“In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.”

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This maybe the most important piece you have written. The corruption of EBM has been clear from the JFK junior book on Fauci and for those who have done the deep dive on Peter Duesberg and AIDS research. However I wonder if John Campbell is now ready to become fully awake.

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I have done the deep dive on Peter Duesberg and AIDS research. RFKJrs book touches on this, along with more info from Celia Farber and Jon Rappoport. Frightening similarities between AIDS and this “pandemic”. It appears Fauci used the same playbook. I believe conflict of interest is what is destroying this world. Whether one agrees or disagrees with RFKJr., I would encourage people to visit his websites, Children’s Health Defense and The Defender. Many informative articles, data and interviews on Big Pharma & EBM, and so much more.

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Over the course of 50 yrs of nursing, I witnessed this unfold. Currently, I do all I can to keep people well and out of the hospital. It is no long the “House of God”.

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But you have helped make it the House of Angels. Sincere THANK YOU for taking care of people.

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Like colleges, academia, and culture, EBM has been hijacked and subverted for a long time to push specific political ideas.

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I learned how corrupt the system was within days of going down the figuring out my own health issues after doctors failed me. It's astonishingly bad and I have family in the health care industry and they are clueless too

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Good for you for taking your health into your own hands. I’m sorry that you had to do this, and that doctors failed you. Sadly, this is becoming a recurring theme. I agree, it is “astonishingly bad.” People have no idea. Even many people who know that some of The Plague has been problematic still have no idea.

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Article about how to fix similar issues in the US by James Lyons-Weiler:


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Indeed. And the "medicine" is deadly.

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The opinion piece is great, and your article is also great, we no longer have "science" that works for us, instead we have paid sycophants producing desired "findings".

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"we have paid sycophants"

Don't you mean "we have paid stooges?"

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I've had their book on my to-read list a while, didn't realize they published an editorial summary as well.

Anyone read it?


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Thanks, I'll add that above.

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Several decades ago when EBM was being touted as the new, better way to assess the best therapeutics for patients, many doctors who’d been around for some time rightly observed that EBM was taking away the need for physicians to think thoughtfully, critically, and individually about individual patients. That EBM was good for trained monkeys, for technicians who needed only to follow protocols. But not good for physicians nor for patients.

They were right.

Doctors now [and yes, notice I didn’t say “physicians”] are relieved from assessing individual risks and benefits and needs and desires because nearly everything is now managed by Guideline. There are Guidelines for prenatal care, for labor, for delivery, for how to care for the newborn baby after birth, for how to advise mom about breastfeeding and parents about circumcision. There are Guidelines for how to advise or manage an endless sea of diseases and health conditions. If the patient has an untoward outcome, the doctor is relieved of responsibility because he “followed The Guideline.”

I have a family member who has been harmed by this militant adherence to following a Guideline, at the exclusion of thoughtful, reflective consideration as to whether said Guideline even appropriately applied to said patient. The disease was correct, yes. But why this disease in this particular patient at that particular time. Nobody bothered to be curious about that. And so when the patient had a recurrence several years later, and it was discovered that a serious co-morbid condition was present and likely contributed to said recurrence, all the doctor could say was, “well, the Guidelines don’t recommend evaluating for that condition.” No kidding. But maybe if you had been a bit curious.....

I looked at the doctor and told him that I didn’t want to be sitting in his office in yet another few years wondering what else we should have discovered previously, but The Guidelines didn’t discuss. 😡. When I as someone not with his expertise could discover in a thoughtful ten minute search online that such a condition is quite commonly present in folks with the original diagnosis......


I will also say that randomized, controlled trials - the alleged gold standard of EBM - are by no means the only or even always the best way of knowing things. Patients are individual humans who desire and deserve individualized care from their physicians. Nobody wants to be put in a box. But that is precisely what EBM strives to do. Often the best means of knowing is a strong scientific foundation combined with a rich understanding of humanity and humans, especially the human sitting in front of you. Who probably is similar to and yet different from the human with whom you sat before and with whom you will yet sit later.

Physicians of old learned. From research. Research in the form of official studies, and also research that looked like asking colleagues what had worked, or not, for them. And the research that is gathered from years of listening to patients. Really, really listening


I would caution re the comment that it is because government funding is insufficient that corporate funding has taken over. We do not want the government funding our research either. At least, not at all in any form of its current ilk. So do not for one instant believe that government funding is an answer. It is not.

