I am totally agnostic about the two planes. One thing I know though for absolutely sure that the shot down over Ukraine scuttled a German-Russian understanding about Ukraine. The agreement was already more or less finished. Crimea was to stay Russian and Ukraine was to get free gas and a substantial rent for a number of years. The only international paper who reported on this was the FT. I know as a fact that the then head of State broadcaster Deutsche Welle had already gotten the news and was to give instructions to the new tone. The next day all the papers and the TV screamed about the murderer Putin and that was it. The road to todays war was prepared.

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How do you say scuttled? I find it very difficult to believe a single event scuttled anything. I remember at the time, "leaked" audio of a Russian commander questioning that the plane was civilian. Was that a fake too? Very possibly.

But I will ask the basic question as to what any airliners were doing flying over an active war zone. That alone was really stupid. And MH was not the only airline flying over at the time.

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I remember clearly these tragedies and what a “Polly Anna” I was back then! Given what we know today about the willingness our government and governments the world over to shamelessly murder-vaxx its citizens, clearly nefarious acts befell these planes and their passengers.

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If you're not already following Ashton Forbes, then he is a worthy search on Youtube. The video is 100% validated and YET to be debunked by any credible source. I see him as the pre-eminent voice on the REAL disappearance of this plane. It unequivocally didn't crash, no plane of that size would go disappearing with the number of satellites / current tech that existed. Think deeper!

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Check out his Twitter and Youtube // I found it all rather compelling.


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Did you check out the debunking videos though? The debunking with the stock cloud footage was compelling and a far better explanation than UFO's or secret DOD technology.

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if they crashed in the Indian Ocean it is very likely to impossible to find it. We are talking about a few million square kilometers.

AF447 was difficult to find and they had surface wreckage and general idea where to search...

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Obviously, both of those planes were gotten rid of for a reason, but I hadn’t heard that they might have been the same plane. Interesting.

My husband and I always wondered if there was technology on the plane that someone didn’t want to get to China.

They switched the titanic, and they could have switched 370

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This is it 100% and it doesn't have to do with HIV.. take note of the Chinese passengers that were on the plane. Supposedly 20 Freescale Semiconductor Scientists & Engineers.

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If this was a conspiracy involving both aircraft it had to involve a number of players including the US government(CIA?) to silence both Boeing and the FAA who track in-service commercial aircraft like a parent tracks a child, the airline, the government of Malaysia, Inmarsat, SE Asian military authorities, Russia? Ukraine? etc etc. This is a tall order but not an impossibility in the modern world we live in. What it implies is that there was a great deal of importance placed by very powerful interest(s) in executing the alleged conspiracy, for some reason we will likely never know. Commercial aircraft do not disappear without a trace.

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There is precedent with AF447, so it is certainly not an impossibility. We also have multiple precedents of suicidal pilots taking out whole planes. German and Egyptian being examples. It is unusual, but not impossible or unprecedented.

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for me the strangest is the no reaction from any military. but obviously military can get extremely lazy and as we see from history they regularly go to sleep or leave duties behind with the motto of "nothing will happen tonight as always"

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Or they were in on it or were silenced by their handlers

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Thank you for re-posting this article, NE, and for making it freely available. I remember when you first published it last year, and was very curious about it.

Whatever happened with flights MH370 and MH17 is certainly worthy of further investigation. The explanations in the MSM just don't satisfy me - and it's only become harder to trust them about anything in the time that has elapsed since those flights met their sad fate.

It strikes me as especially odd that MH370 may have been re-directed to Diego Garcia, the military base, since the plandemic was run through the US DOD. Add that to the loss of HIV specialists on flight MH17, when Fauci (another main actor in the Covid scam) was so involved in HIV/AIDS, and it all just seems a bit weird.

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Likewise, if they wanted these folks dead, why land the plane at all?

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I'm going to go out on a limb here.

My husband is a Planner. As in, he always plans any project he takes on, and so he is acutely aware of the necessity of planning, in particular for large, complex projects.

We know of some of the planning that went into the Covid-19 scamdemic, because people like NE have brought attention to things like Event 201 and the Johns Hopkins Center's 2017 paper, "The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators."

My husband has always insisted that, as another part of the planning for Covid-19, they would have also had to test those "vaccines" - the ones they supposedly developed at "Warp Speed," before deploying them on the world's population.

Flight MH370 was "carrying 227 passengers from 15 nations and 12 Malaysian crew members" when it disappeared.

If you needed a group of people from various different racial backgrounds to test how the Covid-19 vaccine would "work," and you wanted full latitude for things like performing autopsies once the full effects had taken place, what better way than to re-direct a flight like MH370 to a clandestine US military base on Diego Garcia?

Anyhow, that's the theory my husband has been positing for quite some time. It's a hard idea to swallow because it is so incredibly evil, but I just wouldn't put anything past them anymore.

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They've been testing vaccines and biological products on people for ages in many countries without a problem. In some cases they pay people. In other cases, they simply don't tell them.

There is absolutely no reason to go through an elaborate hoax -- which can go wrong in so many ways -- to acquire test subjects for a vaccine.

Sure it's an idea, but not one that has any advantages than they've been employing for decades already.

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I agree with you - that they have had no scruples about testing vaccines (and other medications) on certain populations (Third World children, convicts, army "volunteers" etc.) is not lost on me.

But somehow I think this situation was different - especially since I think they were looking for quite nefarious results, and didn't want pesky problems with advocates of any kind. Like I said, I am "going out on a limb" with the idea, but I was curious to see what other people think.

