moscow President Edward Lozansky, three experts (Raymond McGovern, historian Anton Chaitkin and Matt Ehret) were asked to share their thoughts on the origins of today’s current crisis, historic lessons of a better USA which have been scrubbed from our collective memory, and the rise of the MICIMATT (Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academia Think Tank) Complex. The question of America’s viability at this late stage of crisis is treated, and also the potential to break free of a complete civilizational breakdown crisis.
I disagree. I think the US/UK/France/NATO started this war, and it is all about regime change, and doing more sneaky shit on the border of one of the three World Powers, as it were, where the US has been illegally delving into Gain of Function research in "defensive" biolabs (what the hell might be "defensive" research into bioweapons, I wonder?), which has been going on for decades, just ask DARPA. There is SO MUCH EVIDENCE available that points directly at the US War Machine, which has now taken over the govt. entirely, but of course, it's also taken over the MEDIA, and so you and millions of others think this is PUTIN being a bad guy. You can find the actual story all over Substack... try Frances Leader's page, "Uncensored," she's a terrific purveyor of actual facts, and there are many others. In short, Ukraine has been a divided country for a long time, and there has been CIA and other sticky fingers involved since at least 2014, if not before, because-- and I am simplifying WAY down-- The US wants to be THE WORLD'S MASTER, it's the dream of our filthy rich psycho freaks to own everything and even the rest of Humanity. So they have been raiding and slaughtering everyone who has oil... (Venezuela is a good example, and then pretty much the entire Middle East: Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan (diamonds and heroin), Libya, and still gunning for Iran; and now going after Russia... and if they don't submit fairly rapidly, economically wiping them off the face of the Earth, pretty much. Except for China, and of course, Russia. And naturally, those two countries are Absolutely Evil !!!!!!!! and meanwhile all the ruckus is being caused by the Absolutely Evil hegemons of the "West." You can basically figure out what's going on by simply applying whatever you hear from the US media to be exactly the opposite of the truth... There is a faction of the Ukraine "nationals" that are literally Nazis. THEY are the ones doing these horrific tortures and murders of civilians, NOT Putin or the Russian Army. There are ethnic Ukrainians, there are ethnic Russians, all living in Ukraine and resenting each other. Perfect setting for Bad Guys to come in, Divide and Conquer, and blame it on Putin. The ethnic Russians in Ukraine BEGGED Putin to protect them. So his "invasion" of Ukraine was a mission of mercy. I don't expect you to just believe all this... Educate yourself, but you'll need to research OUTSIDE the US/UK/France cabal, because it's all absolute propaganda.
Can someone please echo “Good Citizen”’s post over and over, please? I am so tired of these people saying it’s the highest inflation since 1981. It’s more simply put, the highest inflation ever. 1981 was 14-14.5%. We are closer to 19% now as he mentioned. 18.8% if you calculate it as I did. Additionally, please remember the 1981 CPI is NOT THE SAME as today’s. It’s accounting sorcery. 1981 weighted gasoline/fuel at 24%. 2022 weights it at around 4%. Soooo, we’re actually much, much worse off than even what I’m saying.
The dissonance is real . . . and can't be corrected. In the UK, I find that the very same people protesting the building of houses in their neighbourhoods (NIMBYS) also say that migrants are welcome.
Be afraid. Recall when we were all about to die from terrorists? Or your children would never grow up because of school shootings? Or all your LGBTQ and POC are being hunted and killed? Or your kids are about to be kidnapped? Or that going to college for women means being raped? Or that if you get the same job as a man but you are a woman or POC you'll get paid only 80%?
And then miss the clear bad actors right in front, those who print money and steal it, those who create massive debt for your children, those who spend the future's wealth on themselves today, those who control who is allowed to say what, control who can go to work, control who can go to church, control who can go to school, starts never-ending undeclared wars, hands out free arms to any country that wants to be at war, mass incarcerates its citizens, runs social security like a ponzi scheme, pretends the dollar doesn't need to be tied to any real assets (just let us tell you want it's worth and set prices and interest rates).
How we came to prefer command economies with central planning, comrade, I do not know.
"Be afraid. Recall when we were all about to die from terrorists?"
Turns out giving the Taliban trillions in US taxpayer funded weapons and high tech military gear as US troops fled was all it took for the threat level to vanish in favor of a more menacing unseen enemy, breathing! *smirk*
I think it's gonna be so freakin' bad, particularly for the poorer folks, that if we have one brain cell among all of us, we'll realize we need to disconnect from centralized banking, centralized government, centralized pretty much everything, grow our own food locally, and stop giving the Rat Bastards the time of day. The main problem we have, other than the Global Coup d'Etat by psychotic genocidal maniacs, is the PRESS, or lack thereof. I think if we turn to our local communities and build up the connections there, real people, who share the immediate commons, we might be able to get through it better... But so many of us are starting to calm down and wake up now, I think the Rat Bastards are shitting their pants, pardon my francais, and so they're ramping up the fear, the Divide and Conquer techniques, and all the other means of attack, and the ways and means of putting us back in the cage of lockdown, etc.
NO COMPLIANCE! Work around their dictates. This will not be difficult when we reach a tipping point of awareness... I bloody well hope I'm right... or maybe wrong, for the better.
