We live within a criminal enterprise in which the criminals are naturally protected. Nobody is going to prison, and they know it. And I am not accepting any apologies.
Depends on how many investigators and prosecutors have had family members damaged by this event. Then there are the accountants, they know the damage done to the economy. On and on, profession after profession. Non-professions. The damages are showing up everywhere. Chances are higher than we think coming out of the horridness of it all.
Any investigation which arises from pressures from below will be contained on lower levels. We will get a few limited hangouts, and perhaps some lower level sacrificial lambs. Many will resign, retire, etc., but none of the higher level criminals will go to prison. Deep State and military’s role will not be exposed to any real investigation.
I agree, nobody knows the future, but we should use historical precedents to inform ourselves about the present and the future. All previous engineered events were successfully contained by those who were in charge of them.
I based my view on the acronym EROEI. The decline of resources, resources necessary to continue this hierarchy. Too many hierarchal (civilization) failures as precedent to list, most are short and unknown, this one lasted longer because of the energy of ancient and exhausting fuel sources.
This set is bent on staying in power. They are staying ahead of the curve, by managing reductions of energy supplies, food supplies, and all sorts of other essential supplies, plus inducing major population reductions. And when they see their edifice is collapsing, they will accelerate its collapse, so that out of emerging chaos the people do not liberate themselves from their yoke, but that they, once again, ride on top of us.
Martin, I think you’re right about the criminals being protected with most likely no jail time. As for accepting apologies, I will only do so from people who show remorse and full acknowledgement of their cruel words and behavior. In addition it would also be meaningful if they expressed a desire/asked me how their words and actions impacted me and or humanity. Anything short of that, I wont accept apology. As for forgiveness, I forgive myself for giving those “friendships” too much credit.
That Hotez "apology" was the most sorry-assed repentance I've ever seen. Ignore everything that man says and shame him into oblivion when he opens his mouth to spout narcissistic platitudes.
Also, the term "gaslight" will soon be mis/dis/malinformation as it will soon be against the law to use gas as a fuel source.
I don’t have a Twitter account so what I can see is limited, but based on the responses to the “professor’s” apology when I clicked on it, the Covidians are still in love with their woke cult of nihilism. They are clinging. I’m not sure the apologies will open their eyes - it seems to make them more hysterical.
The issue of woke nihilism extends beyond Covid. There is nothing ecologically friendly about cobalt mines or short lived lead filled solar panels used outside 32N to 32S. Yet the propagandists have convinced the gullible that because the sun shines and the wind blows, the short lived inefficient equipment used to “harness” that energy is also renewable and Chinese slave labor from minorities in China to cobalt mines in the Congo are a “necessary evil.” WTF? Nuclear is clean and cheap and natural gas is clean and abundant, yet the policies promoted by the woke are causing people to freeze to death.
The same degree of insanity and censoring that related to Covid is necessary to erase actual women (no trans women are not real women, but saying that still gets people permanently suspended on Twitter). Telling kids they are born in the wrong body is cruel, sterilizing little girls who don’t comply with social norms outrageous, and turning little boys into eunuchs mean, but saying so still gets warnings and suspensions on Twitter.
I’m not sure about CRT, but the same people convinced kids are dropping dead of Covid and promoting child genital mutilation as mental healthcare also believe color-blind public policies and personal ideology were a late 20th century invention of white supremacists despite ample historical records showing that the argument arose in secular society with moves to abolish slavery in the west before the 19th century and was a concept promoted by Jesus of all humans being of “one body.”
I lean towards thinking the Covidians who are still committed will destroy their lives in a spiral of being detached from reality and having a phobic fear of human connection. If we stand strong, speak loudly, and refuse to comply, I hope the worst of what they’ve done to the thinking sane has passed. What I hope we don’t do is get complacent about the progress or convince ourselves Covid policy is the only aspect of life where objective truth and replicated actual outcomes really matter. Outcomes matter and truth matters.
Thank you for this. The rot is across the board. All of the NewSpeak stuff since 2010 or so is real. They spread it out across CRT, Trans, Climate Change and Covid. The same patterns of speech, the same shibboleths, the same scripted language and responses, even when trolling. They separated the streams s,o people opposing could not compare notes and see that the exact same language was being used for another topic.
This begs the question: Altogether, which subjects have been isolated or distorted since 2010 to hide the damage from the general public who doesn't care about xyz topic?
I am not really plugged into the main news media anymore. But in spite of my lack of staying up to date I am still noticing an uptick in c19 vaccine messaging locally. From a medical doctor (expert) saying that lifting mandates is not a good idea and that they should remain, to the Free State department of Health advertising the need for boosters to protect oneself from C19 during the festive season. Oh and then the occasional reminder that the pandemic isn't over yet, even though South Africans has most definitely moved on!