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Then we both know they've never had any scruples. It seems like a lot of risk and extra work to me with little to no benefit.

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I'd like for you to be right and for me to be wrong.

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I guess you can file this with JFK , 9/11, and all the other crimes that governments commit

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Military satellites track everything, they knew where MH370 went. You can say that with certainty the rest is conjecture as to wear and why?

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Military satellites do not track every commercial flight in the world. AF447 is a prime example of this. That plane crashed due to pilot incompetence and it took years to find the wreckage in an easier place to find it.

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They found its rough location and bodies within days

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Yes, but still couldn't locate the wreckage for years. And that aircraft had all it's transponders working until the point of impact.

There is no question about nefarious intent on the MH flight, simply because the transponders went offline. Someone tried to hide that flight, unlike AF447.

But again, we have multiple precedents for crazy suicidal pilots.

They had much more accurate locations on AF447 due to transponders which stayed active and even though they located debris they never had military satellite video of AF447 or they would have located the plane right away, and they would have noted that it basically crashed due to high altitude stall. How it crashed was a complete mystery until the recorders were analyzed.

There are more holes too. Satellites can't easily see through clouds. If they had 7 hours of fuel and were flying low, it's unlikely that any satellite was tracking them.

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Who supposedly took the video of that plane??

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Supposedly leaked US drone & satellite footage. The orbs are suspect but the satellite surveillance means the military know what happened.

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100% and already proven by Ashton Forbes. Dive into the deep end! ;)

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The orbs haven't been proven

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Can you explain? The validity of the video has not been disproven (aka it's real) and the technology behind the orbs is actively being discussed. Check out this comprehensive document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xwgnR6w9ub93RdDkPhYu_qEC7yDkHL9UeDPXondHuj4/edit

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has not been disproven doesn't equal proven.

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..correct, but the fact no one can prove the video is fake is rather telling imo. Thoughts? Ashton has the most depth on this topic that I've seen out of anyone. I always take the personal viewpoint of just because I don't understand something, doesn't mean it's not real. There is plenty of tech that is shrouded from the public view as well.

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How does it mean they know what happened? If they have sector based coverage there is no evidence that they tracked the plane past that area of geography.

If there was evidence of time stamped satellite coverage from when the plane's engines were pinging the satellites, that would be evidence of tracking. The fact that the "leaked" coverage was from so early in the flight, is highly suspect and screams of psy op.

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At first I wondered if 370 controls were hacked. But as more information came out the only theory that fits is pilot sabotage. It has happened before and airlines don’t like talking about it.

The pilot had many behaviours and characteristics that fit the profile. The final “Tell” it was the pilot…. How he stared defiantly/angry into the security camera when going through security boarding the plane.

As for 17…… idk. I cannot rule out Russia helping China doing an intentional act to help them. Destroying Malaysia reputation and give the illusion that the country is not safe helps China to maintain investment/manufacturing business.

I can’t make other theories really fit.

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I've wondered about the mentality which would make pilots of large planes essentially commit suicide, as in the B-52 incident in the '90's and the C-17 incident around 2010.

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I am confused on how the video proves they were able to track the plane for 7 hours? From the last I watched, the video with the white clouds had the clouds from stock photos/video of a different location.

I'm not sure how we can assume at that point that any of the video is not faked. Even if we agree, there was some official tracking of the plane near it's point of original, it is no way indicates how long those assets were tracking the plane for.

That's a big assumption. One of the videos looks like it's coming from a fixed location (not satellite) and it isn't even logical to assume it would be able to track the plane much further. Or am I missing something?

Going back to the theory, we still have the problem of two missing planes, unless you can prove MH has an extra B777 hanging around no one is tracking. Or are you saying they never took receipt of two different planes in the first place. To believe that, I would want to see some sort of evidence trail.

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The video itself doesn't prove anything and as you say there are many debunking videos. However, the research gone into the videos shows the technology available to the US military and how they have whole planet satellite surveillance that would show what happened to the plane.

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Do we have any way to validate that it's even flight MH370 in the video vs any other twin engine plane of that size?

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The ability to do whole planet surveillance is not new at all. The video doesn't show any capability they haven't openly demonstrated for decades. There is no indication that they have active surveillance (in zoom no less) of every plane flying around. If I recall, the video purportedly comes from shortly after takeoff.

Given the number of commercial flights in the air at any given time across the globe why would we think they have anywhere near the capability to track each one through it's full flight?

It took years to find AF447 and there is more than enough evidence to show it was an accident. Even when domestic military aircraft crash in the US, it can take them a while to find it.

This video does not indicate a system that keeps constant surveillance of all commercial flights. If anything we have evidence of the contrary.

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I feel like doing a deep dive into this. Is there any particular video I should start with? I just started the Ashton Forbes all evidence review. I'd actually prefer to do more reading than watching.

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Post it here if you find anything more comprehensive.

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One theory I heard was Malaysia refused to pay the 'Putin Tax,' so it was shot down, with cover given by casting doubt on Ukraine. It has not reoccurred because airlines pay the tax.

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If residents of Maldives witnessed the jet, its presence would surely have been picked up by the military base in Diego Garcia. Just sayin'

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At the time Malaysia was being groomed by China ... the US of course could not have this ... cuz the Straits of Malacca are important... so the CIA took this plane down ... sending a message to the Malaysians - you are either with us -- or against us

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Nvidia share price only starting moving upwards in 2014,it was flat before that, in 2014 it started its upwards trajectory

Could be a coincidence of course

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