The Workplace Mental Health Institute delivers mental health training and consultancy to medium and large-sized organizations across the world. On their website they have various resources that you can download and put in your office, to help boost productivity, by addressing mental health issues.
One of their infographic downloads provides 15 signs that your might be in an abusive relationship. You may be in an abusive relationship if they [your partner]:
Stop you seeing friends and family;
Won’t let you go out without permission;
Tell you what to wear;
Monitor your phone or emails;
Control the finances, or won’t let you work;
Control what you read, watch and say;
Monitor everything you do;
Punish you for breaking the rules, but the rules keep changing!
Tell you it is for your own good, and that they know better;
Don’t allow you to question it;
Tell you you’re crazy and no one agrees with you;
Call you names or shame you for being stupid or selfish;
Gaslight you, challenge your memory of events, make you doubt yourself;
Dismiss your opinions;
Play the victim. If things go wrong, it’s all your fault.
Now go back through that list and see which ones your government has subjected you to over the past three years. For most western countries it is every single one.
Your government has been mentally abusing you for years, in an almost identical fashion as an abusive partner would.
Time to divorce the Government!
Yes indeed.
But the "you need me to tell you what to do/think/believe/wear/eat" is the basis of every religion too.
Every organizing principle of civilization is that someone somewhere always knows better than you do about what's good for you. And every revolution overthrowing a dictatorship turns immediately into a dictatorship but of course it's a better one *really truly absolutely* for your own best good.