"They" have not given up just yet. The gaslighting is still in full force.
Yeah all true, except the excuses are gaslighting as well so it looks like 2023 is set to be, well, another year of gaslighting... unless the penny drops and it becomes the years of sticking it to the fuckers...
I am getting really tired of, "It was the middle of a pandemic. We had to censor and cancel you and give them remdesivir and suffocate them with ventilators."
It is sadly far past time for people to wake up and realize the Emperor has no clothes (not you, Dear Emperor, am referring to the fairy tale).
Unfortunately, CBDC is coming at us with the speed and force of a freight train...and we do not have another three years for people to absorb the facts, because CBDC will start coming by degrees in May 2023. It will all be over by 2025.
Only an ass makes apologies with a but. Performative, self-undermining apologies do nothing to heal the social harm.
Apology not accepted.
A real Nuremberg 2 is sorely needed, that focuses on medical experiments and medical freedom, that brings accountability to the many, whose fruits include a revised code of medical ethics/freedoms and arenewed commitment by medical boards, doctors, hospitals, medical journals, and universities to hold ethical behavior and transparent real non-corrupted science as a paramount concern.
Why accept apologies from these disingenuous and self-serving confessions by people who are seeing the wind shift and now want to save their skins? No amnesty. I do not accept their apologies.
People are dropping like flies but of course death is natural, right? Lack of consent only applies to those which didn’t get in line for the jab, the uneducated selfish people that didn’t end up dying. Because we didn’t get vaccinated, we had to celebrate the traditional birthday dinner with our adult son in a shady part of town that didn’t require proof of vaccination. That’s how close we came, we needed proof we waived our consent to eat in a desired restaurant. Many restaurants closed in the cities due to the mandatory lock downs. We got just close enough to loosing our freedoms, we are less interested in investigating as long as we can eat where we want. See how this works? It could be worse, we were almost there. Let us not rock the boat too hard. Of course I’m speaking of the affects of being that close, tasting the lack of freedom we are so accustomed to. A subdued fight, a battle not discussed as many of our friends and family were on the wrong side of our fight. At least we are speaking again. I’m realizing every day not enough people are questioning anything as everyone is subdued waiting for the next attack on our freedoms, we know they are coming. So gaslighting is acceptable if the boat remains steady.
Yes, I’ve heard. Horrible. My family and friends are all in Michigan and Canada (I’m from Michigan but live in AZ now quite awhile). I need to go back there this summer and not sure I’ll be able to handle all the changes there (or my now crazy friends!)
Seriously? Does he think this is it? After also claiming that those of us who don’t want his products are causing more deaths worldwide than terrorists and climate change and nuclear arms (because there’s a lot of active nuclear war right now)?
The man appears to be out of touch with reality.
See Malone’s Substack or A Midwestern Doctor - both with posts about Hotez.
Yup! And while I almost never watch regular TV but I’m seeing the ads. What’s really infuriating is there’s no warnings and then the next commercial is like for a psoriasis drug that advises of potential side effects. WTF?! It’s it mind boggling how many people are either not noticing this or just choose to ignore. I know Mass Psychosis but mind boggling all the same.
Why would I accept the apology? No. Not after all the trauma they put me and my family. I barely survived. Literally. Does anyone have an idea what corporates and their dogs did to us who opposed the mandates? My comfort thought was that I can always blow my brains in front of corporate headquarters. Fuck apologies, I want them all in jail, all the executives and their legal hounds and their "expert" advisors
"In this age of misinformation—of “fake news,” conspiracy theories, Twitter trolls, and deepfakes—gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time."
I love how this trash website suggesting that searching for gaslighting is skyrocketing do to fake news, conspiracy theories etc...
and peter hotez can FO. There is no excuse for coercion, for dismissing people from their job and still mandating a rubbish quakcine to enter a country.
We live within a criminal enterprise in which the criminals are naturally protected. Nobody is going to prison, and they know it. And I am not accepting any apologies.
Depends on how many investigators and prosecutors have had family members damaged by this event. Then there are the accountants, they know the damage done to the economy. On and on, profession after profession. Non-professions. The damages are showing up everywhere. Chances are higher than we think coming out of the horridness of it all.
Any investigation which arises from pressures from below will be contained on lower levels. We will get a few limited hangouts, and perhaps some lower level sacrificial lambs. Many will resign, retire, etc., but none of the higher level criminals will go to prison. Deep State and military’s role will not be exposed to any real investigation.
Perhaps not, no one knows the future. My guess about the future is they have damaged society too much and it collapses.
