I don’t believe in man-made climate change.

I do believe we need to look after humans, animals and the environment.

So less pollution and being prudent in our use of resources.

Somehow the climate change agenda is highjacked by zealots who have the arrogance to think any change in climate is due to human activity.

Adapt, innovate and be resourceful should be the mantra.

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People ask me on occasion if believe in climate change. My answer is always of course! “ The climate has been changing for millions of years” I almost always get a blank stare in response which is forever priceless… Honestly, our biggest challenge is CLEAN water which is uncontaminated with pesticides, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds and more. Water is essential for survival. PERIOD!

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I believe the same as you, Dan!

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When asked if I “believe in climate change” I always answer “Do you believe in climate stasis?”

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My philosophy precisely!

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The telling fact is only nuclear energy is capable of replacing fossil fuels, and they despise nuclear energy much more than they despise fossil fuels. The Greens in Germany quite happily will burn more coal in order to shutdown their nuclear power plants.

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Well said Myra. I believe that the zealots are just useful stoopid.The whole thing was designed as a profits generating vehicle. Instead of looking after our natural habitat and resources, plain and simple, everything has been

tainted by made-up potential danger to the planet ideology, that has nothing to do with reality. We just never suspect there were so many guilible falling for it, I'm talking the zealots here, because what the companies/industries are doing is to take and advantage to generate profits.

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A gigantic economic redistribution scheme, expertly contrived, and marketed using fear as a means to manipulate people. It is interesting how apocalyptic fear mongering has been a habit among those who trumpet climate change.

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The Earth is sentient and we’ve been using her and her creatures for our own utilitarian purposes. We are a part of earth, she isn’t here for us to abuse, but for us to love and to co-create a more beautiful life. That said, there are resources here for us and if we learn to use them in a way that isn’t abusive and in a way that helps the earth and her creatures thrive, we will be provided for.

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Agree. As long as extractive pirate corporatism runs the governments of this planet, however, we are doomed. Think its bad now? Wait until Davos Man completes the Great Reset. Of course, these same evil people (are they really human?) have succeeded in implanting their depopulation bioweapon into hundreds of millions of innocent humans. The next few years is going to witness a culling of the herd that has never been seen in modern times...

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I sure hope you're wrong, but evidence supports your position. The lack of attention paid to excess deaths among young people is a flaming red flag. It's as if we are in a major war, the rate at which casualties are accumulating, but the war is a secret.

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None of us are innocent. Too many of our comrades are willfully ignorant. Those of us not so easily fooled seem to suffer from fatal cowardice. This will have far reaching consequences for generations yet to be born.

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Beautifully said. Bravo!!!!!!!!

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Yes, and looking at Mother Earth, the one thing this living organism cannot do, unlike any other, is reproduction. And now she has made us humans, these strange creatures who have the technological skills to carry the progeny of Mother Earth, the Biota of Earth, to other worlds.

There is Mars, a life bomb just waiting for us humans to trigger. It is technological humanity that can do something Mother Earth has been unable to achieve in 4 billion years, the reproduction of Earth Biota. For us to Bioform Mars would be the greatest event in the history of life on Earth since the Cambrian explosion. Our failure to achieve this feat, which is now well within our ability, would be the greatest act of environmental destruction by a vast margin that we have ever done.

The Genesis of Life on Mars would be greatest achievement in the history of human civilization, it would be the greatest act of creativity while our current gang of ruling elites seem only capable of destruction. Its easy to destroy things, a 10yr old with a hammer can easily do $millions in damage. Creativity is not so easy.

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Did you know that the International Atomic Energy Agency, which inspects nuclear facilities worldwide, was not allowed to inspect Fukushima prior to that catastrophe? TEPCO refused to allow inspections. This was told to me by one of the physicists working for IAEA.


If we can't even manage simple fission plants with obviously needed transparency, maybe our focus should be somewhat closer than terraforming Mars.

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Oh big deal, one case of meltdown, the worst case scenario for PWR's, out of 440 commercial reactors, been operating now for 50yrs. Zero deaths. Vs tsunami killed probably 28,000 people. I would say catastrophe's involve many deaths. You know a much bigger and more deadly tsunami is due for the West coast of America. Nuclear will be no problem. Buildings will be. Any preps, any worries, uh, no.