I hope this is relevant. There is an excellent presentation in day 2 of the Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium discussing the "going direct reset," which is based on a paper by Blackrock that proposed increasing both the retail money supply and the central bank reserve money supply at the same time, something that was never done before. The author posits that these unprecedented simultaneous increases would lead (have led) to massive inflation. If he's correct, it's likely that the increases in the money supply were intentionally engineered to increase inflation more quickly than would have happened if only the bank money supply had be increased. Bottom line: It appears this new round of unprecedented (since the 70s) inflation was and is intentionally brought to us by the banking cabal that is engineering the entire plandemic. Link below.
The problem is that persons can't calculate a connecting by seing such grafs, that is the vaccinated, the more persons hit by Covid-19. By logical thinking, I then conclude that the "vaccines" not are vaccines. But from child we have been indoctrinated how good the vaccines is. Not ment to be bad, but parallel to for eksampel trust in God.
Communists? Really? It would be better if that was the case as we could recognize who was screwing us. As is, we are being screwed by the ineptitude, greed, and incompetence of the 'ruling' classes (and that includes Repubs as well as Dems). The health care system is in the thrall of the pharma companies and a good portion of the medical 'establishment' that is making too much money to change.
Also at fault: the American public. Admiral Rickover noted in 1959 (?) that fossil fuels would run out/grow scarcer (google his retirement speech) and the report from the Club of Rom stated the same scenario (although some of the big oil discovers and fracking have postponed the timeline). Any politician who talked about this could never get elected.
Especialy after inflation i 1979 and after the crise in 2008, then we were told that now after during 100 years - there in 1920 with Germany getting out deabt by inflation, and 1946 Hungaru hyperinflamation, and so on - learning, then never again we would be hit by inflation, as now we knew anyting about inflation.
And of cause we know anything to do agains inflation, but for politicans doesn't always think in helping citicens.
It's eerie, but exactly 100 years ago, the Weimar Republic was brought to its knees by runaway inflation...question is, if History rhymes, what will happen this time around? Pandemic reiteration rhymes with inflation....
"how M1 money supply predicts Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and increases six fold, two years early."....I realize I may be being dense here, but could you please help me out? I'm sure it's a basic assumption, but one that I do not possess....exactly how does M1 money supply predict Russia's invasion? Putin took advantage of the west's inflation as the time to attack Ukraine because of some reason? Thanks :)
MD is a credential that someone _may_ have put in the work. Anyone who has put in the work can tell if someone else has put in the work, credential or no.
I've read over 2,000 journal articles and spent several times that in analysis of the articles, including looking at data. I can tell when MDs haven't put in the work. They usually ask for my credentials. :)
Not sure of the reason or any funny business, but how M1 is counted changed in May, 2020. The changes are seen in 3). Went from "Before May 2020, M1 consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) demand deposits at commercial banks (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (3) other checkable deposits (OCDs), consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal, or NOW, and automatic transfer service, or ATS, accounts at depository institutions, share draft accounts at credit unions, and demand deposits at thrift institutions."
To, "Beginning May 2020, M1 consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) demand deposits at commercial banks (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (3) other liquid deposits, consisting of OCDs and savings deposits (including money market deposit accounts). Seasonally adjusted M1 is constructed by summing currency, demand deposits, and OCDs (before May 2020) or other liquid deposits (beginning May 2020), each seasonally adjusted separately."
my thoughts tend to agree with classical economist Michael Hudson, which in his book, "and forgive them their debts, lending, foreclosure and redemption from the bronze age finance to the jubilee year", he reviews the history of what happens because of the build up of unsubstainable debt, that either this debt is settled/canceled by forgivness or war...
Using the same inflation calculator as the 70s and 80s the figure is closer to 20%. The highest ever. Get ready for their new thing, cbdcs backed by nothing that are programmed to guide consumer behavior toward "sustainability".
By November.
In that case I predict complete failure for any economies on CBDCs by January to March 2023.
Yup, with 25 percent inflation we can only go a few more months. Then supply chain melts down completely.
How so? Can you elaborate? Because I dont see failure and I am trying to work with my banker to get set so that the programmable digital currency wont see me on the streets?
The fiat USD system was already broken and on borrowed time before COVID. WEF "Elites" just used the "Pandemic" as an excuse to squeeze the last juice out of the lemon before provoking a war in Ukraine and blaming Putin for the collapse. Hopefully, enough people in the West can see it for what it is, i.e. an engineered implosion, and we won't end up in WWIII.
What are they going to do with all that cash though. Blackstone likes houses too.
Buy any real assets they can get their hands on, I guess. Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the USA.
A lot of times farmland is bought for the water. And a lot of his acreage seems to be in dry places. I might be wrong but that's what it looked like a week or so ago when I searched.
Also is this farmland for farms or for 'returning to nature'. And who's behind him? I kind of figure he's like the Harvard benefactors, Harvard also being a large purchaser of farms/water rights, but in name only. Behind the Harvard name are billionaires.
WEF agenda seems to be to shut down conventional agriculture and switch to factory grown products. Like the food they used to eat in "Star Trek"...cubes of nutrition in whatever flavour you desire out of a vending machine or delivered by Amazon drone. I suppose the likes of Gates wants in on this business and by taking large acreages out of production (re-wilding) he helps to remove the competition. If things don't go his way then he still owns the land after the dust settles.
Sooner or later, he's gonna be found in a Ghadafi posture, ie, graduated. People think he's some kind of futurist, a philanthropist, ffs. He's a genocidal maniac.
Own the water, rule the world
Ditto the food...
Nature, my ass. He's about taking over the food supply. He wants Absolute Control. He's a BIG time eugenicist and complete psycho nutcase.
Yes but the plans include cities as prisons and a lot of land as wild park reserves (for hunting safaris I guess).