I agree, nobody knows the future, but we should use historical precedents to inform ourselves about the present and the future. All previous engineered events were successfully contained by those who were in charge of them.
I based my view on the acronym EROEI. The decline of resources, resources necessary to continue this hierarchy. Too many hierarchal (civilization) failures as precedent to list, most are short and unknown, this one lasted longer because of the energy of ancient and exhausting fuel sources.
This set is bent on staying in power. They are staying ahead of the curve, by managing reductions of energy supplies, food supplies, and all sorts of other essential supplies, plus inducing major population reductions. And when they see their edifice is collapsing, they will accelerate its collapse, so that out of emerging chaos the people do not liberate themselves from their yoke, but that they, once again, ride on top of us.
I’m with you. I am not accepting any apologies and as far as prosecutions, I’m not holding my breath!
Nor am I.
Martin, I think you’re right about the criminals being protected with most likely no jail time. As for accepting apologies, I will only do so from people who show remorse and full acknowledgement of their cruel words and behavior. In addition it would also be meaningful if they expressed a desire/asked me how their words and actions impacted me and or humanity. Anything short of that, I wont accept apology. As for forgiveness, I forgive myself for giving those “friendships” too much credit.
That Hotez "apology" was the most sorry-assed repentance I've ever seen. Ignore everything that man says and shame him into oblivion when he opens his mouth to spout narcissistic platitudes.
Also, the term "gaslight" will soon be mis/dis/malinformation as it will soon be against the law to use gas as a fuel source.
And of course he did it on Christmas when 99.9999% of the world is too busy for Twitter.
I don’t have a Twitter account so what I can see is limited, but based on the responses to the “professor’s” apology when I clicked on it, the Covidians are still in love with their woke cult of nihilism. They are clinging. I’m not sure the apologies will open their eyes - it seems to make them more hysterical.
The issue of woke nihilism extends beyond Covid. There is nothing ecologically friendly about cobalt mines or short lived lead filled solar panels used outside 32N to 32S. Yet the propagandists have convinced the gullible that because the sun shines and the wind blows, the short lived inefficient equipment used to “harness” that energy is also renewable and Chinese slave labor from minorities in China to cobalt mines in the Congo are a “necessary evil.” WTF? Nuclear is clean and cheap and natural gas is clean and abundant, yet the policies promoted by the woke are causing people to freeze to death.
The same degree of insanity and censoring that related to Covid is necessary to erase actual women (no trans women are not real women, but saying that still gets people permanently suspended on Twitter). Telling kids they are born in the wrong body is cruel, sterilizing little girls who don’t comply with social norms outrageous, and turning little boys into eunuchs mean, but saying so still gets warnings and suspensions on Twitter.
I’m not sure about CRT, but the same people convinced kids are dropping dead of Covid and promoting child genital mutilation as mental healthcare also believe color-blind public policies and personal ideology were a late 20th century invention of white supremacists despite ample historical records showing that the argument arose in secular society with moves to abolish slavery in the west before the 19th century and was a concept promoted by Jesus of all humans being of “one body.”
I lean towards thinking the Covidians who are still committed will destroy their lives in a spiral of being detached from reality and having a phobic fear of human connection. If we stand strong, speak loudly, and refuse to comply, I hope the worst of what they’ve done to the thinking sane has passed. What I hope we don’t do is get complacent about the progress or convince ourselves Covid policy is the only aspect of life where objective truth and replicated actual outcomes really matter. Outcomes matter and truth matters.
Thank you for this. The rot is across the board. All of the NewSpeak stuff since 2010 or so is real. They spread it out across CRT, Trans, Climate Change and Covid. The same patterns of speech, the same shibboleths, the same scripted language and responses, even when trolling. They separated the streams s,o people opposing could not compare notes and see that the exact same language was being used for another topic.
This begs the question: Altogether, which subjects have been isolated or distorted since 2010 to hide the damage from the general public who doesn't care about xyz topic?
I am not really plugged into the main news media anymore. But in spite of my lack of staying up to date I am still noticing an uptick in c19 vaccine messaging locally. From a medical doctor (expert) saying that lifting mandates is not a good idea and that they should remain, to the Free State department of Health advertising the need for boosters to protect oneself from C19 during the festive season. Oh and then the occasional reminder that the pandemic isn't over yet, even though South Africans has most definitely moved on!
"They" have not given up just yet. The gaslighting is still in full force.
Bloody Dr Karim, I hope he got all the boosters
Yeah all true, except the excuses are gaslighting as well so it looks like 2023 is set to be, well, another year of gaslighting... unless the penny drops and it becomes the years of sticking it to the fuckers...
Yes, please.
I am getting really tired of, "It was the middle of a pandemic. We had to censor and cancel you and give them remdesivir and suffocate them with ventilators."