Energy poverty will kill at least a billion people maybe more. And you have no problem spending well over $10T on nutty avoidable wars that only destroy, create nothing, kill 10's of millions of people, and your whole gang is all gung-ho on the latest manufactured war in Ukraine --> WW3? Maybe worry about that? Instead of throwing at least $100 trillion down the sewer on a wacky plan to switch our energy supply to wind & solar, we could build a lot more reactors that can't do the Fukushima screw-up at a cost of maybe $10T and actually do the job.

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There is no energy shortage. Watch this 5 min clip:-


What we have is a set of corrupt global "elites" who are afraid of losing control and are enforcing a paradigm of artificial scarcity upon us to maintain their systems of control. We need to replace these people with a real elite, i.e. made up of the best amongst us, who have a mentality of abundance and then explore the galaxy.

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To quote Dennis Prager: “Everything the Left touches it destroys”

This is no less true of energy than health care. The best cheap and abundant Green Energy on planet earth is hydrocarbon fuel. Based on lifecycle cost and carbon emissions fossil fuels are far better for the planet than wind and solar when large scale substitution is considered. And large scale substitution is not only impractical, it isn’t even feasible. Trying to force it is a recipe for a global disaster that will devastate economies and lives. Everything the Left touches it destroys. And they are doing it on purpose.

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Mostly true except the best cheap and abundant energy on Earth is Nuclear Energy. Just the trace uranium and thorium in ordinary rock has an energy density of ~30X that of coal. While we will exhaust economical reserves of fossil fuel in the next hundred years or so. Just fission fuel accessible on the Earth's land surface will easily power our civilization for the next 100 Myrs. And the density of deuterium in ordinary Earth water gives it an energy density 300X that of gasoline. Interesting fact, Mars water has 6X the deuterium than that of Earth water.

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Ends and means. And the ends? Enslavement of humanity . Its hardly the manner in which to achieve any benefit except for the elite. It's only loosely connected to power and CO2 reduction. The converse is actually the truth whereby power reduction and consequent hunger and illness permits the aim of human enslavement.

So if they go around espousing the solution as to be exploiting said slavery as the only path they are certainly evil. So the solution is evil and for those at the top it enables significant personal enrichment at others expense. Climate goals. Evil.

Their aims or ends are suspicious.

Their means? Even worse. Esg ends free market economy. Apps tracking your spending or carbon use distorts free market and controls you. Just big brother Ccp communism. Killing free speech ends democracy and the ability to put forth ingenuity.

The free market economy with a free people has an ability to solve issues better than the end of true democracy. Who believes Brazils results. Bidens bots that's who. Climate Means unseets the power that is in the people. And round we go. The means enables the same enslavement of the people. Highly suspicious. So if climate change means and ends only produces suffering and enslavement? No one should believe them.

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100% agree.

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I remember when them clever NGO people were trying to get women in South Asia to use solar cookers, so that a nice pullao which might take two hours to cook would then need a good six.

It's true that smoky fires in homes with poor ventilation cause a lot of respiratory illness and shortened lifespans for women. There's the technology to fix that, of course.

I see the above as emblematic of, you know, everything these days.

[edited for spelling]

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I know, so much easier to give a solar cooker than really improve the lives of those families. But perhaps I have been made cynical by reading too much lately about the poverty industry...can't let people be independent of you, you could be out of a job if they could solve the problem...

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I learned much of that when I founded a women's center in Pakistan in 2000. The NGOs and the money flowing to them is mostly all water buffalo dung. Everybody, at every level, skims some money off the top. And then the programs are mostly feel-good show-off projects.

I managed to accomplish something real but had to fight from every angle to do it.

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Wow. I'm impressed! (For reals! That is a real accomplishment)

But yeah, its like all the NGOs milking social issues here. It's about getting your 6 figures, not really solving the problem. In fact, if the problem is solved, one needs to keep inventing problems, nurturing and growing them just for job security. Hell, even John Le Carre saw this and included it in the Constant Gardener. It's not like its hidden, but no one wants to see.

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To be sure, I was in a situation where extended family by marriage were able to help establish the program with me (and some of them then do their damnedest to destroy the program too). This was building on my experience working as the support person for a charitable foundation in NY so I'd learned a tremendous amount about grantwriting and whom to approach for money.