Go here:
Gates second largest land holding is in Arkansas. I do not know this for certain but my guess is Eastern Arkansas, where the massive rice fields exist, is where Gates has "invested." Arkansas is the largest rice producer in the US.
Louisiana, Gates largest land holding, is also one of the largest rice producing states in the US.
Rice farming is a big producer of methane so he's probably planning on shutting that down.
Nothing, if we're smart enough to undo the whole fiasco of it. Local currencies.
I think the fiat currency on borrowed time is one of, if not THE reason for Covid. All the rest falls into the category of "And Also." The eugenics thing has been going on for centuries... the fiat currency and incredible theft of the world's wealth is fairly latter day, would you agree?
There's a Swiss study from 2010 that addresses the concentration of wealth;
Here's something on the Rothschild's wealth from 1929;
So no, not latter day. I'd also suggest that wealth has been accumulating in the same families for a little longer than 93 years. But don't ask me to name them although I suspect that Glattfelder et al's study, if drilled down to the human shareholders, would out them.
I'm not totally up to date with the workings of currencies but apparently they all fail eventually due to the catastrophic loss of value over time (a dollar today likely has the purchasing power of a cent or two from a 100 years ago).
With regards to crypto coins it's one of the stupidest ideas ever.
Agree with you on eugenics and I'd suggest Bill Gates made his billions because he was put there (Microsoft) by his father's eugenics mates. I don't believe that any company that relied on his business acumen for wealth generation would survive 2 years. His wealth, and his Microsoft background, relies completely on his connections.
Conserning the Rothschilds, as I recall it from when teenager, way back in the 1960s, and reading much more history than for school and highschool, that we started hearing about the Rotchilds in 1790, and that later there came talking, and writings about their connecting to the start of the 1st World War.
Undoubtedly they've had a malign influence on the history of the world since the time of Napoleon thereabouts.
It's odd that they rose as the Medicis disappeared from the scene. Is it out of the question that the Medicis headed north, changed their name, their religion and continued in the same vein? Where does the French Revolution fit in. Napoleon?
My 86 year old father sits in a local psych ward as I write these comments after being admitted for suicidal thoughts. I cannot help but blame the lockdowns for his condition - he was a social person who spent hours several days a week taking exercise classes at a YMCA. I would much prefer he battled with covid than the condition he finds himself in now. He never got the annual flu shots but sadly after reading about long covid he relented and got the pfizer jab.
Also, be sure to look closely into any medicines he may have been taking (cholesterol, or blood pressure, allergy medications, blood thinners, etc. they just LOAD UP seniors with all kinds of medications and so many have a side effect of depression or suicidal thoughts, even some EYE medications older people are prescribed ! Found this with my mother, gradually withdrawing all these various pills was like a miracle ! The lock-downs may have only accelerated what these meds already do through their "side effects" .
Indeed. STATINS: might as well say "Dementia Pills" on the bottle.
During 40 years enourmously much of money each year earnd on this bad drug which came when lying and telling that the cholestorol in blood should be less than 200, or els heartattac, which is totally wrong. Instead resulting in a tribble chance being hit by diabetes, and besides Alzheimer's, and more, andmissing Q10. Instead if lowering cholesterol, if over 260, the use niacin, not niacinamid, both being vitamin B3s.
Concerning cholesterol there is much more about it, among other that the brain is about 60% consisting of cholesterol. And if the total result number under 160 then statistical if lower and lower from this, then bigger and bigger chanche in Alzheimer's. We have persons born with only 20 - 30 in total, and nearly can't do anything. But especailly we talks about the LDL and HDL, of the cholesterol, as the good and the bad, and look at their parts of the total number. But both of them can be either good or bad, actually also "body as big or small", bad if oxidised. But we are only measured how much of LDL, or HDL, not 2 different measures for how much good or bad of each of them. Niacin (which we can't get i Thailand, so from USA) it helps in getting higher of the HDL and lower LDL, if the body want this, and turn down total number i too high, and up if too low. There excist a gene disease which result in up around 1,000 i total number, or higher. By taking niacin (B3), it very often results, also for me, in 1/4 of an hour with burning ears and skin (can be quite a bit), and indian read skin, because sometimes widening the blood vessels in the skin, for this 1/4 of an hour. Dr. Hoffer in 1953 found out to cure 90% of schizofrenia patiens by niacin, much, up to 3 grams/day. I take 100 mg sometimes, among other against osteoporoses. Doctors don't know about cholesterol or niacin. This written to You for if it could be a help in knowing.
Wow. Who ARE you?! ^_^ I am highly skeptical of the "Western Medicine" approach to life, and I have been highly skeptical of all this "Bad Cholesterol" propaganda, but you seem to be quite educated in this... and other things such as statins, I noticed. Are you a natural medicine healer? Whatever, you don't have to say, but... Thank You. xo
I’m so sorry. Like Anne Marie said, look into his medications. They could be causing his breakdown.
I'm so sorry. xo
Just an observation on the misleading party political tagging of Biden here: the biggest printing of USD occurred in 2020 under Trump. Not that either of these guys called the shots anyway.
You're right, I got the chart online but I will add a note to reflect this.
Jeez, I hope it doesn't come out too bad for Trump. I'm still on his side. Tell me all about how bad he is - then show me this mob.... I'll still be on Trump's side, in fact further..... :)
Never trust a rich man. Not ever.
I can see how that could be right. Just thinking about myself. I am a rich man. I'm also a poor man. To the people I met when I overlanded between UK and Australia wayback I'm filthy rich. I have cars and brick houses and fine foods whenever I want them, clothes, tools, toys, etc. etc..
