Obviously it was impossible to forecast that this would happen. If you spend money you haven’t got there are only a few ways it can go. You tax people more (so that they are poorer), you print money causing inflation (so that people are poorer) or you borrow money (so your children are poorer). Ideally do all that. And pay people not to work. Force small businesses out of business. For best results disrupt the supply chain so that prices rice (cost push + demand pull) and people are poorer. In a perfect world you’d engineer an energy crisis by intentionally restricting domestic production and propagating a conflict and then justify sanctions a food and fertiliser crisis would be the cherry on top. How about encouraging and paying for illegal migrants to live off taxpayers’ money, that’s always a winner.

Every cloud though eh, Herr Schwab is coming to save us with his NWO.

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These idiots invent the problem and then provide the ready, helpful solutions based entirely on their terms. All of this is intentional.

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May 7, 2022
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I know. Once in a while I stumble across one but rarely

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I feel the same. Most are clueless....it's crazy!!

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Who would have thought that splurging trillions on lockdowns, supply chain disruptions, tests, vaccines etc. would have actual results on the economy and people's real finances?!

It's almost like reality exists and actions have consequences.

Well at least the war in Ukraine and cutting Russia off from the global economy won't have more consequences. Right?

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Years of financial repression as they inflate the debts away. Livings standards in the West will halve.

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"Inflate the debts away" isn't even a thing as governments are also in the most debt ever. It just reduces their payments, but debt rare goes down and never stays down.

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The entire gestalt is already worryingly like the times of the Weimar Republic, great depression, world war and rise of the Nazis in Europe.

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Looks like a period of stagflation, rising inflation plus recession. These measly rate increases are entirely insufficient to deal with inflation. Even then they cannot raise rates much higher in America, as higher rates would bankrupt the country, paying out interest payments on all that debt. Yet they are going to have to keep printing to keep financial markets afloat. It is a nightmare predicament.

The incompetency is astounding. It is pretty clear, some people are going to have to feel the pain, and our elite will do whatever it takes to make certain it is not the elite who suffer. The rest of humanity can eat vaccine mandates or whatever.

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Absolutely the elite are making sure this does not touch them or their day to day life; they have NO IDEA, none, not a clue, since they are unaware of even HOW gasoline gets into their vehicles, or HOW food gets into their cupboards and freezers ! They only know it does somehow appear on a regular basis. They also do not live on pension funds they contributed to every week, out of their weekly pay, while working 30 to 40 or more years. Most elites have never had an actual contributing job, so a 30%, 40% loss of pension funds' investments have no meaning to them whatsoever, life goes on as usual... a "let them eat cake" kind of mentality ! It is truly like a science fiction tale that any administration, regardless of which political party is in office, could contain as many incompetent, uneducated (in micro and macro economics, war/propaganda strategy, how the federal reserve bank "works", the importance of borders, etc. etc. etc.) individuals, and how UN ARTICULATE almost every secretary, spokesperson, and cabinet head is... no one is able to speak CLEARLY in a way people can understand ! In their speech, they "wander around" with these huge UNRELATED "word salads" ? Hoping, perhaps, that most people will become so lost in the DISJOINTED topics that their minds simply "turn off" as the "speaking" goes on and on and NEVER comes to a focus ? Never comes to any POINT ? Never seen or experienced anything like it ! All administrations have a certain percentage of "useless wood", but I've never seen one like this from either party !

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May 10, 2022
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YES, yes, yes... can you write that again (especially the part about the "quantitative easing", chuckle, chuckle) ... is there anyway you can say that LOUD enough to get anyone's attention ???? I am becoming so cynical I don't think anyone is left who even CARES about how federal funds rates move ! It's maddening to say the least ! And energy policy ? Do we even HAVE one ? Buy electric cars is NOT an "energy" policy, how can anyone NOT understand that.....

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Actually dropping cash from helicopters would probably be less detrimental.

Unless it's coins, of course.