But what I learned was that poor people often can very intelligently figure out what they need and will work hard to try and get it. The political/social forces working against them are extremely hard to circumvent, and there is no such thing as "sisterhood."

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Yup, and with the engineered energy price hikes, interest rates, etc. even more businesses will go down putting millions more out of jobs and homes necessitating support and total compliance in order to receive it.

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Putting people out of work is a great tool for getting inflation under control... if you believe the governor of the B of E, Andrew Bailey. A "tight labour market" creates difficulties in the economy by increasing inflationary pressures". So that's a good thing to make people's businesses go bust then and put their employees out of work.

Well done, Andrew, 10/10 for being so diligent, and, of course, raising interest rates to make mortgages less affordable, thereby driving down house prices, and putting recent buyers into negative equity will only help your cause.

The Great Reset is alive and prospering, unlike anyone not on the inside of it.

I'm not selfish, I think that the world will be a better place once we've screwed ourselves. We are the only species on the planet that causes global imbalance. We can't destroy the planet, we can only destroy ourselves. Net zero 2035 will do that nicely.

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Just as an aside, I’m self-employed, I’m, as of yesterday’s rate rise along with the jacking up of energy prices, over £600 a month worse off. I didn’t have that spare to start with.

I’m lucky in that I have options to try to increase my income, by working longer hours and adding in things that I had to stop 15 years ago.

It’s not going to be easy, but it’s easier than those who are on fixed incomes and have no other options.

Andrew Bailey, has none of those problems. He’s on £575k a year from the B of E and no doubt has other financial options, so for him and his buddies, his decisions will have no ramifications for them at all.

I’m not jealous, but a harsh dose of reality for them would maybe make them rethink their utterly ridiculous and economically insane protocols.

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Is there a reason certain cultures never developed chimneys or wind-eyes, you think?

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It's just the poorest don't always have the resources to do even simple things in a better way.

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I was thinking more that structurally speaking it's not that much of a difference between a mud&straw hut 500 years ago or a corrugated sheetmetal one today with regards to how smoke moves indoors, and a basic chimney - just a pipe with a draft really - is neither high tech nor expensive.

Yet the concept of chimneys (or their pre-decessor the even cheaper and simpler wind-eye) in all their shapes seem strangely absent from many cultures.

On the plus-side, Solvatten (Solarwater) is and has been a thing for years now and is doing wonders in poor areas:


Cheap, easy to use, long-lasting, re-usable components, doesn't need fuel or electricity. It not only purifies the water using UV light, it heats it too, cutting down the use of firewood/dung.

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Culture is always micro-local, and it never stopped surprising me how there were places where even the rich tolerated extremely unhealthy conditions because they just didn't give a damn.

The last time I was there, I lived on a street where most of the people were extremely rich and all of them were related to us in one way or another. My parents-in-law had the humblest house but on each side of us were mighty fine establishments.

An open drainage ditch ran along the whole street. Across from us was a lot the neighbors--rich neighbors--used to burn trash in.

For the poorest people, a lot of cooking is done outside over wood or charcoal during the hot season which is brutal. Not everyone even bothers to build a simple latrine.

There's a strong, strong pull against the one who innovates and tries to make things better in a way that others can themselves copy. Jealousy and mockery.

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Figuring out the "why" of that is a really big chestnut in pol sci which believe it or not is what I really trained for, not the fuzzier stuff so I think I'm about as realistic about it as one can be without having actually worked abroad in such capacities. A fellow I worked with was in Rwanda during the genocide and had the Devil of a time trying to explain to the professors of the PolSci institution that a) 90%+ of all aid money goes to propping up the people causing the problems and b) the weapons emabargo only meant the violence got even more brutal - rocks and spears and clubs since ammo got harder to come by.

Of course, me being a cynical bastard even then could point out to him that c) aid money is used to ensure the people in charge give contracts to and buy money from the nation giving them the aid money in the first place and that that is the sole purpose of foreign aid.

What you describe I'd call crabs-in-a-bucket mentality almost, since it seems the rich and powerful are quite content to live on the edge of a bucket of dross, as long as they are the ones up top.