No doubt at all, filthy rich.
The New Guinea natives I met when I was over there - still virtually naked and living in rough grass huts. Going back a few years now. But you know what I mean. We can throw today's modern Ukraine refugees in to take their place. And so on.
No doubt at all. To them I'm quite literally and truthfully filthy rich.
And I know it myself because I've been down and out and I know what it is like when each day is a new struggle just to get through that day and you never know where you'll sleep that night and you can have nothing because you've nowhere to put it even if you could afford it. So having nothing you can build nothing, play with nothing, learn with nothing.
So I know it without doubt. I'm filthy rich.
And I remember two identical things: promising a teacher who gave me something like a 500km lift in Iran I think it was, and fed me, and all for nothing, that I would correspond with him when I got home. And I never did.
And promising a very similar little thing to a New Guinea native.
Yep. I can't be trusted by those to whom I am filthy rich.
Because I just don't share their priorities. Their priorities are not mine. They are not as important to me as I am to them. I have a complicated and varied and self obsessed life which essentially has no room for them.
Yes. It is conflict or mismatch of expectations and understandings and relative significancies and priorities. Different worlds you could even say.
Yep. Never trust this rich man. Good advice.
Trust not doesn't mean love not. xo
Same as the vaccine. Operation warp speed started under Trump and Biden just made it complete. This is actually the best for them as they are sharing the 'responsibility' and they can point fingers on each other.
Trump STILL wants all the credit & believes the poisons he sanctioned (& relieved the makers of all liability) “saved millions of lives” & that his supporters should “take credit” for them. Supporter no more.
Trump agrees that the elites should be allowed to kill his supporter base.
I guess he doesn't really want to win in 2023.
My guess is that most of his former supporters are, like many of us here, the vax-defiant & so he has depleted his supporter base on his own….
My guess is that most of his former supporters are, like many of us here, the vax-defiant & so he has depleted his supporter base on his own….
The Federal Reserve answers to No One. They LOAN money they print out of thin air to the government, at a high interest rate. Biggest scam ever pulled off, 1913.
But the fact is they saved no lives. Damned if they did. How so? They never prevented anyone getting covid - charts of lockdowns v no lockdowns show the same trajectories.
They didn't do it with vaccines; early there were no vaccines. Late the efficacy of vaccines is very disputable. Pfizer vaccine in any case was only ever even touted as adding 0.1% efficacy to the existing efficacy of your immune system. The others would be much the same.
Granted that is an average over their test cases and it may have been higher in the elderly such as you quote. But then would depend, we see with hind and present sight, on when they took the vaccine as against when they got the virus. For the first two weeks after the vaccine makes them more vulnerable to severe and fatal attacks from the virus. So that's very much a moot point.
As against we must put the complete absence of any steps whatever to actually fight the virus and/or enhance the immune system. i.e. getting vitamins and minerals to the right levels and using repurposes anti-virals. Not to mention psychological factors i.e. at least removing the deleterious psychological factors being deliberately - by their own admission - poured into the people in order to frighten them.
Given the above we can see the notional +0.1% may quite easily have been obtained in other ways and without the negatives of the first two weeks vulnerability and the possible first two years of lingering negative effects.
Hence anyone 'saved' by anything the govt did is someone who quite easily could have been better 'saved' by removing the government's heavy hand.
And in all of this we remain steadfastly parochial. We ought now to have fair idea if collateralglobal's prognosticationns of wholesale death and injury, starvation and worse in the third world are being borne out at all.
For if they are those deaths should also be set against any supposed 'saves' govts might claim.
You know what it all looks like to me? LIke they all knew it was disastrous but felt the whole western world and the USA in particular was facing an impossible situation anyway. Might as well go out with a bang.
So they've all just had a party. Each with whatever they could. Pollies with their power. Business with selling all this crap. Media with promoting the party line and handsomely paid to do so. Financiers etc playing the market - I've seen plenty observations claiming the richest have got considerable richer in the last two years. Doctors and hospitals handsomely paid.
Even disgruntled workers paid off for some time - with, of course, their own taxpayer money.
And the remaining people who don't fit into any of that? Yes, us, the 'ordinary' workers and citizens, we just paid for it all and shambled about like dull masked peasant sheep coming in and out of our pens only when told we could.
that's about the size of it isn't it?
There's no 'saves'. Vaccinations are harm only.
I tend to agree with you, there were no "saves", but it's a purely emotional (and therefore, of no VALUE) response. The factual truth is, we do not know, and will NEVER KNOW definitively, if they vaccinations did stimulate the immune systems of some people enough to save them from the most severe cases. For this reason, no one will ever be able to definitively ARGUE down a friend or relative who prefers to believe the only reason they survived serious Covid was due to their vaccination. It is simply unknowable, if they are correct, or if they would have survived without !
I agree with Ung. Rich... it's knowable. What's keeping the knowable part so quiet is a deliberate censorship of Free Speech coupled with intense and pretty demonic propaganda.
It's knowable. Vaccinations are always harmful simply because what is called a virus does not exist.
No argument, I simply don't understand HOW it can be "knowable". If you caught a common cold (and yes, I do acknowledge viruses DO exist, but again, if you think they don't, that's not point here), if you got a cold, and you happened to get over it in 3 days instead of the usual 7, could you say DEFINITELY that it was because you ate an apple each day for the month before you come down with the cold ? Your position seems (if I understand it) to be the same as so many "studies" quoted these days; studies with very faulty designs which have no way to filter out miscellaneous variables. But, yes, I see that if you do not acknowledge the existence of viruses, then of course you would believe all vaccinations are harmful; actually, all medicines are harmful in one way or another, so I do understand that simply denying the existence of viruses, bacteria, or illness of any kind, is one way to deal with it. That's why we really need to respect the opinions of everyone, don't have to concur, but do have to respect !