...whilst we had a good old laugh partying hard at 10 Downing Street..
From your lips, Naked Emperor.....
It is sadly far past time for people to wake up and realize the Emperor has no clothes (not you, Dear Emperor, am referring to the fairy tale).
Unfortunately, CBDC is coming at us with the speed and force of a freight train...and we do not have another three years for people to absorb the facts, because CBDC will start coming by degrees in May 2023. It will all be over by 2025.
Only an ass makes apologies with a but. Performative, self-undermining apologies do nothing to heal the social harm.
Apology not accepted.
A real Nuremberg 2 is sorely needed, that focuses on medical experiments and medical freedom, that brings accountability to the many, whose fruits include a revised code of medical ethics/freedoms and arenewed commitment by medical boards, doctors, hospitals, medical journals, and universities to hold ethical behavior and transparent real non-corrupted science as a paramount concern.
Thank you, Naked Emperor, for fleshing out the COVID timeline:
> 2020: Year of the Virus
> 2021: Year of the Vaccine
> 2022: Year of the Coincidence
> 2023: Year of the Excuse
I nearly choked on a Jelly Bean because of reading this.
Glad you enjoyed ~ and glad you're ok! ;-)
We all need a laugh now and then during these dark times!
FWIW, here's my current (slightly updated) version of this timeline:
> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_fd8c5c55a5f5_7694bd167acd_f04b4caba3e6ea6d
Why accept apologies from these disingenuous and self-serving confessions by people who are seeing the wind shift and now want to save their skins? No amnesty. I do not accept their apologies.
If they've done something wrong and they apologise, I'll accept their apology whilst their being driven off to jail.
I can live with that.
People are dropping like flies but of course death is natural, right? Lack of consent only applies to those which didn’t get in line for the jab, the uneducated selfish people that didn’t end up dying. Because we didn’t get vaccinated, we had to celebrate the traditional birthday dinner with our adult son in a shady part of town that didn’t require proof of vaccination. That’s how close we came, we needed proof we waived our consent to eat in a desired restaurant. Many restaurants closed in the cities due to the mandatory lock downs. We got just close enough to loosing our freedoms, we are less interested in investigating as long as we can eat where we want. See how this works? It could be worse, we were almost there. Let us not rock the boat too hard. Of course I’m speaking of the affects of being that close, tasting the lack of freedom we are so accustomed to. A subdued fight, a battle not discussed as many of our friends and family were on the wrong side of our fight. At least we are speaking again. I’m realizing every day not enough people are questioning anything as everyone is subdued waiting for the next attack on our freedoms, we know they are coming. So gaslighting is acceptable if the boat remains steady.
I’m in AZ so it hasn’t been as bad as other States, however, I am also noticing much of what you’re observing.
We live in the Midwest and spend 90% of time indoors. It’s been too brutal out the past week.
Yes, I’ve heard. Horrible. My family and friends are all in Michigan and Canada (I’m from Michigan but live in AZ now quite awhile). I need to go back there this summer and not sure I’ll be able to handle all the changes there (or my now crazy friends!)
I so hope you’re right, NE; I am more pessimistic
My response to Peter Hotez’s “apology?”
Seriously? Does he think this is it? After also claiming that those of us who don’t want his products are causing more deaths worldwide than terrorists and climate change and nuclear arms (because there’s a lot of active nuclear war right now)?
The man appears to be out of touch with reality.
See Malone’s Substack or A Midwestern Doctor - both with posts about Hotez.
It will be a combination of excuses and continued indifference and pushing of endless boosters. That's my prediction for 2023, anyway.
Yup! And while I almost never watch regular TV but I’m seeing the ads. What’s really infuriating is there’s no warnings and then the next commercial is like for a psoriasis drug that advises of potential side effects. WTF?! It’s it mind boggling how many people are either not noticing this or just choose to ignore. I know Mass Psychosis but mind boggling all the same.
Why would I accept the apology? No. Not after all the trauma they put me and my family. I barely survived. Literally. Does anyone have an idea what corporates and their dogs did to us who opposed the mandates? My comfort thought was that I can always blow my brains in front of corporate headquarters. Fuck apologies, I want them all in jail, all the executives and their legal hounds and their "expert" advisors
Accepting an apology doesn't mean they are exempt from justice. The two aren't linked.
"In this age of misinformation—of “fake news,” conspiracy theories, Twitter trolls, and deepfakes—gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time."
I love how this trash website suggesting that searching for gaslighting is skyrocketing do to fake news, conspiracy theories etc...
and peter hotez can FO. There is no excuse for coercion, for dismissing people from their job and still mandating a rubbish quakcine to enter a country.