I just find it weird. Consider my ancestors who managed to thrive here 7 000 years ago - why come cultures (I really hate the way race is -again- being used by all and sundry today in these contexts) seemingly couldn't develop concepts like (translating an old idiom very badly) "helping eachother helps everyone" or the fenno-scandic mentality described by Runeberg in his poems and writings, Paavo and his wife especially.

Thinking about stuff like this, it feels easy to understand why "world-improvers" start thinking like despotism is the only way, I think? Like they need to see the results now, not only during their lifetime but during the next fiscal year or quarter - so anymethods gets it done now is good, and those ground up by the process are just grease for the wheels of the Jagganatha of process.

Or maybe people like you or me or all the decent people we'll never meet who just wants to get by are becoming the minority due to technology making us unnecessary for the cohesiveness of societies.

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So funny you mention crabs-in-a-bucket because that's exactly the metaphor used over there too. Everyone knows their nearest-'n-dearest don't want them to ever get out.

We were getting "free" sewing machines from the local director of Social Welfare but had to kick something back to him in return. Our certificate of official charitable organization status depended on it. He only stole a tolerable amount from us, to be sure.

Edit: There are religions demanding conformity to a written scripture that can't be argued with (if you argue and survive, you're forced out and form your own sub-sect), and cultures where the myths serve as examples of wise or foolish behavior but on the temporal plane, human beings are forced to negotiate or fight and must make sensible choices, or die.

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A long time ago in the early 90s before there was commercial internet in the UK I was on an online service called Compuserve. One day I entered a chatroom and was watching 2 people chat about what was then called Global Warming, one of the participants was talking about how they could use the threat of Global Warming to control and tax people. I interjected and was immediately and without explanation kicked from that chatroom. The user that kicked me out was AL.GORE.

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How did you get access to the Bilderberg chatroom!?

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There was no security on the Compuserve chatrooms, anyone could just click and get access, it was a simpler time. I'm guessing all the chats are archived in some database at No Such Agency.

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we are poisoning the earth but co2 is bs

we have detonated over 2000 nukes, 528 atmospheric detonations but they are worried about the climate? pull the other one

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The isotope release into the environment from nuclear weapons detonations is insignificant compared to other forms of pollution, including atmospheric pollution of mostly sulfates from Volcanic eruptions. In fact they release more radiation to the environment than all the nuclear weapons detonations.

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have you ever noticed the soil near volcanoes? how much stronger and greener the plant life is? in every 'blue zone' where humans live healthier and longer than anywhere else theres a nearby volcano. sulfur is vital for life, its involved in most chemical reactions in the body.

huge man made radiation plumes however have no positives that spring to mind

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Yes because volcanic ash contains a lot of minerals of which plant growth is dependent upon. That's why we add fertilizers to agricultural soil. And yes sulfur is one of the essential minerals, and yes plants can get that in volcanic ash, but sulfates in the atmosphere to excess, cause acid rain and reduced solar insolation which seriously reduces plant and agricultural growth. Any substance in excess causes harm including radiation. And sorry, give up on the nutty notion that man made radiation is different than natural radiation. The fact that there is no positives from a nuclear blast does not give license to blow the negatives out of proportion by a factor of a billionX.

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Just learned about this, the Boron Torch. fmbr.org/boron-fusion-torch proposed in 1968! Instead, they went to war so that they could cause disruption with oil, put prices up astronomically to make more money for them and impoverish us plebs further. They are doing it again now with these sanctions. Any cheap fuel invention like cars running on water or hydrogen have always been halted as well as cancer cures made from nature which can't be patented by anyone. Shame on these monsters who have the powers! From listening to many scientists not paid by govs, they will tell you the climate does change and it has nothing to do with CO2! We are actually in a cooling period too. Notice how powers that be have changed their language now from global warming to climate change? Also, when one delves deep into wild fires, floods etc. you will find in lots of instances they are not natural and have been caused for political reasons, to get people off land they want or to punish certain leaders for not obeying what these monsters want. There is plenty info out about weather manipulation that can even insigate volcanic eruptions, tsunamis as well as droughts and floods. Look up HAARP, geoengineering, chem trails. I only became a conspiracy theorist since Sept 2020 when I found it was a plandemic!