No, not all medicines are harmful. PHARMACEUTICALS are harmful, almost all of them, because of the fact that they are synthetic-- they're made from petroleum byproducts. Add to that drugs deliberately made to cause terrible problems, on top of the side effects, because of greed, because they want to harm enough to cause people to take MORE drugs. It's so insidious as to be hard to believe. NATURAL medicines do not cause these issues, if done right, and they are smeared, along with the practitioners who actually heal people. It's really quite a step to take to become aware of this! It's like finding out your beloved grandfather is a mass-murderer... Losing your religion... Having your best friend turn into a werewolf, etc. I suggest you look into Terrain Theory. It makes actual sense, and it's fascinating. Contagion is a myth! ^_^
Completely agree.
Yep, I agree.
We can argue about whether vaccines really enhance the immune system or not but there's no doubt that being provoked it acts slightly abnormally.
We have no way of knowing if that abnormal behaviour caused or mitigated severity.
We can only look at the overall figures and notice that - I believe this is what the charts show very often - that cases seem to rise in concert with the rising rates of vaccination which seems a clear indication that overall they are causing strife, not mitigating it.
Mostly I agree, except doctors didn’t get handsomely paid. Whether BHS or medicare, the payment is fixed. Doesn’t matter the diagnosis, an office visit is about 65 dollar payment in USA. Based in CPT code .At most, complex visit, Now the hospitals yes, based upon ICD (hospital basis) the payment for trip to ICU if Covid related bumped up payment 28,000 to 100,000 based on what zip code hospitals were in. Most salaried doctors don’t even understand this simple explanation. They get a check from university or hospital, monthly, period.
Thanks for that correction. I was thinking mainly of increased traffic but that wouldn't alter the payment to a doctor already fully committed I guess.
There are some instances where the practice, at least, gets more money in Australia. I was just exposed to an instance.
I needed a Certificate of Fitness for a special driving licence and they are permitted to raise their own charges.
They charged me $130. $30 more than I've ever previously been charged.
They also have a long list of charges on the wall there for various procedures. I don't know if those are prescribed charges or their own.
So perhaps there's some truth in what I said but overall it's an exaggeration I guess, as you point out.
They are a real puzzle, the doctors. We have always thought of them as being somewhat above the common run - a long way above the common run.
Yet now they seem to be largely ineffectual silent timid creatures a prey to habit and totally controlled by government locked away in little cubicles slaving away for relatively paltry pittances at the rate of 5 or six persons per hour - far too fast to allow of any real personal therapeutic interaction I think. Depends a lot on the doctor but generally I think so. There's simply no time to engage in any conversation at all.
It's not the world I thought it was. Far from it.
p.s. I might add to that while it's there the question of therapeutic environment in doctor's waiting rooms or, more commonly these days, group practice waiting rooms.
It reflects on doctors, of course.
I find that commonly these waiting rooms are without any amenable comforts at all never mind anything distinctly therapeutic. No attempt made whatever to tend to ill people until you get into the doctor's office.
That's the physical layout.
But then there's the use of them. Where I live the major clinic quite often used to have people waiting there on those little chairs for even as much as an hour and half. I've done that.
Generally without a word of explanation.
You have to be bold and obtrusive to ask the line of receptionists what the problem is, how much more you might have to wait.
The sell time in 10 minutes slots. 10 minutes. But you can wait half an hour for your slot.
The one and half hour waits are generally for the 'emergency' doctors. i.e. unscheduled. You just get in the queue there and wait. No comeback whatever. Except as I said, the notion of 'therapeutic' treatment.
But scheduled patients can wait half an hour quite easily.
That's three time slots missed.
Yours and two more.
Your doctor has failed to meet his appointment and hasn't said a word to you but has kept you waiting for the length of two more appointments.
And you just have to swallow it.
But if you miss an appointment - then they want to charge you $30 or more.
How therapeutic is that?
And that's a 'group practice', i.e. a collusion of doctors presenting their opinion of how medicine should best be practiced, presented to the people
Yes. They're not what I was brought up to believe they were. Not G.P.'s anyway. I don't know about hospital doctors but one wonders when we read that there's over 200,000 hospital deaths in the USA from 'hospital errors'.
I think we need to narrow the gap between medicine and medical practitioners and the common people. The time of witchcraft and high priests and arcane holy arts as against abject ignorant illiterate masses is over.
It's awful. Sorry to hear it. I never go to doctors.
Half your luck. I try to do the same. I held off for two years, maybe longer, one time. But in the finish it was evident the hernia just wasn't going to go away no matter what I did. I admit it wasn't doctors that fixed it, it was surgeons, but pretty much the same thing.
Yep, they're good to stay away from if you can. But oft times we need help and then those who supposedly have the greatest expertise are the doctors.
It's changing though. With online differential diagnosis becoming available and home tests for many things - soon we should be able to get home blood testing even, I think, at least for some items.
And as more and more we establish our own authoritative centres for exchange of facts about this or that. And AI gets better. Read just today how AI language code can now do better than the average human. ! Beats the Turing test. AI code speaks English better than the average human. Marvellous.