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Two observations;

First this paragraph, "If you haven’t had a pay rise of at least 8% this year, you’ve had a pay cut. If you have money in the bank, it is being stolen through inflation." is what so many fail to understand. It's almost as if they had a plan when they removed basic economics from the education curriculums.

And second, since I gravitate towards analogies, we have been on a forced sugar high diet of givernment helicopter money for so long, many have become financial diabetics. I truly fear the economic insulin shot will be worse than any vaccine.

Tough times ahead, will cull some of the herd, and maybe thats a good thing in the long run. But hard to watch.

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What an outstanding analogy ! It's so sad, we print, and print, and print money and not a person of any rank in D.C. who even knows what that does ! And I doubt very many who NEED to read this social media site, and think about the comments here, ever bother to read it. People who are so deep into ONE line of thinking, seldom bother to read diverse media of any kind. CNN people, for instance, I have found do not EVER want to watch/hear any other source, same for more conservative sources such as Fox news. Many colleagues will watch on what they consider "their side". Now we have the abortion "debate" going, and the reporting is just so dishonest it's hard to believe it is allowed. What is pending here, is the possibility that each state would get to vote on how they handle abortion (eeekkkksss... almost like democracy when a country decides to let the RESIDENTS decide such issues !), and yet, it is being reported that the USA is ENDING ABORTION across the board and "enslaving" women. Meanwhile, the president speaks out that BIG issues like this and many others are just too important to leave up to the people ! What he is saying is, the masses are too uneducated, too stupid, to be trusted with democracy. That, of course, would take a literate population, something we are grasping at straws to get anymore (allowing students to drop out at outrageous rates, with no need to present a reason, or have parental permission, nothing, just don't go to school ! )

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Our populace has been lulled into complacency and as long as they have their iPhones and WiFi and social media they are happy. We have become spoiled by affluence and now many people will be shaken and awakened to find out they have become prisoners in a system they themselves allowed to be put in place.

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"However, we can all see where things are really heading."

Where? "A terrible few years" sounds about right to me. I would say "a terrible few hundred years" is also likely.

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Well, how else could it go if we continue to allow our schools to teach nothing but social unrest, we drop all classic education, we no longer have a requirement of MANDATORY attendance for education (notice if you will, that the children of the ruling class are NOT allowed to drop out of school....interesting ! Even if involved in drugs, DUI, even crimes and other "delinquent like behaviors", you notice they STILL graduate from prestigious high schools AND go on to Ivy League and/or the most prestigious public universities regardless of what they have done ! Isn't that interesting ? Yet, the teen of a poor family, who uses drugs, is involved in petty crime, etc. is allowed to drop out of school with NO questions asked, no interventions, no formal process of any kind. Again, isn't that interesting ? Two teens, same age, same anti-social behaviors, yet, one tries to drop out of school and the result is NO WAY, NOT ALLOWED, period, the other is never even contacted by school authorities, parents do not have to give permission, etc. ! Meanwhile, we take in THOUSANDS of completely illiterate new citizens per DAY, many who, at BEST, went to our equivalent of 3rd grade. Many with out even those three years of education, people who can not read at or write at all. What the USA NEEDS, before it's too late, is MANDATORY EDUCATION UNTIL 18 YEARS OF AGE. Many would really object I know, but we simply have to turn this around. We do not need more and more gangs of young teens, with no education and no direction, out roaming the streets all day and night. It's time to stop blaming parents (many who SHOULD be blamed, but they won't change, so we need to just institute, for the good of our country's future, to impose mandatory education !

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Order makes freedom possible; chaos necessitates control.

Meaning that sometimes all that's left are the unpleasant options:

Want to fix homelessness? Police-state like shanty towns, segregated by gender and race, under constant control and supervision: three squares a day, 10hour workdays on the kolchos fields' and mandatory vocational training when not working, and then a work-release programme for those willing to try socity again.

Pure authoritarianism, but no homeless, no starvation, and all the crime they cause are contained. Good? Bad? Does the result matter or does following an -ism or other matter more?