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Net zero/green agendas are in place because of native but sincere dim-wittery/neuroticism in a sizeable portion of the population. Wait until they run out of potatoes and toilet paper -- they'll then be busy being hungry and walking around with dingle-berries, both of which will result in abandoment of the net zero/green agendas.

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Absolutely l

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Geoenginering pretending to be climate change or global warming. The evil elite.

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Looking forward to seeing the wind and solar farms power the factories where wind farm parts and solar panels are made.

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LMFAO, great point. Michael Moore's last movie made some similar points about how ridiculous all of the alternative forms of energy actually are. A source I trust has suggested that hydro and geothermal are 2 forms of energy that will actually be able to replace fossil fuels ( but not in their current state. They need more development to be more efficient).

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They know that the best way of enslaving people ( tried, tested, verified) is to appeal to "virtue", "all in it togetherness" and "the science"- backed up with fear, compulsion and catastrophising.

I also agree with Myra below- "Man made climate change" should not be conflated with wanton destruction and irresponsibility to animals, people and the land; the first is a controlling narrative, the second is our responsibility to keep in balance with nature.

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If man made climate change were real, and the threat they claim it is, they would be building nuclear reactors so fast your head would spin.

Half of these climate alarmists just hate humans. They literally suffer from psychological conditions and hate humans.

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That is the fact that they really hate being reminded of. Remind them, remind them a lot. If not for the actions of these hypocrites there wouldn't be a major coal power plant on Earth right now.

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Sol & Earth agave been traveling at 65,000mph into the gas & dust of the Orion Arm of our galaxy for 50 years. We have 5-million years to go through it. Sol’s bow wave heats it up and it funnels down the on the North Pole melting it first. We can deal with this trend in tyranny with collapse or Freedom with ingenuity. When the gas & dust are thicker it shifts asteroids & comets to clobber us. Of the 14 spiral arms, this intersection of Orion & Cygnus Arms is the 2nd most thick. Our path around the Milky Way undulates above and below the plane of the Galaxy at an occilation of about 60-degrees. We might hit the arm hi, low, or in the middle, so I am leading an effort to make and launch space sensors to quantify what we are up against. See EarthPathDefense.com STARCO.info or contact me to learn more about being an actionary instead of whining. Brock@Freedomi.tv

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Most people are stupid. That’s the reason.

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I know many smart people beleive we have reached peak oil...but we need to continue to use the oil we can get until we come up with something better...and wind and solar and electricity (which comes from oil and coal) can NEVER cut it. There are not enough rare earth minerals in the world to support this.

That is a fact. Even if the time needed to recover them is not factored in, and we could get them tomorrow. There are not enough.

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I don't understand enough about the science to know if CO2 related man-made climate change is true or not, but I do know that geoengineering and weather warfare are also in the mix. So the changing climate could be man-made because of geoengineering and weather warfare in order to centralize power and money.

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The question often asked "Do you believe in Climate Change?" I find to be telling. Belief is what is asked of people, not research, debate and information sharing.

It is a qualifier used to those who rely on social proof over measurable evidence.

Words people use often reveal a truth. Which is one reason such a war on words exists currently in culture.

A proper question might be "what do you know about climate change?" or "do you think man made climate change is a hoax?" etc... but we never get that.

Using the word "believe" as so often asked, reminds me of another question often heard, though very long ago for me "do you believe in Santa Claus?" Provoking the same response as the CC question when I say "no." From what would otherwise appear to be adults...

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There are so many inconsistencies in the position of the Greenies, the mind boggles. From the infinitesimal amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to the fact that CO2 rises lag temperature rises, to CO2 levels being much higher in the past without climate changes, to the fact that there were no SUVs during the Ice age and the subsequent warming eras...blah blah blah....

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I'm not opposed to nuclear energy development, but we may be able to do much better (brilliantlightpower.com). What I object to is bad engineering and maintenance practice, which seems to be common. The French reactors and others are to be pressed into service beyond their engineered lifetimes because of political pressure may be a very big deal. Radiation flux degrades materials integrity like ordinary flying stresses gradually degrade aircraft structural integrity. What do you think the probability is that extending of lifetimes will be approved in a non-political manner, 10^-9 maybe?

Maybe not such a big deal unless the meltdown is a few miles upwind of your community. Support transparency in nuclear plant operation and inspection.