You know, it's kind of funny. Locums can make a lot more than salaried staff at hospitals. Sometimes locums are competent and sometimes not. The ones who are competent tend to have lots of repeat work, but the others have to move around a lot.
What if ALL the "Covid" trouble is actually radiation?
What if it's all really nothing but a beat up? Have you read 'Snake Oil' yet? 'Snake Oil: How Xi Jingping shut down the world' by michael Senger I think. Something like that.
Very beautiful read. Essentially saying we were conned most right royally.
Hard to believe such a thing could happen isn't it?
No. It's not. Not any more, is it?
It used to be hard to believe such a thing. Just over two years ago. But not now.
We see total illogicality all over the place in every sphere: medicine, law, social systems, education...
We call it 'insanity'. I've used the world a thousand times. So have many others.
But I think we should stop. It is not specific enough and it has lost it's power to carry any kind of message. It has gotten like swear word: to be passed over without comment.
To be more specific we are seeing illogicality. We are seeing unreason.
Not 'madness', not 'insanity'. They are human medical conditions. We infer that's what is behind what we see and we're probably right but that's not what we actually look at when we see masks and mandates etc., is it?
What we see is illogical behaviour. Unreasonable behaviour. Behaviour without rational sense. Counter productive behaviour. Self destructive behaviour.
The Australians have cost themselves $1,000,000,000,000 ( 1 trillion ) over the last two years.
And to this day most of them don't know.
And no one - no one - has asked for an accounting of it.
I for instance consider one of the more reprehensible parts of that expenditure being that which went to killing free speech and promoting inaccurate propaganda.
How much did Facebook et al charge them to let a box come up on every post that mentioned 'covid' or some other 'target' words telling the user to consult the govt. propaganda site?
And so on.
We can see that. It is all around us.
So yes, I can readily believe it was a nonsense initiated by those devilish clever Chinese. I can indeed.
Read the book. It's good. And 'unmasked' I read recently, too, that's good too. And 'the real anthony fauci'. Good trilogy. Might define this era between them.
I'm waiting for the books from those of us not so well known. Might be a little more radical.
It's a very dark sentiment, but I made a post yesterday (albeit more of a ramble) that the increasing death rates we are seeing in heavily locked down countries are the inevitable death of the vulnerable. Although they were held off for a year or two while the rest of the world was getting infected Omicron was able to find these populations.
I can tell you here in the US gas prices have been steadily increasing since early 2020 and I've been noticing it. What's striking is how all of a sudden the increase in gas is being blamed on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and how many people latch onto it. It's scary how easily people can be made to over ride prior thinking with a mere mention from the news.
Gas-Diesel prices are always manipulated. Right now the Gas-Diesel prices are going down in Riverside County, S. California areas
I believe it is a very well established principle of "emotionalism", that people WANT, they readily EMBRACE, a "boogieman", a "scapegoat", it works so well, why would anyone with ulterior motives (such as politicians, CEO', dictators, authoritarian personalities, etc.) EVER think of choosing any other campaign management philosophy. They really don't HAVE to "sell it", people of any background or country are hungry for a TARGET, a reason for their suffering, their fear, their insecurities, and/or their station in life. Food prices nearing unaffordable in relation to meat, beginning to be a "toss up" between gasoline prices to drive to a job paying $10-$11 an hour ? Believe me, selling the line "PUTIN"S" inflation, is not difficult, at this point people are so emotionally effected they would accept anyone, the illegals, big city mayors, entrepreneurs, or, name ANY group, as THE CULPRITS. They just want someone, or a group, to be ANGRY AT !
All you have to do is look at the history of the rise on ANY dictator through history, ANY ONE in any century. They all had one thing in common, they gave the people someone, or something, at which to direct their discontent, suffering, and anger. Yep, Putin did all this for sure. At this season of Easter, one could say Jesus Christ was the Roman's answer to the people looking for someone to "blame". so Pontius Pilate "served" them up a target for their anger. Not much seems to have changed !
Majority of people are "projecting" their own $hit onto others in frantic efforts to find some relief from their own ego's miseries.
You totally had me until you said that last line. OOOPS. Missed the boat there.
Disagree entirely with your first paragraph, and completely agree with the second. ;)
I shouldn't have stated with such certainty that the elderly are now succumbing to the inevitable, but at the same time unless other data proves otherwise I believe it to at least be a viable hypothesis. Do you have evidence to the contrary? I would like to hear other opinions.
82 rubles to a USD at the moment. About 3 times higher than 15 years ago. Twice as high as late 2014 before it fell to 60 rubles or so (and stayed there).
Where to next?
Ruble will move with gold prices now
In 2014 right after Russia annexed Crimea the US & Saudis flooded the world oil market with cheap oil. $100+ per barrel down to $40.00 per barrel. That caused Russia to go into recession. Ukraine's civil war has been ongoing since 2014 and WW3 for a few years.
I like the graphs and the media clips, but your last four paragraphs are really all that needs to be said. As always, NE-you nailed it.
Money printer go brrr
The war in Ukraine, which I incidentally totally condemn, is literally a godsend for the criminal vaccinators and money printers. So convenient to blame inflation on something other than money printing and suppression of hydrocarbon production. Also a great distraction fromthe ongoing COVID disaster.
What happens in the UK with Covid is outright frightening, frankly.
USA will probably follow closely behind
a godsend or too convenient?
Door #2
I have my suspicions on how this war happened.
US-Five Eyes', proxies EU-NATO_MICIMATT (Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academia Think Tank) Complex
Igor if you have time.