You'll notice most people (rightfully) protesting against corporate and governement overreach do not offer any alternatives re: fixing societal problems. Probably because they know, deep down, that their values, mores and ideologies can't.

Which is the same problem said corporate governement has: it must be fixed according to the arbitrary rulebook of abstract principles.

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So true, especially that most do not "think" past the surface about such matters and, therefore, you are so right that suggestions are seldom, if ever, offered ! The homelessness "problem was an excellent example", certainly could be "contained"... to some degree of course, but we do always discuss getting to the "root causes". So, homelessness has always existed, but somewhat hidden. Now has multiplied to such a degree that there is not longer a way to keep in "hidden" in the alleys and the "woods at the edge of town", now it keeps multiplying like in the tale of the sorcerer's apprentice. The root ? Surely untreated mental illness (closing of local and state institutions in mass), our dismal record of basic high school education has to be a major contributor, the proliferation of drugs and the removal of any stigma for drug and alcohol use (so it is "good" that people who chose this are not longer taunted, shamed as the "town drunk", but, that very approval comes at a price also ! And this is only dissecting a FEW of the many "root causes" on only ONE major problem in our society. Is it then surprising, that people become overwhelmed and look to their political "superiors" to solve all these problems for them, that government becomes THE answer ?

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Yeah a "few years" sells it short well short. This crap is here and going to linger. And thats just the economy... just wait till they unleash the rest of the chaos

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If one has money in the bank, where is the best location to move the money to?

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For a return? Or for just ensuring it doesn't vanish entirely? Some cash on hand, some physical precious metals (gold,silver) isnt a bad idea. The caveat with metals is that they control the market and price on that too.... it should be far higher than it is currently already but they screw with it... silver for example they manipulate by inventing/frauding sales on paper... sometimes "selling" more silver in a day than comes out of the ground in a whole year!! Gold royalty stocks too apparently. Every system is rigged. Some into btc if you have the gumption for the volatility... diversifying makes some sense so your winners cover your losers... at the moment its a game of just dont go too far backwards 😊 good luck!

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Not for return, just a decent stop gap. I have a substantial amount that I would not like to see vanish.

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Bill Gates is buying land. Not stupid.

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An eternal question. Where and how to store value.

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Quantative Easing really is the ultimate stealth tax, and it hits the poorest hardest as they are unable to shift around what little wealth they have into assets, other currencies etc to shield it from the effects of inflation.

I don't understand why zero % rates and QE have preserved for so long. Wasn't that a 2008 crisis measure? Shouldn't we have returned to normal by now? (I know why, it's called Modern Monetary Theory and it's as theoretical as Critical Race Theory, which is to say not at all, but did everyone buy into the idea?)

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Where are things really heading? Help me out.

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For some historical context and an instructive cantor through history this work does a good job of joining a lot of dots. You could draw a credible line through them leading directly to the present day.


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Great post!

I personally love chaos and rapid historical shifts.

Inflation and shortage of natural resources was the most easily predictable consequence of money printing and financial starvation of resource exploration.

Dieoff from a laboratory made HIV-like virus with a coronavirus backbone, and a radically novel "vaccine" is also, unfortunately, easy to predict.

Have fun people and remember, what will happen is not the fault of Naked Emperor, me, or our subscribers. Let's hope we avoid as many troubles as we can by being wise and healthy, and help our loved ones, and warn those who we care about.

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That just about covers it.

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May 7, 2022
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And it's even the "small" insults that are (pardon my "language") almost like giving the "finger" to the working masses of this country. Example; President Biden is completely clueless about how very few people can afford an electric car, or can afford the electric bills that go with it (plugging in makes the meter spin so fast, a friend with one tells me) they think it will blow up in their garage !). Yet the very president telling all of us to buy an electric car, loudly, and publicly brags about his gasoline powered Corvette (a very low MPG auto), and how he "floors" it, "spins" out, in short, uses the most gasoline he possibly can (and he's nearly 80 years old, and acts like a 16 year old driving ? Who knows ?), and, his son, a known drug addict, drives a gasoline powered sports car that is a high use vehicle too ! And these people think none of the people working every day, keeping this country together (barely), even CARE about their royalty like behaviors ? ? ? Hillard Clinton, laughing right into our faces about how she could SMELL those of us who shop at Walmarts ! They ridicule us, they have NO IDEA of the background, educational level, or type of work each of us does, to them, we all just "smell" !