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HI, I could not find the link to the graph in World in Data for 2020, just up to 2015.. can you please post it.. Thanks

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It seems possible that billions of humans generating heat might the planet to warm but mostly gov bureaucrats and those dependent on gov money are drinking the Kool Aide. Trusting these same captured bureaucrats to fix it requires ignoring their train wreck of policies, corruption and constant lies.

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I picked “something else,” because at a higher level than money it’s always about control; if you have control the money takes care of itself.

The agenda pushers deliberately chose CO2 as a “unit of global warming/climate change” because a “carbon footprint” can be associated with every human activity.

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If the real reason for zero carbon was that we're running out of cheap energy, why wouldn't elites just say so? Why continuously pump out this bogus climate change stuff?

Besides, the solution to not having enough cheap energy would be to invest a lot more money in energy R&D - not to punish and depress the fossil fuel industry, and hurt our economies.

So that explanation does not make sense to me. It's a power grab, just as we've recently seen with Covid. Another manufactured crisis by the same people for the same ends.

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Because that would make the masses panic and control is lost.

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What?? You're kidding right? All they do is incite panic to GAIN control. 🤣

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Actual panic rather than controlled panic

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I don't see why telling people we need to cut down on fossil fuels and develop alternatives because we are running out would result in actual panic, while the constant hysteria they pump out creates controlled panic. So that whole line of argument doesn't seem to me to make sense.

I'm also not convinced we have a future energy crisis looming. It's definitely an issue to consider, but there are plenty of potential energy sources. So far, the only energy crisis I'm seeing is the one western "leaders" are creating themselves.

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I'm not convinced we've run out of energy either but I'm saying if we have and you are in charge, you would want enough of a panic to control the population but not so much panic that they start looting, destroying and killing etc.

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End of cheap energy? Debt is payment now for future energy. Buckminster Fuller's "Energy Slaves" cartoon is a good primer for the Surplus energy economics argument. Check out Dr. Tim Morgan's blog and Consciousness of Sheep.

Covid response with stimulus as solution to liquidity crisis, QR codes for rationing, access and mobility and fast tracked gene therapy platforms followed by resource war towards multipolar world order - regional energy alliances following LTG timeline/WEF narrative as a form of financial reset and CT comprehensive technology solution?

Transition to renewables as carrot on stick defying the laws of physics, depending on cheap abundant fossil fuel inputs and available rare Earth minerals. See Resilience website and Our Finite World. Unlimited Hangout, Wrong Kind of Green and Wrench in the Gears make compelling, well-sourced arguments about coordinated global efforts to leverage data/analytics, surveillance and behavior science. Power and control in the central planning model are needed to steer humanity through a perceived bottleneck while preserving Elite wealth and core Industrial civilization.

Geoengineering can still be a response to natural cycles. Suspicious Observers is getting some attention with new science confirming micronovas and magnetic poles are currently shifting. Besides the energy depletion angle the idea that the Elite are preparing for a plotted geological or celestial event is plausible. See 4chan "i_reddit_for_lulz" thread October 2016. See David Martin's explanation of Moderna original funding to re-write human DNA post extinction event. The plot thickens..

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Commie takeover.

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We need to separate the fact of climate change (ask the Inuits whether it's real) and the (also) fact that it is being used as an excuse to impose tyranny.

Both are real; both are real problems.

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Have you asked the inuits?

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Not personally, but I've seen some of them showing their homes subsiding, or falling into water because of the unprecedented melting, and showing their underground refrigerators/freezers that are now unreliable because of warming, and complaining that they now can't easily take routes they used to, because they can't walk across the ice because it's now a flowing river.

My point is that there is real-world observable evidence that this is happening. It shouldn't be denied; but an additional problem for us is that the powers/entities/new gods are making this an excuse to control the human population.

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It sounds like you are describing something that you saw in a documentary. If I had its name (if it is a documentary), I would try to corroborate those claims. Documentaries on this topic are often made by activist producers and directors, and funded by NGOs with a very specific agenda and bias. So I'm not saying those scenes you saw are not a true representation of the lives of all inuits, but I wouldn't bet that they definitely are, either. A documentary can make feel like you saw something with your own eyes, so it must be real; but what you actually saw is a cinematic representation of reality. You don't know what was left out, you don't know the biases and motives of the film's makers.