In this presentation delivered to students at Moscow State Nuclear University and hosted by American University in Moscow President Edward Lozansky, three experts (Raymond McGovern, historian Anton Chaitkin and Matt Ehret) were asked to share their thoughts on the origins of today’s current crisis, historic lessons of a better USA which have been scrubbed from our collective memory, and the rise of the MICIMATT (Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academia Think Tank) Complex. The question of America’s viability at this late stage of crisis is treated, and also the potential to break free of a complete civilizational breakdown crisis.
Bitchute Link
If you suspect the US/UK/France/NATO cabal was behind it, you're on target, so to speak.
Something like that. Putin is responsible for his own actions 100% and I condemn him for starting this war.
But I also have a feeling that there was a plot to make him expect not nearly as much backlash as he actually received, and thus he started this war.
I disagree. I think the US/UK/France/NATO started this war, and it is all about regime change, and doing more sneaky shit on the border of one of the three World Powers, as it were, where the US has been illegally delving into Gain of Function research in "defensive" biolabs (what the hell might be "defensive" research into bioweapons, I wonder?), which has been going on for decades, just ask DARPA. There is SO MUCH EVIDENCE available that points directly at the US War Machine, which has now taken over the govt. entirely, but of course, it's also taken over the MEDIA, and so you and millions of others think this is PUTIN being a bad guy. You can find the actual story all over Substack... try Frances Leader's page, "Uncensored," she's a terrific purveyor of actual facts, and there are many others. In short, Ukraine has been a divided country for a long time, and there has been CIA and other sticky fingers involved since at least 2014, if not before, because-- and I am simplifying WAY down-- The US wants to be THE WORLD'S MASTER, it's the dream of our filthy rich psycho freaks to own everything and even the rest of Humanity. So they have been raiding and slaughtering everyone who has oil... (Venezuela is a good example, and then pretty much the entire Middle East: Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan (diamonds and heroin), Libya, and still gunning for Iran; and now going after Russia... and if they don't submit fairly rapidly, economically wiping them off the face of the Earth, pretty much. Except for China, and of course, Russia. And naturally, those two countries are Absolutely Evil !!!!!!!! and meanwhile all the ruckus is being caused by the Absolutely Evil hegemons of the "West." You can basically figure out what's going on by simply applying whatever you hear from the US media to be exactly the opposite of the truth... There is a faction of the Ukraine "nationals" that are literally Nazis. THEY are the ones doing these horrific tortures and murders of civilians, NOT Putin or the Russian Army. There are ethnic Ukrainians, there are ethnic Russians, all living in Ukraine and resenting each other. Perfect setting for Bad Guys to come in, Divide and Conquer, and blame it on Putin. The ethnic Russians in Ukraine BEGGED Putin to protect them. So his "invasion" of Ukraine was a mission of mercy. I don't expect you to just believe all this... Educate yourself, but you'll need to research OUTSIDE the US/UK/France cabal, because it's all absolute propaganda.
US State Dept. spoke to China about open invitation to Ukraine for NATO membership. A provocation against Russia.
Russia isn't the big dog in this fight. The big dog is Blackrock/Vanguard.
It may be the last great opportunity to loot what is left of the western coffers.
Can someone please echo “Good Citizen”’s post over and over, please? I am so tired of these people saying it’s the highest inflation since 1981. It’s more simply put, the highest inflation ever. 1981 was 14-14.5%. We are closer to 19% now as he mentioned. 18.8% if you calculate it as I did. Additionally, please remember the 1981 CPI is NOT THE SAME as today’s. It’s accounting sorcery. 1981 weighted gasoline/fuel at 24%. 2022 weights it at around 4%. Soooo, we’re actually much, much worse off than even what I’m saying.
100% agree and I’m one of the old ones 🤣😂
You really think it was an overreaction? If covid wasn’t an accident, then neither was the money-printing. Obviously.
An overreaction by citizens
The dissonance is real . . . and can't be corrected. In the UK, I find that the very same people protesting the building of houses in their neighbourhoods (NIMBYS) also say that migrants are welcome.
But like why no complaints when housing went up double or triple in the last decade or so?
Housing comprises of most of our budgets...
Be afraid. Recall when we were all about to die from terrorists? Or your children would never grow up because of school shootings? Or all your LGBTQ and POC are being hunted and killed? Or your kids are about to be kidnapped? Or that going to college for women means being raped? Or that if you get the same job as a man but you are a woman or POC you'll get paid only 80%?
And then miss the clear bad actors right in front, those who print money and steal it, those who create massive debt for your children, those who spend the future's wealth on themselves today, those who control who is allowed to say what, control who can go to work, control who can go to church, control who can go to school, starts never-ending undeclared wars, hands out free arms to any country that wants to be at war, mass incarcerates its citizens, runs social security like a ponzi scheme, pretends the dollar doesn't need to be tied to any real assets (just let us tell you want it's worth and set prices and interest rates).
How we came to prefer command economies with central planning, comrade, I do not know.
"Be afraid. Recall when we were all about to die from terrorists?"
Turns out giving the Taliban trillions in US taxpayer funded weapons and high tech military gear as US troops fled was all it took for the threat level to vanish in favor of a more menacing unseen enemy, breathing! *smirk*
I think it's gonna be so freakin' bad, particularly for the poorer folks, that if we have one brain cell among all of us, we'll realize we need to disconnect from centralized banking, centralized government, centralized pretty much everything, grow our own food locally, and stop giving the Rat Bastards the time of day. The main problem we have, other than the Global Coup d'Etat by psychotic genocidal maniacs, is the PRESS, or lack thereof. I think if we turn to our local communities and build up the connections there, real people, who share the immediate commons, we might be able to get through it better... But so many of us are starting to calm down and wake up now, I think the Rat Bastards are shitting their pants, pardon my francais, and so they're ramping up the fear, the Divide and Conquer techniques, and all the other means of attack, and the ways and means of putting us back in the cage of lockdown, etc.