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Great Piece. Thank you. I’m adding book to my list. For the last 2 years, I have spent hundreds of hours listening and reading as much info, regardless of the political party affiliation or regardless of me not being a fan of a host/interviewer. I want to be exposed to different views and new info. I have jotted down names of people, books, podcast interviews which I found informative and or fascinating. From there I have dug deep. It’s turned into a hobby. Long gone are my days of romance or mystery novels! This EBM article triggered my memory. I transcribed word for word a bit of a long interview between Joe Rogan and John Abramson, MD on Dec. 30 2021 podcast #1756. John wrote a book called, “Sickening, How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair it”. I have not read the book yet, but what he said in the interview at the times struck me as unbelievable. It relates to EBM and big Pharma. If anyone is interested, I can post that bit of what he said or I encourage you to listen to the 3 hour long interview. I agree with your observation, if people knew about this conflict of interest, we would not be in this mess. Unfortunately, it requires many many hours of research/reading/deep dives to learn and understand what is happening. Most people just want headlines from the daily news or they are hard working people who just don’t have the time and are trying to survive or they are enjoying those romance and mystery novels. Before this “pandemic”, I only knew Big Pharma didn’t care about our health and were corrupt. Simply knowing that kept me away from the jab, fear and propaganda. But now I feel I’m more informed and taking an active role and supporting those who are dedicating their time to put out work like yours. I just discovered Naked Emperor few days ago. I look forward to being a paid subscriber next month.

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Great Piece. Thank you. I’m adding book to my list. For the last 2 years, I have spent hundreds of hours listening and reading as much info, regardless of the political party affiliation or regardless of me being a fan of a host/interviewer. I want to be exposed to different views and new info. I have jotted down names of people, books, podcast interviews which I found informative and or fascinating. From there I have dug deep. It’s turned into a hobby. Long gone are my days of romance or mystery novels! This EBM article triggered my memory. I transcribed word for word a bit of a long interview between Joe Rogan and John Abramson, MD on Dec. 30 2021 podcast #1756. John wrote a book called, “Sickening, How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair it”. I have not read the book yet, but what he said in the interview at the times struck me as unbelievable. It relates to EBM and big Pharma. If anyone is interested, I can post that bit of what he said or I encourage you to listen to the 3 hour long interview. I agree with your observation, if people knew about this conflict of interest, we would not be in this mess. Unfortunately, it requires many many hours of research/reading/deep dives to learn and understand what is happening. Most people just want headlines from the daily news or they are hard working people who just don’t have the time and are trying to survive or they are enjoying those romance and mystery novels. Before this “pandemic”, I only knew Big Pharma didn’t care about our health and were corrupt. Simply knowing that kept me away from the jab, fear and propaganda. But now I feel I’m more informed and taking an active role and supporting those who are dedicating their time to put out work like yours. I just discovered Naked Emperor few days ago. I look forward to being a paid subscriber next month.

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"The pharmaceutical industry’s responsibility to its shareholders means that priority must be given to their hierarchical power structures, product loyalty, and public relations propaganda over scientific integrity."

Nonsense as they are a highly regulated industry. But naturally regulation isn't about ensuring safe processes, but to protect wealthy elites who can remain dominant over newcomers. It would be easy to suggest that any time a medical trial includes humans, the results must be publicly disclosed no matter the outcome.

Of course, the alternative notion that if we didn't have pharma the government would do great research and production of needed drugs is absurd. They can't even regulate them to ensure their trial data is always made public (the secret ingredients in the medicines can remain so, which protects their business just fine), which not only is good for the public health, but also for investors in those businesses (at least the publicly traded ones).

"But in the face of inadequate government funding, they [universities] have adopted a neo-liberal market approach, actively seeking pharmaceutical funding on commercial terms."

More nonsense. Too much government funding as caused universities to spend their time seeking grants, bending to government whims and regulations all to get more students to overpay because they are given government loans without regard to prospects and risks.

I'll trust a free markets and free market created safety/testing labs (like UL today) over government any day. Do you even remember the FDA food pyramid that cared nothing about health and everything about selling more of the food they "approved."

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Indeed - the authors overlook gross corruption of research, peer review, etc at the behest of politicized funding incentives (see APGW) from government agencies. The problem isn’t that corporate interests have corrupted medical science, it’s that government’s control of funding and gatekeeper functions (regulatory agencies) is the SOURCE of the corruption; to which big pharma have eagerly joined.

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This is the essence of State mal-function. Everyone rails at "the corporation," the PRIVATE sector actors. Yes, they have been captured, making them in essence part and parcel of the PUBLIC sector, the States very agents. But the FORCE, the driving agent, in all this anti-Capitalism is NOT the corporation (imo, the greatest invention ever, allowing human beings to pool risk, accelerating the essential risk-taking that is necessary for Western progress).

The State must be cut down in size and power. ALL else that is good will follow.

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Well said and thanks!

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Corruption is like entropy, orperhaps is entropy on a systemic level rather than physical.

If so, it stands to reason corruption of a system is handed like rot or gangrene: cut out the offending part, and burn it a ways off (in an environmentally safe in-sin-erator).

Horrible? Those fearing the headsman's axe always call justice horrible. And there is no greater justice than like for like.

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I live close to a VERY affluent neighborhood. I always wondered how these people made their money. So many of my affluent neighbors are pharmaceutical reps. I have become good friends over the years with so many of them (kids go to school together). I have learned Not ONE of them would give this vaccine to their children or grandchildren—-the very people who make $$$$ off of this crap Know WHO judges it “safe and effective” When you see “safe and effective” Look into who gets paid to say “safe and effective” the actual people that say “safe and effective” get LOTS of money to say this.

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