I've been spending many hours researching climate change from many angles over the past couple of years. I'd say there's probably a little warming over the past century and a half, but it is far from certain that it's all, or mostly, manmade. It's also far from certain that it's leading us towards a climate catastrophe. Also, the policies advocated to prevent this supposed catastrophe don't seem to be any good.

Consider that climate on earth has always changed, long before we started burning fossil fuels. We've been through many glacial periods and interglacial periods. It's been hotter than it is today and also much colder. We've survived all these changes and continued to thrive. So has the planet.

The latest cold period was the Little Ice Age, several really cold centuries that ended around 1850. It's been warming since - which is exactly what you'd expect after such a cold period. 1850, BTW, is at least a century before CO2 levels are claimed to have reached a level that could raise the planet's temperature.

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Destruction of the world economy to usher in a single world currency.

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After more than a century of romantic Luddite ideas being spread, first in fiction in the tail end of the 18th century and then increasingly in mainstream media, we are all primed to believe the Climate Change dogma.

No conspiracy needed, we as a civilisation have simply created a narrative that terrifies us and which we now desperately tries to ward off via rituals and tokens; like a bunch of kids telling eachother horror stories while out hiking, only on a much grander scale.

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No conspiracy needed doesn't mean there isn't a conspiracy. In fact there is and it has used climate change as just another case of "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste" = their favorite mantra.

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Of course, but 1):

Why /a/ conspiracy? Far more credible to believe all actors have thier own divergent, convergent, cpmpeting and mutlually completing agendas. Much more messy to keep track of, but also - going by both individual human behaviour and history - much more credible and probable.

and 2):

Any such western conspirators have all grown up exposed to the underlying narrative I alluded to in the inital post; no matter what they have for a personal goal it will be framed in the context of "Climate Change is real destroying the Planet"; even someone denying Climate Change acts as if it was real, the same way an atheist must first acknowledge religion or the way an anti-racist always is racist. The Thing (Climate Change as a concept) exists and we can only adapt and react to it.

plus 3):

Humans always act, react and interpret reality based on perceptions and preconceived notions of reality (doesn't mean reality changes due to it the way some people believe): hence more ice than ever on either pole would be a proof of Climate Change, so woould less ice than ever. This makes the entirety of Climate Change-hypotheses useless from any scientific perspective since it self-confirmins in a recursive loop. It's like trying to point to the start/end of a circle: completely arbitrary and decided by the observer.

thus, 4):

Only environmental effects that can be conclusively proven are of interest. Such as allowing weed killers made from 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (especially when combined), or phtalates, or... well, the list of what capitalist-corporativist industry merrily dumps in the water table is too long even for substack. Therefore, environmentalism is better served going after real proven dangers - those of us old enough to remember when environmentalist organisations did just that and went after corporations and governements also understands why it became imperative for big biz, politicians and their owners in the banking clans to take control of environemntalism by utilising the nebulous and vague "Climate Change"-boogeyman.

/rant as the kids say, all in good faith and spirit.

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Rant, it seems is all we can do about it and hope to build people

up to unite.

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Rant or stream of consciousness, it's all good - I don't claim to be right or correct objectively speaking, but the above is how I think it (the concept of Climate Change) came to be and how it is structured internally.

And maybe someone can find something useful in it?

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Looking at the poll results and this is a huge win for the specific PR Team that has been tasked with ensuring the masses absolutely do not understand that the fundamental problem we are facing is one of cheap energy depletion.

Lots of energy left - but as is quite clear by energy bills that are multiples of what they were --- civilization implodes without cheap energy.

The Central Banks have been using stimulus to fight the pernicious effects of expensive energy since the turn of the century... lower interest rates has been their most powerful tool -- a barrel of oil costs $100+... no problem -- we put more money in your pocket to offset that dropping interests to record lows! We pump up the housing and stock markets creating 'prosperity'

And we party on!!!

SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

Unfortunately as we saw in 2008 the party blew up ... never mind said the Central Banks .. we will just deliver a bigger truckloads of cocaine and the party will soar to new heights.