NO COMPLIANCE! Work around their dictates. This will not be difficult when we reach a tipping point of awareness... I bloody well hope I'm right... or maybe wrong, for the better.
I hope this is relevant. There is an excellent presentation in day 2 of the Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium discussing the "going direct reset," which is based on a paper by Blackrock that proposed increasing both the retail money supply and the central bank reserve money supply at the same time, something that was never done before. The author posits that these unprecedented simultaneous increases would lead (have led) to massive inflation. If he's correct, it's likely that the increases in the money supply were intentionally engineered to increase inflation more quickly than would have happened if only the bank money supply had be increased. Bottom line: It appears this new round of unprecedented (since the 70s) inflation was and is intentionally brought to us by the banking cabal that is engineering the entire plandemic. Link below.
Ding, Ding, we have a winner!
Correlation is not causation but fun to see global COVID cases have a parallel spike.
The problem is that persons can't calculate a connecting by seing such grafs, that is the vaccinated, the more persons hit by Covid-19. By logical thinking, I then conclude that the "vaccines" not are vaccines. But from child we have been indoctrinated how good the vaccines is. Not ment to be bad, but parallel to for eksampel trust in God.
I never ever in a thousand years would have thought they would cancel church and/or funerals!
Remember the tourist in "The Rock:"
"What kind of fucked up tour is this?"
Well, that is where I, and millions of Americans are, right now!
Communists always control both sides, and everything else.
Communists? Really? It would be better if that was the case as we could recognize who was screwing us. As is, we are being screwed by the ineptitude, greed, and incompetence of the 'ruling' classes (and that includes Repubs as well as Dems). The health care system is in the thrall of the pharma companies and a good portion of the medical 'establishment' that is making too much money to change.
Also at fault: the American public. Admiral Rickover noted in 1959 (?) that fossil fuels would run out/grow scarcer (google his retirement speech) and the report from the Club of Rom stated the same scenario (although some of the big oil discovers and fracking have postponed the timeline). Any politician who talked about this could never get elected.
The Club of Rome? Incompetence? Greed?
You think that is all this is?
Hey, dig deeper.
There are very few repubs any more--they are almost all RINOs.
Sex and drug parties in Washington are used to get leverage over new congressmen. Epstein wasn't the end of that story. So Repubs become RINOs.
Great charts!
Especialy after inflation i 1979 and after the crise in 2008, then we were told that now after during 100 years - there in 1920 with Germany getting out deabt by inflation, and 1946 Hungaru hyperinflamation, and so on - learning, then never again we would be hit by inflation, as now we knew anyting about inflation.
And of cause we know anything to do agains inflation, but for politicans doesn't always think in helping citicens.
M2 is a better measure. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WM2NS
M1 was redefined. https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2021/01/whats-behind-the-recent-surge-in-the-m1-money-supply/ & https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2021/05/savings-are-now-more-liquid-and-part-of-m1-money/
Thanks. Still a similar story.
It's eerie, but exactly 100 years ago, the Weimar Republic was brought to its knees by runaway inflation...question is, if History rhymes, what will happen this time around? Pandemic reiteration rhymes with inflation....
"how M1 money supply predicts Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and increases six fold, two years early."....I realize I may be being dense here, but could you please help me out? I'm sure it's a basic assumption, but one that I do not possess....exactly how does M1 money supply predict Russia's invasion? Putin took advantage of the west's inflation as the time to attack Ukraine because of some reason? Thanks :)
It was sarcasm. Inflation was rising long before Putin.
LOLOL.... ok. haha. No wonder I didn't see the correlation, lolol... thank you!
Your “doctor friend” is full of the blue kool aid. I hope he is not your “doctor “.. if so I would find another. Thus sayeth this MD doctor.
Don't worry, he's not!
MD is a credential that someone _may_ have put in the work. Anyone who has put in the work can tell if someone else has put in the work, credential or no.
I've read over 2,000 journal articles and spent several times that in analysis of the articles, including looking at data. I can tell when MDs haven't put in the work. They usually ask for my credentials. :)
MMT is the devil's economic policy and it's already here
All planned out years ago, and done on purpose.
I imagine the shocked look on people's faces as they go about their eroding normal routines.
Not sure of the reason or any funny business, but how M1 is counted changed in May, 2020. The changes are seen in 3). Went from "Before May 2020, M1 consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) demand deposits at commercial banks (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (3) other checkable deposits (OCDs), consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal, or NOW, and automatic transfer service, or ATS, accounts at depository institutions, share draft accounts at credit unions, and demand deposits at thrift institutions."
To, "Beginning May 2020, M1 consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) demand deposits at commercial banks (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (3) other liquid deposits, consisting of OCDs and savings deposits (including money market deposit accounts). Seasonally adjusted M1 is constructed by summing currency, demand deposits, and OCDs (before May 2020) or other liquid deposits (beginning May 2020), each seasonally adjusted separately."
my thoughts tend to agree with classical economist Michael Hudson, which in his book, "and forgive them their debts, lending, foreclosure and redemption from the bronze age finance to the jubilee year", he reviews the history of what happens because of the build up of unsubstainable debt, that either this debt is settled/canceled by forgivness or war...