Bill McGuire is a volcanologist and Emeritus Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London. He is an activist, keynote speaker and has written a number of popular science and speculative fictions books.
Previously, Bill was a member of the UK Government’s Natural Hazard Working Group, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and contributed to IPCC reports.
Whilst Bill might not sound like the kind of person who would be part of a cult, it seems he is part of the cult of climatism. In fact, he may be considered a high priest of the climate religion with his books of doom, describing the coming end of the world.
But each to their own, so long as it doesn’t bother anybody else. Unfortunately, Bill and the climate cult want you dead because CO2 emissions are too high.
He has subsequently claimed that his tweet above has been misrepresented but he couldn’t be any clearer - “the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.”
I’ll give Bill the benefit of the doubt and assume he was just speculating rather than actually wanting to cull people but who even thinks like that?
Fortunately, whilst Bill may have some influence, he is not a billionaire and so cannot use his wealth to fulfil any anti-human fantasies.
But Bill is not alone. There are indeed many billionaires who are part of the same climate cult. And many billionaires are sociopaths and psychopaths (more than in the general population which is one of the reasons they got to where they are). They have a God complex, seeing themselves as saviours of the planet. There is just one little problem standing in the way. And that’s you and me. The useless eaters that some of these billionaires view as nothing more than cattle.
Remember Prince Philip’s dream of reincarnating as a deadly virus to solve ‘overpopulation’.
I guess old Phil thought being a virus was a step up from the lifetime he spent as a parasite.
Simply stated these Climate zealots are eugenics cultists on steroids. To them I say… you want to cull humanity to save earth ??? You go first! Pax