Then in 2019... the cocaine no longer kept the party going ... what happened? Oh yes shale oil the only growing source of oil (and definitely not cheap) peaked https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

And then - to conserve the remaining cheap energy that remained the green bs was put into overdrive... and CONvid was foisted upon us.

We are not running low on cheap oil --- we are transitioning off oil! Who needs oil...

2035 the world will be driving EVs only - it is The Law.

Air Canada has purchased EV airplanes - see - it's all happening (only it's not - this is just spin to make people THINK it's happening) https://www.freethink.com/environment/air-canada-electric-hybrid

If you want more details just click here - this is a summary of the PR Team's game plan to convince people that oil is so ... 20th century... https://time.com/collection/great-reset/

And I would be remiss not to mention the Ukraine 'war'... any one know what that's actually all about? Yes I heard that Putin is a villain and Zelensky is awesome... of course he is!


Might it be that this 'war' was orchestrated by the people who are in control of the world -- and that it's mostly theatre with Putin and Zelensky agreeing to play the lead roles... Ya some people are getting killed -- but there is also plenty of staged stuff that's on video --- like crisis acting stuff...






Oh no the PR Team would not kill people to create the perception that there is a war for democracy ... would they? Of course they would - they killed children by the hundreds of thousands -- here they are admitting it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntsfiAXMEE

What is the purpose of this you ask? When you get the November power bill that is 3x higher than last year's power bill and you are wondering how you are going to buy food if this keeps up ... the first thing that pops into your mind is -- The Ukraine War - the second thing is -- that bastard Putin --- the third is -- I'll pay the damn bill and take cold showers -- to support Zelensky (the really good guy with a serious cocaine habit) --- and the 4th - and MOST important thing is...

This is just a temporary situation -- once that war is over we go back to normal ... there were hard times during WW1 and 2... so this is not much to ask... it's temporary.

And it never crosses your mind to think hang on ... expensive energy is what would happen if there was not enough cheap energy... HEH!!! We are running out of energy - we are doomed!!! Then you panic and fall into despair (along with billions of other people)...

The PR Team has also planted seeds including the ones that make you think the injections are about $$$. Think about how utterly ridiculous this is. If you have the power to control all govts big business tech and the MSM... would you flog some dodgy meds to make a few billion? hahahaha...

And would you flog dodgy meds that are killing and maiming millions? Why not just flog a placebo?

And how do you control people like Putin and Xi - two of the richest men on the planet... would they be willing to take a few coins to participate in such an outrageous plan that involves killing women and children - and babies?

Come on people --- this is utter nonsense. Did all these people across the world suddenly wake up and say -- I think I'll be complicit in mass murder with Big Pharma... sounds like a great idea!

The PR Team is absolutely brilliant - they deserve a bonus --- 88% vote for the $$$ option.

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If they know we've reached peak oil, why not heavily invest in nuclear? That's the part that doesn't make sense if it were just for peak oil reasons?

Perhaps you would like to write a guest post to get some discussion going about some of these points you raise?

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Why nuclear power will never supply the world's energy needs https://phys.org/news/2011-05-nuclear-power-world-energy.html

The End of Cheap Uranium (Cornell University Research) https://arxiv.org/abs/1106.3617

My guest post: https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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They're deliberately trying to kill us.

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Let's look back at the deaths of Vincent Foster and Ron Brown.

This is an appendix that Patrick Knowlton was able to have attached to Kenneth Starr's final report. https://www.scribd.com/doc/261976720/Patrick-Knowlton-addendum-Vince-Foster-death-Kenneth-Starr-investigation

This appendix is a collection of official evidence that invalidates all the main official final conclusions.

See Chris Ruddy's excellent book.

I had a couple taped interviews of forensic pathologists and staff from Dover AFB concerning the strange death of Ron Brown.

Going public was a career mutilating decision, as with the doctors of FLCCC. Those MD officers went public because they were not allowed to perform an autopsy on Brown's corpse, which was not killed in the airplane crash. Brown had an apparent bullet hold on the top of his head. See Jack Cashill's book.

We have been manipulated by lies since civilization began and deceptions have been a mainstay of survival since life began.

Self-deception is rolled into the mix as well. It appears to be the preferred mode of operation, facilitating much social functionality.

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Energy is deliberately and artificially being made more costly to serve the anti-capitalist agenda.

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