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May 8, 2022
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I agree. I think most are used to the various antics of politicians, but this has gone way too far.

Have you SEEN the videos of Elizabeth Warren (the native American Indian woman who ran for president) going completely mad, seems like a person who has no control over her emotions and just SCREAMS when the media shows up to cover her ? It's really beyond belief how some people have completely lost control of themselves. The dichotomy is sometimes startling. Today I saw a conservative black man, a well known doctor who also ran in the primary election. He also expressed his stance on abortion, as did senator Warren, both certainly have a right and even a duty to do so, but the dichotomy.... just STUNNING. Dr. Ben Carson (opposed to abortion) is very calm, has a VERY low, focused way of talking, uses as few words as possible, no "word salads". I watched and listened to him explain his position; it was simple and to the point. He said, in the USA, if a person murders a pregnant woman, they are charged with double homicide (true), but, it is perfectly legal to kill only the child. He simply pointed out this makes absolutely no rational sense, while the native American senator, Warren (pro-abortion) used her media exposure not to give rational support to her stance, but simply to scream that giving the right to decide the parameters for legal abortion to the states, to the local residents, she believes is akin to "destroying democracy" ? ? I suppose (??) she would also think giving the residents of each state the right to decide things like public school needs, would also, to her, mean, destroying democracy ? COUNTER to DEMOCRACY they all say ? How can that be ? Last week even the president (who we LIKE to think would KNOW the constitution backward and forward and blindfolded) said, these kinds of serious issues can NOT be left to the PEOPLE (did he mean the DUMB PEOPLE ? Is that what he is saying ? ) to decide. TOO IMPORTANT to be left to "the people to decide".... Wow ! If an issue, ANY issue, is voted on by the electorate, and the majority rules, is that not the very essence of democracy ? ?

Now, regardless of how people reading this "feel" about abortion, it is the WAY people speak and lay out their the views. By literally SCREAMING (very much like pictures of Hitler in old films !) and never giving attempting to lay out a coherent case for their views, and juxtaposition with a person of another persuasion who speaks calmly, and clearly, in a succinct manner to explain his views. That's what frustrates me. When people explain their differences on public media, they need to do so in some kind of logical fashion and reasonable tone and VOLUME of voice ! IMO ! It's hard to follow SCREAMING !

Another well known politician urged the masses to "get in the face" of those they disagree with, to confront them in public places when they are with their spouses and children, in stores and gas stations when they are trying to fill their autos. It's just awful, it is truly uncivilized, it's as if the ruling view is "I MUST get my way at ANY COST". The public behavior, is really out of hand.

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Yes, exactly, it is as if everyone around me is brain dead... don't even realize how the elites are making fun of us at every opportunity ! It's like Nancy P., who would be stunned to know many are hungry and how many many more are changing food consumption radically. Just yesterday, at the market, 3 different strangers I chatted informally with at the meat counter, related how they "might" buy "some beef for mother's day, but definitely not STEAKS." Then as we chatted, and I mentioned how long it had been since I purchased beef, most seemed to agree they purchase meat two to three time a week as a "treat", not as daily protein. Chicken is very expensive, went from approximately $1.99 a pound to $3.99-$4.50 a pound and, and is often just an empty space in the meat section. Fish, here in Florida, is so prohibitively expensive it is only for the tables of the Washington D.C. elite discussed here. Sycophants ? Oh yes, most definitely. The $21 a PINT ice cream type they keep in their $28K refrigerator/freezers. Nothing out of the ordinary !

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